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Nash 843


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842 Nachmansohn

H a m b u r g , 1964); Karl D i n k l a g e , ed, Robert Musil: Studien zu seinem Werk ( R e i n b e k / H a m b u r g , 1970); M a r i e Louise R o t h , Robert Musil: Ethik und Ästhetik ( M u n i c h , 1972); R o b e r t L.

Roseberry, Robert Musil: Ein Forschungsbericht ( F r a n k f u r t / M , 1974); Handbuch der Editionen (Berlin, 1979). Arch: Österr.

N a t i o n a l b i b l i o t h e k , Vienna. Sources: H a n d . — IfZ.


Nachmansohn, David, prof, of b i o c h e m i s t r y ; b. Jekaterinoslav, Russ. ( D n e p r o p e t r o v s k , U . S . S . R . ) 17 M a r . 1899. R : Jewish. E:

1933 Fr, 1939 U.S. Cit: 1944 U S, fmly. Ger. F: Moses N , b. Li- t h u a n i a , Russ. (U.S.S.R.) 1866, d. It. 1944, Jewish, educ. bus.

sch, b u s i n e s s m a n , Zionist, 1933 to Switz, then to lt. M: Regina Klinkowstein, b. Lublin, Russ. Pol. (Pol.), d. It. 1943, Jewish, Zionist, emigr. with spouse. S : Ida, b. J e k a t e r i n o s l a v 1896, d.

1980, G y m . educ, 1925 to Switz; G u s t a Schlossberg, b. 1901, d.

Tel Aviv 1949,.Gym. educ, 1933 to Pal. <*> 1929 Edith Berger, b.

Berlin 1903, Jewish, D r . m e d , emigr. with h u s b a n d a n d child.

C: R u t h D e b o r a h Rothschild, b. Berlin 1931, Ph.D. in art hist, a : N e w York.

1918-23 att. Univs. Berlin, F r a n k f u r t / M a n d K ö n i g s b e r g ( K a l i n i n g r a d , U.S.S.R.); 1924-26 res. fel. in b i o c h e m , Univ.

Berlin; 1926 D r . m e d , Univ. Berlin. 1926-30 fel, Kaiser Wilhelm Inst. 1931-33 assist, physician a n d head of chem. lab, Rudolf Virchow H o s p . 1933 emigr. to Fr. with j o b offer. 1933 fel, 1937 maitre d e recherches, Faculté d e Sciences, S o r b o n n e . 1939 emigr. to U.S. with j o b o f f e r a n d u n l i m i t e d leave of absence f r o m previous position. 1939-42 m e m . fac, Yale Univ. Sch. of M e d . 1942- m e m . fac, C o l u m b i a Univ. Coll. of Physicians a n d Surgs: 1942 res. assoc. in neurol, 1947 assist, prof, 1951 assoc.

prof, 1955- prof, of b i o c h e m , 1968 prof, e m e r , then spec. lect.

in b i o c h e m . a n d neurol. C o n c u r r . 1943 civilian sei. with C h e m . W a r f a r e Div, U.S. A r m y . 1980 intl. s y m p o s i u m in Liège, Belg, org. o n the occasion of N . ' s 81st b i r t h d a y ; Festschrift of the proc. publ. as " M o l e c u l a r Aspects of Bioelectricity" in Neuro- chem. Intl. (vol. 2). Spec, in the chemical a n d molecular basis of nerve excitability a n d bioelectricity. N.'s use of biochemistry i n f l u e n c e d u n d e r s t a n d i n g of nerve activity which was essential- ly a p h e n o m e n o l o g i c a l circumstance. P r o p o s e d , in 1953 H a r - vey lect, the c o n c e p t of a n " a c e t y l c h o l i n e cycle," in which ace- tylcholine is associated with 4 proteins (a receptor a n d storage protein, an e n z y m e for its r a p i d removal, a n d o n e for its synthe- sis). T h e cycle controlled by c o n f o r m a t i o n a l c h a n g e of recep- tor, ion permeability across excitable m e m b r a n e s , thus carry- ing nerve impulses. 1937- the use of electric o r g a n s of electric fish, which are highly specialized for bioelectrogenesis, were in- strumental in a n a l y z i n g the properties a n d f u n c t i o n of the p r o - teins. Investigations on a great variety of nerve m e c h a n i s m s incl. a study of o r g a n o p h o s p h a t e s (widely used as insecticides, potential chemical w a r f a r e agents) which led to the develop- ment of a specific a n d highly effective a n t i d o t e against o r g a n o - p h o s p h a t e p o i s o n i n g that has saved m a n y lives. H o n . fel: Ber- lin M e d . Soc; W e i z m a n n Inst, of Sei, R e b o v o t , Isr. (bd. govs.).

