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Existence of Solutions for Stochastic Differential Equations under G-Brownian Motion with Discontinuous Coefficients


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Existence of Solutions for Stochastic Differential Equations under G-Brownian Motion with Discontinuous Coefficients

Faiz Faizullah

Department of Basic Sciences and Humanities, College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (EME), National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan and College of Physical and Environmental Oceanography, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100, PR China

Reprint requests to F. F.; E-mail:faiz math@yahoo.com

Z. Naturforsch.67a,692 – 698 (2012) / DOI: 10.5560/ZNA.2012-0092

Received May 15, 2012 / revised August 16, 2012 / published online November 28, 2012

The existence theory for the vector valued stochastic differential equations under G-Brownian mo- tion (G-SDEs) of the typeXt=X0+R0tf(v,Xv)dv+R0tg(v,Xv)dhBiv+R0th(v,Xv)dBv,t∈[0,T],with first two discontinuous coefficients is established. It is shown that the G-SDEs have more than one solution if the coefficientgor the coefficients f andgsimultaneously, are discontinuous functions.

The upper and lower solutions method is used and examples are given to explain the theory and its importance.

Key words:Stochastic Differential Equations; G-Brownian Motion; Discontinuous Coefficients;

Existence; Upper and Lower Solutions.

Mathematics Subject Classification 2000:60H10, 60H20 1. Introduction

Measuring risk in finance is an important problem, and in the last twelve years, many kind of risk mea- sures have been presented by various authors such as the coherent risk measures, the convex risk measures, and the law invariant risk measures [1–3]. In the re- cent time, the notion of a sublinear expectation is in- troduced by S. Peng for measuring risk in finance un- der volatile uncertainty [4]. He developed the notions of G-Brownian motion and the theory of stochastic cal- culus under sublinear expectation [4–6]. Since under volatile uncertainty the corresponding uncertain prob- abilities are singular from each other, they produce a serious problem for the related path analysis. The traditional classical techniques provide a limited un- derstanding of these types of problems. For example path-dependent derivatives under a classical probabil- ity space. For such type of problems, G-Brownian mo- tion provides a powerful tool and can be easily treated.

Under his stochastic calculus, Peng established the existence and uniqueness of solutions for the stochastic differential equations under G-Brownian motion (G- SDEs) with Lipschitz continuous coefficients [4,5].

Motivated from the importance of discontinuous func- tions, Faizullah and Piao established the existence of

solutions for the G-SDEs with a discontinuous drift co- efficient [7]. Now here, we develop the existence the- ory when the coefficientgor the coefficients f andg simultaneously are discontinuous functions such as in the following scalar G-SDEs:

dXt=dt+H(Xt)dhBit+dBt, dXt=H(Xt)dt+{Xt}dhBit+dBt,

where the unit step function or Heaviside functionH: R→Ris defined by [8,9]

H(x) =

(0, if x<0 ; 1, if x≥0.

This is an important function in science and is consid- ered to be a fundamental function in engineering; for example, the switching process of voltage in an elec- trical circuit is mathematically described by the unit step function and arises in many discontinuous ordi- nary differential equations [10]. The sawtooth function or fractional part function{x}:R→[0,1)has discon- tinuities at the integers and is defined by

{x}=x− bxc, x∈R,

wherebxcis the floor function [11]. The importance of this function is clear from the sawtooth waves which

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are used in music and computer graphics. Moreover, the impressed voltage on a circuit could be represented by the sawtooth function [12].

In this article, the following stochastic differential equation under G-Brownian motion is studied:

Xt=X0+ Z t


f(v,Xv)dv+ Z t


g(v,Xv)dhBiv +

Z t 0

h(v,Xv)dBv, t∈[0,T],


whereX0∈Rnis a given constant initial condition and (hBit)t≥0 is the quadratic variation process of the G- Brownian motion(Bt)t≥0. All the coefficients f(t,x), g(t,x), and h(t,x) are in the spaceMG2(0,T;Rn) [6].

A process Xt belonging to the mentioned space and satisfying the G-SDE (1) is said to be its solution. It is assumed that f(t,x) and g(t,x) are discontinuous functions whereas h(t,x) is Lipschitz continuous for allx∈Rn.

This paper is organized in the following manner.

