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first It it It difficult, it. It It it's it


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(1)THE. A.. MONITOR. ZAPPLE. INTRODUCTION. This monitor system is a result of many years of work people. It was first used on an 8008 system and then later modified for the 8080. (Intellec the by Intel),code has been Although areatly modified, the actual has been conceDt retained in this Z-80 inm1err,entation. basic by many. 8. that can and have been used reaardinq one that is used here is the the most desirable for either or the rjrobably industrial may be This hobbyist/experin'enter environment. monitor "DEBUG" That a contains all monitor. as is, classified the needed tools to fully debug both hardware it software, as well as supoort the I/O used by the system or transient USER be obvious programs. to anyone that has painfully It should DéU3Oñ watched this has each his own idea as that field grow he what (or wants for his Inrmt/Cutput afford) can to This exchanging makes extremely devices. software and takes some of the fun out of it. TDL'S difficult, ZAPPLE monitor may help solve this problem. our All of What NO routines resident software contains I/O whatsoever! we are suggestinq is that since everyone's I/O is different, make the amAications software "I/O INDEPENDENT", and let's then suDp1y a universal monitor system that each person can CUSTOM-FIT to his own Darticular needs. As long as the I/O There. mar-y "SYSTEM. are. a. approacPtes MONITOR".. The. &. honored, (etc.) proqram you have a parallel model 33. VECTORS EDITOR. The. are. then does. input. a. BASIC. have not keyboard. a FORTRAN be concerned. or to. video. &. or. a. TEXT. whether disMay or. a. system monitor Droqram may be called a ORIENTED" system This weans that there are no keyboard hold data buffers needed to buffer inrxit, or handles throuqh waiting for output. I/O vectors at all the beginnina of the proaram. also contains features that have come about as the need for them was felt durina use bv the author. This monitor will come to be the most important riiece of software in your system. ZAPPLE. "CHARACTER. It. It. it's. The. Zaoole occupies Monitor and ROMable. relocatable, exmíndable,. 2K. of. memory,. is. The. tremendous exDancjability feature is of user to as allows the user attach his own a&itionai monitor routines at the end of the monitor. Such routines often include I/O drivers. T'mical additions miaht be VDM driver routine or cassette driver routine. SDecific TDL routines will be miblished in the User's aroüD from time newsletter to time.. irmortance. it. a. mav. The monitor also used by user. be. listirW).. includes written. many. useful subroutines that. DroqrarrIs. (see. the. Asseínbly.

(2) Paae. El.. 2. PROCEDURE. LOADING. TDL software is relocatable. That is, it maV be All chooses, the address rjrovidinq loaáed and run from any user only that sufficient memory space above the startinq address Loadina of all this software is accomrñished is provided. The monitor however recjuires a bitswitcheá via the Monitor. loader for its loading.. .. ZAP monitor in runnina in your have the 1-K simple is watter to load the 2-K 2A?PLE. Set AFTER the binary boot-straD, and reader the the táDé ürj on ZAP the R,F0OO(cr), and is now tyrje: start load a reader. OFOOOE!, may at tennporary copv soné you located at other location, and then load ZAPPLE up at JFOOOE. Remember, software éx2écts to find this is the location that future be and the may the monitor. (althoucüi located elsewhere, I/O vectors modified in any future software accordincfLy.). If system,. you. it. now a. If. it. will standard, I.E.: ZAPPLE. device main. CONSOLE. CRT CASSETTE. The. be. initially. O. l. Q=rda,. 4 6. 7. 5. Once the adeauate. as. proaram the the. all. monitor system large deqree of software.. has. old. the. test. MITS. bit TBE=7. same SA,4E. I.E.. (RDA)= Available Buffer Empty (TBE)=. niodifv any of included with. for. data. Data. Transmitter. up. status. test bits are active low.. Receiver. set. O O. (there is data) (You. may. load. the. buffer.). loaded, the user is free to using the software listinqs documentation. This will be future proqrams reference the handlina. This establishes a independence for the aDDlications been. drivers, Monitor current and for its I/O. initially. hardware. the monitor, a small "bootstraD" This program may use any I/O Dort, with test bit, and may have any pol"aritv. Once than Flrevious1y the loaded, if standards other be mentioned needed to at ones were used, bit-switching will least brirw up the main console device. Once this is done, be the monitor itself modify may used the other I/O to drivers. To. load. Droaram is reauired. any "Data Available". Since the Zarmle Monitor is is relocatable, the loader where necessary is to be loaded. This to PAGE the SENSE switches to the startina is done by setting OFOOOEI, For load the desired. monitor to run at exarmle, to is recommended that set the sense switches to llll0000. the monitor be loaded in the highest available location i: j and its stack area be "out memory, so that both the monitor. tell. it. it. It.

