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(1)DAVIS. UNIVERSITY OF CAL!F()RNIA,. i' · tmim':. · f).\\'í5. }lF)\KEI.LY. · j.{)j,. .1.r'(:t:Í.l'.S. · ÍttVEj\SII)E. · SAN í?{IíGt). · SAN Fj{^Nc[s(:. o ". ,é'),, 'I. f. j'i. m ?. S.'. í;¿. SANTA. cmu. L¢AIU4A!\Á · .YtiN1'A. Él. ,. '"-.. u · ." .....,............. ')/\\ls,c/\l|l'oRNj/\. C()III(,! ()1 l1(i!\!i'RN(, [)F·l'AR!Ml1|{)! ÉII('lRX '·,1 .'\\[)('()\1|'l': j[¢ l\(,l1![l<l\(,. Recipients. TO:. 1983. October. Version 4.0. MicroMUMPS. of. 95616. This package contains the deliverables associated with 8080, Included in the package are: versions of MicroMUMPS, version 4.0. -. -. -. distribution disk {8" or 5á",. A. on your order). some CP/M or CP/N86. depending MUMPS,. The. forms. additional. An. Special. Note. MUMPS. documents Computer. text. MUG. order. fo'm. reference texts form. for. for the. are. a. membership.. related materials.. new. in. ANS. very favorable. Primer, Revised: This experience in other 1anguages. programming. examples,. fields,. reviews. book is mere suited Less but does not. the Krieg text.. Programmer's. tutorial level. M'JMPS,. MUMPS. many level as. MicroMUMPS. MUG. by Krieg: This text is an excellent and computers. unfamiliar with programming new user who is essential1y in most respects to the implementation included with this shipment. physician and intended for professionals in ether non-computing. conforms by a has received. for. and. Recipients. New. Programming. Written. it. to. contain. subscriber te MicroMUMPS, you may be unfamiliar with the MUMPS published by is an order form for documents Included with your shipment There are three Users' Grcup, and Ur membership in that organization. available from HUG: that are valuable aids to MUMPS programming. If you language.. It. for. disk(s). 8086. newsletter.. 1983. October. Order. the. in printed. and. utilities used in setThe disk{s) and/or data files.. object code for one version of ting MUMPS files, and some additional program also contain MUMPS utilities and applications. Documentation. The. Z80. tutorial, it start. new MUMPS users who have had can serve as a rapid reference quite the same entry point at. to. This is the "bible" of experienced MUMPS programmers, containing the detailed answers to complex questions in the use of the language. Revised irí early 1982, it reflects many, though not quite all, of the changes in the 1982 Standard. Manual:. recommend that any use with MicroMUMPS.. We. their. Reference. KUMPS. programmer. have. one. or. more. of these. documents. for.

(2) Recipients. fo. MicroMUMPS. Version 4.0. October 1983 Page Two. Disk. Duplication. Verification. and. of MicroMUMPS distribution has grown to the point that it is dup1icat"ing service for disk duplieconomically feasible to use a commercial reading in cation. you experience difficulty your disk, try first to read If machine all in your vicinity. on another fails, return the disk to me If problem. I will replace the disk, a of the with note indicating the nature and report the failure to the duplicating service. In view of the guarantees given by the duplicatinq service, I do not foresee problems with these disks. The. volume. it. Note. to Recipients. of. Former. Versions. global files created on previous releases must be saved under that version, then restored under the new version to preserve their information. Routines have not been altered in the current version, which means that they are compatible with version 3.5 (but not with earlier versions). MUMPS. Questions. and. Problems. of interest in MicroM'jMPS has been gratifying, but not without has been the number of telephone some difficulties. Chief among these problems enable calls requesting assistance. us to continue to make progress In order to minimum we a keep on new versions, telephone calls which often are anxious to to a interrupt process requiring concentration. The. growth. To assist us in helping you, we ask that, whenever possible, you send us We questions that have arisen with your use of MicroMUMPS. note, documenting In general, telephone calls will be to respond as quickly as possible. try We handled by Tracy Jones. versions, and are at present working on new MUMPS hope you will help us by minimizing the telephone interruptions. Please Department CA 95616.. address. all inquiries. of Electrical Thank. you. and. and Computer. will we. trouble reports to: Richard F. Walters, Ph.O., Engineering, University of California, Davis,. for your help. Sincerely,. A. jC^. /"'. q. 7Í. Richard F. Walters, Professor RFw/t1j. a. ." Ph.O..

(3) 6 3. MICROMUMF'S. INSTALLATION. MANUAL. Electrical and Commuter EnslineerinS ÚniversitY of California Davim. CA. 95616. SteMien. Lo. Johnson. Jeffrey L. TaYlor Richard F, WUters. 0ctober?. 1983.

(4) MICROMUMF'S. 1. Materials. 0. This Z8Q. Instal1ation. Included or hzs been imp1emented in 8080 CP/M arid system? oueratirut is Deliver'3 the hardware0 of manufacturer's 8 ' which contains the or S' ficjw>Y disk MUMPS. version of Standard. AssemhlY. code. available. for includes an f'ollowinS materials: ñÁ3ñ9d. version. Qyening. -. The. -. s£Lobálst SETMUHF'S+C0M. -. GL0BALS,I)AT. -. ERRORS .DAT MUMPS. numhers on the. will. when. messasSe. SETGLOB.COM. 5pecific. Object. numher. the. Utilitv. An. - the errors. sYste[n. Code m"pee:. r. or[. MUMPS. the. is. rIjr;nir|g. disk label. enterecÁ. lansíuaSe. in. the. initialize. s"rostrams used to. to reconfiAure Yotjr. ¢jsed. The. under CF'/Pf, as well as. MUMPS. sYstem.. file created bv SETGLOE, dec'Qdir|s used to yrÜvide error messa9e file MUMPS. runr|ir|g Note ericQl!jntered that in initiU. will than. rather current. for. 5ystem. AssembH. An. A. the. urider. svstem. MUMPS.COM. ManuU. sAcíhals. run without this con+Qete a{es5@geE.. default drive?. routines and ALohUst. onl the. givirlg file? MUMPS asss!jmes. rúardless. at the. of. the e r ro r. y. is 'file of. locatiori. Prosframs and s (jfhé MMP - The disk will also contain Utili'ús 't µrcjgrams Applic3tiort that are availcññe at distrihtjtior"i i Orie-F'üe a re abstracts to r these tjtiIities arid aµplic¿3tiorjs The distributed with the szistem cj>écific grogrant5 distributed in this gortion of the s'acküe will varm me. UTt(3BL HUMPS. slobal hackuy file ljsed in cor|.jfjr¡ctiQrl utilities furnished bv IJr. Lewkowicm -. The e: ·:ter$sior|s7. A. User's. M3n|ja1¥. the'. with. descriµtion of MICROMUMF'S features is included with the sYstem deliver3blesó a. The. Manual which descibes UtilitY/Applic3tiorb prQvided with the strstem. utilities. the. CF'/M. Test/Valicktion hialosue is included to ajlow veritb: correct F'erformartce of' the sYstem+. the. A. q ^. W. and. users. znd MUMPS. t. c).

(5) MICROMUMF'S. II. Installation. SYsténi Reaui rements. 0. * 8080s. 8085 or. * User. area. Z80. CF'U. (TPA). of. for. riot. Markíj3l. MICROMUMPS. less than. 49K. tñjtes,. p us loczi p¿3rtitior{ size of 4K tñjtes (ruutine tíÁO the and confisfjri3tio|"'Í buffersin This variables) slobal i s MUMPS be wicroMUMPS, Since cBñ minimum used absolute for that a rid routinem uses buffer sµ¿3ce tQ ss"eed uf' acc: ess of süobals ¿3v¿3i1aLlle+ be when ¶len¢QrY slower execution will is less. This. Sives. TF'A. trjjtes. 49k. One. Partition. Buffer spaee. 4k.. 5 6k. *. ].. a. 2P. 4 te.. 9k. tloyµY or winchester disk drive0. Two. drives are recommended fcjr µertorn$¿3rIce 8í"dj hBck|jy0 MicroMljniµ!a c an Slobal ijse one drive for routines and the other for tilem recofTlw$erjded ccjrifishjration is to p1¿3ce the MUMPS interu'reter arid arid associated CF'/M uti1itiem p]lij5 MUMF'S routines on drive p1¿3ce Th jc; QtñiY the data base (GLOBALSóDAT) on drive B+ drive as5igrtmerlt described in the is perfor¶leri tjsing the ZD cQ¶f¶!2r¿d? User's M¿3rlljBly or can be yerRI2rÉerftly assisXied usirns thr SETMUMF'S A. A g. utilitm. Standard. distribution is µrovided 8 inch (CF'/M. sinsle sidecb sinssle distrihájtion formzt). 5. inch ".inssle Aw'ñe with Z80. 5. inch. on. sinsi£le. or dotjb1e sQttcarcj densitrs. the. foljowinsj. densitt-s. sidedy. floF·Y"!3. do|jb1e. disk-. derjsitY. fIoµpy for n5bc)rne I. 2. mediizC. floF·}»Y. f. o. r.

(6) Instdllation Mnual. MICROMUHF'S. CP/M. 2,2. Other. comF'atible contact us with. *. Standard. with Global There. I/O. 5Y5tems5. oµeratir]g 81"n3. r'roblems. termina1s?. MICROMUMF'S,. or. i'm3y. information. either prirlting. ulease. MicroPl'jmF·!3y. Mjñ on. thisó. or. uim. mav. he. usrd. ASCII format. stored as CP/M secu.ientiU itw'lications to this factn FirsM it is riot posst,ihen. files are ¿3re two. not. ihle to read si£lohals throuSh CP/M Seconcb kjsing the PIP command to copy tilem is rtecess8rY The MUMPS IOJ os"tion to suarantee comsinm correct be sYñtax as f'ollowM w»'ied tjsiñs. it. to use the slobUs must. PIP B:=A:6L0BALs,nAT[0] This F'rec3ljticlrl is riecessüY embedded characters tmt are. becBuse. these. interpreted. 3. tñj. files CF'/M. lTi¿38. 3s. have end of. file+.

