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Experience with the Operation of an Energy Model Set


Academic year: 2022

Aktie "Experience with the Operation of an Energy Model Set"


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S c h r a t t e n h o l z e r

October 1984 WP-84-76

Working Papers a r e i n t e r i m r e p o r t s on work of t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l I n s t i t u t e for Applied Systems Analysis and have received only limited review. Views o r opinions expressed h e r e i n do not necessarily r e p r e s e n t t h o s e of t h e I n s t i t u t e o r of i t s National Member Organizations.




The Energy Group of t h e International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) has developed a s e t of models to describe the global energy sys- tem. This was first used in t h e late seventies to formulate two scenarios for glo- bal energy demand and supply for t h e period 1980-2030. The original model s e t consists of individual models and blocks of assumptions t h a t are arranged in the form of a loop. The information flow between t h e elements of t h e set is deli- berately not fully automated, so as t o enhance h u m a n control of t h e modeling process. The model s e t operates iteratively, i.e., tentative assumptions made in one part of t h e s e t a r e subsequently modified in t h e light of results in other parts of t h e set until satisfactory consistency over t h e s e t as a whole is achieved. This paper reports on t h e conclusions arrived a t by t h e author dur- ing his participation in the work of formulating the IIASA scenarios and subse- quent applications of t h e model set. The main methodological conclusion is t h a t t h e r e is an important trade-off between model detail and model usability, which calls for great c a r e in t h e do not leave the terminal without writing, etc.

design of both t h e model and t h e analysis to be undertaken.

Hans-Holger Rogner Leader

Energy Development, Economy.

and Investments













Three y e a r s ago. IIASA's Energy Systems Program published t h e book Energy in a Enite World (Hafele e t al., 1981). A major p a r t of t h e book dealt with t h e description of a s e t of energy models and i t s application, i.e., t h e for- mulation of two scenarios for t h e development of t h e global energy s y s t e m over t h e period 1980-2030. The models themselves and t h e i r input d a t a h a v e been extensively d o c u m e n t e d (see, e.g., Schrattenholzer (ed.). 1982) a n d t h e global scenarios have been p r e s e n t e d on a n u m b e r of occasions. The emphasis in those presentations was usually on various aspects of t h e model results. In c o n t r a s t , this paper s e t s o u t t o r e p o r t on t h e experiences a n d conclusions arrived at by t h e a u t h o r during his participation in t h e work formulating t h e IIASA scenarios a n d l a t e r on. Although t h e global scenarios were t h e r e s u l t of a t e a m effort, responsibility for t h e conclusions presented h e r e r e s t s solely with t h e author.

The paper begins by describing s o m e of t h e deliberations t h a t took place a t t h e beginning of IIASA's global energy modeling activities a n d outlining a n u m b e r of perspectives in which t h e work was seen a s t h e results m a t u r e d The model s e t is t h e n described with an emphasis on methodological aspects, taking

*To be published in the Proceedings of the 9th World Congress of the International Federa- tion of Automatic Control (IFAC), Budapest. Hungary, July 2-6, 1984.


into account both t h e purpose of t h e modeling and conclusions drawn from t h e modeling process. This is followed by some remarks on t h e operation of t h e model s e t and experience of applying i t to other problems involving various geographical areas.


The main idea behind t h e development of t h e IIASA model s e t was to con- s t r u c t a tool with which plausible a n d consistent lines of development (scenarios) of the global energy system could be investigated and displayed.

The size of the model was t o be chosen in such a way a s to allow just enough room for the formulation of the plausibility arguments for scenarios described.

This meant, in practical t e r m s , t h a t t h e model s e t was to be comprehensive enough t o provide for the formulation of a wide variety of scenarios, whilst a t t h e same time being small enough t o be comprehensible to a single person.

A few words about t h e variety of scenarios a r e necessary here. Clearly, t h e two main scenarios (High and Low) described in Energy in a EZnite World did not fully exhaust t h e range of possible f u t u r e developments. Rather, t h e y were intended to span a range which covers what appeared to be a "maximum plausi- bility" path in the judgment of t h e IIASA group a n d a significant n u m b e r of out- side advisors. There was n o t too much c o n c e r n about representing all or most possible f u t u r e developments, first because it seemed impossible to make

"everybody happy" and, second, because i t was believed t h a t t h e scenarios would also be useful for anyone in disagreement with some of t h e numbers con- tained therein, since t h e High and Low scenarios could be used a s reference cases against which disagreements could be formulated and quantified. As expected. criticisms were raised of having considered too narrow a range of scenarios, but it is worth noting t h a t no critique has gone s o far a s to present an alternative to the IIASA scenarios in any comparable form.

