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Abstract. For aHopf algebraH over a commutative ringk, the categoryMHH of right Hopf modules is equivalent to the categoryMk of k-modules, that is, the comparison functor− ⊗kH:MkMHHis an equivalence (Fundamental theorem of Hopf modules).

This was proved by Larson and Sweedler via the notion ofcoinvariantsMcoHfor anyM MHH. The coinvariants functor (−)coH :MHH Mk is right adjoint to the comparison functor and can be understood as the Hom-functor HomHH(H,−) (without referring to an antipode).

For aquasi-Hopf algebraH, the categoryHMHH ofquasi-HopfH-bimoduleshas been introduced by Hausser and Nill and coinvariants are defined to show that the functor

− ⊗kH:MkHMHH is an equivalence. It is the purpose of this paper to show that the related coinvariants functor, right adjoint to the comparison functor, can be seen as the functorHHomHH(HkH,−)

More generally, let H be a quasi-bialgebra and A an H-comodule algebra A (as introduced by Hausser and Nill). Then − ⊗kH is a comonad on the categoryAMH

of (A, H)-bimodules and defines the Eilenberg-Moore comodule category (AMH)−⊗H which is just the categoryAMHH of two-sided Hopf modules. Following ideas of Hausser, Nill, Bulacu, Caenepeel and others, two types of coinvariants are defined to describe right adjoints of the comparison functor − ⊗kH :AM AMHH and to establish an equivalence between the categoriesAMandAMHH providedH has a quasi-antipode. As our main results we show that these coinvariants functors are isomorphic to the functor

AHomHH(A ⊗kH,−) :AMHHAMand give explicit formulas for these isomorphisms.

1. Introduction

For a commutative ringk, the categoryMk ofk-modules is monoidal: the tensor product of two k-modules has again a natural k-module structure and for k-modules V, M, N, the canonical map

(1.1) aV,M,N : (V ⊗kM)⊗kN→V ⊗k(M⊗kN), (v⊗m)⊗n7→v⊗(m⊗n), is an isomorphism. This means that the composition of the endofunctorsV⊗k−,M⊗k−on Mk is the same as the functor (V⊗kM)⊗k−. It is known well-known that the endofunctors (V ⊗k−,Homk(V,−)) form an adjoint pair of functors with unit and counit

ηM :M →Homk(V, V ⊗kM), m7→[v7→v⊗m], εM :V ⊗Homk(V, M)→M, v⊗f 7→f(v).

For a k-bialgebra (H, µ, ι,∆, ε), denote the category of left H-modules by HM and the category of rightH-comodules by MH. For two modules M, N ∈HM, the tensor product M ⊗kN is again a left H-module by the action h·(m⊗n) = ∆h(m⊗n) (componentwise action). This turns HM into a monoidal category. To make this work, coassociativity of the coproduct ∆ is needed, since it is to show that for V, M and N ∈ HM, the k-linear isomorphism 1.1 is also H-linear, that is - using the Sweedler notation -

h·((v⊗m)⊗n) =X


h1v⊗(h21m⊗h22n) =h·(v⊗(m⊗n)),

2000Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 16W30; 18A40, 18D10.

Key words and phrases. Quasi-Hopf algebra, Coinvariants, Two-sided Hopf module, Monoidal category.



were the middle identity is just the coassociativity condition. In this case, the composition of the functors H⊗k(H ⊗k−) can be identified with the functor (H ⊗kH)⊗k−. This is an essential property in the theory of bialgebras and Hopf algebras.

For a bialgebra H, a right H-Hopf module M is a right H-module ρM :M ⊗kH →M as well as a right H-comodule ρM : M → M ⊗k H such that ρM(mh) =ρM(m)∆(h) for m∈M,h∈H.

The endomorphism ring Endk(H) has a secondk-algebra structure with the convolution product ∗ and an S ∈Endk(H) is an antipode if it is an inverse of the identity map with respect to the convolution product, that is, id∗S = ι◦ε = S∗id. A Hopf algebra is a bialgebra which has an antipode and the latter condition is equivalent to the fact that

− ⊗kH :Mk →MHH, M 7→(M ⊗kH, id⊗µ, id⊗∆),

is an equivalence of categories (Fundamental Theorem for Hopf algebras, e.g. [4, 15.5]).

The adjoint (inverse) to this functor was initially defined in terms ofcoinvariants (see [16, Proposition 1]) and it can be seen as the functor HomHH(H,−) (e.g. [4, 14.8]).

This paper is concerned withquasi-bialgebrasas defined in Drinfeld [10] by requiring the same axioms as for bialgebras except for the coassociativity condition of the coproduct which is modified by a normalised 3-cocycleφ∈H⊗H⊗Hin such a way that the module categories overHare yet monoidal (even rigid monoidal in the finite case). The mapaV,M,Nconsidered in 1.1 is no longer H-linear and the theory of Hopf algebras cannot be transferred to the new situation immediately. For example, the convolution algebra (Endk(H),∗) is no longer associative. However, the aV,M,N may be replaced by non-trivial associativity constraints in the monoidal category HM and this leads the way to the necessary modification of the classical notions. The notion of an antipode was adapted to a quasi-antipode in Drinfeld [10]. The Fundamental Theorem corresponds to the comparison functor

− ⊗kH:HM→HMHH, N 7→(N⊗H, %N⊗H, %N⊗H),

being an equivalence (see 3.4, 3.8 and 5.10). This was first shown by Hausser and Nill [14]

by defining a projectionE:M →M which leads to acoinvariant functor(−)coH:HMHH

HM. Another projectionE :M →M was defined by Bulacu and Caenepeel [5] leading to a distinct (but isomorphic) coinvariant functor (−)coH.