(7) MICROMUMPS. III 1. Instruction. 8. Before proslrams. 0. the. distribtjtion F'IF'. such. as. Installation. for Instdl1ation. 5Y5texle is wise to make a backt.jy disk. T of he ir¡c1fjded disk.v on the text distribution M CP he t.jt.i1itie!;3 coyied tjsirúZ m"nj of the / disk mav Be 5fjrey howevem to use the IOJ oM.ion or I)ISKC0PY. ájsir6g amd. In. b. global. order to. 3. file. Usinsl. hackuµ therehY ecutinsf the then issue for datey tzsr"e of sYstem When 0. a. e>:. commandsn 4. FollQwir)g. +. GLOBAL.SóMT.. certain that 9olj have disk in drive that. 3 Run SETGLOB GLOBALS,Í)ATv. GLOBALS.DAT. a blank. files.. be. mount. filey. it. the. for the slobUs ti1ey 2. Manual. the. A. tw'irisS. its initiated for. bís. 3 Fí¿3¶. r"j¿3mev. the. clean ¿3nd. Y(Jlj ¿3cceptar$ee. Y. 0. ou. 35. additiorIB1 lar{g8usse0. 6. will of. no. g1obal. 1. :. i3. i3. Wf2Y. secíuence. in t he aL'comµar!¥irtg illustrated nd ljr9deT'lirfe(: the comm3nds Sy. n". F'rintoUt+. such. hut. create. MUMF'Sy TBpe disk (created L)y Steµ The3hove)y MUMPS iriteruretem szstem will F·roR|yt sism-oñ messa9e includinsí the version wid F'ronqµt Yotj '::'·' aF'F"earsy büiri to enter. Validation I)ialo9 li5tihgq tw'e in check that the resmjnses you receive are simil: 5. of the. vermion. SETGLC)[{.C0My. to those. i3. in the. wish to test b fetj programs sent with the sísstem ("FORM!)) g and the FORMS Itemo sYsteRl to ssai rj MUMPS 3nd the with famiiiaritjj with this yer5ion fh8!sl. LEXICON. If yoij. yojj Ush to reconfUure the sYstemy ig recommended SETMUMPS ori the objet: code y a separate that run cof'y of disko Follow the rather than the dicbtribution instrijctiorcs µrQvided with SETMUMF'S as described in the Utilities yQrt: i(jr"$ crf this documentatiorn 0. T. CF'/M. d3tey sYstencsn. o. it. this syste¶k has been. iK5F'lemer5ted. on. t. mmiv. different. tj5ing larsle arA small disken Winchester drives cmd L)y mams YC)fj other µeripherals are distributed manufacturers. encounter than sYstem to run (other difficulties in gettirfg this those qr i n : coF'yir¡Eí to different sizes formats)y ñease F+ repQrt these "rob1ems to Richard ljalteren rleµt Electrical ¿3r|d Compfjter Erlsineeringy Ur8iversity cjt Californiay ñavis CA 95616, Althouislh we do not provide comµ1ete suuwjrt 5ervicee\? we will do what, we C'c3h to s>hipKler¡t advice c)tu offer helwful cujr is in errom to repl¿3ce the disk.. If. if. 4.

(8) MICROMUMPS. IV. Conversion. of Old. Installaticm. MUMPS. Mariúdl. GlobaAs. new with e3rlier slobal file struct{jre is not compatib1e versionm In order to convert earlier 91ohals to t he correct format for the current versiom YOlj c.hotj]d do the fo11owirlg: The. the. i. .. Usir'lg. globals. 2. Usimsi. yotjr. s'·reviotj6. new the restore the sslohals in Yotjr will need to use different .. versiorí of. MUMF'M. version (4.0) of' new. GL0BALS+DAT. disks for the two. 5. do. KUMF'Sg. "7.MGS. do. file0 GLOBALS,IMT. Note. t-cj. ":. ave. "7MGR. tmt filem. to. you.

(9) MICROMUMPS. USER'S. Department & Computer. University Davis,. Stephen. MANUAL. of Electrical Engineering of California CA. L.. 95616. Johnson. Jeffrey Taylor Richard F. 'dalters. October,. 1983.

(10) 'QICROMUMPS. Table. User'. s !4anudl. of" Contents. Page. 1. Introduction Special 9eatures of 7eatures Specific Language. Extensions. Global Files Error. ¶,. to. Messages. 2. I'IICRCMLNPS CP/l'!. Operating. System. 8. 9. 11. 12.

(11) User'. t·4TCRCMLMPS. :3. l'{anua1. Introduction MUMPS has been iinµlementcd on version of Standard dc8C/Z80 microcomputers operating under the CP/N Operati n;-j TÍÚá3 system. in part by the Veterans research has been supported Ja!')an , Nagoya , Systems Laboratory, Administratiorí, the MUMPS Med Center Shared Systems, for ical the Lister Hill National oí7 Biomedical Communications, the National Library of Kedicine, and TmFlrovt!rnents the University of California. to the system have been by many individuals, contributüd notably john Althouse and J . .Lt 'de.sley London. 13 by the 'Jniver.sit'/ ót" Cleveland in di3tributed MUfi!43 Japan 'Jsers Groups of" Europe, Davis by and California, the and Brazil. /\. In. sinjjle. user based. MICR0P!UPtP3. its current version,. AXSI Standard implemented on. applicable few. a. evailable. P1ICRCMU?·1P3. includes all commands of the $'!-1OROLOG versions. is a clock or t liner i ;;. sim,,;!e user where 3yst.e(ns,. to. and undergo modifications to changes have been introduced since the . undergone and the performance has version, released in Ui79, itnproveIfjents. The pr og ram with no drarnatie is distributed of" accuracy, has been extensively although testcd juarantees and bas i s . continues to be evaluated and refined on a regular suspected arc· ur ged Recipients to report to the errors and any enelosin¿ a µrintout of the suspected error comments that íríight help pinpoint the cause. imgrovements. i. contiüuing. s. first. l4any. it. distributer,. Thi s manual describes extensions to the MU!"IP3 langua)-{e that are Some exteusions hav e bec'tt included in the do8o/z80 versions. added language conform changes sed pr opo since to in the to acceptance Some (e.g., of the 197"/ Standard string subscripts). special are capabilities: available at tliú micro- computer level also described in this manual.. Initiating. É·ÍICKMUMPS. To enter the !4LMPS interpreter, begin by tQrr)iní.: on the machine C!'/M in the method and usualy employed for that system (modes of loading arid CP/M systems Then tnay vary) . "¥LMPS", arid be When type the interpreter loaded. loaded, proínpt me3sage the interpreter for date, give an and then give a prompt identifyin¿; itself", ">", which is repeated each time the interpreter is awaitin6' further input from the user. MUI4PS has 'jéen configured for auto execute mode using the 3ETMUMPS then the cornrnand entered during setup be executed See S£TMUMP3 prompt. instead of the dooumentaticn for more irífomraticn on auto execute mode.. ií]itiatir)g. initializing. will. If. utility,. initial. 1. will. line. initial. will. utility.

(12) ;qícR0: 4?jy}'s. Usíer's. Manual.. c].!airi t.áiLL once HALT cm u, and tht' mcmitor /\1 liAL'í ways ex't, usiíY, the assume control of the sy»tt·[íl. ccimnand and allow the system to rewrite modified É',>bal CI'/M. Tiíes before returniri¿ cmtro!. to 'L'o. exit. MUMPS,. type. ali. Special. of. 7"eUures. !'!íCRC!MUMP3. now includes all the features V3á3 proposed for irjc]u3iDn ir, the AN?, features are: lqIcRalqUlv1p:. 3. to 3tandard standard . These. added. MUMPS. function, p. 7. Subscripts: See $(JRDÉR VALUE" the syntax Sit $P1EfE(X,delim,n)="NE'Á NEW VAL'JE X. establishes as the nth piece oí variable $ASCII(expr1,intexpr2) on returns the $A3CII function the cxpr1 intexpr2th 2!)ara2ter of $EXTRACT(exµr) the first character oí the value of returns String SET. expr. $?1ECE:. .. $JUST!9'. Y. now. ineluc>s. a. 'leading. zero. in. front.. fraetions, ' $LENGTPl(ex?r1,exÉ)r2: of gives the number expr2 ex;m1 titnes occurs in $"IEXT(+0) rd: urns the name cif the routine match: ?attern Uterríatimg forms permitted READ Á//n reads up to n Uaracters, terminatini;. o. f. 'Jecirríal. non-overlapping. at. n.. In addftion to permitting strinj" mbseripts, decimal subscripts í'íote that the eo!.latin¿ are also allowed in ?'UCRCNCYF'3, ordcr by t'"te YUMP3 specifieíi Feveioynent Committee "canonical treats numbers" a3 s;)eciaj. cases, separati ñ: í them from other number,s and 3ee the sectiou or Language alphanumerie strings. bxtensions for further details on t!": is topic. Adherence. to. Portability. Requirements. of. tl'ie. NJMPS. 3tandard. l4tM PS adheres Tñis version oí' Stanckzrd to or exceeds all1 X 11 provisions specifiec' in t.)art III of' t.P¡.D ANS I '3tandard . 3triri;; vari.a5les may be up t.cj 255 characters ivi leR!7,th, numer ic µrec.isioíí is maintained to rúne sigknitic¿"an': digits, n'-Ámb("rs in be excess can of It-) rain: ed to the 25th power represented, smbsoripts may be arbitrarily long, etc.. 2.