(3) Paáe. 3. is wise of the way" of your other software. Additionally, above the monitor so that your memory to leave sorne blank For our in-house systems own user routines may be added on. load the we typically monitor in one 4K board, addressed from FOOD to FFFF. Thus, the monitor will be addressed frorn FOOD to F7FF, F800 leavinq to FFFF available for additional I/O drivers.. it. should be It contiquous memory. with from. noted below. that. it.. located at FOOD itself IFFF example.. O. for. to. monitor does NOT reauire function eaually well It will the remainder and of your RAM the. the monitor resides sent out assuming 360: 000 or (crazy octal) or 170000 (octal) or at 61470 (decimal). this address is either not Dossible or may inconvenient, you subtract the size of the monitor (BOO hex) from the top address For example, available. you have a 12K system, wish to and you put the monitor in at 800 IOK, then you from 3000 hex. This would subtract hex 28 the Hex. means settina sense switches at TDL FOOD. software is. (hex). If. if. The LOADER has been modified from the one for ZAP!?LE used with the ZAP now monitor. is easier to set-uo for almost any type of device that may be used to read ?aDer teme. The followina is the minimum procedure reauired:. It. l.. O. Load the following bootstraD program in at address be used with (This boot Droqram would the old MITS I/O standards. Examríles of this and other rxissible boot loaders are contained in m»endix A.). O. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A. B. C. D. E. C3 00 CD FA. IA. 00 00 00 01. 00 00 BD C9. 00 00 28. 00 00 FA. 00 00 2D. 00 00 77. 00 00 20. 00 00 F6. 00 31 E9. 00 00 DB. 00 02 00. 00 21 E6. 00 F3 01. addr 0000 0010 0020 0030. 00 2!3. DB. 2. Set the sense switches wish the Monitor to reside. 3.. Flit. 4.. Place. 5.. Start. RESET. on. the. tape. the. "ll100ll" is. 6.. Éiit. run. on. the. in the reader. beinq. paqe address. 00. Dl 20. where. you. processor.. reader,. the. to the. F. device.. and WHILE read THEN:. the. initial. pattern of. ?rocessor.. After the proaram loads, at the end of the tape will console usina "sían on" to the device. If you are non-standard I/O, (that is, not as oer the stanííard alreaciv. it.

(4) Paae. stated). Ioop, attenmtina to sicjn on. fKocessor, and modify the routines to I/O set-um. it willstop time,. At this handle your. be. own. 4. sittinq in the. a. loads a This short program actuallv laráer, more which the reiocatimj. performs actually soHiisticated loader while loading a checksum is also a checksurned loader. If It Outm.ít the Programmed on an I!'1SAI is detected, lights error The HZ. machine may be flash at a rate of about l will all stacmed ancc the t,me backeá up to an area before the error was and the machine detected, (2-3 feet) reset and started do chanqe frorn zero. do the not you sense switches. this, If The relocatina checksurned loader 1Atinq is giverí later "R" command to the in this manual. It is similar in the monitor, the Drirnary difference beirW that the loader at the beainninq of the tape aets its address reference from the That of the Monitor sense switches. itself gets the data from the cmerator console..