For a quasi-bialgebra H and a right H-comodule algebra (A, ρ, φρ), following Bulacu- Caenepeel [6], we consider the categoryAMHH of left two-sided Hopf modules and this cat- egory can be considered as the Eilenberg-Moore comodule category (AMH)−⊗H over the comonad − ⊗kH : AMHAMH (see 2.3). Adopting the arguments of Hausser-Nill [14]

and Bulacu-Caenepeel [5], over a quasi-Hopf algebra H, we define two (isomorphic) types of coinvariants functors (−)coH and (−)coH : AMHHAM. Each of them defines an in- verse to the comparison functor − ⊗H : AM → AMHH (see 5.3, 5.9). Showing that the

AHomHH(A ⊗H,−) :AMHHAMis also right adjoint to the comparison functor (see 4.4) implies that it has to be isomorphic to the coinvariants functors. An explicit description of these isomorphisms is given in 5.11.

As corollaries, for the case A = H, we obtain that the functor HHomHH(H ⊗H,−) :

HMHHHM is right adjoint to the comparison functor − ⊗kH :HM→HMHH (see 3.10) and, as a consequence, both the coinvariants functors defined by Hausser-Nill in [14] and by Bulacu-Caenepeel [5] are isomorphic to this Hom-functor.

2. Preliminaries

In this section we recall definitions and lemmas to be referred to later in this paper. For more details about module theory we refer to [24], about Hopf algebras, to [4], [15], and [22]

and about category theory to [2], [17], and [21].

Throughoutkwill denote a commutative ring with identity. All (co)algebras, bialgebras, Hopf algebras etc. will be overk; unadorned⊗and Hom mean⊗k and Homk, respectively.

Fork-modulesM, N, we denote by Homk(M, N) allk-module homomorphisms fromM to


N, M := Homk(M, k) and Endk(M) := Homk(M, M). By τM,N : M ⊗N →N⊗M we denote the twist map which carries m⊗nton⊗m.

2.1. Adjoint Functors. A pair (L, R) of functors L : A→ B and R : B → A between categoriesAandBis called anadjoint pairif there exists a natural isomorphism

MorB(L(−),−)→MorA(−, R(−)),

which can be described by natural transformations, the unit η :idA→RLand the counit ε:LR→idB, with

εL◦Lη= 1L, Rε◦ηR= 1R.

2.2. Comonads. A comonad G = (G, δ, ε) on a category Aconsists of an endofunctor G:A→Aand two natural transformations, the comultiplicationδ:G→G2and the counit ε:G→idA, such that

δG◦δ=Gδ◦δ, εG◦δ= 1G=Gε◦δ.

2.3. Comonads and their comodules. Given a comonadG= (G, δ, ε) on a categoryA, aG-comodule(A, ρA) consists of an objectA∈Aand an arrowρA:A→G(A) inAsuch that

δA◦ρA=G(ρA)◦ρA, εA◦ρA=idA.

The class of all G-comodules together with G-comodule maps form the Eilenberg- Moore comodule category over the comonad G and is denoted by AG. The forgetful functorUG:AG→Ais left adjoint to the free functorφG:A→AG(e.g. [11]).

2.4. Monoidal categories. A categoryAis called a monoidal (or tensor) category if there exist a bifunctor − ⊗ −:A×A→A, a distinguished neutral object E, and natural isomorphisms, called associativity and unit constraints,

a: (− ⊗ −)⊗ − → − ⊗(− ⊗ −), λ:E⊗ − →idA, ρ:− ⊗E→idA, (idW ⊗aX,Y,Z)◦aW,(X⊗Y),Z◦(aW,X,Y ⊗idZ) =aW,X,Y⊗Z◦aW⊗X,Y,Z,

(idX⊗λY)◦aX,E,YX⊗idY, for allW, X, Y, Z∈A.

A monoidal category (A,⊗, E, a, λ, ρ) is said to be strictif the isomorphisms a, λ, and ρ are the identity morphisms. For a monoidal category (A,⊗, E, a, λ, ρ), we shortly write (A,⊗, E) or justAif no confusion arises. For more details see [15].

2.5. Quasi-bialgebras. A quadruple (H,∆, ε, φ) is called a quasi-bialgebra if H is an associativek-algebra with unit,φan invertible element inH⊗H⊗H, ∆ :H →H⊗H and ε:H→kare algebra maps, satisfying the identities, forh∈H,

(2.1) (id⊗ε)◦∆(h) =h⊗1, (ε⊗id)◦∆(h) = 1⊗h, (2.2) (id⊗∆)◦∆(h) =φ·(∆⊗id)◦∆(h)·φ−1,

(2.3) (id⊗id⊗∆)(φ)(∆⊗id⊗id)(φ) = (1⊗φ)(id⊗∆⊗id)(φ)(φ⊗1),

(2.4) (id⊗ε⊗id)(φ) = 1⊗1.

The identities (2.1), (2.3) and (2.4) imply also

(2.5) (ε⊗id⊗id)(φ) = (id⊗id⊗ε)(φ) = 1⊗1.

Forh∈H, we use the Sweedler type notation ∆(h) =Ph1⊗h2.

φis called the Drinfeld reassociator. The equation (2.3) is a 3-cocycle condition on φ. The tensor components ofφare denoted by capital letters, those ofφ−1by small letters,


X1⊗X2⊗X3 and φ−1=X


As in the bialgebra case, the (bi-)module categories over a quasi-bialgebraHis monoidal, yet the associativity constraints in this case are not trivial:

2.6. (Bi-)module categories for quasi-bialgebras. For any quasi-bialgebra (H,∆, ε, φ), the categoriesHM, MH andHMH are monoidal categories with the tensor product⊗k.


(i) The associativity constraint for objectsM, N, L∈HMis given by

aM,N,L: (M ⊗kN)⊗kL→M ⊗k(N⊗kL), (m⊗n)⊗l7→φ·(m⊗(n⊗l)).