(13) User'. MICR0MU,·IPS. I{rjplell}erltati("-){). s. Features. Specific. The ANSI Standard XII. 1 reser'vt!3 language This s3ectiorl elements. which some of those features Eave 1. Direct. .. eutry of routine. Hanual. of'. MICR()MU'·1P!.3. for t.he implementor a number de3cribes briefly the manner been treated in MICROMUMP.S.. of". in. lines.. MUMPS. by direct commands, processed can be executed as soon as they are typed, or by executing stored routines. provision must mad e be for the entry of command lines that can be stored as In MICROMUMPS, routines. the TAB character (control - I on some keyboards) is aseíi to signal the start of' a command line that i s The Tab character should be to be stored in the worksj: ece. and Sef'ore of' any, positioned after the label, the appearance a The Tab characters echoe3 the first executable coínrnand. as (a chan¿',e from space earlier versions) .. if. inserting new command lines into text, they are placed immediately in front of the eurrent text pointer which is then updated Language to point after the inserted I ine. extensions that permit maniµulation of the current text pointer are described iri the section on laRé,: uage extensions.. When.. When. a. routine is entered combination of. may be any. 2 .. from one. an editor, or' inore tabs. the linestart character' or spaces.. Control Character Functions number. A. of special charaQter3 are interpreted by MICROMUMPS to provide actions similar to those encountered in the CP/M operating These characters are: 3ysteln. Control- A information typed to next carria,;e return is not echoed . When executed ("ontro]-- C interrupt execution. while in dirmode, r'ect execution is halted and control remains in direct [['lo(je. When a routine is bein;,; cmeeuted, the user returns to direct mode, but can cor·tinue execution of the routine by typing ZGO. A second Control-C will abort the routine and return to direct mode. Control- G talk-through mode. Everything typed until the next Ctl-G i s transmitted directly to the output port , inf"orrnc'.timi received from the port is echoed to screen. 7ñ.cf Control- li backspace delete character P echo Controlto printer Control- S I)aLáse outpat. Resume by typing any character from screen Control- X rernove lint", erasirw, it backspace echo rubout pointer, deleted character.. 3. BREAK .. The. In. ANSI. this. and. ZGO. standard version,. Commands does BREAK. not specify completely the BREAK : my be entered with arj argument "I. command.. list,. and.

(14) L.iser' s Manual. MICROMUl-iP8.. is. which may. Thi s message' out when the i)REAK is encountered. BREAK comínancl of' the to icient j-f'y the location cotnnrnand lines. feature that is neipt"ul in (jetjugí: ing. typed used. be. invoked,. a. command by a BREAK execution t'ctllowiñg interruption is ZG(J oommarid, ti'hich picáxs by the lid routine execution at the µoint at whic!": it was s\}3µer}dE3[i. Return to accotaplished. u .. The. the. !í£Alj. '. and. WHl'i'E. ";. A//íí. HEAD. Standard ' syntax of"oí this special interpretatioc. Xtj14?3. READ. contained in the. 8ugl"e3tiDr'. *. :·mms. permits. command. ?rogra:nmer'. user. In s. definition of. l"flCRCMLMPS, the Reference Manual. used to itnµlmcnt: siri,;le oharacter is followed , and for use in those !jrograrn3 where sIngle character Input is ar: vu": i':': When applications. requireínent d f certain important HEAD coinmand by an asterisk, followed returns a encounterí: the it iGCTI code which single equivalent of the character i s the * Note that character entered from the keyboard. the READ command does not pcÍ",cí typed the character to the screen. .HEAD. 13. a. RÉAI). A//n, w7,ere n is a number o characters to be read, will cause the READ to be terminated either when n characters have been typed tgmed, This form of the i"tEAD command or when a carriage return ANSis MUMPS. is a new feature of 19d3 HEAD. 5.. $S'ñ"RAGE. The speoial variatjle3 $STC)EAGÍ returns a number retnainin¿, number of' urrused bytes éi'f storag,e in the system.. 6 .. 'jÍÉ\Ñ. V íÉ'/\i. 13. values follows: C) 1. :. '. 9 li. 7. .. C'. equivalent to the o!" the worksµace. Command irnµlemeritecl u, zhrough. with The. a. single. meaning. argument oÍ' these. that may h .3\/' e the values is deíined as. returns a List of loca! variable names ami values subscripts and values of" returns locaZ varia5lc names, iocal sa5scrigted variables a Global Variable !Ca7Fe3. returns list ¿z ret,urrís'. on disk íim of =: PS routines C í'_/j·¢ a .j .t" (ji?"¿:'ct.[)ry ¿i l mturas files on d r iv '" l 3 snc'cif"ieg á: rcmt§ne 'jr".i'/".. llAl'lG artd. Timeout. functions. command permits a pause of" sy: 'ciCieci nu{F)t}er oí" secorxis. Likewise, various coromarids such as EZA!J allow for a timeout i n Sinc: e trtost. systems clo not have' an the saí:ie urtE ts . external. cLock, it is necessaiy te" implement these features using a countdo: m algorithm which is c}ep{"r}dE-jr;t on the internal cycle t: íníe cjf T!uz. !tARG. ' 'uP.

(15) User'. MICR')MU!4PS. 3. Manual. The system . supplied with implementation the this uo U,YHZ a are clock and the timing features documentation uses Since system. based other on the internal cycle times of that systems may run at different speeds, the precise time of the HAÍ.IG command may vary. (J. //:. OPEN .. OPEN. (. parameters). allows. ass-ij;nment of The device assignments. file3. . (J3E. and. 2 3 u 5. OPEN. is If specification, OPEN. currently. with either 1 parameters are ij'nored.. invoked. command specifying (D,UVE: FILENA!4E).. syntax ¿enerate an error. quoted constants. OPEN. These. For. necessity for specification. also be used .. valid. now CP/M. existing command. is: O?EN. Tnereafter, end . CP/M. See. 5. a3. the. device. the of the disk files requires parameters will to specify parameters may be string variables or one. two example,. CP/M TEST.ASM. both marks and quotation parentheses variables have been previously set, X="A" For example, and Y="TE5T,ASM", number. 3. If. file. the. if. the in this they may then the Note. 3: (X:Y). syntax for. lQicroMUMPS. or. railure. command OPEN. mode). 3: ("A":"TEST.ASM"). will assign to device. a. and. the primary input device (CP/M prir]ter (CP/M listin¿ device) CP/N disk file CI'/M disk file Cl'l: -': disk file 3erial Yort. (C?/M Reader/Punch). 1. is. disk devices and available in OPEN, CLO3E. I/O. are:. O. An. different. th.L3. permits. file.. The. command.. addition of a record at the end of an syntax for this variation of the OPEN. 3: ("A":"FILE.EXT":"END"). any records written to that file are added at the description of the USE command for random read/write of. files.. In order to use the remote device it necessary to provide for a 3tatus check on the HDR device (each device has a status port and a data port) . The routine should return the Z-flag set when no data and the NZ set when data are available are present, to be a read . n few exa{í)ples which Following are of ways i the status port can be sc't:. it. 5.

(16) Ü3éY"'S. '·1ICRQ!4LM?3. (TR300. Shack. Raciio. Port. A. IN ANI. F 6. :. II). -i>iel. Por't lid. B. 37. ANT. 1. 1. PET. RET. To. Manual. ttie routine. set. orí. a. new system,. the. u sie. command. following. 3equence: A>DDT. MLNP3. CCM \'ER3 2.2. DDT í'4EXT. PC. AO-O1) (Hemember these numbers: address of the status routine: the the address is 8D76 assemble at tjO76 for this is the status port address on t'!}2 j'i7380 mod. AOOO. 0100 106 -D 105 01QF 76 tit) -A8IJ7Ó 8D76 IN " "/ A?'!Í 1 dD78 RET 8D7A 8D7B -^C A>SAVE. There use and. 153. are you. it, insert. g. port. 13. II. Just type return tú terminate new code to CP/M ;nurnber of CP/N pages to save starting A()--G 1 for at note different name is used . this versiom It can be renamed late: '.. back. 74Ul'4PSX.CO!'l. In. ¿"(j. bytes available for the 3tatus routine. find out which is the status µort QC that value where F7 appears above. mus:. //:. CLO3E .. 105-106. t. order. your. U). systetn. opti.ons. CLOSE. refers to the 3áiñe file's and devices specified in OPEN and The two options availaiñe are C) (close ári.i describeci úbove. 1 and and (purge the file lock the file, close it). Fer example,. U3E,. jj;(j (closes. CLOSE. and. saves. t!-ie. file specified. as. device 3). 2: 1 (erases the file referred to as device 2) 'iefaulc value (if no í'\umber appears after the colon) Sá3 to the File in the fÚÁ3túS it was in wheü ¥',MPS use of the file started (a new file i-s deleted, an old file retained). CLOSE. The Leave. 10. //í. USE .. :. arg"'. ínstrnct-s U3it spec'i£i«'!. eacl and write r (is!:. The. ijSíi. devices quential. 2,. file, ;or. tnte7"fac2 to uutp'Sj to tht" cof¡jiílan[.js to Ue cut":. dircct. U}l-? 1. ,"itrerts. I/G pr4. file. to the ntzr, IJ3E specified,. ?. device/filr. re!1'renccs etc .. corrmand u sed has several variations can be 3 data at the encl of and Lj to perMt aµ!-)endine: e and acce3sir}¿ records in a rand om. tmt. filsequential. a. directly. fi.lc, 6. a. with seCP/tt.

(17) MlCROP1Up1P3. User'. s. Manual. 2: "ÉN!)". USE. the file pointer to the end of the current data at that ?oint. This option should only be used existing file has been opened.. will. move. file. when. and a. Files must first be deolared outside l'iljl4PS procedures. Individuals who are not familiar procedures should not attempt to use this feature. file exists, the syntax. CP/M standard CP/Y. Random. these random. add. preusing wi tb When. a. 2: n. USE. n is the sector number to be read, so that the next REM' or that location sector. An alternate syntax,. where. U3E. will. '8RITF.. the püiriter to is of the desirej. move. 2: n:m. READ and WRITE byte of the n-th sector. mode, extreme are permitted in this actions but care not to over flow the existing file structure is required . In general , who is for the advanced programmer thi s option is intended only al."eady familiar with CP/M. Potential hazards of its misuse include unknown errors when the user attempts to write past the end of a random Ci?/t·f file and ciisruption of the addressing when a sector is overflowed.. addresses. 11.. the. $X. SET. and. m-th. SET. $Y. dependent Frequently, formatting in screen i s desirable, it $Y $X and special variables to conform routines , to redefine the write to new locations of the cursor after tervninal-specific sel'jicroNíUl4PS have been executed. quences uses the same convention that has been adopted by 3everal commercial versions of Standard $X MUMPS and $Y may be set by the user, who must write special - to accomplish routines this function, Version u.o now supports this feature. 12.. WRITE. (without. arguments). 1'4U!'ÍP3 (!J3M, commercial ISM systems etc .) use WRITE a In order to arguments as way to view local variables. make use of MicroMLMPS ind as convenient as possible for those WRITE with no viduals who use these versions, we have implemented arguments The to perform exactly the same function as VIEW O. of variables is displayed, but subscripted values are not. 3everal without. i-. list. displayed. .. r".

