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Appendix: The Language of Category Theory


Academic year: 2021

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This appendix provides a short introduction to some of the basic notions of category theory used in this lecture.


[McL98] S. Mac Lane, Categories for the working mathematician, second ed., Graduate Texts in Math- ematics, vol. 5, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1998.

[Wei94] C. A. Weibel, An introduction to homological algebra, Cambridge Studies in Advanced Math- ematics, vol. 38, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994.

A Categories

Definition A.1 (Category) A category consists of:

‚ a classOb of objects,

‚ a setHompA�Bq of morphisms for every ordered pair pA�Bq of objects, and

‚ a composition function

HompA�Bq ˆHompB�Cq ›Ñ HompA�Cq p�� �q fiÑ ˝ for each ordered triplepA�B�Cq of objects,

satisfying the following axioms:

(C1) Unit axiom: for each object A P Ob�, there exists an identity morphism 1A P HompA�Aq such that for every PHompA�Bqfor all BPOb�,

˝1A “1B˝� �

(C2) Associativity axiom: for every P HompA�Bq, P HompB�Cq and P HompC�Dq with A�B�C�DPOb�,

˝ p�˝q “ p�˝�q ˝� � 1000


Let us start with some remarks and examples to enlighthen this definition:

Remark A.2

(a) Ob need not be a set!

(b) The only requirement onHompA�Bq is that it be a set, and it is allowed to be empty.

(c) It is common to write :A ›Ñ B or AÑ B instead of PHompA�Bq, and to talk about arrows instead of morphisms. It is also common to write "AP�" instead of "APOb�".

(d) The identity morphism 1A P HompA�Aq is uniquely determined: indeed, if A PHompA�Aq were a second identity morphisms, then we would haveAA˝1A “1A.

Example A.3

(a) 1 : category with one object and one morphism (the identity morphism):


(b) 2 : category with two objects and three morphism, where two of them are identity morphisms and the third one goes from one object to the other:


1A 1B

(c) A groupGcan be seen as a category�pGqwith one object: Ob�pGq “ t‚u,Hom�pGqp‚�‚q “G (notice that this is a set) and composition is given by multiplication in the group.

(d) Theˆ�-matrices with entries in a field� for �� �ranging over the positive integers form a categoryMat: ObMatZ°0, morphisms›Ñ fromto are theˆ�-matrices, and compositions are given by the ordinary matrix multiplication.

Example A.4 (Categories and algebraic structures)

(a) Set, thecategory of sets: objects are sets, morphisms are maps of sets, and composition is the usual composition of functions.

(b) Vec, the category of vector spaces over the field : objects are �-vector spaces, mor- phisms are�-linear maps, and composition is the usual composition of functions.

(c) Top, the category of topological spaces: objects are topological spaces, morphisms are continous maps, and composition is the usual composition of functions.

(d) Grp, thecategory of groups: objects are groups, morphisms are homomorphisms of groups, and composition is the usual composition of functions.


(e) Ab, thecategory of abelian groups: objects are abelian groups, morphisms are homomor- phisms of groups, and composition is the usual composition of functions.

(f) Rng, the category of rings: objects are rings, morphisms are homomorphisms of rings, and composition is the usual composition of functions.

(g) RMod, thecategory of leftR-modules: objects areleft modules over the ringR, morphisms areR-homomorphisms, and composition is the usual composition of functions.

(g’) ModR, the category of left R-modules: objects are right modules over the ring R, morphisms areR-homomorphisms, and composition is the usual composition of functions.

(g”) RModS, the category of pR�Sq-bimodules: objects are pR�Sq-bimodules over the rings R and S, morphisms arepR�Sq-homomorphisms, and composition is the usual composition of functions.

(h) Examples of your own� � �

Definition A.5 (Monomorphism/epimorphism)

Let be a category and let PHompA�Bq be a morphism. Then is called (a) a monomorphismifffor all morphisms 1� �2 :C ›ÑA,

˝1˝2 ùñ12 (b) anepimorphismifffor all morphisms 1� �2:B›ÑC,

1˝2˝ ùñ12

Remark A.6

In categories, where morphisms are set-theoretic maps, then injective morphisms are monomorphisms, and surjective morphisms are epimorphisms.

