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Exercises on General Relativity and Cosmology


Academic year: 2021

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Physikalisches Institut Exercise 5

Universit¨at Bonn 08 May 2013

Theoretische Physik SS 2013

Exercises on General Relativity and Cosmology

Priv.-Doz. Dr. Stefan F¨orste


–Home Exercises–

H 5.1 Matrix Identity (6 points)

Show the identity

detA= etr logA,

for general real valued d×d matrix A (for which log is defined).

H 5.2 Noether Currents (8 points)

Consider a classical field theory of a single scalar field φ(x) defined by the action S=


d4xL(φ, ∂µφ), which is invariant under (global) Lorentz transformations


(a) Show that the parameter of an infinitesimal Lorentz transformation xµ 7→(δνµµν)xν,

has to be antisymmetric in its upper indices, i.e. ωµννµ = 0. (1 point) (b) Show, that the conserved currents of such an infinitesimal transformation are given by

(Jµ)ρσ =xσTµρ−xρTµσ,

where Tµν is the canonical energy momentum tensor. (5 point s) (c) What are the conserved charges? Show that

d dt


d3xxiT00= const. .

(2 point s)



H 5.3 Electromagnetism revisited (6 points) Maxwell’s theory of electromagnetism (without sources) can be easily written in form language as the action

S = 1 4


d4x FµνFµν

where the field strength tensorF is the exterior derivativeF = dAof the gauge field 1-form A.

(a) Show that this reproduces Maxwell’s equations as given in H 2.2(a).

Hint: Vary the action with respect to A. (3 point s)

(b) Calculate the conserved current corresponding to the global shift symmetry Aµ 7→Aµ+aµ. What is the conserved charge? (2 point s) (c) Show that the canonical energy momentum tensor is given by

Tµν =FλµFλν− 1


(1 point)




The components x µ which we used in the previous exercise sheet are called contravariant coordinates of the four-vector x, which itself is an element of the tangent space T p (M ) at

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(1 point ) Now we demand that the metric g µν be covariantly constant, that is, if two vectors X and Y are parallel transported, then the inner product between them remains

H 9.1 Symmetries and Killing vector fields (20 points) General relativity is supposed to be invariant under general coordinate redefinitions.. This fact is often called

Since the Schwarzschild solution as given above is only valid outside of the spherically symmetric mass distribution, let us here try to find a continuation which holds inside of

Your solutions to the exercises on this sheet do not affect your admittance to the final exam. You may hand in solutions to your tutors until Wednesday, 10th