(18) User's. MICROMUMPS. Features Specific. C?/M. to. háanual. Operating. System. has neen taken to minimize the dependence on be must CP/M However , certain function operating system, the which performed by an operating system: include these functions, terminal and disk I /0 are described primarily tho se involving below.. A. jreat deal or care. 1. Terminal I/O. in the current version to BIOS Calls for I/O have been ccmvertecl i3!)CS Thi s change than permits calls referencem rather irrcerruption of execution by trapping special control characters as described earlier in tÍÜ3 manual. (OCH) Formattini" output control characters include the Form Feed CR/LF and new line the conventional for new pa¿e or clear screen, characters specific to difTerent start characters, OtEer special WRITE *nn where nn is the decimal devices may be output vsirig the I\SCII code. value of an appropriate. For. example. to position. the cursor. orí sorne. *27,"Y",'31+X,"31+Y ; output coordinates with displacement,. WRITE. 2. Serial. CRTS. ECS. you. would. sequence,. enter then. X. it. Port I/O. and Ouput of data on a 3eríal Line otMr than the 3y3ten) In put v"ersj.or! 3uµported console is of MIcRoMLjMp: ;. The facility in this 1'D')S ed usinjz is provid the eal.l3 for the CP/M Header/Punch device3 as described in the CP/M documentatiün. It may be CP./IQ STAT make use appropriate to other to necessary or utilities IC) 3yte assigments for these devices. It is also necessary to set the speea and character length outside MIME'S. Note that at higher baud since interrupt is possible to lose ctíízrmters, rates handling and buffering is usually nen provided in the BlOb for this device.. it. 3. CP,/M. Sequential. File I/O. MICROYÍJMPS provicie3 three devices that allow of CP/M sequential ASCII files, The usr: , REM"' and WRITE eotümands operate like the SO? files provided by DSM-11, A from the beginning. except that the f'ile can only be accessed MUMPS CNTRL/Z single is retmrned routine when a CP/M End ta the of File 13 deZectecj on readm This facility is useful f'or writi-nñ; MUM?S rc.utimes or globals', for' backup and for interface to otivím ~ r languages Exa'tipies word of' .js2 of these DrocessFjr3* devices or . %ZRS 'XZBU be found routinL?s and can as well as the routine in the editor %EDIT.. describe': i above, reading and writiñ7. As. 8.

(19) íqIcR0]qUypsb. Z-Comrnand. User'. Yanual. s. F:. xten3ions. be can provides a means whereby the language I/O and take features not of other to fully care The ¿;eneral provision is to allow new specified in the standard. command s beginning with Z to be included in any implementation. MICROMUMPS Z exterwions are Urnilar to or identical to D3M and ISM comparable commands. In one or two instances, minor differences Users ex 1st. familiar with Ds: q, ISM, or with earlier versions or MICROMUl4PS should note these language features carefully to avoid potential confusion or misuse. 1·JUMPS The Standard extended in order. :3ZCOUNT. returr)s. ZD(ELETE) command. <fhatne>. is different copies of routines.. number of Can be used. the. GLO13AL3.DAT. problems of. overflowing. will delete from. the. ZE(RROR) <argument> When a BREAK been set , the error message displayed (pointer to command, arguments, control pass argument .. will. $ZG(LO!3AL). ZI(NSERT). line, line.. ,. one. and. File. ISM method. di sk. of deleting. from. is encountered, and ZERROR giving location of the error label plus offset). If ZERROR in to the entryref"routine. Thi s d. isk has. i. s has. the. (+n)>. in3erts the string before the the line pointer just past the newly format of the <string> may be one of the. and The. moves. (. space) command line" command line a where var previously defined two above. of the oµions. "label "( space) VAR. routine. in any. returns the drive name on which globals are currently located. It is useful in program mode to manage files when multiple disks are used. <string>: <label. specified inserted rollowin{',:. a. DSM. free blocks available in pro,qram mode to 2vert allocated global area.. is. string. conforming to. listed. Note. that the quotation marks are required entered directly, and the line start character must. if. the string be. a. is. space.. ZL(OAD). <natne> placing routine from disk, - retrievesThe the named workspace. 13 end in the pointer set at the of the line it routine loaded.. Z1I(OVE. ). (without. Zl4. <label>(+ñ). ZM. :. argutnent:. s). :. moves. pointer. moves pointer +n lines moves to end. 9. to top of routine to label of routine. and. advances.

(20) User's. MCROMUMPS. $Zi¢(AME). returns. ZO(PTI0N) ZD ZD ZD. Manual. displays. current. routine. name. and. routine. of current. global drive. names. routine drive to drvl routine to drvl, global drive to global drive to drv2 ZD "ij" places routines on drive B ZD ("C.": "A") place3 routirje3 on C, globals that the quotation marks are required. drvl (drvl: drv2) (:drv2) '"xample: Note. changes changes c}'lané'es. returns the next full global subscript after the argument specified. Example: assutne that ^A(2), "A(2,1), "A(2,3j,i), command line: are defined. The MUMPS. $ZO[RDERJ(args). 3ET Xd'"A("""")" would write. FOR. 1=1:. 3ET X=$ZO(É?X). 1. Q:. drv2. on. A. reference ^A(3). and. X·"". W. X,!. ^A(2) "A(2,1) ^A(2,3,1,1) "A(3 ZP(RINT). Z P. *. ZP. <label. ). arguments) (P may be used. (without. µrints entire routine without ZP, as in DSM) prints prints. (+n)>. <label1 (+n1)>; label2. ZP. <!abel (+n)>:. and. n2. lists all lines label to the. that pointer' .. Note. ZPRINT. ZX(2MOVE). does. (withcut. by by. (n) lines (+n2)> prints all lines between and including the lines referenced by label1 and label2 as modified by ni <labe1>,. ZP. current line the line specified optionally offset. not c<féct the arguments). the referenced of the work space. from. end. position. delete3 entire. of. the. routine. l ine from. workspace Z R ZR ZR. ZH. '<label. deletes current lir,e deletes line specified by label and offset. <label1 kn)>: !abel2 (+u)> deletes all jÁñé3 between and including íabe!1 and label2 (plus offsets) <label kn)>uieletes ali lines f'rorri specified label and íjf'fset to end of routíne. $ZR(C'JTINE) ZS(AVE). (+rú>. returns (without current. the drive. name. for routines.. arguments) saves the ($ZNA¥E) name assigned. 10. routine. See $ZG.. with the.

(21) iqIcHÜMUlqp: 3 U3qy"s. Z S. <name>. saves. routine. with. Manual. name. assigned.. Global Files o order to increase executiorí speed by reducing the number f (a major delay on floppy d isk systems) , in-memory isk seeks A used . in are buffers disk directory bit map i s retained Thi s and updated each memory, time globals are added or KILLED. b a system essential key to the global files. If it map is an before been has written to the bit map directory failure occurs disk, serious degradation of the global files may occur, usually previou: íLy set . resulting in the loss of one or more variables For this reason, 13 important to minimize the potential effect given of this loss by followiny, one or more of the suí?,gestion5. In. d. it. below.. One. either update. to update files online is to use the ZOPTION command in Invoking ZOPTION will force direct or indirect mode. and execution may continue normally. of the disk,. way. to or other software mechanisms protect against failures may be used as in all systems. Occasional use of the global dumper utilities (see section on programs) e backup prov also id for checkpoint will utility sensitive file. Backup. files of transactions, power. To maximize. data base performance, the GLOBAL3.DAT file should be and ideally should be created at the beginning of an empty disk, and the only file on that disk. This avoids file fragmentation which positions the file near tbe CP/N directory, i s accessed when random disk I/O forces a directory change lookup to extents. IMPORTANT: At the end of each PIUMP3 se3sion, exit) so that the µ,ÍLobal with a HALT (normal are written to disk. Failure to do so. will. file.. 11. you. must. buffers corrupt. exit. in the. MUP4P3. memory. global.


(23) MICROMUMPS. UTILITIES. Electrical. and Commster Engineering UniversiGs of California n8vis? ca 95616. Octobem. 1983.

