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0 Errata der 6. Auflage


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0 Errata der 6. Auflage

Stand: 05. Mai 2008

Seite/Zeile falsch richtig

1/14 unbestechliche unbestechlich

83/1 Tausch der Spaltenüberschriften ‚Portugal‘ und ‚England‘

108/7 v.u. (Achsenbeschriftung)y=f(x) y=f(x)

111/18 mit der in 2.7 mit der in Abb. 2.7

165/14 v.u. 30 60

174/7 v.u. πc πK

278/1 Abbildungsunterschrift gehört auf die vorstehende Seite

352/17 also die indirekt Effekte also die indirekten Effekte

387/2 v.u. x(p) y(p)

393/1 Normal Schwarz

393/2 Normal Schwarz

393/3 Fett Rot

393/4 Fett Rot

393/5 Fett Rot

393/6 Normal Schwarz

393/9 Fett Rot

393/9 Normal Schwarz

397/12 v.u. Fett Rot

397/11 v.u. wF wR

404/4 v.u. wjk vjk

468/6 v.u. y21+y22= 25 y21+y22=F

466/4 v.u. F = 100undaij= 1 F = 98undaij = 1und dem fest vorgegebenen Nutzen von Indiv. 2 vonU2=U2= 14


Bei der Aufgabe 8.20 auf Seite 412 sollten für eine einsichtigere Lösung die Auf- gabenteile i) und iii) getauscht werden. Außerdem muss der ‚Absolutwert der Steigung‘ bei der Nachfragefunktion stehen.



• Page 22, second line of the page: You write: ”Then σ is recurrent if and only if every non-sink vertex fires in the stabilization of σ + β.” I don’t think this is true (take

• page 59, proof of Proposition 8.1.3: In the third display in this proof, and every time from there onwards until the end of page 59, you’re using the letter “λ 1 ” as a

the same holds for the word w 0 , because the simple factor u is unaffected by the change that transforms w into w 0 (indeed, the change only modifies unpaired letters, but there are

• (5.5): Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to mention that ”ring” means ”not necessarily unital ring” here.. • Proof of (5.6): On the last line of page 20, you write I g

When you write “One of the important con- sequences of the mere existence of this formula is the following” on page 8, you suddenly switch from GL n to general Lie groups; it would

Proof of the equality between (3.18a) and (3.18c): The matrix B is column- pseudo-commutative, and thus has column-symmetric commutators, and therefore has weakly

• page 1, Abstract: In the first sentence, the subsentence “subset of sequences satisfying a degree-m linear recursion, i.e... Errata to “On finite sequences satisfying

This formula is easy and known, but since you are defining polarization, you might as well mention this formula, as you are using it several times (for example, you silently use