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How to kill honey bee larvae: genomic potential and virulence factors of Melissococcus plutonius

4.6. Conclusion and prospects

With our study, based on the identification of putative virulence genes from different M.

plutonius genomes, we propose a pathogenesis and infection model (Figure 9) which we believe will be helpful to guide future EFB research. Continuous tyramine secretion, suppression of the natural honey bee larvae flora and consumption of natural resources, breakdown of the peritrophic matrix, putative biofilm formation and adhesion to larval cells, and subsequent toxin production most likely lead to death of the honey bee larvae. The remains putatively are degraded by a set of proteases secreted by M. plutonius and secondary


The genetic equipment coding for virulence factors differs between most strains (Figure 4).

Typical and atypical strains share a PlCBP49-like protein, enhancin, collagenase and cell surface proteins, which putatively represent basic virulence factors needed for infection of the honey bee larva. Moreover, we expect differences in virulence within the typical strains, as the typical strains belonging to CC13 (M. plutonius ATCC 35311 (ST1), 90.0 (ST13), 119 (ST20) and 82 (ST32)) lack putatively important virulence factors (e.g. tyrosine decarboxylase, endo-alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase) and thus, might be less virulent than ST3/ST7 strains. Additionally, ST3/ST7 strains harboring the virulence plasmid pMP19 might be more virulent than ST3/ST7 strains lacking the plasmid.

Additionally, typical and atypical strains putatively established different virulence mechanisms. The highly virulent atypical strain DAT561 lacks a toxin and putatively forms different cell envelope-associated and adhesion-associated proteins. The atypical strain might compensate the missing virulence factors with faster growth in the larval gut by increased metabolic capabilities with respect to usage of different nutrient sources. Faster nutrient consumption of atypical strains might lead to starvation of the honey bee larvae. We assume that in case of atypical strains the combination of fast nutrient consumption and establishment of virulence factors lead to an accelerated death of the honey bee larvae.

Nevertheless, infection studies are needed to predict a difference in virulence between atypical strains and typical strains harboring the pMP19-encoded melissotoxin A and the extracellular matrix-binding protein.

Author contributions

MD, DG and DH performed microbiological and molecular experiments. MD performed in silico genome analysis and drafted the manuscript. MD, DG, JDC, and LG were involved in acquiring genome information. AL and AP supported genome analysis. MD and AP designed microbiological experiments. JDC, LG, and RD supervised the work and were involved in the experimental design. All authors contributed to the writing of the manuscript and approved submission.

Conflict of Interest Statement

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.


The authors would like to thank Dr. Eva Forsgren for supply of the Norwegian M. plutonius strains and Dr. Heiko Nacke and Dr. Dominik Schneider for proofreading the manuscript.

We thank the company Vita Europe (Basingstoke, Great Britain) and especially Wolfgang Egner (S + B medVet GmbH, Babenhausen, Germany) for support with Vita EFB Diagnostic Test kits. Furthermore, we thank the “Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung” and the “Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur” for support. Additionally, we acknowledge support by the German Research Foundation and the Open Access Publication Funds of the Göttingen University. Financial support was granted by the Swiss Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office to DG.


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