(ii) The associativity constraint forM, N, L∈MH is

a0M,N,L: (M ⊗kN)⊗kL→M ⊗k(N⊗kL), (m⊗n)⊗l7→(m⊗(n⊗l))·φ−1, (iii) The associativity constraint forM, N, L∈HMH is

a00M,N,L: (M ⊗kN)⊗kL→M⊗k(N⊗kL), (m⊗n)⊗l7→φ·(m⊗(n⊗l))·φ−1. 2.7. Quasi-Hopf algebras. ([10]) A quasi-antipode (S, α, β) for a quasi-bialgebra H consists of an algebra anti-morphism S : H → H and α, β ∈ H with the identities, for h∈H,

(2.6) X

S(h1)αh2=ε(h)α, X

h1βS(h2) =ε(h)β

(2.7) X

X1βS(X2)αX3= 1, X

S(x1)αx2βx3= 1.

These axioms imply ε(α)ε(β) = 1 and ε◦S =ε. Note that we do not require the quasi- antipodeS to be bijective (as it is done in [10]).

Aquasi-Hopf algebra is a quasi-bialgebraH together with a quasi-antipode (S, α, β).

2.8. Gauge transformations. Given a quasi-bialgebraH= (H,∆, ε, φ), agauge trans- formationonH is an invertible elementF ∈H⊗H such that

(ε⊗id)(F) = (id⊗ε)(F) = 1.

Using a gauge transformationF onH, one can build a new quasi-bialgebraHF by keeping the multiplication, unit and counit ofH and replacing the comultiplication ofH by

F :H →H⊗H, h7→F∆(h)F−1, and defining a new Drinfeld reassociatorφF by

φF := (1⊗F)(id⊗∆)(F)·φ·(∆⊗id)(F−1)(F−1⊗1)∈H⊗H⊗H.

In case H is a quasi-Hopf algebra with antipodeS, the quasi-Hopf algebra HF will be again a quasi-Hopf algebra with the sameS but αandβ are to be replaced by

αF :=X

S(G1)αG2, βF :=X

F1βS(F2), where we write F =P

F1⊗F2 andF−1=P

G1⊗G2∈H⊗H (see [15, p. 373 ]).

If H happens to be a bialgebra, then HF in general is not a bialgebra unless F is a 2- cocycle. Thus, in general, the construction provides non-trivial examples of quasi-bialgebras.

2.9. Properties of quasi-antipodes. For a quasi-Hopf algebraH, Drinfeld ([10]) defines a gauge element f ∈H⊗H by the conditions, for any h∈H,

f∆◦S(h)f−1 = (S⊗S)∆cop(h),

(S⊗S⊗S)(φ321) = (1⊗f)(id⊗∆)(f)φ(∆⊗id)(f−1)(f−1⊗1), (id⊗ε)(f) = (ε⊗id)(f) = 1.

Such anf can be obtained explicitly as follows. First put

XA1⊗A2⊗A3⊗A4= (1⊗φ−1)(id⊗id⊗∆)(φ), XB1⊗B2⊗B3⊗B4= (∆⊗id⊗id)(φ)(φ−1⊗1), and then define γandδin H⊗H by

(2.8) γ=X

S(A2)αA3⊗S(A1)αA4, δ=X


Thenf andf−1are given by the formulas (2.9) f =X

(S⊗S)(∆op(x1))γ∆(x2βS(x3)), f−1=X



andf satisfies the relations

(2.10) f∆(α) =γ, ∆(β)f−1=δ.

Writingf =Pf1⊗f2 andf−1=Pg1⊗g2 in (2.9), it can be easily seen that

(2.11) X

f1βS(f2) =S(α), X

S(βf1)f2=α, X

g1S(g2α) =β.

3. The category HMHH of quasi-Hopf H-bimodules

Although a quasi-bialgebra H is not a coassociative coalgebra, it can be considered as a coalgebra in the monoidal categoryHMH. Thus it makes sense to define comodules over this coalgebra in this monoidal category and this was done by Hausser and Nill in [14] calling themquasi-Hopf H-bimodules(generalising Hopf bimodules over Hopf algebras).

For any left H-module N, the tensor productN ⊗H is a right quasi-Hopf H-bimodule (see 3.2). If H is a quasi-Hopf algebra, any quasi-Hopf H-bimodule M is isomorphic to such a tensor product N⊗H, where N is a left H-module (the coinvariants of M, [14]).

This generalises thethe Fundamental Theorem of Hopf modulesover a Hopf algebra. In this section we are concerned with various interpretations of the coinvariants. For convenience we recall some of the related constructions from Hausser and Nill [14] and Bulacu and Caenepeel [5],

Throughout (H,∆, ε, φ) denotes a quasi-bialgebra.

3.1. Quasi-Hopf bimodules. LetM be an (H, H)-bimodule and %M :M →M ⊗H an (H, H)-bimodule homomorphism. Then (M, %M) is called a rightquasi-HopfH-bimodule if, for allm∈M,

(idM ⊗ε)◦%M = idM,

φ·(%M ⊗idH)(%M(m)) = (idM⊗∆)(%M(m))·φ, where we consider the diagonal left and right H-module structure onM⊗H.

A morphism between such bimodules is an (H, H)-bimodule morphism f : M →L satisfying%L◦f = (f⊗id)◦%M. The category of right quasi-HopfH-bimodules with the above morphisms is denoted by HMHH.

By definition of a quasi-bialgebra, takingM =H and%M = ∆ provides an example of a quasi-HopfH-bimodule.