One important point t h a t is crucial for a n understanding of t h e IIASA study (and misconceptions here appear to be a continuing source of criticism) is the distinction between a scenario and a forecast. The difference between t h e two t h a t is important here is t h a t t h e global energy scenarios a r e very m u c h t h e result of expert judgment. Thus, t h e dynamics relevant in t h e global modeIing process a r e the changes of the outputs a s a function of changes of t h e input


assumptions. In c o n t r a s t , t h e relevant p a r t of a forecasting model mimics t h e dynamics of t h e real-world system. Therefore, t h e "art" of forecasting is t o cap- t u r e t h e system's dynamics as a c c u r a t e l y as possible ( t h i s may involve a huge m a t h e m a t i c a l apparatus) whereas t h e "art" of s c e n a r i o writing consists more of finding a good selection of variables in t e r m s of which t h e scenario c a n be defined. In addition t o be obvious qualitative c r i t e r i a ( s u c h as comprehensive- ness in spite of having only a small n u m b e r of variables, logical consistency in t h e combination of variables, t r a n s p a r e n c y , e t c . ) , I want to s t r e s s t h e impor- t a n c e of one t h a t m i g h t be called uniform comprehensiveness. Meeting t h i s l a s t objective should prevent, figuratively speaking, t h e third decimal place being provided in o n e p a r t of t h e s c e n a r i o when a t t h e s a m e time t h e very posi- tion of t h e decimal point is a variable controlled by a different part. Expressed in this way, t h e a r g u m e n t should sound convincing even to t h e most casual reader, b u t in i t s application t o modeling it takes so m a n y forms t h a t i t is both difficult t o apply a n d easy t o overlook.

One p r a c t i c a l consideration in t h e design of t h e TlASA model s e t was t h a t time a n d manpower c o n s t r a i n t s favored t h e use of existing, albeit modified models. This t u r n e d o u t t o imply n o p a r t i c u l a r shortcomings - since t h e models s e l e c t e d were adaptable enough t o serve t h e purpose


but i t explains some of t h e differences in style of t h e various p a r t s of t h e model set.




A s c h e m a t i c description of t h e model s e t a n d t h e logical connections between i t s p a r t s is given in Figure 1. The basic s t r u c t u r e of the model s e t is t h a t of a loop. Accordingly, t h e model s e t was o p e r a t e d iteratively, i.e., prelim- inary assumptions made in one place were l a t e r c h a n g e d as consequence of model r e s u l t s in o t h e r p a r t s of t h e loop. This process was continued until satis- factory consistency within t h e whole model s e t was achieved.

The model s e t was applied t o seven world regions (see Figure 2), the major part of t h e s e t (those e l e m e n t s above t h e d a s h e d line in Figure 1) being applied t o e a c h region. The seven regions were linked by a procedure t h a t established a global balance between primary energy flows ( r e p r e s e n t e d by t h e box below t h e dashed line in Figure 1).


Scenarios Delinition


(economic, popu.





Intmrgional Energy Trade


I L 1


I Econ. Slructure,

I k - -


E n a w Lifestyles,

I I Consumption

I MEDEE - 2 Technical Efficiencies





I Secondary Fuel Mix

md Substitutions

Maximum Buildup R m s . Cuts

MESSAGE R ~ s w r o r

Production Lhnitr

I for each

( )

Assumptions, judgments, manual ulculrtiorn F m l m a t h e n n i d modtb


Direct flow of infonnation (only major Horn shorn)


Feedback flow of information (onty major R o w rhownl

---___ ___-_-__---- -- ---


Figure 1. Schematic Description of t h e Model Set.

world region



f l \


Region I (NA) North America

Region II (SUIEE) Soviet Union and Eastern Europe

Region Ill (WEIJANZ) Western Europe, Japan, Australia. New Zealand.

S. Africa, and Israel


Region I V (LA) Latin America

p j

I I Region V (Af/SEA) Africa (except Northern Africa and S. Africa), South and Southeast Asia

Region VI (ME/NAf) Middle East and Northern Africa

:. . .. Region VII (C/CPA) China and Centrally Planned Asian Economies

F i g u r e 2. The IIASA World Regions.


The operational s t a r t i n g point of t h e model loop was t h e definition of economic scenarios (see t h e top box in Figure 1). The outputs of this procedure a r e economic activity (represented by GDP) a n d population development for all seven world regions for t h e year 1980-2030. These r e s u l t s a r e very m u c h judg- m e n t a l , b u t t h e degree of arbitrariness was constrained by qualitative r u l e s , e.g., r e s t r i c t i n g t h e differences between economic growth r a t e s in the different world regions, requiring judgmental consistency with historical developments a n d with model r e s u l t s for t h e whole set, e t c .