In Section2, some basic notions and definitions are given. In Section3, the upper and lower solutions method for the stochastic differential equations under G-Brownian motion is introduced. In Section4, the comparison theorem is established, while the existence of solutions for the G-SDEs with simultaneous discon- tinuous coefficients f andgis developed in Section5.

The proof is given in the appendix.

2. Preliminaries

The book [6] and papers [4,5,13–16] are good references for the material of this section. Let Ω be a (non-empty) basic space andHbe a linear space of real valued functions defined onΩ such that any arbi- trary constantc∈ Hand ifX ∈ Hthen|X| ∈ H. We consider thatHis the space of random variables.

Definition 1. (Sublinear Expectation). A functionalE: H →Ris called sublinear expectation, if∀X,Y ∈ H, c∈R, andλ ≥0 it satisfies the following properties:

(i) (Monotonicity): IfXY thenE[X]≥E[Y].

(ii) (Constant Preserving):E[c] =c.

(iii) (Subadditivity):E[X+Y]≤E[X] +E[Y] orE[X]−E[Y]≤E[X−Y].

(iv) (Positive Homogeneity):E[λX] =λE[X].

The triple (Ω,H,E)is called a sublinear expecta- tion space.

Consider the space of random variablesHsuch that if X1,X2, . . . ,Xn∈ H then ϕ(X1,X2, . . . ,Xn)∈ H for eachϕ∈Cl.Lip(Rn), whereCl.Lip(Rn)is the space of linear functionsϕdefined as

Cl.Lip(Rn) ={ϕ:Rn→R| ∃C∈R+, m∈Ns. t.

|ϕ(x)−ϕ(y)| ≤C(1+|x|m+|y|m)|x−y|}, forx,y∈Rn.

Definition 2. (Independence). Ann-dimensional ran- dom vector Y = (Y1,Y2, . . . ,Yn) is said to be inde- pendent from an m-dimensional random vector X = (X1,X2, . . . ,Xm)if

E[ϕ(X,Y)] =E[E[ϕ(x,Y)]x=X],


Definition 3. (Identical Distribution). Twon-dimen- sional random vectorsX and ˆX defined, respectively, on the sublinear expectation spaces (Ω,H,E) and (Ωˆ,H,ˆ Eˆ)are said to be identically distributed, denoted byXXˆ orX=dXˆ,if

E[ϕ(X)] =Eˆ[ϕ(Xˆ)] ∀ϕ∈Cl.Lip(Rn). Definition 4. (G-Normal Distribution). Let(Ω,H,E) be a sublinear expectation space andX∈ Hwith

σ¯2=E[X2], σ2=−E[−X2].

ThenX is said to be G-distributed orN(0;[σ¯22])- distributed, if∀a,b≥0, we have



for eachY ∈ Hwhich is independent toXandYX.

G-Expectation and G-Brownian Motion. LetΩ= C0(R+), that is, the space of allR-valued continuous paths(wt)t∈R+withw0=0 equipped with the distance

ρ(w1,w2) =


1 2k


t∈[0,k]|wt1wt2| ∧1


and consider the canonical processBt(w) =wt fort∈ [0,∞),w∈Ω, then for each fixedT∈[0,∞), we have Lip(ΩT) ={ϕ(Bt1,Bt2, . . . ,Btn):

t1, . . . ,tn∈[0,T],ϕ∈Cl.Lip(Rn),n∈N}, where Lip(Ωt)⊆Lip(ΩT) for tT and Lip(Ω) =



Consider a sequence {ξi}i=1 of n-dimensional random vectors on a sublinear expectation space (Ωˆ,Hˆp,Eˆ) such that ξi+1 is independent of (ξ12, . . . ,ξi) for each i = 1,2, . . . ,n−1, and ξi

is G-normally distributed. Then a sublinear expecta- tionE[.]defined on Lip(Ω)is introduced as follows.

For 0=t0<t1< . . . <tn<∞,ϕ∈Cl.Lip(Rn)and each

X=ϕ(Bt1Bt0,Bt2−Bt1, . . . ,BtnBtn−1)∈Lip(Ω), E[ϕ(Bt1−Bt0,Bt2Bt1, . . . ,BtnBtn−1)]


t1−t0ξ1, . . . ,√


Definition 5. (G-Brownian Motion). The sublinear ex- pectationE: Lip(Ω)→Rdefined above is called a G- expectation, and the corresponding canonical process (Bt)t≥0is called a G-Brownian motion.