3.2. (H, H)-bimodules and quasi-Hopf bimodules. For any (H, H)-bimoduleN,N⊗H becomes a right quasi-Hopf H-bimodule by the structures, for anya, b, h∈H, n∈N,


a1nb1⊗a2hb2= ∆(a)(n⊗h)∆(b), (3.1)

and a coaction %N⊗H :N⊗H →(N⊗H)⊗H,

(3.2) %N⊗H(n⊗h) :=φ−1·(id⊗∆)(n⊗h)·φ=X

x1n X1⊗x2h1X2⊗x3h2X3. For any (epi-)morphism g : N1 → N2 in HMH, g⊗idH : N1⊗H → N2⊗H is an (epi- )morphism inHMHH. This gives rise to a functor

− ⊗kH :HMHHMHH, N 7→(N⊗H, %N⊗H, %N⊗H),

where %N⊗H is denotes the diagonal (H, H)-bimodule structure map given in (3.1) and

%N⊗H is the coaction ofN⊗H defined in (3.2).

In particular,H⊗H belongs toHMHH with the structures, forh, a, b∈H,

h·(a⊗b) = ∆(h)(a⊗b), (a⊗b)·h= (a⊗b)∆(h), %H⊗H(a⊗b) =φ−1·(id⊗∆)(a⊗b)·φ.

Any left H-module N may be considered as an (H, H)-bimodule with the trivial right H-module structure, that is,n·b:=ε(b)n. Then, in 3.2, the right H-module structure on N ⊗H comes out as (n⊗h)·b =Pε(b1)n⊗hb2 =n⊗hb. This leads to the following important special case:


3.3. LeftH-modules and quasi-Hopf bimodules. LetN ∈HManda, b, h∈H,n∈N.

(1) N⊗H is a right quasi-HopfH-bimodule with the bimodule structure the coaction,

(3.3) a·(n⊗h)·b:= ∆(a)(n⊗hb),

(3.4) %N⊗H:N⊗H →(N⊗H)⊗H, n⊗h7→φ−1·(id⊗∆)(n⊗h).

(2) Ifg:N1→N2is an (epi-)morphism inHM, theng⊗idH:N1⊗H →N2⊗H is an (epi-)morphism inHMHH.

(3) In particular, H⊗H belongs toHMHH with the structures

(3.5) h·(a⊗b)·h0= ∆(h)(a⊗b)(1⊗h0), %H⊗H(a⊗b) =φ−1·(id⊗∆)(a⊗b).

3.4. Comparison functor. For anyN ∈HM,N⊗H ∈HMHH with the (H, H)-bimodule structure given in (3.3) and the H-comodule structure map given in (3.4). This gives rise to thecomparison functor

− ⊗kH:HM→HMHH, N 7→(N⊗H, %N⊗H, %N⊗H),

where %N⊗H denotes the (H, H)-bimodule structure map from (3.3) and %N⊗H the right H-comodule structure ofN⊗H defined in (3.4).

In [19, Proposition 3.6], Schauenburg showed that (HMHH,⊗H, H) is a monoidal category and with this monoidal structure onHMHH, the comparison functor− ⊗kH is monoidal.

We now want to find right adjoints for the comparison functor.

3.5. Hausser-Nill and Bulacu-Caenepeel coinvariants in HMHH. Let H be a quasi- Hopf algebra. For anyM ∈HMHH, Hausser and Nill consider the projection map

(3.6) E:M →M, m7→X


and define as covariants McoH :=E(M), we call these HN-coinvariants. They form a leftH-module by the action, forh∈H,m∈McoH,

(3.7) hIm:=E(h m)

Bulacu and Caenepeel in [5], gave an alternative definition for coinvariants, by considering a different projection map

E:M →M, m7→X


and putting McoH :=E(M), we call them BC-coinvariants. They can be characterised by

(3.8) McoH = {m∈M|E(m) =m}

= {m∈M|%M(m) =Px1m S(x32X3)f1⊗x2X1βS(x31X2)f2}, wheref =Pf1⊗f2∈H⊗H is the gauge element from (2.9) (see [5, Lemma 3.6]).

McoH forms a leftH-module with the left adjoint action ofh∈H (see [5, Lemma 3.6]), h . m=X

h1m S(h2).

For any morphismf :M →Lin HMHH,f(McoH)⊆LcoH andf(McoH)⊆LcoH. These notions yield functors (−)coH and (−)coH :HMHHHM.

3.6. Relation between the projections E and E. Let H be a quasi-Hopf algebra, M ∈HMHH and E, E : M → M be the projections defined in (3.6) and (3.7). Then (as shown in [5]) for allm∈M,

(i) E(m) =PE(x1m)x2βS(x3), (ii) E(m) =P


(iii) E:McoH →McoH is anH-module isomorphism with inverseE:McoH →McoH.


3.7. Coinvariants as right adjoints. Let H be a quasi-Hopf algebra, N ∈ HM and M ∈HMHH.

(1) ψN,M :HHomHH(N⊗H, M)→HHom(N, McoH), f 7→[n7→f(n⊗1)], is a functorial isomorphism with inverse mapg7→[n⊗h7→g(n)h)].

Thus, the functors (− ⊗kH,(−)coH)form an adjoint pair with unit and counit ηN :N →(N⊗H)coH, n7→n⊗1H; εM :McoHkH→M, m⊗h7→m h, (2) HHomHH(N⊗H, M)ψ−→N,M HHom(N, McoH), f 7→[n7→E(f(n⊗1H))],

is a functorial isomorphism with inverse mapg7→[n⊗h7→P


So the functors (− ⊗H,(−)coH)form an adjoint pair with unit and counit ηN :N →(N⊗H)coH, n7→P

x1n⊗x2βS(x3), εM :McoHkH→M, m⊗h7→P

X1m S(X2)αX3h.

This is shown in [6] and [14]. From there we also get:

3.8. Fundamental Theorem of quasi-Hopf bimodules. (see [14, Theorem 3.8]) LetH be a quasi-Hopf algebra and M ∈HMHH. Referring to theH-module structures defined in 3.5 we get:

(1) εM :McoH⊗H →M, m⊗h7→m h,is an isomorphism inHMHH with inverse map ε−1M(m) =PE(m0)⊗m1.