The economic growth projections a r e a major input t o t h e e n e r g y con- sumption model MEDEE-2. Other groups of i n p u t d a t a For t h i s model define.

e.g.. t h e s t r u c t u r e OF t h e economy ( t h e disaggregation of GDP into economic sectors), lifestyle ( a m o u n t of dwelling space, room t e m p e r a t u r e , average daily traveling distance, etc.), a n d energy intensities of production processes. Thus MEDEE-2 is a model OF physical e n e r g y flows - in c o n t r a s t t o an e c o n o m e t r i c demand model, which calculates d e m a n d as a Function of GDP, prices, a n d elas- ticities. The reason for choosing this particular approach was again t h e specific purpose of t h e modeling, which involved a t i m e horizon t h a t was considered too long for t h e m o r e "conventional" approach. A g e n e r a l a r g u m e n t m a y s e r v e t o support t h i s point. If one wants t o know t h e position of some particle p a t a given t i m e t in t h e future, t h e r e a r e two distinctly different ways OF proceeding.

The first is to take t h e initial position a n d velocity of p a n d make a straightfor- ward extrapolation. The second possible approach s t a r t s with t h e assumption t h a t t i m e t is too f a r in t h e f u t u r e for t h e initial position and velocity t o be of m u c h predictive help. This problem description is simple enough, a n d o n e c a n easily think of real-world problems t h a t clearly Fall i n t o one or o t h e r of t h e categories. A m u c h m o r e tricky problem is t o decide where t o s e p a r a t e t h e two situations if one is given an initial location of p a n d asked to e s t i m a t e t h e new positions a t several points OF t i m e in t h e future. For t h e specific problem of projecting f u t u r e energy demand, t h e m e t h o d chosen by t h e IIASA groups fol- lows essentially the second approach, i.e., physical factors o t h e r t h a n c u r r e n t energy d e m a n d a n d elasticities (corresponding to t h e particle's velocity in t h e illustration above) were used t o derive Future energy demand. This procedure certainly did n o t go unquestioned by those who favored t h e first approach. Con- sequently (and this was m o r e t h a n a m e r e cornpromise), elasticities were calcu- lated a p o s t e r i o r i , t h u s serving a s a n o t h e r consistency check and maintaining a m e a n s of communication with t h e a d h e r e n t s of t h e "classical" approach.


The r e s u l t s of MEDEE-2, which a r e final e n e r g y projections for t h e period studied, a r e subsequently converted into t i m e series of secondary e n e r g y demands. Since s o m e of t h e final e n e r g y d e m a n d is calculated in t e r m s of sub- stitutable fuels, various assumptions on t h e fuel mix a n d on t h e dynamics of interfuel substitution were required in order t o perform t h e conversions.

Secondary e n e r g y projections, in t u r n , a r e m a j o r inputs t o t h e energy sup- ply model MESSAGE-I, a dynamic linear programming model t h a t minimizes total costs of energy supply for e a c h world region over t h e given period.

Although f u t u r e costs a r e somewhat easier t o p r o j e c t t h a n f u t u r e prices, one may ask why t h e role of prices was neglected i n o n e place (viz., t h e d e m a n d model) when a t t h e same time costs were allowed t o play a c r u c i a l r o l e in a n o t h e r place ( t h e supply model). There a r e s e v e r a l answers t o t h i s question.

The m o s t i m p o r t a n t one is t h a t t h e determination of a feasible solution for t h e supply model was more i m p o r t a n t for t h e s c e n a r i o s t h a n t h e e x a c t location of t h e optimal solution within t h e s e t of feasible points. This is readily u n d e r - standable when one looks a t t h e setting in which t h e IIASA study was initiated.

At t h a t t i m e ( a r o u n d 1977) serious questions were raised (see, e.g., t h e Workshop on Alternative Energy Stragegies' r e p o r t on global e n e r g y prospects, 1985-2000) a s t o whether t h e global energy d e m a n d could be m e t a t all in t h e decades to come. Accordingly, m a n y c o n t e m p o r a r y expectations - about both supply a n d d e m a n d - h a d t o be s t r e t c h e d in o r d e r t o arrive a t a solution a t all.

Thus, c o n s t r a i n t s on t h e buildup of new technologies a n d on the r a t e s of utiliza- tion of p r i m a r y energy sources were just p u s h e d u p high enough to overlap with pushed-down d e m a n d projections, leaving very little room for optimization.

