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Visual Resources XVIII, No. 4, 2002


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Visual Resources XVIII, No. 4, 2002

Helene Roberts

A new issue of Visual Resources has just been published:


An International Journal of Documentation Vol. XVIII, No. 4, 2002


Avril Kay Henry, A New On-line Art Resource:http://www.exetercathedral.co.uk.

Philip Pacey, The Picturesque Railway REVIEWS:

Cathy Cherbosque, Eyewitnessing: The Use of Images as Historical Evidence, by Peter Burke.

Jordana Mendelson, Greetings from New Jersey: A Postcard Tour of the Garden State, by Helen-Chantal Pike.

Heather Eaton, Transforming Images: How Photography Complicates the Picture, by Barbara E. Savedoff.

Kristen Hileman, Douglas Gordon, edited by Russell Ferguson, with contributions

by Michael Darling, Francis McKee, Nancy Spector, and David Sylvester.

Charles T. Wood, Mapping Cities, catalogue and essay by Naomi Miller; A Wheel of Memory: The Hereford Mappamundi, CD-Rom, by Naomi Reed Kline.

Priscilla Baumann, The Maze and the Warrior: Symbols in Architecture, Theology, and Music, by Craig Wright.

Helene E. Roberts, The Houses of Parliament: History, Art, Architecture, edited

by Christine Riding and Jacqueline Riding.

Information about contributing or subscribing to Visual Resources can be




accessed through the Routledge or Taylor & Francis Web sites for Visual Resources:


Please drop by a take a loook at our journal at the Taylor and Francis exhibit

booth at CAA next week.



TOC: Visual Resources XVIII, No. 4, 2002. In: ArtHist.net, Feb 18, 2003 (accessed Feb 27, 2022),




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Hahn, Exhibition as Archive: Beaumont Newhall, Photography 1839-1937, and the Museum of Modern Art.

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