(2) ¯ν :McoH⊗H → M, n⊗h7→= P

X1n S(X2)αX3h,is an isomorphism in HMHH

with inverse map ¯ν−1(m) =PE(m0)⊗m1.

The isomorphismMcoH ∼=McoH (see 3.6) implies (N⊗H)coH∼= (N⊗H)coH as leftH- modules. Both (−)coH and (−)coH are inverses – hence right adjoints – to the comparison functor− ⊗kH :HM→HMHH. We can describe these also by a Hom functor.

3.9. The functor HHomHH(V ⊗kH,−). Let V ∈HMH.

(1) ForM ∈HMH,HHomH(V ⊗H, M)∈HMwith the leftH-module structure given for h, h0 ∈H andv∈V, by

(h0·f)(v⊗h) =f(v h0⊗h).

This yields a functor HHomH(V ⊗H,−) : HMHHM, and by corestriction, a functor


(2) Let N ∈ HM and consider it as an (H, H)-bimodule with the trivial right H-module structure. Then

(i) ψ:HHomHH(V ⊗H, N ⊗H)→HHomH(V ⊗H, N), f 7→(id⊗ε)◦f, is an isomorphism inHMwith inverse map g7→(g⊗idH)◦%V⊗H. (ii) θ:HHomH(V ⊗H, N)→HHom(V, N), f 7→f(− ⊗1H),

is an isomorphism inHMwith inverse map g7→[v⊗h7→ε(h)g(v)].

(iii) HHom(V, N)→HHomHH(V ⊗H, N⊗H), g7→g⊗idH,

is a leftH-module isomorphism with the inverse map f 7→(id⊗ε)◦f(− ⊗1H).

Thus the comparison functor− ⊗kH:HM→HMHH is full and faithful.

Let V = H and consider H ⊗H with the structures given in (3.5). Then, for any M ∈HMHH we have a left H-module structure on HHomHH(H⊗H, M), forh, a, b∈H and f ∈HHomHH(H⊗H, M),

(h·f)(a⊗b) =f(a h⊗b).

This structure leads to a right adjoint for the comparison functor (see also [4, 18.10]).


3.10. HHomHH(H⊗H,−)as right adjoint to the comparison-functor. ForM ∈HMHH

andN ∈HM, there is a functorial isomorphism

HHomHH(N⊗H, M)→HHom(N,HHomHH(H⊗H, M)), f 7→ {n7→[a⊗b7→f(a n⊗b)]}, with inverse map g7→[n⊗h7→g(n)(1H⊗h)].

Thus the comparison functor − ⊗kH (from 3.4) is left adjoint to the functor

HHomHH(H⊗H,−) :HMHHHM, with unit and counit

ηN :N→HHomHH(H⊗H, N⊗H), n7→[a⊗b7→a n⊗b], εM :HHomHH(H⊗H, M)⊗H→M, f⊗h7→f(1H⊗h).

Proof. The proof will follow from more general assertions in 4.9. tu Of course the three adjoint versions of the comparison functor have to be isomorphic and explicitly this reads as follows.

3.11. Coinvariants as HHomHH-functor. Let M be a right quasi-HopfH-bimodule.

(1) There is a functorial isomorphism in HM

ψ¯M :HHomHH(H⊗kH, M)→McoH, f 7→f(1⊗1), with inverse map m7→[a⊗b7→E(a m)b].

(2) There is a functorial isomorphism in HM,

θ¯M :HHomHH(H⊗kH, M)→McoH, f 7→X

f(x1⊗x2βS(x3)), with inverse map m7→[a⊗b7→E(a m)b].

Proof. This will follow from the more general results proved in 5.11. tu 4. Two-sided Hopf modules

Again (H,∆, ε, φ) will denote a quasi-bialgebra. Hausser and Nill [12] gave a definition of H-comodule (co)algebrastaking care of the non-coassociativity of the coproduct.

4.1. Comodule algebras. A unital associative algebra Ais called aright H-comodule algebra if there exist an algebra morphism ρ : A → A ⊗H and an invertible element φρ∈ A ⊗H⊗H such that

(R1) φρ·(ρ⊗idH)◦ρ(a) = (idH⊗∆)◦ρ(a)·φρ for alla∈ A.

(R2) (1A⊗φ)(id⊗∆⊗id)(φρ)·(φρ⊗1H) = (id⊗id⊗∆)(φρ)·(ρ⊗id⊗id)(φρ) (R3) (idA⊗ε)◦ρ=idA

(R4) (idA⊗ε⊗idH)(φρ) = 1A⊗1H.

These conditions also imply (id⊗id⊗ε)(φρ) = 1A⊗1H.

Any quasi-bialgebra H is a rightH-comodule algebra withA=H,ρ= ∆ and φρ =φ.

As for the reassociatorφof a quasi-bialgebraH, we use capital letters for the components ofφρ and small letters for the components ofφ−1ρ , that is,

(4.1) φρ=XX˜ρ1⊗X˜ρ2⊗X˜ρ3 and φ−1ρ =X



Although a quasi-bialgebra is not coassociative one can associate monoidal categories to quasi-bialgebras in which they induce comonads. This point of view has been taken in [7], [14], [19], and [6] in order to define relative Hopf modules, quasi-Hopf bimodules, and two-sided two-cosided Hopf modules.

For a right H-comodule algebra (A, ρ, φρ), we show that the tensor functor − ⊗kH is a comonad on the category AMH and we consider the category of two-sided Hopf modules

AMHH as the Eilenberg-Moore comodule category over this comonad. Furthermore, we show that the Hom-functorAHomHH(A ⊗H,−) is right adjoint to the comparison functor− ⊗kH.