M e m : N a t . Acad, of Sei; A m . A c a d , of Arts a n d Scis; N e w Y o r k A c a d , of M e d ; N e w York Acad, of Scis; G e r . Acad, of Scis, L e o p o l d i n a ; L.B.I, N e w Y o r k (dir.); H a r v e y Soc. (bd.

dirs. 1966-68); others. R e e d : Pasteur M e d a l , Paris Soc. C h e m . Biol. (1952); N e u b e r g M e d a l , A m . Soc. Eur. C h e m . (1953); M e d - al of Soc. Biochem. Biol. (1964); D r . m e d , h.c, Free U n i v , W.

Berlin (1964); G o l d M e d a l , Sp. S u p e r i o r C o u n . for Sei. Invest.

(1975); A. v o n G r a e f e M e d a l , Berlin M e d . Ges. (1980); D r . h . c : Univ. Liège (1979), T u f t s U n i v , Boston. A : (1981) N e w York.

Biblio: Chemical and Molecular Basis of Nerve Activity ( 1959 ; rev. ed. 1975); German-Jewish Pioneers in Science 1900-1933:

Highlights in Atomic Physics, Chemistry, and Biochemistry ( B e r l i n - H e i d e l b e r g - N e w York, 1979); m o r e t h a n 400 orig.

pubis, a p p e a r e d f r o m N . ' s l a b ; in a d d i t i o n , contrib. m o r e t h a n 25 revs; ed. 10 b o o k s ; lect. a n d publ. in G e r , Fr. a n d Eng. Col- lected b o u n d vols, of work in C o l u m b i a Sch. of M e d . Libr. a n d

m a i n libr. there. Lit: Time (21 N o v . 1960); D . N , " B i o c h e m i s t r y as Part of My L i f e , " Annual Rev. of Biochem. (vol. 41, 1972).

Papers: N u m . letters connected with - • A. Einstein, Fritz H a b e r , — C a r l N e u b e r g a n d O t t o M e y e r h o f . Arch: S.P.S.L.

Sources: A r c h , H a n d , N e w s , Print, Qu. — R . F . J . I .

Nagler, Alois Maria, prof, of d r a m a t i c history a n d criticism; b.

G r a z , Aus. 14 Sept. 1907. E: 1938 U.S. Cit: 1944 U.S, fmly.

Aus. F: Alois N. M: Auguste S c h u p p , p r o o f r e a d e r , co 1933 Er- na Scheinberger.

1926-30 att. Univs. G r a z a n d V i e n n a : 1930 D r . p h i l , Univ.

G r a z . 1930-32 freelance writer, Berlin. 1932-38 lit. ed. a n d d r a - ma critic of Wiener Neueste Nachrichten. Vienna. 1938 emigr.

to U.S. Lect. at var. colls. 1940-41 Rockefeller F o u n d , res. fel.

1941-45 supr. of res. proj, Yale cross-cultural survey f o r U.S.