(5) Paae. 5. COMMANDS. following Precise Monitor. the next section. The. A B C. D E. F G El. I. j K. L M N O P Q. R. S. T U. V 'N X. Y Z. is. a. corr,n'.ands list andof usaqe notes. definitions. for the ZaD?le in are covered. ASSIGN console or list device options - from thereader, Dunch, console. BYE (system shut down). - COMPARE the contents of memory with the reader inout and display anv differences. the contents of any defined memory area in Hex. - DISPLAY END OF FILE statement cIenerator. - FILL defined any area of memory with a constant. - GOTO an address and execute. With breakpoir1tinq. - HEX MATH. sum Gives the and difference of two Hex - numbers. *. *. -*. USER DEFINED. JUSTIFY MEMORY. failures.. USER DEFINED. LOAD a MOVE a NULLS the USER DEFINED. PUT ASCII QUERY. -. a. non-destructive. binary file. defined inen'.ory area to another punch device. to. test for hard memory starting. address.. characters into memory from the keyboard. - from I/O Dorts - may output or input any value to or any I/O port. READ a Flex Performs checksum, relocating, file. etc. offsettinq, SUBSTITUTE and/or examine any value at any address (in hex). TYPES - ASCII the contents of a defined memory block in their eauivalent. UNLOAD - VERIFY athebinary taoe to athe p-inch device. defined rr,emory block aqainst contents of that of another block and disMay the differences. WRITE - eXAMINE a checksummed hex file to the punch device. and/or modify any or all reaisters includinq the special Z-80 registers. Search memory fcr defined byte strinas and - "Yis there". the addresses where they are found. display all and display the highest address in - "Z end". Locate memory..

(6) peme. D.. COMMAND. SET. 6. USAGE. followina section lists the commands, and describes be should noted that the format and their use. their and lower case letters ZaDDle Monitor recognizes both Itupper for its commands, and that in qeneral, a command which is C, which is checked printinga can be stopoed with a CONTROL feed The following durina seauence. carriaae return - line EXA!'!PL£S between Dararr)eters, show a comma as a delimiter j,] an error however a space may also be used. is roaáe while If command be from keyboard, may the a inm.itting terminated it by a is rubout and the command re-tyoed. An asterisk disMayed indicating an ABORT of some kind. The. COMMAND. DESCRIPTION. A. I/O DEVICES: The monitor system is of supDortina up to locical áevices, these. ASSIGNMENT. caDable. being: LIST. OF. 4. The. CONSOLE, The READER, To these may be. PUNCH, the and the 4 connected different. DEVICE.. actual I/O devices, for a combinations of I/O device sDecific permutations are: LOGICAL. DEVICE. CONSOLE. READER. ASSIGNED TTY CRT BATCH USER. PUNCH. always. DEVICE. The. (user. defined). SPEED. READER. user written) (user defined). SPEED. PUNCH. user written) (user defined). TTY CRT. LINE. PRINTER. USER. {user. defined). each. íoqical. The default mode the teleprinter. AssiqnInents are. format:. direct. DEVICES. TTY CASSETTE PAPER (HIGH USER. LIST. function.. TTY CASSETTE PAPER (HIGH USER. 16. of total arid. for made. (user. using. the. written) device is followinc.