The completion of Lip(Ω)under the normkXkp= (E[|X|p])1/p for p ≥ 1 is denoted by LGp(Ω) and LGp(Ωt)⊆LGp(ΩT)⊆LGp(Ω)for 0≤tT <∞. The filtration generated by the canonical process(Bt)t≥0is denoted byFt=σ{Bs,0≤st},F={Ft}t≥0. Itˆo’s Integral of G-Brownian Motion. For anyT ∈ R+,a finite ordered subset πT ={t0,t1, . . . ,tN} such that 0=t0<t1< . . . . <tN =T is a partition of[0,T] and

µ(πT) =max{|ti+1ti|:i=0,1, . . . ,N−1}. A sequence of partitions of[0,T]is denoted byπTN= {t0N,t1N, . . . ,tNN}such that lim

N→∞µ(πTN) =0.

Consider the following simple process: Let p≥1 be fixed. For a given partitionπT ={t0,t1, . . . ,tN}of [0,T],

ηt(w) =

N−1 i=0

ξi(w)I[ti,ti+1](t), (2) where ξiLGp(Ωti), i=0,1, . . . ,N−1. The collec- tion containing the above type of processes is de- noted byMGp,0(0,T). The completion ofMGp,0(0,T)un- der the normkηk={R0TE[|ηv|p]dv}1/pis denoted by MGp(0,T)and for 1≤pq,MGp(0,T)⊃MGq(0,T).

Definition 6. (Itˆo’s Integral). For eachηtMG2,0(0,T), the Itˆo’s integral of G-Brownian motion is defined as

I(η) = Z T

0 ηvdBv=

N−1 i=0

ξi(Bti+1Bti), whereηt is given by (2).

Definition 7. (Quadratic Variation Process). An in- creasing continuous process(hBit)t≥0withhBi0=0, defined by

hBit=B2t −2 Z t



is called the quadratic variation process of G-Brownian motion.

Let B(Ω) be the Borel σ-algebra of Ω. It was proved in [6,13] that there exists a weakly com- pact family P of probability measures P defined on (Ω,B(Ω))such that

E[X] =sub

P∈PEP[X], ∀X∈Lip(Ω). This makes the following definitions reasonable.

Definition 8. (Capacity). The capacity ˆc(.)associated to the familyPis defined by

c(A) =ˆ sub

P∈PP(A), A∈ B(Ω).

Definition 9. (Polar Set and Quasi-Sure Property).

A setAis said to be polar if its capacity is zero, that is, ˆc(A) =0 and a property holds quasi-surely (q. s. in short) if it holds outside a polar set.

Through out the paper forX = (x1,x2, . . . ,xn),Y= (y1,y2, . . . ,yn),XY meansxiyi,i=1,2, . . . ,n.

3. Upper and Lower Solutions Method

Recall that the concept of upper and lower solutions for the classical stochastic differential equations was established in [8,9,17,18].

Definition 10. (Upper Solution). A process UtMG2(0,T) is said to be an upper solution of the G- SDE (1) on the interval[0,T]if for any fixedsthe in- equality (interpreted component wise)

UtUs+ Z t


f(v,Uv)dv+ Z t


g(v,Uv)dhBiv +

Z t s

h(v,Uv)dBv, 0≤stT, (3)

holds q. s.

Definition 11. (Lower Solution). A process LtMG2(0,T) is said to be a lower solution of the


G-SDE (1) on the interval[0,T]if for any fixedsthe inequality (interpreted component wise)

LtLs+ Z t



Z t s

g(v,Lv)dhBiv +

Z t s

h(v,Lv)dBv, 0≤stT,


holds q. s.

Example 1. Consider the following scalar stochastic differential equation: (G-SDE)

dXt=H(Xt)dt+{Xt}dhBit+dBt, t∈[0,T], (5) where the respective Heaviside and sawtooth functions H(x)and{x}are defined in the introduction.

