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The contents of the Rajah's Appendix, lately published, will be incorporated with the body of the work


Academic year: 2022

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Raja Radbakanta Bahadur's grand Encyclopedic Lexi¬

con called the Sabdakalpadruma ia now entirely out of print. In

1855, we obtained from the generous Author tbe copyright of

the work, and now undertake its republication.

We need not dwell on the high importance of a work which

is greedily sought after by tbe Pandits of India, and the Savans

of Europe and America; which has been eulogized by the most

celebrated philologists and Sanscrit Scholars of the day, and which

has obtained for its Author the highest honors from Kings and

learned Institutions.

We at first intended only to reprint the first Edition, incor¬

porating with it the mutter contained in the Supplement, with

such additions as might be availed of, from materials of which

we were already in possession, whereby we would have gratified

the wish of a large class of our countrymen to bring out the

work within the shortest period of time, hut we soon found out

thnt, prodigious und unremitting us has heen the labour of the

author of tbe Sabdukalpadruma during almost half a century, he

has but laid out the loiindatiun of a stupendous work which would

require the persevering efforts of generations lo complete; we

have therefore preferred the permanent interests of Sanscrit learn¬

ing to considerations of speed , nnd have accordingly set ourselves

to prepare exhaustive indices of a large body of Sanskrit works

which may come to our reach , to this task, however, as no limit

ran be easily assigned , we have commenced the impression of the

new edition, resolving to enrich it witb so much of the new

materials as may he forthcoming during ~ the publication of the

different parts of the work, and to reserve the rest for a copious


We shall explain here the improvements we intend to make

in tbe present edition.

1. The contents of the Rajah's Appendix, lately published,

will be incorporated with the body of the work.

2. Large additions are to be made from tbe various works

of Sanscrit Literature and Science, most of which have been

rendered easy of access and reference from their recent puhlication.

3. The Vaidic vocables are to he introduced witb tbe inter¬

pretations uf celebrated comnentators, for which the great Sanscrit

Wörterbuch , now being published under Ihe auspices of tbe im¬

perial Academy of Sciences at .St. Petersburg, serves as Sn

ample index.

4. Numerical references will be given ot tbe divisions of

tbe works to be cited as authorities; instead of their names heing

set forth in full which annecessorily occupies much space, their

initials will be nsed.


5. In respect to the grammatical and lexicographical portion

of the work — we shall give the primitive form of the word,

note next to it its grammatical character and the change it under¬

goes according to its g^enders, and conclude with giving its Ety¬

mon aod indicating the Samdsa or character of the compound.

The different siguifications will he numbered nnd supported, as

far as practicable, hy their respective authorities. Instead of the

verbal symbols of Vopadeva, the classes of verbs and the directionN

for their principal inflectional changes will be fully denoted and

the variety of meanings of a verb arising from its combination

with prepositions will he given under it, tritb illustrations ac¬

cording to tlie plan of modern European Dictionaries. Any ne«

meanings or synonymes of words, omitted in the old edition will,

as far as available, be carefully introduced in their proper places.

Tbe Cyclopedic matter will, generally be increased and useful

information , wherever needed, will be supplied.

In otber points the design of tlie work will he the same a*

in the original edition.

Tb« hook is to be printed in the Devandgara character on

good English printing paper, it will be publisbed in Quarto

Pamphlets of 10 forms wbicb will be issued from 2 to 3 months

each at Rs. 1-8.

We expect tbe first No. to come out of tbe press towards

tbe end of December next. We invite upon it tbe free criticism

of Seascrit scholars, that we may avail ourselves of Iheir sug-

gesUoas in Ae future 'numbers ; we shall even most gladly reprint

the first No., if we deem it necessary to do so, in order to

comply with their requisitions, whereby we will he also enabled

ta tura to account a good deal of unavailed-of materials.

We deem it meet te mention here that in prosecuting this

labor, we avail ourselves of the aid of,tbe best Pandits, aud

that but for the assistance generously offered by our veoeralile

relativa, tbe illustrious author of Ibe Sabdakalpadruma, who bus

undertaken to correct the printed proofs , we could not bave

veatnred oa ao arduous an undertaking at all.

Those wbo wish to patronize tbe work , are requested to

communicate their orders to us direct or to our agents in Lon-

doa, Measra. WilluUns and Norgate, 14, Henrietta Street , Covent

Garden , London,

tat January, 18A9. Amritalala Mitra.

Srinatha Ghosh a.

Anaada Krishna Vasu,

No, 34, Hiij» iNiibkiuen Street, Sobba Bazar, Calcutta.


Zur hauranischen Alterthumskunde.


Dr. O. Blau.

Trapezunt, 17. April 1860.

Für jeden 'der sicli mit den neuentdeckten sabäischen Alter¬

thümern in Ostsyrien heschäftigt, gewinnen ein erneutes Interesse

die griechischen Inschriften, welche in nicbt geringer

Znhl im Hauran gefunden sind , nicht hloss weil in ihnen manche

.Andeutungen Uher Landescultur, Götterdienste und staatliche Ein¬

richtungen der Zeit, aus der sie stammen, enthalten sind, son¬

dern hesonders auch, wei) aus ihnen mancberlei üher das Idiom,

welches die nichtgriechische Bevölkerung des Landes Sprach,

gelernt werden kann.

>So sind denn auch die von Porler ( Five Years iu Damascus.

Lond. 18,').')) mitgetheilten Inschriften ein dankenswertber Zu¬

wachs dieses übrigens im Berliner Corpus Inscriptionum schon

reichlich vertretenen und nur leider nocb zu wenig ausgebeuteten

Materials. In- den Händen des Hrn. Hogg, der nach Porter I,

368 seine Bemerkungen dazu im J. J.854 vor der K. Britanni¬

schen litterarischen Gesellschaft las, scheinen sie jedoch, nach

den in den Anmerkungen des P.sehen Buches gegebenen Pröbchen

zu scbliessen , nicht ehen an den rechten Mann gelangt zu sein.

Besser gelungen ist eine andere Besprechung die ein Theil der¬

selhen durch einen nordamerikanischen Gelehrten, Prof. Woolsey

im V. Bande des Journal of the Amer. orieut, soc. S. 183—189

erfahren hat. Nur ist. seine Vorstellung vun der Nationalität des

ungriechischen Elementes in denselben mindestens uuklar ausge¬

drückt, wenn er in den Namen syrische Wurzeln und sogar

biblische Eriuuerungeu sucht. Ich unterschreibe daher seinen

Schlusswunsch : Would it not repay some one skilled in the Se¬

mitic dialects to make a collection of the Syrian uBaies found

upon tbe monuments, and trace them to their roots t nur mit dem

Vorbehalt, dass das „ Syrian" geograpbiscb, aber nicht ethno¬

graphisch verstanden werde.

1. Ich beginne mit einer Inschrift, die ein mehrfaches ar¬

chäologisches interesse bietet: der bei Porter II, 126 in Fac-

Bd. XV. 29



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