(7) Paqe. 7. AC=C(cr). EXAMPLE:. terminaij. eaual. console. the. assions. to. Crt. the. similarly:. device.. (video. AR=T{cr). EXAMPLE:. device to. assigns the reader. be. the. teleprinter.. command which reauires a performing reader irmut (C,L,R), if the assigned reader is the look for the- software will character Telerjrinter, not recieved a character from the TTY input. is If ABORT, an within a few seconás, orinting will it commend mode. the and to asterisk return f*], the assigned reader is the Cassette Similarly, if to abort for some reason, device, and you WISH changing the msition of any of the SENSE switches ABORT. On reader the external will force an routines, returning with the carry set indicates an abort (or OUT OF DATA) condition.. While. a. a. When. initial. of. assignincj. its. name. device, only the is reguireá.. a. first letter. is set-up to surmort the Monitor The and Cassette TTY, routines. other assicrnments reauire the addition of user's routines. These are aádressed via the commands, which vector to startina addresses. The CRT. EXAMPLE:. itself. AL=L(cr). ·. assians the list device to be the line p'rinter. It 12H above +812H, or address) the vectors to (start be woulá the end of the address That monitor. for the line printer routine. For details of these arranqeÍnents,. see the. Source. Documentation.. assign the console eauals Within the above, batch "AC=B(cr)" mention. deserves further In BATCH mode, the READER is made the Keyboard iñrjút, and the LIST DEVICE is made the console output. This allows the running of a job directly from the reader inrxit, with the result beina output to the device.. list. would be the typical use of this assiqnment a reconstruction of lenqthly text editina job where commands the text and yotir have all been editinq BATCFI MODE, saved on ímaper the you may tarxn with assian the reader eauals the TTY, the List á,evice A. BATCH. eauals the TTY, and Console eauals Running the tape throuah the reader same the is as you by hand, and the redoina the entire text editing On a output will ao to the tty and be Drinted. verv leDqth1y job, you could even start the Drocess, and done. go away until Its usefUllnesE is limited onlv by your irnaaination.. it's.

(8) 8. Paae. El. down the completly shuts This command might have where children system. Itto is theusefulsystem, telephone a where access under remote communications established is link when the make wishes to anytime operator control, or the system inaccessible to unauthorized use. BYE.. B. EXAMPLE:. the from keyboard. Recovery the simrñy a by accomplished shut-down irmuttiná is N keyboard. (ASCII the from CONTROL-SHIFT EIEX "RS"; Separator eauivalent is a Record character is a IEH.) The monitor will sign on and (>), however the recister print a qreater-thannot sían be cleared. storaae area will. ccmpletly. C. kills. reader the inmít with memory. This loads, is useful for verifyinct correct verifying that a daniped tape matches with its source etc. COMPARE command. EXAMPLE:. ClO00,200O(cr,start. compares the memory inout from the reader. block IOOOH device.. reader). to. 200OH. with the. For those with automatic readers, the oneration eaual the Reader to the is very sirnole. Assign device you wish to enter the data against, type and address) (cr), the C(starting address),(ending reader will start. The read by the character first reader will be the one matched with the startina address. the discrcmencies any are If stop, and the address encountered, reader will (in hex) of the on the disrüay. The reader error will be printed continue in this fashion until the will restart, and entire tape is comrered.. If. cannot operate your reader automatically, start the reader manually. an error is encountered, however, address while the incorrect is beina the reaáer and qet "out of printed, will continue, the sync" with action. corrmare is Therefore, an error necessary is to manually stop the reader encountered, and manually reDc)sition the taDe to the (An byte followinq the error. excellent article on how ASR33 readers type to automatic to convert was oresented ooeration recently in INTERFACE magazine.). If. if. D. the. command DISPLAY memory contents. This Hex. Memory is contents of memory in. it. disríUívs disDiayed.

(9) Paae. of the. bytes per line, with the startina address line given as the first piece of data on the 16. line.. DlO0,lFF(cr). EXAMPLE:. will disolay in IOOH. hex. block. memory. E. to. in the. contained. values. the IFFH.. the qenerates checksum loader. for pattern after punchinq a block of memory to the punch address parameter usina the "W" command. An be qiven end of may so desired. OF. END. This. FILE.. file. command. It. the. if. file. end of is used device tor the. E(cr). example:. will. 9. generate. "end. an. file. of. marker".. E1OO(cr). example:. marker with the address parameter loading such a file, upon comríletion, the address contained in the End of File will be placed in the "P" register. Execution of the r)rogram then be ir.itiated by typing "G(cr)". may the. aenerates. Uooh".. F. EOF. When. fills is auite It sDecific value. FILL commaná. This command memory with a sDecific value.. initializina. a. block of. handy for (such as up, etc.). a block to a zeroing memory when stúirtincj Avoid doing this over the monitor's stack may be determined as Zjéirvj between This area area. command, and the the value you get when typing the value siqn-on. in the reaister upon It is 60H apDroximatelY bytes below the "Top of memory" (z).. for tests, *NOTE:. Z. S. The. G. format for the. command. example:. f1oo,iff,ff. fills. block. memory. IOOH. is:. to IFFH with the value. FFH.. GOTO. command. This command allows the user to the cause rxocessor to GOTO an address and execute the from address. the In Droqram that actual G Derforrninq the command, which has a oroaram, of been Maced in the stack area durina the sicjn-on of the monitor, is executed. This proaran'. will take all of the values in the reaister storage area X {disríLayeá the command), and stuff them in with CPU, and JMP the their correct reqisters in finally beina reauested the 5v address the to Drocjram. first.