Other forms of adjoint functors to−⊗kHare obtained by defining Hausser-Nill and Bulacu- Caenepeel type coinvariants for this category (following [6, 5], [9]). The relationship between these is explicitly described.

4.2. CategoryAMHH of two-sided Hopf modules. Let (A, ρ, φρ) be a rightH-comodule algebra. A left two-sided (A, H)-Hopf moduleis an (A, H)-bimoduleM, together with a k-linear map

%M :M →M⊗H, %M(m) =X

m0⊗m1, satisfying the relations

(idM⊗ε)◦%M = idM, (4.2)

(idM⊗∆)◦%M(m) = φρ·(%M ⊗idH)◦%M(m)·φ−1, (4.3)

%M(a m) = X

a(0)m0⊗a(1)m1, (4.4)

%M(m h) = X

m0h1⊗m1h2, (4.5)

form∈M,h∈H anda∈ A, where ρ(a) =Pa(0)⊗a(1).

The category of left two-sided (A, H)-Hopf modules and rightH-linear, leftA-linear, and rightH-colinear maps is denoted byAMHH.

For the special case A=H, the category of two-sided (H, H)-Hopf modules is nothing but the category of right quasi-HopfH-bimodules (see section 3.1).

4.3. Subgenerator for AMHH. Let(A, ρ, φρ)be a rightH-comodule algebra.

(1) For any N ∈AM,N⊗H ∈AMHH with structure maps, forh, h0∈H,n∈N,a∈ A, (4.6) a·(n⊗h) =X

a(0)n⊗a(1)h, (n⊗h)·h0=n⊗hh0. (4.7) %N⊗H(n⊗h) =X


x1ρn⊗˜x2ρh1⊗x˜3ρh2−1ρ ·(id⊗∆)(n⊗h),

(2) If g:N1→N2 is an (epi-)morphism inAM, then g⊗idH :N1⊗H →N2⊗H is an (epi-)morphism in AMHH.

(3) With the structure maps, for h, h0∈H anda, a0∈ A, a0·(a⊗h0) =X

a0(0)a⊗a0(1)h, (a⊗h)h0 =a⊗hh0, %A⊗H(a⊗h) =φ−1ρ ·(X

a⊗h1⊗h2), A ⊗H∈AMHH and it is a subgeneratorfor this category.

Proof. The parts (1) and (2) are straightforward to see.

(3) Using a similar approach as in section 3.1, we see that for any M ∈AMHH, the left A-moduleM is a homomorphic image ofA(Λ), for some cardinal Λ. Therefore M⊗H is a homomorphic image of

A(Λ)⊗H ∼= (A ⊗H)(Λ).

For any M ∈AMHH, the coaction%M :M →M⊗H is a (mono-)morphism in the category

AMHH, so we can considerM as a subobject ofM⊗H, the latter being generated byA ⊗H

in AMHH. tu

The parts (1) and (2) in the above assertion give rise to

4.4. The comparison functor − ⊗k H : AM → AMHH. Let (A, %, φ%) be a right H- comodule algebra. For any N ∈AM, N⊗H ∈AMHH with the (A, H)-bimodule structure from (4.6) and the H-comodule structure map from (4.7). This leads to thecomparison functor

− ⊗kH :AM→AMHH, N7→(N⊗H, %N⊗H, %N⊗H),

where %N⊗H denotes the (A, H)-bimodule and %N⊗H the right H-comodule structure of N⊗H.


4.5. − ⊗k V as endofunctor of AMH. Let (A, ρ, φρ) be a right H-comodule algebra, N ∈AMH andV ∈HMH. Then the coaction

ρ:A → A ⊗kH, ρ(a) =X


induces an (A, H)-bimodule structure onN⊗kV, forh∈H,a∈ A,v∈V, and n∈N, a·(n⊗v)·h=X

a(0)n h1⊗a(1)v h2=ρ(a) (n⊗v) ∆(h).

With this structure we obtain an endofunctor− ⊗kV :AMHAMH, and the special case V =H yields

G:=− ⊗kH :AMHAMH, N 7→N⊗H,

with the (A, H)-bimodule structure onN⊗H given as above. This is a comonad.

4.6. − ⊗kH as a comonad on AMH. Let(A, ρ, φρ)a right H-comodule algebra.

(1) − ⊗kH : AMHAMH is a comonad on AMH with the comultiplication, on N ∈


δN :N⊗H →(N⊗H)⊗H, n⊗h7→φ−1ρ ·(id⊗∆)(n⊗h)·φ, and counit defined byN =idN ⊗ε:N⊗H →N.

(2) The category of two-sided Hopf modules AMHH is isomorphic to the Eilenberg-Moore comodule category (AMH)−⊗H.

Proof. (1) First we show the coassociativity ofδ, i.e., forN∈AMH,n∈N andh∈H, (4.8) δN⊗H◦δN(n⊗h) = (δN ⊗idH)◦δN(n⊗h).

For this, using the definition of δN, we compute

L.H.S = (φ−1ρ ⊗1)· {(id⊗∆⊗id)(φ−1ρ ·[(id⊗∆)(n⊗h)]·φ)} ·(φ⊗1)

= (φ−1ρ ⊗1)·(id⊗∆⊗id)(φ−1ρ )·[(id⊗∆⊗id)◦(id⊗∆)(n⊗h)]


by (2.2) = (φ−1ρ ⊗1)·(id⊗∆⊗id)(φ−1ρ )·(1A⊗φ−1)·[(id⊗id⊗∆)◦(id⊗∆)(n⊗h)]


On the other hand,

R.H.S = (ρ⊗id⊗id)(φ−1ρ )· {(id⊗ ⊗id∆)(φ−1ρ ·[(idN ⊗∆)(n⊗h)]·φ)} ·(∆⊗id⊗id)(φ)

= (ρ⊗id⊗id)(φ−1ρ )·(idN ⊗idH⊗∆)(φ−1ρ )·[(id⊗id⊗∆)◦(id⊗∆)(n⊗h)]


By (2.3) and 4.1, both sides of (4.8) are equal to each other. Thus, δis coassociative.

