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English on Monday


Academic year: 2022

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Sprachen Englisch, Bildungsprogramm 2021

OT-ES-E 314

English on Monday

A conversation course for civil servants

Content and aims

“My English is not bad, but when I have to speak it at work I feel I’d need more regular practice.” Does this sound like you? We have the solution: a weekly conversation course to keep your professional English “topped up” and ready to go when you need it. Improve your fluency and boost your vocabulary in a relaxed, communicative atmosphere for 90 minutes each week.

Topics & activities:

• A range of attractive topics relevant to your work and interests, with a different thematic focus each week

• Video excerpts, short articles and structured discussion tasks provide the stimulus for authentic speaking scenarios and intercultural awareness raising

• Your vocabulary and terminology questions answered.

Working method

• Interactive webinar (with pair/group work)

• Vocabulary learning app for reviewing new vocabulary from each session on your smartphone/tablet/computer.

There are 3 separate parts to this course. You can come to one or more parts. Please register separately for each part. NB: This course is the same as “English on Friday”.

Technical requirements:

• PC / laptop / tablet / smartphone (possibly private) with camera and microphone as well as internet access, headphones are recommended

• Webinar software platform Zoom or similar

Target group

People who want regular fluency practice and systematic vocabulary building.

This seminar is open to people with CEFR levels B1, B2 and higher.


Sue Norris, M.Ed. B.A.


Sprachen Englisch, Bildungsprogramm 2021

Time & venue

Length: 10 x 90-minute sessions (per part of the course) Seminar number: OT-ES-E 314

Dates: Part 1: 11 January – 22 March 2021, 8.30-10:00 Part 2: 12 April – 21 June 2021, 8:30-10:00

Part 3: 27 September – 13 December 2021, 8:30-10:00 Venue: Parts 1 & 2: Online

Part 3: Hohenstaufengasse 3, 1010 or online, if necessary


In the hands of: Ursula Eder

Secretariat: Petra Ranzenbacher


If you feel your English may be a little rusty, come to Brush up your English-Online first of all.


Sue Norris, M.Ed., B.A., RSA Dipl. TEFLA

Expertin für englische Fachsprache und Kommunikation, Trainerin und Coach.

Arbeitsschwerpunkte: English for Law, Politics, Government & Public Administration. Studium der Germanistik und TESOL. Vormals Lehrtätigkeit an der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien und der Donau-Universität Krems.




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