(10) Pacie. 10. up in the stack has oDerator. If this short program been destroyed (as a result of a "blow-urÑ, or the commands, etc.) the monitor will not be able to or GO anywhere, manual a and of the monitor restart be the monitor is restarted willthe reauired. Whenever address point I.E. at (first initialization OFOOOH), the the contents registers are set to of ZERO with the exceDtion (stack), which of the address. This actual value contains a valid stack áeDends on the amount of memory in the system, etc. In its simplest form, the letter "G" accorrmanied by the to a parameter to that rjrocessor causes and start execution. address F. ?4. S. ClO. EXAMPLE:. would cause and execute. Additionally, example:. GlOOO. the from. Drocessor to goto address. that. one or. breakDoints. two. address may. be. I0OO(FI). set.. Gl00O,1005,l0l0. would the to cause Droaram at start execution 1OOOH, EVENT address and the proqram IN THE that 1005, OR. 1010, the proaram will stoD qets to address execution, and return to the monitor, Drir]tinq an of the breakpoint that "at" sign, and the address ) @1010 executed. was then prints the ">" (I.E. This action rjromDt, awaitina further instructions. also cancels any breakpoints previously set.. It. Breakpoints must be set at locations containim an breakmoínt instruction byte. This is a SOFTWARE RAM RST aná remires system, either (restart 7, at ROM, JMP to 0038H), usinq a permarjent addr. or if address TRAP the monitor (OFOIEH) at 0038El. SOFTWARE Remember, this is a breakpoint system, and the Droqram beinq debuqqed must be in non-protected Maá/Write memory. 7. EXAMPLE:. *C2. JNZ. !234H. MVI. A,CR. LXI. El,lO0OEi. *77 *23. MOV. M,A. INX. H. *CD 78 56. CALL. 5678El. 34 12. *3E CD. *21 00 10. asterisks breakDoints.. The. (*) mark the bytes that. may. be. 'ásed. as.

(11) li. Paae. H. This command allows the execution of hexidecimal arithmetic directly from the console. of any two hex aive the sum and difference will numbers entered. HEX. MATH.. it. Hl00O,lOl0(cr). EXAMPLE:. 2010. FFFO. >. 201OEl. of. beirW the the two hex. J. being. difference. the. values. is. J command command reads. The The. FFEO. sum, and. a. any. noR-destructive memory test. given byte, comrüements it,. complement, the compares into the location the the comrñement with accumulator, and rewrites The com'rand is the original byte into the location. the used with two delineating block of parameters, memory to be checked.. writes. jlOO0,lFFF. example: would 1FFFH.. oerform the above. test on the. block. IOOOH. to. the address at which the errors are detected, and found the is disolayed on the are error error console before the test is continued.. If. jlOO0,lFFF(cr). EXAMPLE:. IFOO. 00001000. >. indicate that the 4th bit did not correctly compjement. would IFOOH. (D3). itself.. at location. This test is useful for the discovery of hard memory failures, and also serves as Aa auick check for accidentally Drotecte¿ memory. fully protected memory block would print out as entirely "Is".. (llllllll). L. LOAD. file. BINARY. from. either. loads. tape.. a. binary. LlO0O(cr). EXAMPLE:. would. This command cassette or paper. FILE. a. load. the tape at address be the an reauire that rjroqram 10OOEl. desianed address The for by the (automatically generated. 1OOOH.. This would absolute Droqram,. start-of-file "U" command). mark. is a OFFEI'S When series of (rubouts). this is detected at the start of file, the bell will ring on the TTY to indicate the start of the load process. When the is detected (aqain, and series of end-of-file the address rubouts) the load is terminated, of 8. a. 8.

