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Wochenplan 1 – Thema: Animals


Academic year: 2021

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Wochenplan 1 – Thema: Animals


Aufgaben erledigt:

How well I did:

1.Put the following animals into alphabetical order.

hedgehog - squirrel – boar – badger – woodpecker – mole – bird – ant – fox – wolf – deer – frog – rabbit – eagle – mice – snake 2. Textbook, page 48/ No.1a:

Pets Wild animals

3. Write short sentences about the animals in your list.

e.g. Moles are blind.

4. What´s your favourite animal. Write a brief essay of a minimum about it(Schreibe einen kurzen Bericht über dein Lieblingstier – Minimum 6 Sätze.).

TTTuesday Aufgaben erledigt:

How well I did:


1. Revise (Wiederhole) the comparison of adjectives.

2. Look at the list of animals and compare them with each other (Schau dir die Liste deiner Tiere an und vergleiche sie miteinander.).

e.g. A bull is bigger than a dog but an elephant ist he biggest.

Write at least eight sentences.

3. Compare animals that are about the same (Vergleiche Tiere, die nach bestimmten Kriterien ähnlich sind.).

e.g. A dog is as cute as a cat.

Write at least eight sentences. The following words might help you.

1. snail – tortoise – snake / slow 2. bull – sheep – cow / big 3. monkey – fox – ape / loud

4. parrot – woodpecker – budgie / pretty 5. hippo – elephant – guinea pig / fat 6. tortoise – cat – mole / quiet 7. squirrel – dog – dolphin / clever 8. deer – horse – frog / fast


TTWednesday Aufgaben erledigt:

How well I did:

1. Multiple-choice exercise

Inform yourself about multiple-choice exercise in your

textbook, page 124. Then read the text „No Small Thing“ in your textbook, page 49/ No. 4 and answer the questions.

2. Textbook, page 42/ TV programmes

Find the meaning oft he following prorammes and write them into your vocabulary folder:

cartoon – news – quiz show – comedy – chat show – sports

programme – thriller – crime story – love story – action film – series – cooking programme – weather forecast - music show -


3. What TV programmes do you like? Write a brief essay and say why you like these programmes (a minimum of seven


TTThursday Aufgaben erledigt:

How well I did:

1. Express in English: Drücke dich im Englischen aus, es ist keine wortwörtliche Übersetzung erforderlich.

A: Was gibt es heute Abend im Fernsehen?

B: Ich habe keine Ahnung. Lass uns mal nachschauen.

A: Oh schau … es gibt einen Zeichentrickfilm!

B: Wie langweilig. Ich mag keine Zeichentrickfilme. Gibt es noch etwas Anderes?

A: Mal gucken … Wie wäre es mit der Dokumentation „Die Tiere des Waldes“?

B: Das klingt interessant. Ich mag Tierfilme.

A: Ich mag Tierfilme auch. Sie sind mein Lieblingsprogramm.

B: Wann fängt der Film an?

A: Er beginnt um 19 Uhr und dauert eine Stunde.

B: Na, das ist doch perfekt. Dann gucken wir uns den Film heute Abend an.

2. Workbook, page 37/ No. 14 Sort the odd word out (Welches Wort gehört nicht in die Gruppe der Wörter einer Zeile?)


TTFriday Aufgaben erledigt:

How well I did:

1.Revision (Wiederholung): Simple Past Put in the verb in ist simple past.

Last summer my parents and I ………… (go) tot he USA. It ………. (be) an amazing trip! We ………. (fly) to Orlando, which is a town in Florida. We

………. (have) tickets for Disneyworld. At first I ………. (think) Disneyworld is only for children. But when we ……… (arrive), there ………. (be) so many roller coasters and fun rides. On our first day, I nearly ………. (try) every ride. My parents ………. (not want) to come on every ride with me. They

………. (like) waiting at the exits enjoying different kind of food. I ……….

(not eat) much because I ………. (be) too excited to go on all these fun rides. In the evening, we ………. (be) very tired from the day so we ……….

(sleep) very well. We ………. (not sleep) in the very next day because we :::::::::: (want) to make most oft he day.

What ……….. you ………. (do) last summer? Where ………. you ……….. (go)?

2. Underline the indicators (Signalwörter) for simple past in the following text.

1. Yesterday, it rained very hard but I still went outside and played football.

2. My sister helped me move to a new appartment last weekend.

3. She visited her friend in 2017.

4. The football match started an hour ago.

5. Last week, the Olymics finished in London.

6. Paul sent a text message two minutes ago.

7. Last summer we went to Spain.

8. My mum needed to see the doctor the day before yesterday.

3. Ask questions in simple past about the underlined words.

Erfrage die unterstrichenen Wörter.

1. Yesterday, my uncle and I went ice skating.

2. Mrs Mayhew taught French last year.

3. The family stayed in a very nice hotel during their holidays.

4. On her way home, Sally lost her mobile phone.



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