Another a r g u m e n t for using a linear programming model was t h e relative fami- liarity of analysts with this m e t h o d worldwide, which made i t e a s i e r for t h e IlASA g r o u p t o disseminate t h e model results.

The box labeled "Interregional Energy Trade" in Figure 1 r e f e r s t o a pro- cedure which, a t t h a t time (around 1979), had n o t y e t been developed i n t o a for- mal model. I t consisted of a s e t of r u l e s for standardized h a n d calculations, with t h e l a r g e s t p a r t dealing with a global balance in oil trade. Thus i t was con- n e c t e d with all seven world regional supply models. This connection was two- w a y information about a region's oil import r e q u i r e m e n t s (or export potential) went i n t o t h e balancing procedure, and inforrnation on t h e availability of (or demand for) c r u d e oil went into t h e seven regional supply models. The s c e n a r i o variables determining t h e outcome of the balancing procedure in t e r m s of


prices and quantities traded between regions a r e the short-term and long-term export strategies of the oil-exporting countries as well as assumptions about quantities and costs of oil substitution in t h e importing regions.

The IMPACT model of the economic impact of energy supply strategies is fed by the output of t h e supply model. It is a dynamic input-output model with particular emphasis on energy activities. It calculates direct investments in t h e energy sector and indirect investments in other industrial sectors t h a t deliver products to t h e energy sector, as well as the requirements for other principal resources like water, land, and manpower. One aim in applying the IMPACT model was t o use its results t o judge whether the increased overall costs of energy could be carried by t h e economies in question in t h e future. It t u r n e d out, however, t h a t the results were less conclusive than expected because t h e energy system is a significant but still relatively small part of the whole economy, so t h a t t h e feedback from t h e small energy sector is much harder to assess t h a n the direct impact t h a t goes t h e other way. Nonetheless, t h e IMPACT results on t h e magnitude and s t r u c t u r e of direct a n d indirect investments in t h e energy sector remain an important part of t h e global energy scenarios.



The most important feature of t h e operation of t h e model loop was t h e fre- quent h u m a n interaction with t h e model, which controlled each information flow between t h e elements of t h e model set. Although this lack of complete automation was considered a shortcoming t o begin with, i t was felt l a t e r t h a t such a setup was actually more appropriate for the desired goal, t h e generation of plausible scenarios. A once-through operation would certainly have led more smoothly t o results but often a t t h e expense of blurring t h e path between inputs and outputs, whereas the presence of a larger number of check points made it easier to assess t h e validity of t h e results and t o gain insights into the dynamics of t h e system.

Further experience with the IIASA model s e t was gained during its applica- tion t o o t h e r energy systems, each of which included a t least one of two different ways of using the model set. The first was t o use the model set or some of its parts as a tool to be applied to a new problem. The second approach


used t h e global s c e n a r i o s t o provide a consistency check on e n e r g y scenarios for geographical regions o r countries ( t h a t lie within a p a r t i c u l a r IIASA world region), by trying t o fit s u c h energy scenarios plausibly into t h e r e s u l t for a world region t h a t is, in t u r n , a p a r t of a globally consistent p i c t u r e . Both types of application were combined in a study for t h e European Community (Sassin e t al., 1983) and in t h e development of a n energy supply model for Austria (Schrat- tenholzer, 1979).

The g e n e r a l problem in applying a model t h a t has been developed for one specific purpose for a different one is t h a t t h e new problem usually h a s pecu- liarities t h a t need individual t r e a t m e n t . Building a n "all-purpose" model t o begin with is no solution, first, for fairly obvious economic reasons and, second, because a model c a n in f a c t be too big for a given purpose


a s I will argue now.

The eventual size of a n y model is necessarily a compromise between accu- r a c y on t h e one h a n d a n d c l a r i t y on t h e o t h e r , the first objective calling for larger models a n d t h e second for smaller ones. Unfortunately, t h e second objective s e e m s t o be frequently neglected by modelers. This is somewhat surprising in view of t h e s h e e r practicality of a t least starting small. In my view, t h e c o r r e c t answer t o questions about model size should be "as small a s possible", i.e., one should c o n s t r u c t the smallest possible version t h a t still gives a reliable a n d r e l e v a n t answer t o the problem modeled. My p r e f e r r e d way of proceeding is t o divide t h e original problem i n t o parts and t h e n t o s t a r t with a simpler subproblem a n d t h e simplest model form t h a t will yield r e s u l t s for the subproblems. Adding one subproblem a t a time, t h e model should t h e n be expanded s t e p by step. Clearly, this procedure presupposes t h a t t h e r e is a problem or a question t o begin with. (Frequently t h e r e is n o s u c h starting point - a t least none t h a t i s visible in t h e model description.)