N a v y Intell. O f f . 1945-46 assist, prof, of G e r , P e n n s y l v a n i a State Coll, University Park. 1946- m e m . fac, Yale U n i v : 1946-47 assist, prof, d r a m a hist, a n d criticism, 1948 assoc. p r o f , 1960 p r o f , 1965- Henry M c C o r m i c k prof, of d r a m a hist, a n d criticism. 1946 dir. of u n d e r g r a d . studies in d r a m a , Y a l e C o l l ; 1948- dir. of grad. studies in hist, of the theater. C o n c u r r . 1949 Rockefeller F o u n d , grant. Vis. p r o f : 1959 Free U n i v , W . Ber- lin; 1960-61 C o l u m b i a U n i v ; 1969-70, 1975-76 C . U . N . Y . G r a d . Sch. a n d Univ. C e n t . Spec, in history of d r a m a a n d criti- cism of theater. M e m : Intl. Fed. for T h e a t r e Res. (co-fdr, pres.

1959-63); A m . Soc. for Theater Res. (co-fdr, exec. c o m m . 1960-63); Aus. A c a d , of Arts a n d Scis; Ger. Soc. for T h e a t e r Res. (hon. mem.). R e e d : Cross of H o n o r 1st Class for Arts a n d Scis. of Aus. R e p u b . (1967); H o n . M . A , Yale U n i v . (1970);

Spec. A w a r d N e w E n g l a n d Theater C o n f (1976). A : (1981) N e w H a v e n .

Biblio: Hebbel und die Musik ( C o l o g n e , 1928); Sources of Theatrical History ( N e w York, 1952; p a p e r b a c k ed. p u b l . as A Source Book of Theatrical History [New Y o r k , 1959]); Shake- speare's Stage ( N e w H a v e n , 1958); Theatre Festivals of the Medi- ci 1539-1637 ( N e w H a v e n , 1964); The Medieval Religious Stage, Shapes and Phantoms ( N e w Haven, 1976); Malaise in der Oper ( R h e i n f e l d e n , 1980); Misdirection ( N e w H a v e n , 1981); contrib. nums. arts, to encycls. a n d prof, j o u r n s ; c o m - plete biblio. to 1976 in R.F.J.I. arch. Sources: H a n d , Qu. — R . F . J . I .

Nagler, Frederick Paul, medical r e s e a r c h e r ; b. F r a n k f u r t / M 8 Feb. 1908, d. O t t a w a , O n t , C a n . 22 J a n . 1975. E: 1938 Aust, 1946 U.S, 1949 C a n . Cit: C a n , 1945 Aust. » I. 1938 Eva Hintze, d. 1970; II. 1972 Dr. Patricia Lind. C : O n e son a n d o n e dtr. with first wife.

Att. Univs. Berlin, V i e n n a a n d F r a n k f u r t ; 1936 D r . m e d , U- niv. F r a n k f u r t . 1936-38 res. assoc. in exp. m e d , Paul Ehrlich Inst. 1938 emigr. to Aust. 1938-40 lect. on bacteriol, Univ. Syd- ney. 1941-46 res. assoc. Walter Eliza Hall Inst, M e l b o u r n e . 1946-49 res. assoc, dir. of microbiol, S q u i b b Inst, N . J , w h e r e with Dr. G e o f f r e y R a k e he d e v e l o p e d electron m i c r o s c o p i c m e t h o d for early detection of smallpox. 1949-73 chief virus sect.

Lab. of Hygiene, C a n . Dept. of Nat. Health a n d W e l f a r e . C o n - sult, O t t a w a Civic Hosp. M e m . of c o m m s . investigating the con- trol of viral diseases, a n d m e t h o d s of p r o d u c t i o n a n d s t a n d a r d i - zation of viral vaccines for W . H . O , G e n e v a . D i s c o v e r e d the N a g l e r reaction, an interaction between CI. welchii toxin a n d h u m a n s e r u m , utilized in early diagnosis of CI. welchii infec- tions in h u m a n s . Experiments in virus res. led. F . N . to d e v e l o p a c u t a n e o u s test for detection of H e r p e s simplex infections.