(24) UTILITIES. MICROMUMPS. SETMUMPS.COM. CordUuration. - InterF'reter. assembbs 1arlgljase that allows you to The SYstem mmmeters that can be modified the the b re space partitior( size (which indirectly determines CP/M o 8nd drive available routine sKhal buffersg default r f messasle 3ssisnment «1oba15y and error ti1ey f o r routirles9 lansuase messases)n (é+SÜ messües revision of error for foreiAn c1e8r screen and the faciiitY tor an auto execute WiOCKo. SETMUMPS.COM. To. dialoá. an MUMPS. a. tw'e. usm. SETMUMPS. below.. s"arameter When. Y. and follow instructions as shown in the e ac"h cAll be Mven owtions to charisse the with current de'fbult also provided.. ou. listecb. auto automatica1Hi Auto execljte. euestion. startm mMe to. jjtiiitY. is. reconfisure. execute. mode. exam'le's. illustrate different. MUMPS the interureter predetermined starts executink routine se@uence0 mode e>:ecute is set up bís tYs'iriss Yes to the éifjtO MUMPS when Then enter the command(s) to execute Án"j time corstrol would retljrr[ to direct mode 3ñ exit is CP/M.. The tollowins prompts:. is. éjseci. response5. to. U. A: "G;.C!l,'.lT¡l..l:I"|:'.,. Eiiter Enter TR-M,. Is. '. (-;T'j.'.'E?. of'. "U'"ic!. "f'titi(?l"'; iz.: i::e leé'ies ?3q2 í:'}!dt..E"!í.. th.zí't. er¡o|.jZh. .c:t:)M ;..: to (.:'!'],Zll"[,..!{.:.!: l:.É:íKii:( 0:.1)()() :' ?. í: hx Q()'": ri 'f"í: u"' ::8 l. {j j;: r' 2k t: t.- i ri e? e:" Ti d. i'4'...!Mf"g|:. ;".'¿i:. T'C]: ::t;7|. i-. ':V.'I'·!). rmt.er. zle'fUíult. Uüb.zj.. Éf"$tt'ír. t: ¿;z'"r2,fjlt. rc)!.l't".r: :'·. default. error'. a ',. hu. 1' "S"e? ":" '.L.. ',,:. /:.lrj.'.,"2. (i?) :. ( IS :' : !'\ dr'i'«'íz !7íe;i'3¿;: zt('" ciri'.'É' { A :' : Ertter· " y ,/ j'l n Cl 'dQij t,j3r'$t 4l": 'T."~3g(" t' i 1l' !"c"1já?g c'r\: ""Tizip tu thü : C'.jrT'E'r;'!'.lz s.±.riru8 (dk=C·i{T: 126 -·'··the '"·.c"·r'ééri iÉ ¿:l:' 7E :¿ldE?ciiTl?l) jp: ···"" (h=: [Iq 'dü!j Yjcwit te: ch¿¿.l"¡g.: E'"! .i. t. ? ( Y ," I'! ) '..: c: !"\ar'c?c"'tE'r':-. :1, Huh l'¿j¿zrj!'F i.ri t.hcz zit.;'jj"";"$"' aí'reeí'i I') ¿j 'l'. '"lee" 1": :' 1 : '? r' ': l'"! Ex' C: ' j .3] Ente j '""" " r a c:" y? t' {: ""iE"::'."""¶é?:'i:í[al z:' ""'. ürro". clezr'. r". c!ezr. (:. |jrrel"¡1u] £ t ii (" ¿': íj t n -·- {'J ': , t;'- i: ' ; t. i, YCJfj uemt to L:'r]g,.:lt\,t7 (::'(:klÍ|lTl:.,:l'::':.!e, tt-: M!J6ÍF'É Ei"ttér ti It "'li L Ítc?. The ¢L: '·. l""iéLí. c:. (jr¡f"isSur.;3tiQr:. Ü't. t""';:jq'ls[¿2t't'"'l. i"'. ', y ,"' t: :' d.t: :. i. 'L'. tjr'[r!t'.-"r"! :'A'"t|. '..:. ¿::..i"L-:::·-·{.:·..:Y?í(:."..;'!'.(::'. MUMPS. j. iz-. 'ii.L'.'je': "!. :",. SETMUMF'S.

(25) i. !.., i:.' i;,.;;;' ::ii:'. ':::.. l !', l'-,. l.j r' j. 'V' t:. l:. :. t,t: r' "ití·u". "}[:. "!' i3. ¿zt. h tt'.' 'í' E:.r'i"l:er. t. i:. th. :,.de3r|'t. b:í::l:..!. one. ::"'it'úr urie. l::".jT'T"'E:"·}'"}'ldl3. 'the 'Ááñt,. 'dC)'-!. !7' l"i 'I: (."' t'. !1(1. 'LMZ'. 1he. j. l'"'.!:'. i. (he:. Ú:"'t.E':"'. IE). dt:. :. tm:. e. (Á. t. t. ). ". t:'. :. 1": 1.. y. /. i"! ). le. {"|3Kl2?. I-! E' t:,! E j':; F: S. ,.. i. ':. V"|·|j. ':. fjl C) '!". ·'" "" "" "". 1 ;;¡ O C:. ',.:. 'tric':,ú'. g:. SL: ":"l"7'e'r|. (:.$e(::ilTja:L). or or. t"'.¿ec'ilT|ci?1. i': ,. '2 12nS. "' "-). '2 ': '. '-· ·-'·. "n: t. II. 2?. ¿:;t.j'l:(}""F"::(z'C}.l'l)E'I. í;i. ('í'/Ñ). :.:. t1L!MF'S. c)í'. l: '".:'l'"ú"":. !.. \ 'G (I1('"í: ""il\'i,:";"l {t'"}e: ·:acie'Hri.{I;c:::t:·'. '!" 1 !'"1g. í: 'c:A;|r;zr'}d (. it?. j.sf'..lr'¿i?t,lQ|"'i. : .í].(:l?:.)Z:. !T{esgi: 3:·i("' .2sse 'T: :.!.(:,':. (vIi'!) clear. '?. °íl7{n1u"f'i£. íle'te. á"t"id. e'·y"'y'(".){"'. :¿2n:,secj.:T1:??l.. lt. :::. 'i':C':'"O. ::í. d ':" :¡. 'V' t::'. i'::(·;'C"[jtE:'. c:r}.zEr'l!zE·?. t.cj. 11""("'·. (í'}e: :3':iec:im¿?l. ¿!J4¿Cl··-·{:. &':. (4Ci'"',";. mezi.s:. U"1c·). r't. {::!'kiil|"}'.{t:::. '..:. ','. it.?. i. '... \1. :'í:'ut. "'. g c' r"c' '"zri. C;t'"i"·f'"·""f-"s. t.o. l'iélj cont'. :. e!"r(: :tr. g .L c' :':' :'. MljPí!"!3'. U}¿3r: '!.:. 2c)u. f'. the. c: l"|3Y"':?ct.(2:' c"r)(¡gf"¿i:. Iuj. l"iE'Nj. to. l:. ,'. t: ' "r'. (::1")¿?rt:ife. (":i""le?Y'¿i:(""t.E·:'["2;. l7j.¿|: 'l';; t:! {. c::. i"i. ( ';. l? í:í iii. .í: 'tíi"! t:\'.,"!'Éd'::. e O · ro{..:t.:j.:'"!e cjT"j.Vé s:'"' r' r O 7' xi c) i;: : : :: Lq e. for. ! s. L'";:,.:t.'2É::. ::ái )}. u ¿i :ii ].. t.Íj. l"l¿:i:l'i|e. r' t" '2 !", 'L. Er"ít. l. azrit. Lritt: n'. H{"jía. u. iefi3'-:i'¿. !,3c)i.j. !)Ü. f. r t.. rit:)'f"¿'::].'[. r. l. u. z'L: :e. ef'ic)uz'.í|"t ¿i. ttL!MSú2. !.- ;'i t:;. !,3'17S. "'¿3'je':. '::1 'e. F i"¡"i; ¿fp. Í!u. f'. "ü::r'titicm. "!' '¡"i j' ".. Etí""i. i.}. is. ?zi3veí: f. A :'·. :: t':"t,:ímm:"'"i. }"'··3.{'·"t.'i'tic!°'!. l!:¡'"jt.E?'r. .l'"í. z.:. '?""4Eí: "·'. !E'r¿"".d'eCZ. 1"hút.. thct erIa|jzh. (::h3rl!.lí!:. ML.\[qf"Eí,.;22M t.cj L:j'dteg2 "i (5Cf'5(): ): t:.:e |: |'-:t(:-\c arid f'úr' 7'C-)|!"!j'i;"f('.-!. 't!"ie. drive of. Eí"it.er. i:. i:: QI':)'.;',í,, "!"!Ci'"l¿;'j}. :. ': Y. ' I'! " " d:'-ive (A). : "rmri. :: c;ef¿3Ll].t ': 'r·T::\t.j't-j.l"'¡:?;? í'C' :. ¿) !!ir'}tp(2r deí'¿2.L!1t j. : ':f [::i(·:·jt2t-¡1"t. E: "i Le : i;: 2 lh €2 " :·7 LI ue ' r v i? (It) r ;"jr " 't, ('\ '"'$e '7"' "the : "' }"1 wz'r·t mes"u"'iíe c?rr'(: ñtj ': cv: 'l' i '! ('? : (' Ci I:'" :",'t. l' }" ;"'G4fHE? r 1"'¡i"; .e (.. r :' ci r' fÍi(¿.'g;.'z¿s: 'ír.:'. Eríter. l"mffer':. :ii{l(:)Lj¿·g1. drive. ¿;. '. C: '.j. IÍc!. rre. t";. 't. ': íC'tj. l3 th w'iri't. !:':.',,|rT"'ü!i'"l't}.'.·! '::x)ü thEiF E.r'itét'· S !1' '"" "{ !Uí'!'. "TMZ. A ',"-. A>. r'it:t.j. :: :t e' :íí )"". "l" t). :.'"j"j. 2 :::'. ": "'iZé. r t': e {"i i. e:{..;'.::"I-"iL?):E?z:l..l'i:e. t.í"ií',:. u¿zñ't. Í)CÍ. i;f'. t.g. i::h¿?l_!:'!(.:?. t. 3. :i."U. 61Ui'-i!'"i.. í:'()lT}i7lí?.i';:.:|?4. í";"·. :!. gj)'.). Ii. 2 (. y. t. ;'. i. ,,-' {"t :'. r'i S:. {r\¿':. Lc). cjf. is:. urlde"f: il""¡e':.\. ·,.:. ;.'t..l'l..E.: ·--c?::e(:::l.j"t.(:-). MfjM"ú'. r. "' ,. (de: .:i[TL¿?:L) :t3deciKlF;].). '"" '":!" 'f l'"",;"f'. !::'::)¡"\TiZ{!..lT',Z:!:...i{\l':. r. ("). rl¿: mE3'?. r,. C"QRliTi¿!: f"¡t:!. (Y,.·"l·!"'. i. tí. (?. 'tile r. i. t:i.. í:i- 3. '} (i? i"j. d :::. ( ";'. ! I'!. '). 'I:.. ·'"-'"---·0. 1?<!.. 7E. 2"" 1!·ií. '..'.

