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CIPRA award 2018 criteria E


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CIPRA Award 2018       Sustainable Tourismus  Criteria 

Source for the criteria: Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Business School (see also the guideline 'Nachhaltige Tourismusangebote') 

CIPRA Award Switzerland

The CIPRA Award honours outstanding activities by a natural or legal person for their exceptional contributions to the sustainable development of the Swiss Alpine region:

• The CIPRA Main Award is given out every year to honour projects, initiatives or campaigns carried out by organisations, companies or scientific institutions in the Swiss Alps (CHF 5’000).

• The CIPRA Solidarity Award is given out to sustainable projects and initiatives in a mountainous region in Central Asia, Africa or Latin America (CHF 2’000).

The CIPRA Award recognises innovative long-term contributions to mountain protection or sustainable development in a mountainous area.

Award 2018: Sustainable Tourism

The theme of CIPRA Award 2018 is 'Sustainable Tourism'. Tourist destinations as well as service providers and project developers can be considered for the award. The projects should be innovative, creative and visionary. They should also provide relevant ideas with regards to sustainable and, in particular, environmentally friendly tourism. In addition, the projects should radiate positivity and serve as a role model. The award criteria are as follows:


 Choosing independent products

 Offering products tailored to the local environment

 Flexible infrastructure

 Reduction of regional poverty

 Long-term economic benefits to the region

 Use of local products and services

 Long-term success

 Maintaining and creating employment for the local population


 Respecting the needs of the population

 Retaining the local urban landscape

 Protecting the local culture

 Preventing discrimination

 Transparent communication

 Fair income distribution

 Fair working conditions

 Integration of the local population

 Insights into the local culture


 Biodiversity protection

 Renewable energy resources

 Longer stays

 Protecting the local natural landscape

 Waste management

 CO2 compensation

 Resource management plan

 Public transport availability  



Die Jury hat sich entschieden in diesem Jahr zwei Projekte für einen klimagerechten Tourismus in den Alpen auszuzeichnen.. Die Alpen mit dem Tourismus als wichtigem

Die Organisation Jóvenes Indigenas Inkas Vivientes (junge indigene Inkas) besteht aus 


Le prix CIPRA récompense des activités de personnes physiques ou morales apportant des prestations particulières en faveur d’un développement durable dans l’espace alpin suisse

Der CIPRA-Preis zeichnet herausragende Aktivitäten von natürlichen oder juristischen Per- sonen für ihre besonderen Leistungen zugunsten einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung im Schwei-

Two awards will be given out: one to a project in Switzerland and another to a project in a mountainous region in Central Asia, Africa or Latin America. The projects should be

Wenn diese Bedingungen erfüllt sind, kann der naturnahe Tourismus in Grossschutzgebieten in Zukunft eine positive Wirkung haben, nicht nur zum Wohl der Erholungs- suchenden,

Aus einer provisorischen Projektion, die sich nur auf die Gemeinden der Ligurischen Alpen, des Piemonts und des Aostatals bezieht (in denen eine Konzentration von 40 % der