It can be easily seen thatN =idN ⊗ε:N⊗H →N is a counit forδ.

(2) To prove the isomorphism (AMH)−⊗H ∼=AMHH, we take an object M ∈(AMH)−⊗H and note that we have a G-comodule structure morphism %M :M →M ⊗H =G(M) in

AMH inducing commutativity of the diagram M


%M //M⊗H =G(M)





M ⊗(H⊗H)

φ−1ρ ·−·φ


M ⊗H=G(M)


//GG(M) = (M ⊗H)⊗H.

The commutativity of the outer diagram is precisely the condition (4.3) onM to be a two- sided Hopf module. It is easy to see that the condition (4.2) is equivalent to the counitality

of. tu


The following helps to find a right adjoint to the comparison functor (from 4.4).

4.7. The functor AHomHH(V ⊗H,−). Let (A, ρ, φρ) be a rightH-comodule algebra, V ∈


(1) If M ∈AMH, then AHomH(V ⊗H, M) ∈ AM with the left A-action, for h ∈ H, a∈ Aandv∈V,

(a·f)(v⊗h) =f(v a⊗h).

This leads to the functorAHomH(V ⊗H,−) :AMHAMand, by corestriction, to

AHomHH(V ⊗H,−) :AMHHAM. (2) Let N ∈AM.

(i) ψ:AHomHH(V ⊗H, N ⊗H)→AHomH(V ⊗H, N), f 7→(id⊗ε)◦f, is an isomorphism inAMwith inverse map g7→(g⊗idH)◦%V⊗H. (ii) θ:AHomH(V ⊗H, N)→AHom(V, N), f7→f(− ⊗1H),

is an isomorphism inAMwith inverse map g7→[v⊗h7→ε(h)g(v)].

(iii) AHom(V, N)→AHomHH(V ⊗H, N⊗H), g7→g⊗idH,

is an isomorphism inAMwith inverse map f 7→(id⊗ε)◦f(− ⊗1H).

Thus the comparison functor− ⊗kH is full and faithful.

Note that here we consider the rightH-module structure ofN to be the trivial one.

Proof. (1) For all a∈ A andf ∈AHomH(V ⊗H, M), it is easy to see thata·f is an (A, H)-bilinear map. In this way, we haveAHomH(V⊗H, M)∈AM. In caseM ∈AMHHand f ∈AHomHH(V ⊗H, M), theH-colinearity of ofa·ffollows from theH-colinearity offitself.

Thus,AHomHH(V⊗H, M)∈AMand we obtain a functorAHomHH(V⊗H,−) :AMHHAM. (2) (i) As seen in 4.5, the functor− ⊗kH :AMHAMHis a comonad and the category

AMHH of two-sided Hopf modules is the Eilenberg-Moore comodule category (AMH)−⊗H. Now, considering the functor − ⊗H : AMHAMHH as the free functor which is right adjoint to the forgetful functor (by 2.3), we obtain the isomorphism of part (i).

(ii) First we note that forf ∈AHomH(V ⊗H, N),h∈H,a∈ Aandv∈V, a[θ(f)(v)] = a[f(v⊗1H)]

fis leftA-linear = X


fis rightH-linear = X

f(a(0)v⊗1H)a(1) N is trivial rightH-module = X

f(a(0)v⊗1H)ε(a(1)) = f(a v⊗1H) = θ(f)(a v).

This means thatθ(f)∈AHom(V, N). It is straightforward to show that, forg∈AHom(V, N), we haveθ0(g)∈AHomH(V ⊗H, N). Bijectivity and left A-linearity ofθfollow from direct computations.

(iii) This follows from the composition of the isomorphisms in parts (i) and (ii). tu 4.8. Corollary. Let (A, ρ, φρ)be a rightH-comodule algebra.

(1) ForM ∈AMHH, we have a leftA-module structure onAHomHH(A ⊗H, M)given, for h∈H,a, a0∈ Aandf ∈AHomHH(A ⊗H, M), by(a0·f)(a⊗h) =f(aa0⊗h).

(2) ForN ∈AM, the morphism

ηN :N →AHomHH(A ⊗H, N⊗H), n7→[a⊗h7→a n⊗h], is an isomorphism with inverse mapf 7→(id⊗ε)◦f(1A⊗1H).


Proof. (1) Follows directly from 4.7 by takingV =A.

(2) Composition of the isomorphismsψ−1andθ−1 gives rise to the isomorphisms N ∼=AHom(A, N)∼=AHomH(A ⊗H, N)∼=AHomHH(A ⊗H, N⊗H).

Using 4.7, we see that this composition gives the isomorphismηN. tu The Hom-functor from 4.7 is right adjoint to the comparison functor− ⊗kH from 4.4:

4.9. Hom-tensor adjunction for AMHH. Let (A, %, φ%) be a right H-comodule algebra, M ∈AMHH, andN ∈AM. Then there is a functorial isomorphism

Ω :AHomHH(N⊗H, M)−→AHom(N,AHomHH(A⊗H, M)), f 7→ {n7→[a⊗h7→f(a n⊗h)]}, with inverse map Ω0 given by g7→ {n⊗h7→g(n)(1A⊗h)}.

Thus the functors(− ⊗kH,AHomHH(A ⊗H,−))form an adjoint pair with unit and counit ηN :N →AHomHH(A ⊗H, N⊗H), n7→[a⊗h7→a n⊗h],

εM :AHomHH(A ⊗H, M)⊗H →M, f ⊗h7→f(1A⊗h).