(26) FÍICRCNUMPS. SETGLOB.COM. -. SET(3LOB+COM. is. Global an. UTILITIES. File. BssemhlY. Initializ8tion l8ngUase. ((3L(JBALSoDAT).. 3ñ that creates When útitñitY SET(3LOB. tYpe. To use oríZY. tile enter the letter of the drive to µljt the a1readY the is exists an error messüe slohal file om file It the data from Note slohals th3t this utiiitY clears zll printed.. empty asked. mlobal. for. b. drivey. auestion is about theBr|dmaximum size of the sSlobal 8000. This vzlue must he between disk. file areof file. the size specified is U!oeated at this timm hut hitmar's and deallocate 5pBce within creúed to 8llow MUMPS to allocate CP/M (3LOBAL$.RAT handle files largeT than NQte: the can't file. 8 megBbYtes7sQ for now 8000 is the pr2ctic8l tjppér limit for this. b85e¢. The. next. A. 1. 5ize0 The. distribution disk is sufficient to file not he used when. cre8tirlS. Errors. This dlohal file cre3ted+ should ftjnctionsy íxjt it datat. a verts small MUMPS demonstrate 1)85. F'erm¿3ner¿t. the user attem'ts to write will hecjf generated if the warninM is issued Uohal limit file. 5 A. heYQr|d the when orílu 7. upper K is or so blocks are available (slishtKt over bwtes). the µgssib1e hut to continue writins to slobdLs 3t thie. timev he verw cautious about doins SOo should user is better to the m.irse or save existinS Slobal so that new d¿3ta c7ñ be accommodatecÁ. It. SAMPLE. RUKK. A>SET(3LOB. Which drive do you want the g1oh3ls on? Enter the ma>(imljm size for YoIjr sñobUs The slohal is initializecÁ. file. A>. a. file. (K-BYte5): 200. It.

(27) SHOW. routine to cjUMF out random yortions of a CF'/M ASCII exams'le of some of thr new features well i3s filein asmicroMUMPS, name arid drive Brfd asks for a included file so9 a record then checks to see the If if By enterins file is presentt a number hetween numher is reauestecA and the file Y>oiñt is 128 bM:e the 5t3rtirls at that size (in record5)y file dfjn¥ped out. Invalid record numbers are checked for. Instead of be tw'ecb a record numbem 3 RETURN cBñ and the dútw> will stzrt. at the sector after the prevÜjus dumm Enter or to SHOW. is. a. i3f"l. SHOW. O. Q. Cl. e>:. SHOW.. The. it. features found in Iiney smw+n start zt the second $ZR le: uhere an errer tr8p is enabled to l8he1 ERR. At ENTER+1y ú"">M to save the DR. current routine drive in variable t(.irive+ ENTER+2? a po5t ori ZD meuj charme the conditional routitíe The next line uses $ZE to test 'the existence of the to c$ump. file The D"P'F3 where device 2 next new featljre is found in the line at USEd be NS do the random read. At ENrly the is to at record to be charmed hack WMt ma"j was on entnw to routine drive to SHOW The error trappinsS at ERR at the endit uses the new form üf the error tr8p mes5¿3ge to determine 8r[ error 48 (invalid SHOW. A. 0. s"arameter). if. If. occurecÁ ki35 haeL soy the record number entered fjw39 nFes58ge iÉ a the In wfich case writtem is reeri¿3b].edy error Af"jy other and coritrol is Siven hack to the prosrBm0 error causes exit of the prÚram.. 1.

(28) TK. !jtilit4. TK The transfer routines form a sseneriEL pijm"ose send 8é"srj receive (with between MUMPS sYsteRls. Currenth will and retransmission) MUMPS h3ndshakir}gy error detectiom A p1arlrke{.i CP/M MUMPS SlObUSn 3nd ASCII files. routinem CP/M extension will also Mndle other (nonASCII) files. Without swstems arra chansem the utiÁitY run between two microMUMF'S that have the R[!R: arld F'UN: devices 3ssisr|ed tr an external serial line amd the inm-it status p¿3tch installed tor this external line. With onjns minor chansem routine and S1ob&L transfers cü3ñ be made between añ"j MUMPS systeK!s0. file. it. full. Mil. E>:. anw'le. with. usesA. Fo11owiris ari ouerwtor To. ::'Jj. is. a. samule. dialoSue. at each swstem. between. for transfers. sztstems. sencR. " TK. Are YCliü connected to the remote MUMPS sYstem i3s lío you wish to send or receive (R/S) ? S Sendirg routinesn sS1ohalsn or CP/M files (R/G/F) Ito Yotj want outsciins dzta disp13Yed (YIN) ? N Ck'tion -Enter the Enter the Enter the. AIJD. Ck'tion. LIST. --. ZM. routine r|8me: routine name: routine ni3me:. terminal. i3. ?. (YIN). ?. N. (YIN). ?. N. R. XPl. ZMO. ZMO. Ck'tion. ". Routine Routine Successful. "". ZM %PfO. beirm sent --- Sent heiris sent ---- Sent.. com"letion. .. jpN. To >0. receive:. " TK. Are you connected to the remote MUMPS sYstem I)q Eéñrj wish tO you or receive (R/S) ? R 1. bs. a. termirl¿31.

(29) ReceiviM rcjütinesn I)o. Yotj want ZFf. Routine Routine. inconlirlg. SlohUm or cKta. CP/M. disp1aYed. ?. files (R/(3/F) (YIN) ?. R. N. received --' Received beirg received -- Received. being. ZMO. completion. Successful P,D0 ,e. between. Followins is 3 sams"le diallQsue tor transfers with an operator oríiY at one of the nizchines. To >1). sYstems. 5end:. "TK. Are you connected as to the remote NUMPS ? sYstem S Do you wish to send or receive CRIS) Sendiñ9 routine5y silohalsv or CF/M files (R/G/F) Do you want outsoins data disµl8yed (YIN) ? N AI)L1 Ch"tion -Enter the slohal Enter the GLobal Enter the g1oha1. Os>tioñ. --. rlBme:. n3me: rlame:. terminal. a ?. (YIN). ?. y. ?. y. G. "%MU "%MTC. LIST ZMTC. %MU. 0ptiors. _". Global G1obBl. %MTC 7.MU. Successful. beinsl sent heinS r3erlt. Sent -- Sent --. colY!pie"vion. 4.. fP". T. >1). o. . rece"^ve:. "TK. Are 9ou 2Yonnected to the remote MUMPS sY"=tént i35 3 terminal (YIN) R Do you wish ? (R/S) send to or receive ? R Receivins routinem g1ob?lsy or CF'/M files (R/GIF) N Do \sou want incomim data ? disF'layed (YIN) Does remote site 81re3dy have süobal in slobal ^U (YIN) ? N. list. Enter ErCter. routine routine. r[an|e: rla¶Ée:. VU UUAC. m. c.

(30) routine name:. Enter. UV helms UVAC heing. Routine Routine Successful. received. received. --. Received Received. --. comHetion. %,, d". Commenteñ. cvjestion would he ansuered Yes (Y) cjñiY if there first cQrttrQllir¢g the entire yrocessy operator i.e. the MUMPS. The. is one MUMPS 8c't.ing as 3 terminal to another sY<tem is effectiveKt datz n§achirfe0 Ansuerins ties (Y) to 'Do you want incomirg disµl3yed?' will cause MA the data beircl transferred to Usc) disyl2Yed ijTÍ the screen,. be. sendinS d¿3t3 @ of rmjtinem sslobalm or files must UnfortkjnBte1yy this µ?ck3Se w35 develoued irkdeperÁdertt].g the Lewkowicz of utiliti.es p3ck.¿3se so there is nof7g8Yconnection e>: a1re¿3dY between the selection wr'ocess 3f"Á the ie}t tmt irí aá future re1ei3se0 i n ^7.MU + The two will be made com|p¿3tib1e he. list. When made0. list. When trznsferrin9 to a unmanned remote sYstem the tollowirA F'rompt0 procÜüre is usecL Start microPlUMF'S ijntii the Now YQtjr MUMF'E Then tyye control-G to besin talk.-throush mode0 first is m: tinM as a dumb terminal. Eventhins typed isa disµ1i3yed and Now sent out and everYthir6g into thp received is di5p1¿3Yed§ ¿3g¿3irl When t'zn"e eontrcd-G remote sYstem0 accomp1i5hedy this is Now tcj return to microMUHPEÁ the µr(jcedljre outlined i3bQve0 st8rt When 109 the transfer is cQRbp1ete9 don't fcjr9et to off the remote lcím otjtm 3nd another the sYstem L)y tYpir'lg coritro].-G7 doim control-G to retnjrn to microhUFfPS,. i=. Routines. ir¢c'l0jded:. TK. TKI TK" TKS. 7.líIFb GT. The. wain. driver IrtitiUizes variables. Receive. data. Send data 7.NAMES. Collect names to send $ZO fljnctior'l for machines. Simulates witi-ío¢jt. $ZC). 7 ~.

(31) MICROMUMPS. UTILITIES. 7AATE. - bate tjtiiitY Purpose: to rettjrrly date. 7.DATE. sianon. variable. ,. ,. cUculates message) zwr,. t. the The. f rom. $HOROLO(3. internU. stor3gey. the correct. date from $HC)R0LOG (which is cre¿)ted v31tje for the date is wjt i n the. at the local.