(12) Page. 12. location that would have been loaded is ;µinted on the console. There are two constraints on The middle of the proqram this type of file system. OFF'S cannot contain more than in a row OFFH is the LAST data (an unusual occurence), and be ignored. This too byte in the file, is it will unusual, and only a minor inconvenience. Binary proqrams loaded at other than their design coriunand "L" does not address not will run. The handle and cannot functions, perform checksum simple and a This is pure relocatable files. binary loader (see "U" command). byte-for-byte NEXT. the. (llllllll). 6. if. M. is used to move a block of menior'j from one location to another. The NOT by the move, affected original block is lonq remaining intact so as the block moved into does not overlap with the block currently occupied. be used This commznd, like the "F" command should with some caution as rrlovinq a block into an area occtmied by the stack, or the program or the monitor will cause unpredictable results. MOVE. COMMAND.. This. conunand. MlO0O,lFFF,200O(cr). EXAMPLE:. the block contents of memory contained in 200OH. The of to IFFFE! to a startinq address block has the limits 200OEl to 2FFFEÍ.. moves the IOOOH. new. .. This command is very useful for working on proqrams without destroying the original, verifying blocks of memory loaded with existiría memory, etc. N. NULL.. device. used.. leader. 72. This nulls. m.ay It length.. EXAMPLE:. as. to. (N). not. It will P. be. ounches nulls to the punch mmched whenever the command is are used reDetitively for any desired. command. PUT. *Note: spoil the. cmnch ASCII. allows ASCII rr,emory.. etc.. EXAMPLE:. activates. It. 72. The. '°N". Daper. nulls. or. tape.. "n". will. NOT. echo,. so. to the punch device.. characters into memory. This command characters to be written directly into is useful for Dlacinq labels in files Pl0OO(cr). the command, and any further inouts via be placed the keyboard would into memory in their command ASCII eauivalent. The is terminated by a D CONTROL address the with character, of the.

(13) .. l Y". ' ,. 'i. Paqe. 13. on the following the last entry printeá NOT Recovery of console (the Control-D is stored). the inm.it data is affected by use of the "T" or "U". location. command.. Q. INPUT/OUTPUT to be output. QUERY. value value in console.. any the the. binary. on. This. PORTS.. command. to anv I/O Dort, I/O port to any. and be. allows allows. read. on. QOl,7(cr). EXAMPLE:. "7" to I/O PORT I. (ASCII outout an ASCII on TTY, the bell would rinq.) is a""bell" so. would seven. a. 0000ll0l. Qll(cr). EXAMPLE:. value at port l, in the illustration above, we see that are hiqh, the bits 0,2 and useful for observina the others low. This is and other diagnostic condition of status bits inmts. the. 3. activities. R. READ A CHECKSUMMED HEX FILE. This command reads the INTEL checksummed hex files in format, as well capable of loading the relocatable TDL as beina and bias offset. When selected address at anvABSOLUTE files readinc; an i (INTEL format), there may be BIAS added. These a only files cannot be The format relocated. is:. file. R[bias],[relocation](cr).. write the data is stormed, an sorne (indicating asterisk is printed error and the address was condition), attemptim to that be written will be disrñayed on the console device. This is to assist in determining the failure.. If to. checksum error to or a failure the loadinq Drocess rnernorv occurs, a. EXAMPLE:. will. R(cr,. load. a. load and. IOOOH.. at. its absolute. a. TDL. modify. relocatable the. the. file 3et up BIAS of 1OOOH. positive set lid to run at. IOOH. address.. reader). hex to Drogram. Rl00O,lOO{cr,start. EXAMPLE:. loads. file. reader). R,lO0O(cr,start. EXAMPLE:. will 1OOOH. hex. start. file run. at address at address. reader). but to run at IOOH, added to Thus, the will be loaded at llOOEl.. it.. with. a. file,.