ThenUt=U0+R0tdv+R0tdhBiv+R0tdBvandLt= L0+R0tdBvfort∈[0,T]are the upper and lower solu- tions of the G-SDE (5), respectively, which are shown as the following:

Ut=U0+ Z t


dv+ Z t


dhBiv+ Z t



=Us+ Z t


dv+ Z t


dhBiv+ Z t



Us+ Z t


{Uv}dv+ Z t


H(Uv)dhBiv +

Z t s

dBv, 0≤stT,

whereUs=U0+R0sdv+R0sdhBiv+R0sdBv for each fixedssuch that 0≤stT. On similar arguments as above, one can show thatLt=L0+R0tdBvis a lower solution of the scalar G-SDE (5). The existence of so- lutions of the G-SDE (5) will be discussed later in Sec- tion5.

Suppose thatUtandLt are the respective upper and lower solutions of the G-SDE


+h(t,Xt)dBt, t∈[0,T]. (6) Define two functionspL,U,qL,U :[0,T]×Rn×Ω→Rn by

pL,U(t,x,w) =max{Lt(w),min{Ut(w),x}}, qL,U(t,x,w) =pL,U(t,x,w)x, (7) and consider the stochastic differential equation

dXt=f˜(t,Xt)dt+g(t,X˜ t)dhBit

+h(t˜ ,Xt)dBt, t∈[0,T] (8)

with a given constant initial conditionX0∈Rn, where f˜(t,x,w) =f(t,w) +qL,U(t,x,w),

g(t,˜ x,w) =g(t,w) +qL,U(t,x,w), h(t,˜ x,w) =h(pL,U(t,x,w))

are Lipschitz continuous in x. It is known that the stochastic differential equation (8) has a unique solu- tionXtM2G(0,T;Rn)[4,5,14].

4. Comparison Theorem for the G-SDEs

Lemma 1. Assume that the respective upper and lower solutions Utand Ltof the G-SDE (6) satisfy LtUtfor t∈[0,T]. Then Utand Ltare upper and lower solutions of the G-SDE (8), respectively.

Proof. Since LtUt yields pL,U(t,Ut) = Ut and qL,U(t,Ut) =0, therefore

Us+ Z t


f˜(v,Uv)dv+ Z t



g(v,Uv)dhBiv+ Z t


h(v,U˜ v)dBv

=Us+ Z t



f(v,w) +qL,U(v,Uv)i dv+

Z t s

h g(v,w) +qL,U(v,Uv)i

dhBiv+ Z t



=Us+ Z t


f(v,w)dv+ Z t


g(v,w)dhBiv +

Z t s


HenceUt for 0≤stT is an upper solution of the G-SDE (8). In a similar way as above, one can show thatLtis a lower solution of the G-SDE (8).

The following lemma can be found in [19]. For the proof see SectionAppendix A.

Lemma 2. Let Xt,YtMG1,0([0,T];Rn). If XtYt for t∈[0,T]and any w∈Ω, then

Z T 0

XtdhBit≤ Z T



Theorem 1. (Comparison Result). Suppose that (i) The functions f(t,x) and g(t,x) are measurable

with R0tE[|φ(v, .)|2]dv<∞ for φ = f and g, re- spectively, where h(t,x) is Lipschitz continuous in x.


(ii) The respective upper and lower solutions Ut

and Lt of the G-SDE (6) with E[|Ut|2] < ∞, E[|Lt|2]<∞satisfy LtUtfor t∈[0,T].

(iii) Also X0 ∈ Rn is a given initial value with E[|X0|2]<∞and L0X0U0.

Then there exists a unique solution XtMG2(0,T;Rn) of the G-SDE (6) such that LtXtUt for t∈[0,T] q. s.

Proof. Define the functions pL,U,qL,U :[0,T]×Rn× Ω →Rnby (7) and consider the G-SDE (8).

Now the G-SDE (8) has a unique solution and by Lemma1 ifUt andLt are upper and lower solutions of the G-SDE (6), respectively, then they are the re- spective upper and lower solutions for the G-SDE (8).

Also it is clear that any solutionXt of the modified G- SDE (8) such that

LtXtUt, t∈[0,T], (9) q. s. is also a solution of the G-SDE (6). Thus we only need to show that any solutionXt of the problem (8) does satisfy the inequality (9).