(32) UTILITIES. MICROPIUMF'S. F'?jrµoc,e - General µrogrBRl is e: ·:ecljted. Editor. 7.EDIT The ::'·O0. first. "ZEDIT. tYpins:. Lbw. which "7n This envokes the editor and creates 3 91obaj is When i3 the completey progrc3¶l g1oha10 then used to edit routine or tw"esÁ THE EDITOR IS L.OADEM TEXT EDITOR HELPED IS LOALIEh. file. To. execute. XECUTE The. as. tw'e. this slohal fi1e:. type. "y.. response as long a. return. from this command is a henj prompt:To bou are in the editor g1Qba10 when this F·rUmpt appe3rs+. which -:it the. >)"9 e:. aF·pears. editom. on the oi"erate re current ZLOADED rofjtine+ There All commands To enter commands he the invoked max editor. throush several that command iri the first letter OñiY amd arísHér additioncñ µromF'ts as indic8ted0 i3. tYs>ÉÉ. i3. 7. I)isplays. Ei. (B8cktjp. sljmmarY. a. provide. a'j¿3i1ah1e0. commands. routine on drive hacktw' versiom or to use another. routineR. a. of. save. routine). a. (rl¿3me). as. to. .SÁÚ?. editom h2ck.ed. roljtine µrevi(jus1Y. R. (Restore. C. for the l¿3he1+Qfeset of the tarSet line. After that line identific¿3tiQr!y the 1ine¶ and asks for the striri'd that the you program lists wish to reF'13cey then tvr'es the line (jp to that strinST atsks anck when yqij type ret¡jrrlg con[yletec: for the reF'18cementy repl¿3ced+ reueats the line hemmd the text that YOfj Mve It a tYpe the same reguest (on returrí uith lirfe) until you this It no other ch¿3racters in resmjnse to a REPLACE st8temerft0 conlmarfdsó then rettjrns you to the ger'¡er¿31 editor for other (Chanse). the. :. :. Restcres. A. µrogram. then. !9c)u. a. tjF'v. asks. 'Úspe. a. This option can tw"inss i ri a e>P8Céó. (3lDh81s a. full. I. (Insert)C insertinm. Terminate. (List.R. he. asks. for lahel'Fotfset.. insert íj5 e. insert. lists. before. hlank. a mode. from. with. a. Deletes. L)y. enteritis. that line.. When (label+offset) l i ne tor linestart charactem t. (space) a blank. !¿3be1+offset. facilities prompt.. same. ;:'·;'·. (lteleteA. Li ': 5. ;:c:·. editted |jsing the ssloha1 reference at the wa"j. D. L. gromF·t also be used direct1y from the followed b y one label with oµtiQr"l21 offset. 1inee. to 13be1+ottset..

(33) UTILITIES. FÍICROMUHPS. Editor. (continued). commands. ForR lists Ul lines in Hhich the taráet with 3 >be1ow the strins.. strirs is. S. (Search foljrld7. E. of' one C)ccurenceC res"laces everY occur3ece Note the n another current routine. with tmt i OVERFLOW véTú3 loris messases may apF'e3r when edittind of code tAth this optior'k0 (Everw. In the. routirle0. uerformed. stack. lines. executed f rom to F·rirjt the eritire a new Note zL0AI)im ro£jtine to edit must be tmt > promtyy the not the editor. at iri. additiom ;>;>. strins. direct yrQmpty for BlVd. When. e>:. you h8ve comµleted wmjr routine usirí9 the. ZSAUE. Sogjrce:. SMS. J.J. A1tholjse?. the. mode a|Ttµ1ey. use. command(s). of the editom. comwt¿3rjd+. Éurope. iTIcvY3. be. ZPRINT. you should. resave.

(34) MICROMUMPS. ÚtiÁitYj Cross Reference. UTILITIES. Listinm Pack.aáe. ssenerates package that acces"ts one or more MUMPS routines arid < s F),2s been svnta: checkin: cross reference information as well as The µ3ck¿3ge a waE origir|3ll'3 on the di5tribljtiori disk. F'rovided }'·acK..¿3ge 1arge number of routines that were 8 portion of the IiOC Robert Lushene distributed with QUEST L7y the MUMPS Users' Grcjtjy. "f' i I. (Veterans to the r(j).jtiriee3 Florida) modified Adn|ir|i5tr8tiorIy i rito a verw few irsdividgja1 routines and grovide the hasic: benefits of the larsser µack.ase0 A. still. In order to run the cross reference programsy one should Üjjpe Ii0 ^7.INI)EX. This progr¿3m then asks the name Qt the routine(s) to be ( 1'0 of anMnszed e and asks not a cñ>tioñs further r outi"ut unreferenced and v'·ririt irtdem routine"", error-s laheKn F'rir{t and HarnirIgs)0 the r"roSram CVjtf'tjtS 3 per"Íocj lturins eYecutiony t.h e has prcjcessécÑ of At the cQrbclíj5iorl fo r eBeh line thü anahsis of the routinem the reeuested outwjt is µrodtjced on the cljrrerjt O'JtPljt device.. list. it. This package not onks in identifUm the qj5e of i s he1µfu1y tmj v¿3riBbles and p(j5sih1e missiñ9 referenced i aimj labelsn t t thereb'á ·: proh1ems encotjntered i n prosSram5y will nute a sYrIta: r¿3pid verification of the acc'jrácY s"rovidins of urosframs before theY are e>(ectjted0 The. urosrams. variables thereafter. So6jrce:. "XCR. use mosth and "UTILITY. I n addtiom IocU variables. are used durins execution and. i. 1 ].. Robert Lushene Uetemns Administration. Florida futher informatiom. For. Routines. slobU. k. usecR. ulease. cont¿3ct:. UÑÍ)ÉXy XIN[lX1y xINr!x2¶ ZINI)X3v ZIN[lX6y%INDX7yXINDX8y%R"ETyXIS. 7.INI)XM. 7.INrlX5y. ed.

(35) UTILITIES. MICROMUMF'S. 7.ZFN. Mathematical. Functions. Utilitts. mzthematical. ideallY suited to e4imp1e füjnct.ions calcij18tion5y to b e often exists for 7.ZFN was ro!jtineg\+ tci s"rovide iricorporated i other written number of mathematical functions common1Y fwjrÁ i n other The lansuasem functions available 3re: A1thQljSh. MUMPS a n. These. is. riot. need. í3. is returned as the rlaturB1. LN. 7.LN. EXP. XE. is returned as the. PblR. ZP. is returned as the value. SIN. ZY. is retljrned 3s the sine. COS. ZY. is returned as the cosine. of' XX(in. DTR. XX. is converted. from. to radians. RT I). ZX. is converted. f rom radians to. SQRT. ZY. is ret¿jrried. logarithm of. e}: µonent. of. functions are not rapid in. sauare. XX. XX. to the. XY. F'(:. )wer. of %X(irí radians). deSrees. as the. of. XX. dessrees. root of. MicroMIjMF'Em. radians). XX. hut. tfie"j. WOU..e.

(36) MICROMUMPS. APPLICATIONS. LEXICON. Purpose: This power serve. is. of as. an. stration The. a. the. demonstration prosram to i1lljstrate the briefthrough use of 5trirlg sgjbscripts. i demont ca n F'resentBtiorj5y a or as slide for illustration on a vems. lmwuame. live. µrosr3n). screem. Bccept5 v3riab1e0. terms. and. their definitionm entnw. slobal conclusion of uhich siven the option of listins the termsy ordem in alphabetical a. An. Úpon. storil"1g them in the user is reprodUced then alre fTiodey. alternate form of the progr8m oútwjtY HPRNT¥ allows for lonser one line definitions of words arid sives formBtted CJütS>úts. than. Routines. used:. LEXICON?. bjF'RNT.

(37) MTCR(JMUMPS. APPLICATIONS. MAILING LIST PRIMER Élives an examHe Qt a MUMPS µ8ckase Th e cre2tir$g and mair¡tairiirfg a m3i1ins 1ist+ for in corrections rcujtines listed L7yin the PRIMER had 3 few t'dyQSrayhical ble have taken Jack Howie dur"in9 the PáSÁ yen3tu which uere mzde sYstem them into our those routines as edited tñj him 8ñcj entered ad¿3yt them chzrmes orsé two minor makinsf to Of..! ir to additional or user devicem. Chawter intended. 18. of. the use. MUMPS. the a re. i t rationUe mailinis list y¿3ck.8ge¶ MUMPS PRIMER. he foijnci the in to. ismd. its. There. are. MOPT. is the drivirm pro!sram that gives the ijser oytior'ls editn tjr retrieve Mta from the slohcñ, file+. tu. of. Details. iimitztionm cre3tey. 5. routines included in this. µ¿32k3se0. is used to add neu entries and to edit or delete old This routine uses an ¿3uxi1i3rY entriem rofjtiney m.ocm to convert between internal arid ter'rial fQr¶|¿3t of rXtm etc. MEDIT. e>:. MFLG. i. S. lj¶aed. select spec'ific. to creúcn 5gjbSrCjíjpS. definey. from. the. arid edit flam. m¿3ilirjS list+. MPRT. is ljsed to output either lists of the individuals R|ailing liSty or else to 9enemte mailirús lzbelm. The. mailins. addresm number.. outions The be. list. prossrám nbs not. in. a. pack¿3ge eam'h. arid críe lirRe is thus are utilizecÁ. It. to. used. acceM: s up to 3 lines f c) r e%treet and te1eghc.)ne citÁm 5t8te? zH'code tor when t1e: <ih1e7 the e5yeci3ll\4 fairH. n=. hut rather to to he cQmprehen5ivey introd|jctorY of the use of th e MUMPS 1egrÍs?.tjasÁet Recipierlt5 of this pack¿3se Bre encQuraged to look at i rí 8yq be chK7r'!Sesy perhi3Y"s which those imF'rovedy to and res!jbn!it it can Users' Groijm with documerítatiom to the MicroMUMF'S an. desissned e>: ampje. w.

(38) {. APPLICATIONS. NICRONUMPS. r e.. SPELL. proSrBmy written bís a '-: tuden"t in ii3 FÍUI4F'S c1¿3'3'3 Üí UC ñúvim yl'Qg("'@¶|+ to be i3 sell'-e>: tendins ss'ellins checkerSF'ELL52 i s intended SF'ELLy zííá There the s"rozraM a re of three ve)"siÜr'l£ tÁÁÍcj e: SF'ELL1OO+ The -:cept are iden'ticel to the fii'£t l8t'tEr tmt they have been modified to Seneraul: e screen formtted íjju}'1ay'j fur the UT52 and VTlOO 'te|'|Y|inal60. This. 'átored ori 8 text filey oueracles µrogram i ri the g1obal "TXT(r$)y where rr is t3 p9cbi'tive inte9em The pI'ogI'd|Tl will review diL"ti(jn2rY those nut vet iij i ts in the fi1ey all words the (stored iii jjlobal "SPELL? and Yive the user en UF'yDrtkjr}it\: s wurd either to úci the unknown wU1'rj? to BL'cept ac í3 teHj}"·U\'¿3)"j L I c) tha q + i r to delete and/or correct f r t fiKm t i s not "SF'ELLm e: .:"lend o necessajw since t initiUize ituelf will d'jrir|g (jse of the µroSrqMn. The. ti=. it. it. If you m"ecific. a check. f i'uíí! differeM, Slohal tile and wi': h tmo in that file fijr syellir¡g reset errcjren cari yqíj local v8ri8blesy REF and NEXTN as sáhowrú in the followin9 e>(E!)l}"·lEy. which S. hzve node. assumes. 'U.). 3. have. 9(Jlj. a. te>:. t file. "RPT(TXT4). REF='"RPT(TXTyN?0)"gNEXTN='NT·$O("RF'T(T):. This proSram 1anguage0 environn!en'tsy. It. Routines. is. rí8y but. incl!jded:. irjte1'E!s"ting. an. it. recujire should. some. form. :. TyN))'. e>:. amu1e cjf the mUdific'a"t,iorL the hasis of. SPELL?SF°ELL52ySPELL100. D. N0DE"SF'ELL. use Üt 2. togoQd. MUI'ÍF'S. the. ücj¿l}"'t. "t. o. ljtilitY4. 1je!w.