In module categories (RMod,ModR,RModS, . . . ), the converse holds as well, but:

Warning: It is not true in general, that all monomorphisms must be injective, and all epimorphisms must be surjective.

For example in Rng, the canonical injection :Z ›ÑQ is an epimorphism. Indeed, if C is a ring and 1� �2PHomRngpQ�Cq

Z //Q

1 //



are such that 1˝2˝�, then we must have 12 by the universal property of the field of fractions. However, is clearly not surjective.

B Functors

Definition B.1 (Covariant functor)

Let and be categories. Acovariant functor F :݄ is a collection of maps:


F : Ob›ÑOb��X fiÑFpXq, and

FA�B : HompA�BqfiÑHompFpAq�FpBqq, satisfying:

(a) If AÑBÑC are morphisms in�, then Fp�˝�q “Fp�q ˝Fp�q; and (b) Fp1Aq “1FpAq for every APOb�.

Definition B.2 (Contravariant functor)

Let and be categories. Acontravariant functor F :݄ is a collection of maps:

F : Ob›ÑOb��X fiÑFpXq, and

FA�B : HompA�BqfiÑHompFpBq�FpAqq, satisfying:

(a) If AÑBÑC are morphisms in�, then Fp�˝�q “Fp�q ˝Fp�q; and (b) Fp1Aq “1FpAq for every APOb�.

Remark B.3

Often in the literature functors are defined only on objects of categories. When no confusion is to be made and the action of functors on the morphism sets are implicitely obvious, we will also adopt this convention.

Example B.4

LetQPObpRModq. Then

HomRpQ�´q: RMod ›Ñ Ab

M fiÑ HomRpQ�Mq, is a covariant functor, and

HomRp´�Qq: RMod ›Ñ Ab

M fiÑ HomRpM�Qq, is a contravariant functor.

Exact Functors.

We are now interested in the relations between functors and exact sequences in categories where it makes sense to define exact sequences, that is categories that behave essentially like module categories such as RMod. These are the so-called abelian categories. It is not the aim, to go into these details, but roughly speaking abelian categories are categories satisfying the following properties:

‚ they have a zero object (in RMod: the zero module)


‚ they have products and coproducts (inRMod: products and direct sums)

‚ they have kernels and cokernels (inRMod: the usual kernels and cokernels ofR-linear maps)

‚ monomorphisms are kernels and epimorphisms are cokernels (inRMod: satisfied)

Definition B.5 (Pre-additive categories/additive functors)

(a) A category in which all sets of morphisms are abelian groups is called pre-additive.

(b) A functor F : ›Ñ between pre-additive categories is called additive iff the maps FA�B

are homomorphisms of groups for allA�BPOb�.

Definition B.6 (Left exact/right exact/exact functors)

LetF :›Ñ be a covariant (resp. contravariant) additive functor between two abelian categories, and let0›ÑAÑBÑC ›Ñ0be a s.e.s. of objects and morphisms in�. ThenF is called:

(a) left exactif 0›ÑFpAq ›Fp�qÑFpBq Fp�qÑFpCq (resp. 0›Ñ FpCq Fp�qÑ FpBq›Fp�Ñq FpAqq) is an exact sequence.

(b) right exactifFpAq›Fp�ÑqFpBqFp�qÑFpCq›Ñ0(resp. FpCqFp�qÑFpBq›Fp�ÑqFpAqq›Ñ0) is an exact sequence.

(c) exactif 0›Ñ FpAq›Fp�Ñq FpBq›Fp�qÑ FpCq›Ñ 0(resp.0›ÑFpCq Fp�qÑFpBq›Fp�qÑFpAqq›Ñ 0) is a short exact sequence.

Example B.7

The functors HomRpQ�´q and HomRp´�Qq of Example B.4 are both left exact functors. Moreover HomRpQ�´q is exact if and only if Q is projective, and HomRp´�Qq is exact if and only if Q is injective.



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