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On the basis of representation theory (Saussure 1916, Hall 1997), framing theory (such as Scheufele 1999, Scheufele/Tewksbury 2007:13-16) and theories on the formation of collective identities (such as Edensor 2002, Tajfel 1982 and Turner/Oakes 1983), this dissertation has quantitatively and qualitatively analysed the framing of Estonia in French and German news magazines. In conclusion of the analysis, a visible shift in Estonia's position in German and French constructions of European identity may be stated.

In Germany, Estonia seems to be increasingly regarded as a part of Europe – yet predominantly with respect to political-economic aspects. An inclusion as to cultural-historical aspects is rare and mostly connected to the representation of Russia as the common Other. Furthermore limits of inclusion can be identified in (1) her inclusion mainly in relation to positively connoted topics and a German historical responsibility, (2) Estonia's othering as a “new” member within the European frame and (3) the societal rootedness of certain othering frames, mainly with regard to security issues, impeding on the construction on an integrated European identity. Especially point (2) suggests the close interrelation of current German constructions of European identity with previous ones of a Western European identity: Borders between East and West seem to have been relocated from outside the political entity to the inside the political entity and are now slowly – but steadily – in the process of dissolution.

For France, an increased inclusion may equally be stated. It is, however, also limited, mostly with regard to Estonia's othering as a “new” member within the European framework. Yet French constructions of European identity seem less marked by the Cold War era, i.e. more flexible to accommodate the new member states independently of an

Eastern vs. Western divide: Estonia's representation is much more various, Eastern European frames vaguer and less present in general, and her in- and exclusion cannot be assigned to political-economic or cultural-historical aspects in particular. Along with this goes a slightly greater openness towards a profound re-definition of European identity independently of the previous (Western) European identity and a stronger independence of the cultural-historical project of Europe from its political-economic realisation.

The results suggest that beyond the inclusion into the political unit of the EU and Estonia's similar everyday reality, further factors influence(d) dynamics of in- and exclusion: (1) NATO enlargement, (2) the context: intra-European or Russia as the common Other and (3) national identity with (3a) national memory and (3b) current national ambitions. Surprising is the minor impact that Estonia's promotion of her Western national narrative seems to have. All these factors need to be tested as to the extend of their influence in further studies. Concerning theory, the exact interrelation of positive evaluation and inclusion needs to be more closely determined for the construction of collective identities.

In view of the slow development of constructions of collective identity, the results of this dissertation may be interpreted as a sign for the development towards a united Europe, already prematurely proclaimed with CEEE as an “historic enlargement which signified the re-unification of Europe after decades of division” (see European Commission: From 6 to 27 Members and Beyond). The crucial challenge is now not to get stuck mid-way at a partial level of inclusion, but to continue and foster exchange between East- and West-European countries in view of the emergence of a united Europe.


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