(39) APPLICATIONS. MICROMUMPS. Prosram). (a BihliQg('8ph¥. turnstile TURNSTILE. is. set of'. a UoCt 1'3 ¿'. lf$eclici|'"Ie ve"terilj¿3)"'3 written bv MUMPS he átjQíjt t effürt tú learn }")'Uyj'3|f¶|F|ir¡g¶. T·rc1'iranÍs. i3. Davim in an o: and modulur soud e>tamAk± rather It ri l)Bve we a oij r irícluded i t i useful pjjrpo'¿Ev so i t serves is, al': ü une that can be modified em: iiY apF'licatiUrls F"ack¿3'¡e+ It usetu to suit the pgrticU1ar needs Üt'. student. 3. t. l8ngu¿3ge¢. f'. i3. The. of referenúes. created in this paL."k.age cunsi't.ts authom bib1iÜS'r&phic." s!jbjecty title? (2hstr3ct)y arid loc'atiori of the referel"Ícet LIBRARY. Because. citatiom. 14. i tit. stjmn|3r!3. mjrtsiÉts of maríw shüi't prÜ'Sra¶lsy TURÍQSTIL.ROUe it has been on disk under the name the stcred irm utilitv To different tjisk with the restore this T'acka«ey 'juu will. need 3l)d speí: e for ebuut 25 (smjii) rüutines, utilities the. pBck.eSe ut:. XM. i3. ZM. TURNSTILE. i. . 2+ 3 b. of three major to enter new to reference tQ Uimiríate. cQrlSi'3tep L IB used CHOOSE used BURN used. párGiÁ data. stored data references. b'á. ii"l(je: -:ilÍg. ke'jwo)'¢j. LIB T. he. L. IB prUqr2tH consint': i keyw(j)'dsY atid tailur. select 5pecificatior(s0 CATALOG a re be. of. 8. '3Ubpro'irams refe!'e|'ici|'Íg Qt. that. k..ez:. wurds. sesdarates major keBword'3 (¿3uthcjr5y in the 1ibrarw frum yQterf"tie! words. Uh8y5. 'shelved'. tor referencinjj. of 'treshedC. orsjanize to the. düt8y. user's. subjects) that thet will either. BIN shunts strirvÁg of words to sljbµrQSrawss for Ff'ocee%sing, IiUST a1v'·habetizes the 'Uer}tence[5" for cQljicke\' filinG. P..e'dworcj$ ELIl'íIN shunts to their Ui'·'lwbetic M'ielf i n the libr3T'¥ or their trcsh cam CHOF' i s used bu DUST and ELIÍ4IK' to c'ut aerítenccú ií'itu wordm for the user to £f3rt0 TRASH so fileü tmwanted word"» iii a "silent réft'rérsc."c that 't,he": e words will be eliminated ii"j subseauent entriem. file'. SHEL-FER. a dd. a1readY e>: ists. FINÍíSHLF riew k.eYwordg. '3. a. createg. ñEw. reference. new. st"ace. r)u\l¿L]er. to. a. 'Lhc:. Pt.e'jwUY·d. in the reference lihrm'v. fur. t i3. CHOOSE. The. Choose. references. AUTFISEAR. first. SUBJ last. searcheu. searches. AUTHFIND m. corÍt3ir'6", twelve subiect or author.. prosT'i3lh. Ijb. give|á+. L\'3. f. ilj. r. sUL}pr°UgI"atnU. author. Lr3. that. 'icurch. fl-t. r. (Iaüt of. lüul. and. author with. ürÁY. the. rume. kecswürd. initiates. z. search. for. é3h.

(40) HICROMUMF'S. SEARCH. is. searehem. APPLICATIONS büth. íj'j. tj',;euj. full. I"'lÚ(fóE?. 8UÚ1O r. cjl'"vj. l{.i2!3wor(i. 1iLj\'ij\·'j rL'feÍ'L'l|L·e the 'read' iii desired reference"i. ituj order f SHOWL.IST (j r 'j|jg\'t liutimi (asjti)Uj'y 9ives 'title) Y..eYHQrd6 a to refereríces µointed SHOHEtOOK Civet. a cum"·1ete lictimiof cñ re f e ret'ic e u (titley 4éj|hAlarY¶ authurv d location subiecU article). SHOIJCHOP 7·rUÍTéT·L5 viewirrÁ uf SHOHBOOK. Lj!j COi1LISTy the a re TITSF'LIT used and CHOP other subyrogT'i3nls to preserÍt references ii-i T'ea{jgble form CCJNF'ARE. 31pl)3L¿et'icáI. LISTER. aíid. the. 'to. i3. Lñ3. 3r":. BURN The. BURN. bv is beiius )"e"re1'e}jL'ed dEt¿3 t.he wi8hir'|g each severzl to 'tailur ff1ett]U(j ¿j base For this re¿3'»Urby of to T h m: ñ<e BURNiríS SC)((rt2 booP..s í"íeeded For new hc>j tu erl"t,("ieE. is is }" a r t of the µrcjgraRó ig hgzUr(jouE to the Í'efere|'lce'3 arid 51)Utjld be tjsed with caijtiori (P1"ULlULj1Y restricted tu few ij'|(jiYi¢jlj8ls)t s"rü'Zrzm. ¿jz'3tjl)!e'¿. tfwt the. F·zL'küse. ir$dividlj31'ág difFerent »µec'ifiL'2tiorbs6 their. OF'ENBOOK SCANE'OOK. e,tUrtu u new lihmrzn Y·u)"gir'¡'¡ all cjíá r(g[e}'el"tcE£. elirfEil"¿ates reference mjirits iii LIE without wheri reKiovirÍg rrevi¢jtj'.j T"ererences; then i 3 rtjfj y this }")'Q'j)'álh be the done drjd editil'[g of iri direct 'trash' uu'mt' files can mode in MUMF'Sv After editirlcSy howeveru the rEre)'erfce uuintm ñ¢fjí>t be reset tu be cUnlF·atiLjle with other p)"ograjf$sh SHELF sets ¿jy z,everal glQLí¿31 v¿3)"i¿jL\le'3. TOMES Bí-ULj£irlE§ jl1(jw8 d i rect 8ccés£ t u shelvesn is bu PAGE or ARCHIUES+ F·ermitted either PAGE "ái"ÍCjWS uríl"s c'ertair't d1p¡í¢3betig 8ectiQl"{5 (jjy letter(s)N ARCHIVES cut ¿j giveu com'·lete ever'3'u]i|'|g iíÍ the liobrzrm If' a word c4ás either trashed ur "shelved im: urrectlm can he detected úrici c{jrrectEa(j via SCANB(j0K+. list. it. Suwimzrzt The bu. author. of. these yrosraHle intencjc: 'them tu be lj|Üdi"rie{j ¿!r'td we1cÜl{?ed, stj"sge'¿tio!Íy individual usersm Currectiorts UC [ig'\/ic MicrcñiUMF'S forward 3|jgáesátiUj'íb tcj r'·roject {j'r'rice.. fui' uue F'Ie¿3£e.

(41) MICROFÍUMPS. DEMONSTRATION. FORMS. APPLICATIONS. SYSTEM. s a set of routines that uses internal tables to enter iamd The on a sims'ñe datm entrus farm oum-it th e screem edit BfíCÍ pBckage illustrates the me of strind suhscris"tm indirection Note di$pla|w and prompt. This. y. for datm that to cursor Mdressiñd certain lines ñl8Y need to be modified to oútwjt th e correct seguence of control characters to perform cursor addressirúS t r ter¶¢irÜ31 tYpe. You can use XMTC to set Bo|jr terminal Your uses. c). FORMO. 8rld. The Demo driver routirte¶ which prOmµtey - "atchesForms the inpUt9 dis: to edit or oútwjt rotjtinem. for. ot>tiQñ. FORKI. The forms iriµljt rc)utineg which usims an identification numbem then prompts for and displ3ys various d3ta fields 3 s defined in a table at the end of the rQ¢jtirEe§ This table irlclijdes and a disF'l¿3Y b uromwt texty coordinistes for disp1ayy text a locdl variable n3Rle tQ store the datm. X. Y. ¿3rId. FORME. -. FORHO. -. The. forms which an prompts edit routirle7 to r then numbem the user allows to edit fields identification promFpt 81read!d enetered Hi th FORMI . Enter ret¢jrn to e¿3ch to retain data. The table controls exectjtiQn as 8bove0 T. he. identification. tab1e0. forms Qútmjt routine? numbem then disHmas the. which pro¶lF't5 f o r an data bs sµecified in the.

(42) MICROMUMPS. Utility. Progrmming. Permission is hereby granted to copy and distribute bases the programs/data descri bed this document andnon-commercial Any purpose. herein for any use of for commercial advantage without the this material consent. prim" written. of the author is prohibited.. Cnpyright (e). 19t33. John Lewkowiez New. Yürk.. State College of Veterir{ar"y" Cornt=ll University 14853 Ithaca, N. Y.. i. Medicine.



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