First to show that vaccinia virus p r o d u c e d a h a e m a g g l u t i n i n when g r o w n in a d e v e l o p i n g chick e m b r y o .

Lit: Obit, in Journ. Biol. Standardization (vol. 3, 1975).

Sources: H a n d , J o u r n , Pers. — R . F . J . I .

Namuth, Hans, p h o t o g r a p h e r , filmmaker, p a i n t e r ; b. Essen, R h i n e l a n d , Ger. 17 Mar. 1915. R: L u t h e r a n . E: 1933 Fr, 1941 U.S. Cit: 1942 U.S, fmly. Ger. F: A d o l p h N , b. L e n n e , Ger.

1890, d. Ger. 1948, Lutheran, businessman a n d mgr. of dairy f a r m . M: J o h a n n a Weiskirch, b. F r a n k f u r t / M 1888. d. C a n .


Nash 843

1970, Protestant, emigr. after W.W.II. S: Margret Rutkowski, b. Essen 1918, 1948 left Ger, a: Can. co 1943 Carmen Herrera, b. Deauville, Fr. 1916, Catholic, att. var. Eur. schs, nurse's aid.

C: Tessa, b. New York 1946, att. coll, res; Peter, b. New York 1948, coll. grad, photog.

1925-32 att. Realsch, Essen. Mem, Wandervogel. 1928-33 worked in bookstore. 1933 jailed by Gestapo for distributing underground lit. Sept. 1933 emigr. to Fr. 1933-35 worked as dishwasher, sold newspapers, and other odd jobs in Fr. 1935-36 studied photog. with George Reisner, Majorca, Sp, and in photog. workshops in Majorca and Paris. 1936-37 photog, Sp.

Civil War, for var. mags, incl. Life and Vu. 1937-39 mem. Fed.

Internationale des Journalistes, Fr. 1939-40 serv, Fr. Fgn. Le- gion. 1941 emigr. to U.S. on Am. "emergency" visa. Aided by Comm. for Christian Refs. and Emergency Rescue Comm. (lat- er Intl. Rescue Comm.). 1941 worked in Albion, Mich, until la- bor permit granted. 1941-42 worked in var. photog. studios, New York. 1942-45 serv. with milit. intell, E.T.O, U.S. Army;

reed. Croix de Guerre and Purple Heart. 1945-46 worked for Tegumat, Ine, indus, engr. firm. 1947- owner, photog. studio Hans Namuth, Ltd. and Mus. at Large, Ltd. (with Paul Falken- berg), New York. Exhibitions; shows incl : Pan Am. Union, Wash- ington, D . C ; Mus. of Natural Hist, and Mus. of Mod. Art, both New York; Am. Fed. of Art (toured in Guat. 1947-51).

Other shows incl. "Painters Under 40, U.S.A;" U.S. Pavilion, Brussels World's Fair (1958); Los Angeles County Mus; Mus.

of Mod. Art, New York; Corcoran Mus, Washington, D.C;

Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris (1979); Parrish Mus, Southampton, N.Y; Leo Castelli, New York. Collections: Tu- lane Univ, New Orleans, La; Va. Mus. of Fine Arts, Rich- m o n d ; Metrop. Mus. of Art and Mus. of Mod. Art, both New York. Films: in Collaboration with Paul Falkenberg, Jackson Pollock; John Little; Willem de Kooning; -> Josef Albers; Bran- cusi; Henri Matisse; Alfred Stieglitz. Mem; Am. Soc. of Mag.

Photog. Recd: Medaille du Maroc, Fr; Award of Merit for film Jackson Pollock. Film Coun. of Greater Boston Film Fest.

(1952); First Award, Assn. of Bus Pubi. (1955); Award (1956), Cert, of Merit, New York chap. (1959), Award, Philadelphia chap. (1959), all from the Art Dir. Club; Recognition of Pub.

Serv, U.S. State Dept. (1958); Spec. Citation for film, Image from the Sea (1958). A: (1981) New York.