(14) Paae. 14. Rl0OO(cr). EXAMPLE:. OOOOH, address using the TDL load to any proaram, anywhere in memory.. up to run at file, Inset other words,. load willaddress. the 1000.. at relocating. format,. anywhere execute (Think about. in. may you memory,. it.....). S. command This and examine. allows any be examined and address in memory to directly, another value for at that allows substituion of one address desired. SUBSTITUTE. if. SF8l0(sp)00-(sp)lA-(sD)C3-(s2). EXAMPLE:. (cr). >. examines address F8!OH. In this case the "S" command the value The hittinq of the soace bar (SD) disríLays OOH "(assumina value at that at that address. address.) Hitting the space bar again displays the NEXT sc) and location in memory (F811H), forth. from address Sinmly typinci S(sd) disrüay starts 0OOOFl. By of {Sp), all of memory repetitive typing could be disrAayed address one at a time.. SF8l0(sD)00-(kb)FF(cr). EXAMPLE:. F81OH, comwand examines showinq the address Immediately value OOH at that address. tyoinq in FFH OOH SUBSTITUTES FFFI from the keyboard for at that RepeatÍmq the example above would show: address.. This. S?810(sp)FF-. EXAMPLE:. is beinc; examined, the address beina an address moved be BACKWARD examined by entering may a deDendinq backarrow SHIFT-O, or (ba) or underline, on the terminal used.. When. SF8l0(sF))00-(5a)AA-. EXAMPLE:. shows Typing T. AA address F80FH, the value F81OH sDace bar will examine aqain.. that at a. exists.. This command ASCII characters from memory. be allows the contents of memory to disrñayed in their ASCII ecníivalents. All non-printing characters may used to will be disríLayed as periods t.: command is which "P" disolay the results of the allows kevboard entry of ASCII characters directly into memory. Also useful for findinq text strinas and The address messages in software. is 64 the next disrjayed, then the characters, has been urmer address, etc. until the limit reached. TYPE. . It. first. initial. first.

(15) 15. Page. TlO00,200O(cr). EXAMPLE:. displays the ASCII IOOOH. to. place. a. memory console U. 200OE. "messaae". If. block, display.. it. eauivalents. the. into. of. commaná. "P". memory be soon. would. memory locations had been used to somewhere in that on the apr)arent. siírmly dum?s core to used with a cassette the punch device. problems. does system as well, with no start-up The checksum. a not generate is format which OFFHS, be a generated eight binary leader, will ÜFEFIS a and data, eight OFFHS, are trailer. The These anCí cues. "rubouts" called are are the start and the detected and counted to determine end of files. UNLOAD. BINARY.. This. It. command be may. It. file. UO0,FF(cr,start. EXAMPLE:. aenerate will above, the OOH. V. to. of. F'FH.. a. reader). binary tape, formated as described values contained in memory locations. This command allows the user to verify the against the memory block contents of one This is very memory block. contents of another such as verifyina aseful for functions that a file from a generated Droqram is a duplicate of the actual program, etc. VERIFY.. EXAMPLE:. vlO00,2000,3000. compare will200OH. the. EXAMPLE:. VlO00,2000,3000. contents of the memory block IOOOH aaainst the contents of the memory block to 300OH 400OH. commencing at and extending to Any be disríLayed. differences will IOOF. 00. FE. indicates that the contents of address while that at 30OFFI is an FE. W. WRITE. Hex. file. in the. This. command. dumps. 1OOFH. memory. is. a. 00. to the. standard device Both and end format. start The "end reauired. DroDer generated by the "E" command.. "Intel-style" hex file of file parameters are (EOE) of file" is. EXAMPLE:. puncÍí). punch. wQ0,FF{cr,start (after punching) E{cr).