The r e c o m m e n d e d stepwise procedure i s particularly useful if t h e problem t o be modeled is posed by a decision maker or i f policy r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s a r e t o be derived from model results. In this case i t is usually unrealistic t o expect final model r u n s t o be understood in isolation by the "customers" ( a n d t h u s t o have any impact). Rather, t h e decision makers should be p e r m a n e n t l y involved a n d clearly u n d e r s t a n d e a c h s t a g e of t h e modeling process in a n active sense;

in other words t h e y should know why t h e model yields p a r t i c u l a r results.

(preemptive answers t o t h e question "why?" a r e rarely found in published descriptions of model results.)


How does the IIASA modeling process look in t h e light of these recommen- dations?


have described t h e underlying purpose of the modeling in some detail, but how about t h e questions posed by t h e decision makers? There were (and still are) no decision makers a t t h e global level. On t h e one hand this is somewhat unfortunate because a variety of assumptions (such as a certain degree of international cooperation) had to replace decisions. On t h e other hand, i t was perhaps lucky because i t was impossible to make a mistake in this regard. Since I attribute so much importance to t h e interaction with decision makers, I conclude t h a t the absence of this deficiency contributed significantly t o t h e success of t h e IIASA scenarios.


Although I have used t h e IIASA model set to illustrate some methodological and procedural ideas about modeling, m y conclusions have been influenced by a significantly larger number of encounters with modeling activities. My most general conclusion is t h a t i t is vital to clearly specify t h e modeling aim before starting t h e process.


a m convinced t h a t adherence to this principle can preempt several questions t h a t would otherwise arise during the modeling exer- cise. These questions primarily concern t h e eventual shape of t h e model, and most importantly its size. An important side effect of proceeding in this way could be b e t t e r communication between t h e modelers and the "outside world", including decision makers, peer groups, and t h e interested public. All of these audiences would have an easier t i m e trying to understand the modeler's con- cerns if t h e models and their results were described as answers t o t h e specific questions raised in t h e s t a t e m e n t of modeling aims.



Hafele, W. e t al. (1981) E n e r g y in a f i n i t e World, Vol. 2: A Global 3 y s t e m s A n a l y s i s . Report by t h e Energy Systems Program of t h e International I n s t i t u t e for Applied Systems Analysis. Ballinger Publishing Co., Cam- bridge, Mass.

Schrattenholzer, L. (1979) M o d e l l u n t e r s u c h u n g e n l a n g f r i s t i g e r S t r a t e g i e n d e r

~ e r g i e u e r s o r g u n g D s t e n e i c h s . Doctoral Thesis. Technical University of Vienna, Austria.

Schrattenholzer, L. (ed.)(1982) m e IIASA S t of E n e r g y Models: L b c m e n t a t i o n of Global h n s . International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Lax- enburg, Austria.

Sassin, W. e t al. (1983) f i e l i n g Europe in the F b t u r e . Long T e r m E n e r g y P r o b - l e m in the EC C o u n t r i e s : A l t e r n a t i v e


S t r a t e g i e s , RR-83-9. Interna- tional Institute for Applied Systems Analysis; and EUR 8421-EN, Cornmis- sion of t h e European Communities, Brussels.

Workshop on Alternative Energy Strategies (1977) E n e r g y : Global P r o s p e c t s , 19832000. McGraw-Hill, New York.



"Community Medicine" aufgebaut. Ein Eckpfeiler dieses Schwerpunktes ist die Integration der Problemstellungen der Lehre, Forschung und medizinischen Versorgung.

(Commission of the European Communities (1980) Crucial Choices for the Energy Transition.) The study, which explored a range of conservation and supply options using

In addition to providing nonconditional forecasts of exogenous developments which will constitute the setting against which plans for the long-term future have to be made, i t

20% of energy requirements of 38 TW with the same coal; the ratio jumps from 8 to 40, and the lifetime of the resources from about 20 years to 800 years, with an absolute level

menu of solar conversion options which can permit comparison with the other three major alternatives, and which could serve as a basis for examination of strategies of mixed

The paper describes the adaptation of the long-term world energy-economy model merge2 (Manne and Richels, 1996; Manne and Richels, 1995) with the objective to emulate


Testing the hypotheses 1 to 4, I estimate regression quantiles of the logarithm of total compensation, logY if t , of an executive i in a specific firm f at time t, on short-term