Assume that there exists an arbitrary interval (t1,t2)⊂[0,T] such that Xt1 =Lt1 and Xt <Lt for t∈(t1,t2), then we have

Xt−Lt= Z t



Z t t1


g(v,Xv)dhBiv +

Z t t1

h(v,X˜ v)dBv− Z t



− Z t



g(v,Lv)dhBiv− Z t


h(v,˜ Lv)dBv

= Z t



f(v,w) +qL,U(v,Xv)i dv+

Z t t1

h g(v,w)

+qL,U(v,Xv)i dhBiv+

Z t t1


− Z t


[f(v,w) +qL,U(v,Lv)]dv− Z t


h g(v,w)

+qL,U(v,Lv)i dhBiv

Z t t1


v,pL,U(v,Lv) dBv. Since LtUt gives pL,U(t,Lt) =Lt and Xt <Lt implies Xt <Ut which gives pL,U(t,Xt) = Lt. Also qL,U(t,Lt) =0 andqL,U(t,Xt) =Lt−Xt>0. Thus Xt−Lt=

Z t t1

qL,U(v,Xv)dv+ Z t


qL,U(v,Xv)dhBiv>0, which yields a contradiction. Thus XtLt for t ∈ [0,T]. By using the similar arguments as above one can show thatXtUtfort∈[0,T].

5. G-SDEs with Simultaneous Discontinuous Coefficientsfandg

Now we take the G-SDE


t∈[0,T], (10)

where f(t,x)andg(t,x)do not need to be continuous but suppose that they are increasing, that is, ifxy thenφ(t,x)≥φ(t,y)forφ(t, .) =f(t, .)andg(t, .), re- spectively (where the inequalities are interpreted com- ponent wise), andh(t,x)is Lipschitz continuous inx.

Theorem 2. Suppose that

(i) The functions f(t,x)and g(t,x)are increasing in x, where h(t,x)is Lipschitz continuous in x.

(ii) Ut and Lt are the respective upper and lower so- lutions of the G-SDE (10) withR0tE[|φ(Uv)|2]dv<

∞,R0tE[|φ(Lv)|2]dv<∞forφ=f , g, respectively, and LtUtfor t∈[0,T].

Then there exists at least one solution XtMG2(0,T;Rn)of the G-SDE (10) such that LtXt≤Ut for t∈[0,T]q. s.

Proof. Define the space of alld-dimensional stochas- tic processes by Hˆ2, that is, ˆH2 = {X = {Xt,t ∈ [0,T]} : E[|Xt|2] < ∞} with the norm kXtk2 = {R0tE[|Xv|2]dv}1/2for allt∈[0,T], which is a Banach space [4–6].

Denote the order interval[L,U]in ˆH2byK, that is, K={X :X ∈Hˆ2 and LtXtUt} for t∈[0,T], which is closed and bounded by the above norm. By using the monotone convergence theorem [13], one can prove the convergence of a monotone sequence that be- longs toKin ˆH2. ThusKis a regularly ordered metric space with the above norm. It is clear that for any pro- cessV ∈ K,Ut, andLt are the respective upper and lower solutions for the G-SDE


t∈[0,T]. (11)

Hence by Theorem1, for anyX0∈RnwithE[|X0|2]<

∞and L0X0U0, the G-SDE (11) has a unique solutionXtMG2(0,T;Rn)such thatLtXtUt for t∈[0,T]q. s.

Define an operatorF:K → KbyF(V) =X, where X is the unique solution of the G-SDE (11). Now


suppose thatVt(1)Vt(2) for allt ∈[0,T] and define X(1)=F(V(1)),X(2)=F(V(2))whereV(1),V(2)∈ K.

Since it is given that f andgare increasing functions, thereforeXt(1)is a lower solution of the G-SDE Xt=X0+

Z t 0


Z t 0

g(v,Vv(2))dhBiv +

Z t 0

h(v,Xv)dBv, t∈[0,T].


But this problem has an upper solutionUt. Hence by Theorem1, the G-SDE (12) has a solutionXt(2) such that Xt(1)Xt(2)Ut fort∈[0,T]. ThusF is an in- creasing mapping and by Theorem 3, it has a fixed pointX(∗)=F(X(∗))∈ Ksuch thatYtXt(∗)Utq. s., where

Xt(∗)=X0+ Z t


f(v,Xv(∗))dv+ Z t


g(v,Xv(∗))dhBiv +

Z t 0

h(v,Xv(∗))dBv, t∈[0,T].