Biblio: Fifty-Two Artists (Scarsdale, N.Y, 1973); American Masters (New York, 1973); Early American Tools (1975);

L'Atélier de Jackson Pollock (Paris, 1978); Pollock Painting (New York, 1980). Arch: Arch, of Am. Art, Photog. Dept. Mus.

of Mod. Art, New York. Sources: Hand, Qu. — R.F.J.I.

Naor, Pinbas Paul (until 1950 Paul Reiss), prof, of engineering;

b. Vienna 26 Feb. 1923, d. Haifa 197?. R: Jewish. E: 1939 Pal.

Cit: 1939 Pal. (Isr.), fmly. Aus. F: Leiser Reiss, b. E. Eur. 1884, d. Vienna 1968, Jewish(?), merchant, 1940 to Pal. M: Chawa Reis, b. E. Eur. 1895, d. Vienna 1975, Jewish(?), mem. of W.I.Z.O. in Vienna, 1940 to Pal. aboard illegal immigr. trans- port of Jabotinsky. S : Herman Reiss, dec; Robert Reiss, b.

E.Eur. 1914, Dr.med, physician, 1938 to U.S, a: U.S; Anna Ravon, b. Vienna 1916, 1938 to Pal, a: Isr. °° 1948 Neljama Kliban, b. Jerusalem 1928, Jewish, M.A, Ph.D, Univ. North Carolina, teacher, phych, head of psych, servs. in Haifa, chair- person of Isr. Psych. Assoc. C: Joseph N, b. Haifa 1957, sec.

sch. educ, soldier; Simeon N, b. Haifa 1961, sec. sch. educ.

1933-39 att. Chayes Gym. Head of Nat. Jewish Student Un- ion and Gordonia Youth Movt, Vienna. 1939 emigr. to Pal.

with Youth Aliyah cert, parents arrived later. 1943-47 att. Tech- nion; 1947 B.Sc; 1948 dipl. engr. 1950-52 Brit. coun. schol, U- niv. Birmingham, U.K.; 1953 Ph.D; concurr. 1950 teaching as- sist, Technion. 1952-53 post-doctoral fel. Univ. Chicago. 1953- mem. fac, Technion: 1953 lect, 1964 prof, in dept. of indus.

mgt. and engr, 1961-62 and 1965-66 head of dept. Concurr. vis.

prof, in U.S: 1960 Case Inst, of Technology (Case Western Re- serve Univ.), Cleveland, Ohio; 1962-64, 1966 Univ. North Ca- rolina, Chapel Hill; 1969 City Coll, New York (C.U.N.Y.);

Stanford Univ. Partic. in summer sch. and confs. Mem: Isr.

Inst. Productivity (mem. bd. dirs. 1960-62); Isr. Cent, for Quali- ty Control (chmn. 1962-); Operations Res. Soc. of Isr. (fdr.

pres.); Nat. Coun. on Statist; Inst, of Mgt. Scis; Royal Statist.

Soc. (fel.) ; Econometric Soc; others.

Biblio: Contrib. to prof, journs. in operations res. Papers: At Technion. Sources: Hand, Pers, Print. — R.F.J.I.

Nash, Ernest (fmly. Ernst Nathan), art historian; b. Nowawes, Brandenburg, Ger. 14 Sept. 1898, d. Rome 19 May 1974. .R.- Jewish (non-practising). E: 1935 It, 1939 U.S. Cit: U.S, fmly.

Ger. M: Bettina, d. in Holocaust. S: Fritz Nathan, d. in Holo- caust; Paula Karo, d. in Holocaust. <*> I. 1927 Ilse Rubinski, b.

Berlin 1908, Jewish, att. Univ. Berlin, emigr. with husband, 1949 div; II. 1951 Irene Lande, d. Rome 1963, Jewish, author;

III. 1965 Bertha Kern, b. Aus, Roman Catholic. C: Eva Baiter, b. Berlin 1929, emigr. with parents, M.A. psych, nurse; Ruth Majdrakoff, b. Berlin 1931, emigr. with parents, B.A. in Eng, educator.