(16) Paae. 16. checksummed hex of the values OOH FFH. the assicmed to in memory the Drogram will the punch and console sarne, are and wait for the operator to turn on the punch Dause "(ASR33, the etc.). Useend of thethe"N" command at either but optional, is of beqinning and/or recommended.. willthegenerate. file. a. block. If. file. X. The "X" exAMINE REGISTERS. modify examine to and/or user. command. all. reaisters.. A=Accurnulator B,C,D,E,H,L=CPU. allows the the. Z80. REGISTERS. (pointed to by. M=Memory. of. P=Program Counter S=Stack Pointer. H&L). (PC) (SP). Register. I=lnterrtmt. X=Index (IX) Y=lndex (IY) R=Refresh Register. X(cr). EXAMPLE:. the áisMays contents A,B)C,D,E,F,FI,L,M,P,S and. I,. of in hex.. registers. MAIN. X'(cr). EXAMPLE:. the áisplays of contents A,B,C,D,E,F,H,L,M,X,Y and R.. recñsters. PRIME. by a letter "X" (or X'), followed specific register letter will display the contents new Entering of that reqister. value via the keyboard (kb) will the value in the new substitute the bar reqister. specific space will Bitting which may the then. Typirw. the. a. in display you next register case of perform substitutions, etc. In the uniaue modify the 16 bit pointer the "M" register, you may (H&L) to that memory location. EXAMPLE:. XA XA XA >. 0O-(kb)FF(cr) FF-(sp)O0-(kb)FF(cr) FF-(so)FF-(cr). examines the first then substitutes an. contents of FF.. In. the. reqister. next. line,. "A" (OOH), the FE is the next. displayed, srjace character disrñays reaister (again a OOH), and substitutes an FF for this value. The last line displays both registers as containirw FFHs. a. -d. Y. SEARCH.. from. one. up. This to. allows uniaue. command 255 bytes. to. be. bvte strinas, for in. searched.

(17) 17. Page. and the. memory,. addresses. they are to search. where. is advisable disrñayed. It than single rather patterns orieration may be stopped with. a. found. for bytes. The control-C.. to. be. uniaue search. YC3,21,F3,0l(cr). EXAMPLE:. 0081 OOB2 OF08 >. (in hex) C3, 21, F3, indicates that the byte strina Dl, is found in memory at locations 0081H, OOB2I1 and OF08H. This routine memory will search all 65-K ofthan in less one for a uniaue of bytes secuence second.. r Z. Z. TOP. OF. MEMORY.. the hiqhest system.. address. EXAY!PLE:. Z. This command locates and qives in your memory of available. 7FFF >. indicates. highest available me.'nory is at that NO carriaae return is reaaired. Also, If only one IK board were in the and was adressed system, to have its top byte at command 7FFFH, address the would so indicate the absence lower regardless of memory. of. address. that. 7FFFH.. it. the Note. 2. ,.




The GIMIX MISSING-CYCLE DETECTOR is designed to monitor the AC power line and generate and interrupt when a power failure occurs.. The suggested location for

unit configuration. This is described in Chapter IV. Initialize the directories on the target disk and verify that files can.be writtentQ and read back from the

The MATREAD statement reads the file item specified by the item-id expression and assigns the string value of each attribute to consecutive elements of the


This document is meant to aid you in calculating (precisely) the total room necessary to configure a given kind of AMOS system, without having to actually go

Steve Elliott says that he will have a complete Alpha Basic manual and an Alpha Basic Operating Instructions manual available by the Computer Faire... OPINION

The patch below fixes a problem that occasionally occurs with BASIC in interactive mode if you mix direct statements with program statements.. InfrequentLy, such

If the problem occurs during a disk copy operation, or while you are loading the Xenix operating system from floppy diskettes, you will probably see read