Proof. First we show that for any f ∈AHomHH(N⊗H, M), Ω(f) is leftA-linear. For h∈H, a, a0∈ Aandn∈N,

[a0·(Ω(f)(n))](a⊗h) = Ω(f)(n)(aa0⊗h) =f(n aa0⊗h) = [Ω(f)(a0n))](a⊗h).

Thus, we have Ω(f)∈AHom(N,AHomHH(A ⊗H, M)).

For anyg∈AHom(N,AHomHH(A ⊗H, M)), we show that Ω0(g)∈AHomHH(N⊗H, M).

(i) Ω0(g) is leftA-linear. Fora∈ Aandn∈N, Ω0(g)((n⊗h)·a) = X

0(g)(a(0)n⊗a(1)h) =X


gis rightA-linear = X

(a(0)·g(n))(1A⊗a(1)h) =X


= g(n)(ρ(a) (1⊗h)) =a[g(n)(1⊗h)] = a[Ω0(g)(n⊗h)].

(ii) It can be easily seen that Ω0(g) is rightH-linear.

(iii) For the rightH-colinearity of Ω0(g) we show that (%M ◦Ω0(g))(n⊗h) =X


By the colinearity ofg(n),

(%M◦Ω0(g))(n⊗h) =%M(g(n)(1A⊗h)) =g(n)(˜x1ρ⊗x˜2ρh1)⊗˜x3ρh2. On the other hand,



x1ρn⊗x˜2ρh1⊗x˜3ρh2) = X


gisA-linear = X


= X

g(n)(˜x1ρ⊗x˜2ρh1)⊗˜x3ρh2. This shows theH-colinearity of Ω0(g).

Ω and Ω0 are inverse to each other: Forn∈N, h∈H andf ∈AHomHH(A ⊗H, M), (Ω0◦Ω(f))(n⊗h) = (Ω(f))(n)(1A⊗h) =f(1An⊗h) =f(n⊗h).

Conversely, for anyh∈H, n∈N, a∈ Aandg∈AHom(N,AHomHH(A ⊗H, M)), {[(Ω◦Ω0)(g)](n)}(a⊗h) = (Ω0(g))(a n⊗h) =g(a n)(1A⊗h)

gisA-linear = [a·g(n)](1A⊗h) =g(n)(a⊗h).

i.e. Ω◦Ω0(g) =g. It is easy to see that Ω is functorial in both componentsM andN. tu Remark. TakingA=H, 3.10 is a special case of 4.9 above.


5. Coinvariants for AMHH

In this section we show that right adjoints for the comparison functor from 4.4 can also be described by coinvariants.

Throughout this section, we assume (H,∆, ε, φ) to be a quasi-Hopf algebra with quasi- antipode (S, α, β). For a rightH-comodule algebra A, by [12, Lemma 9.1], we have for all a∈ A,

Pa(0)(0)1ρ⊗a(0)(1)2ρS(a(1)) = Px˜1ρa⊗x˜2ρβS(˜x3ρ) PX˜ρ1a(0)(0)⊗S( ˜Xρ2a(0)(1))αX˜ρ3a(1) = P

aX˜ρ1⊗S( ˜Xρ2)αX˜ρ3 X( ˜Xρ1)(0)1ρ⊗( ˜Xρ1)(1)2ρβS( ˜Xρ23ρ)αX˜ρ3 = 1A⊗1H


XX˜ρ1(˜x1ρ)(0)⊗S( ˜Xρ2(˜x1ρ)(1))αX˜ρ32ρβS(˜x3ρ) = 1A⊗1H


5.1. Hausser-Nill-type coinvariants for AMHH. Let (A, ρ, φρ) a rightH-comodule alge- bra. ForM ∈AMHH, define a projectionE :M →M, form∈M, by

E(m) :=XX˜ρ1m0βS( ˜Xρ2m1)αX˜ρ3,

and defineHN-type coinvariantsofM byMcoH :=E(M). For m∈M, a∈ Aput aIm:=E(a m)

Similar to 3.5 (see also [14, Proposition 3.4]), we have the following properties:

5.2. Properties of HN-type coinvariants. ForM ∈AMHH,a∈ A,h∈H and m∈M we have, with the above notations,

(i) E(m h) =ε(h)E(m), (ii) E2=E,

(iii) aIE(m) =E(a m) =aIm, (iv) (ab)Im=aI(bIm),

(v) aE(m) =P[a(0)IE(m)]a(1), (vi) P

E(m0)m1=m, (vii) P

E(E(m)0)⊗ E(m)1=E(m)⊗1.


(i) E(m h) = XX˜ρ1(m h)0βS( ˜Xρ2(m h)1)αX˜ρ3=XX˜ρ1m0h1βS( ˜Xρ2m1h2)αX˜ρ3

= ε(h)XX˜ρ1m0βS( ˜Xρ2m1)αX˜ρ3=ε(h)E(m).

(ii) We use part (i) to compute

E2(m) = E(XX˜ρ1m0βS( ˜Xρ2m1)αX˜ρ3)

by (i) = X

E( ˜Xρ1m0)ε(βS( ˜Xρ2m1)αX˜ρ3)

= X

E( ˜Xρ1m0)ε(β)ε( ˜Xρ2)ε(m1)ε(α)ε( ˜Xρ3) = X

E(m0ε(m1)) =E(m).

(iii) aIE(m) = E(aE(m)) =X

E(aX˜ρ1m0βS( ˜Xρ2m1)αX˜ρ3)

= X

E(aX˜ρ1m0)ε(βS( ˜Xρ2m1)αX˜ρ3)

= X

E(aX˜ρ1m0)ε(β)ε◦S(m1)ε◦S( ˜Xρ2)ε(α)ε( ˜Xρ3)

= X

E(aε(m1)m0)ε(β)ε(α) = X

E(a m) =aIm.

(iv) follows immediately from part (iii).



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