W.W.I serv. in Ger. Army; recd. decorations. Dr.jur, Univ.

Jena. 1935 emigr. illegally to It. Photographer. 1939 emigr. to U.S. with help from a cousin. Cont. as photographer. 1950 re- turned to It. 1957- fdr. and first dir, Fototeca, Am. Acad, Rome.

Biblio: Roman Towns (New York, 1944); co-auth, Rome (Chicago, 1950); rev. and ed. Ludwig Curtius' Das antike Rom (Vienna/Munich, 1957); fíctorial Dictionary of Ancient Rome, 2 vols. (Tübingen, London, New York, 1961-62); co-auth, Rom und Latium (Stuttgart, 1974); contrib. arts, to prof, journs, esp.

Journ. of Archeol. Sources: Pers. — R.F.J.I.

Nash, Gerald D. (until 1938 Gerhard Nachschoen), prof, of history; b. Berlin 16 July 1928. R: Jewish. E: 1937 Pal, 1938 U.S. Cit: 1944 U.S, fmly. Ger. F: Alfred Nachschoen, b. Op- peln, Upper Silesia, Ger. (Opole, Pol.) 1898, Jewish, sec. educ, businessman, 1937 to U.S. with wife. M: Alice Kantorowicz, b.

Posen, Ger. (Poznah, Pol.) 1899, Jewish, sec. educ. (none), oo 1967 Marie L. Norris, b. Mich. 1938, Roman Catholic, B.A, sec. sch. teacher. C: Stephanie, b. 1968.

1937 emigr. to Pal. Joined rels. and recd. assist, from Zion.

orgs. Mar. 1938 emigr. to U.S. Worked with parents in operat- ing boarding house. 1946-50 att. New York Univ; 1950 B.A, Phi Beta Kappa. 1950-52 att. Columbia Univ; 1952 M.A.

1952-57 att. Univ. California, Berkeley; 1957 Ph.D. in hist.

1957-58 instr. in hist, Stanford Univ. 1958-59 assist, prof, Northern Illinois Univ, DeKalb. 1959 Newberry Libr. fel.

1960-61 res. fel. Harvard Univ. Cent, for Study of Liberty.

1961- mem. fac, dept. of hist, Univ. New Mexico, Albu- querque: 1961 assist, prof, 1963 assoc.- prof, 1968- prof, 1974-80 dept. chmn. Vis. lect. and prof: Summers 1959, 1961, 1962, Univ. California at Berkeley and Davis, and at Univ.

Maryland; 1965-66 New York Univ. 1964 mem. bds. of eds:

Bus. Hist. Rev;N.Mex. Hist. Rev.Agric. Hist; Journ. of Am. Hist;

others. 1974- ed, The Historian. Res. in the economic and ad- ministrative history of the U.S. with emphasis on business regu- lation. Mem: Lincoln Educ. Found, (mem. bd.); Bus. Hist. Soc;

Org. of Am. Hist. (1968-70 chmn, mem. comm.).

Biblio: State Government and Economic Development (Berke- ley, 1964; New York, 1979); ed, Issues in American Economic History (Boston, 1964; 2nd ed. 1972; 3rd ed, 1980); ed, Frank- lin Delano Roosevelt (Englewood Cliffs, N.J, 1967); U.S. Oil Policy. 1890-1964: Business and Government in Twentieth Cen- tury America (Pittsburgh, Penn, 1968; Westport, Conn, 1976);

Perspectives on Administration (Berkeley, 1969); The Great Transition; A Short History of Twentieth-Century America (Bos- ton, 1971); The American Westinthe Twentieth Century (Engle- wood Cliffs, 1973); The Great Depression and World War II (New York, 1979); and others; contrib. arts, to hist, journs.

Sources: Qu. — R.F.J.I.

Nash, Peter Hugh John, city regional planner, prof, of architec- ture, geography and planning; b. F r a n k f u r t / M 18 Sept. 1921.