Now continuing Example 1 by the above Theo- rem 2, there exists at least one solution X(∗) of the G-SDE (5) such thatL0+BtXt(∗)≤U0+t+hBit+Bt for t∈[0,T], whereLt =L0+Bt andUt =U0+t+ hBit+Bt are the respective lower and upper solutions of (5).

Remark 1. As the above results (i. e. Theorem1and Theorem 2) for the existence theory of G-SDEs are more general, we therefore give the following sketch for the existence of solutions for G-SDEs with a dis- continuous coefficientg. The rest of work can be ob- tained in a similar fashion. Assume thatUt andLt are the respective upper and lower solutions of the G-SDE dXt=f(t,Xt)dt+g(t,w)dhBit+h(t,Xt)dBt,


Define the functions pL,U andqL,U by (7) and consider the stochastic differential equation

dXt=f˜(t,Xt)dt+g(t,X˜ t)dhBit+h(t,˜ Xt)dBt, t∈[0,T],

with a given constant initial conditionX0∈Rn, where f˜(t,x,w) =f(pL,U(t,x,w)),

g(t,˜ x,w) =g(t,w) +qL,U(t,x,w), h(t,˜ x,w) =h(pL,U(t,x,w)) are Lipschitz continuous inx.

6. Discussion

The existence theory for the G-SDEs with a discon- tinuous coefficienthis still open. We are unable to dis- cuss this case. Because like the classical Itˆo’s integral, the monotonicity condition does not hold in G-Itˆo’s integral with respect to the G-Brownian motion, i. e.

XtYtdoes not implyR0TXtdBtR0TYtdBt. However its quadratic variation process is an increasing contin- uous process starting from zero and satisfy the above stated property, see Lemma2[19].


I am very grateful to Prof. Daxiong Piao for his mo- tivation and some useful suggestions for this work.

Appendix A Proof

For the following definition and theorem see [20].

Definition 12. An ordered metric space M is called regularly (resp. fully regularly) ordered, if each mono- tone and order (resp. metrically) bounded ordinary se- quence ofMconverges.

Theorem 3. If[a,b]is a non-empty order interval in a regularly ordered metric space, then each increasing mapping F:[a,b]→[a,b]has the least and the greatest fixed point.

Proof of Lemma (2).

Proof. Since{hBit:t≥0}is an increasing continuous process withhBi0=0. Therefore for any fixedw∈Ω andti+1ti, hBiti+1− hBiti ≥0, i=0,1, . . . ,N−1.

Also forXt,YtMG1,0([0,T];Rn),Xt =∑N−1i=0 ξiI[ti,ti+1) and Yt =∑N−1i=0 ξ˜iI[ti,ti+1), where ξi,ξ˜iL1G(Ωi), i= 0,1, . . . ,N−1. ThenXtYt implies that

N−1 i=0



N−1 i=0


i,ti+1), which yields

N−1 i=0


hhBiti+1− hBitii

N−1 i=0


hhBiti+1− hBitii .

Hence Z T


XtdhBit≤ Z T




Remark 2. The above lemma shows that G-Ito’s in- tegral with respect to the quadratic variation process

satisfies the monotonicity property. Also ifXt≤0 then RT

0 XtdhBit≤0.

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He de- veloped the existence and uniqueness of solutions for stochastic differential equations under G-Brownian motion (G-SDEs) under the Lipschitz conditions via the contraction

Received: 14 February 2020; Accepted: 12 March 2020; Published: 5 April 2020 Abstract: We show uniqueness in law for a general class of stochastic differential equations in R d , d

El Karoui, Kapoudjian, Pardoux, Peng and Quenez [5] studied the problem of BSDE with reflection, which means that the solution to a BSDE is required to be above a certain

In this paper, we provide a direct approach to the existence and uniqueness of strong (in the probabilistic sense) and weak (in the PDE sense) solutions to quasilinear

tightness is proved by means of compactness properties of fractional integrals, while the identification procedure uses results on preservation of the local martingale property

Nevertheless, since the regularity result of the present paper is based on properties of strongly elliptic operators, generalization to higher order equations does not cause

Abstract: A new proof of existence of weak solutions to stochastic differential equations with continuous coefficients based on ideas from infinite-dimensional stochastic analysis

The latter observation leads to a sufficient condition for the financial market to be dynam- ically complete in the case where the time horizon is finite and the securities pay