R: Unitarian. E: 1938 U.S. Cit: 1943 U.S, fmly. Ger. F: Hans Joseph N. M: Alice Heuman. oo 1955 Inez Mae Frost. C: Cari- na : Peter Hugh John.


844 Nassau

1937 att. Lindesfarne Coli, Essex, Eng. 1938 emigr. to U.S.

1941 A.A. in earth sci, Los Angeles City Coli, l941(?)-46 att.

U.C.L.A: 1941-42 Gruen fei, 1942 B.A, teaching assist, in geog, 1946 M.A. in geog. Concurr. 1942-45 milit. intel, U.S. Army, E.T.O; recd. Bronze Star and Croix de Guerre; 1945-46 instr, U.S. Army prog, Univ. Grenoble, 1945 Cert. d'Etudes. 1946-47 instr. of geog, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison. 1947(?)-58 studied and mem. Harvard Univ: 1949 M.C.P, 1956 M.P.A, 1956-57 vis. critic, Grad. Sch. of Design, 1958 Ph.D. in archit. sci. Con- curr: 1949-57 instr, Cent, for Adult. Educ, Cambridge, Mass;

1949-50 principal planning assist, Boston City Planning Bd;

1950-51 sr. planner, planning dept, City of Worcester, Mass;

1951-52 assist, chief, div. of urban re-dev, Boston Housing Au- thority; 1952-56 dir, dept. of planning, Medford; 1954-56 lect, Northeastern Univ, Boston; 1956-57 lect. and acting assist, prof, of geog, Univ. Boston. 1957-59 assoc. prof, of city and re- gional planning, Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill. 1959-63 prof, of geog. and regional planning, chmn, Univ. Cincinnati, Ohio. Concurr: 1959-60 res. dir, Cit. Dev. Commn, City of Cincinnati, 1959-61 consult, Action Ine; 1959-63 adv. Better Housing League, Cincinnati; 1960 S.S.R.C. and N.S.F.

grants, Swed. 1960 consult, metrop. problems, Brookings Inst, Washington, D . C ; 1960- corresp, Journ. of Ekislics. 1963-70 mem. fac, Univ. Rhode Island, Kingston, 1963- prof, of geog.

and regional planning, 1963-68 dean, Grad. Sch. Concurr:

1967-68 vis. critic, Harvard Grad. Sch. of Design; 1967-74 ur- ban res. and sr. mgt. consult, Battelle Mml. Inst, Cleveland, Ohio; 1968 A.C.L.S. grant, India. 1970-mem. fac, Univ. Water- loo, Ont, Can, 1970- prof, of archit. geog, and planning, and dean, dept. of environmental studies, 1972 acting dir, Sch. of Archit. Vis. prof. 1959,1962 Univ. Southern California, Los An- geles; summer 1961 Aroostook State Coll, Maine; summer 1967-68 Grad. Sch. Ekistics, Athens; 1969-70 Inst, of Human Scis, Boston Coll. Spec, in urban and regional planning; res. in environmental studies and urban demography. Mem: Am Geog. Soc. (fel.); Am. Soc. Planning Off. Nat. Coun. Geog.

Educ; Regional Sci. Assn; Assn. Coll Sch. Planning (treas.

1967-70); Am. Assn. Geogs; Can. Assn. Geogs; Harvard Grad.

Sch. Design Assn. (pres. 1966-70); Inst. Alpine Geog. (hon.);

Intl. Geog. Union (W. Hemisphere rep, comm. appi. geog.

1964-); Town Planning Inst, Can. Recd: Medal, Appi. Geog, Univ. Liege, Belg. ( 1967). A : ( 1978) Waterloo.

Biblio: The Responsibilities and Limitations of the Planning Director in a Council-Manager Form of City Government: an Exploratory Analysis Based on Case Studies of the "Plan £"

Cities in Massachusetts, 2 vols, (diss, Harvard Univ; pubi.

Cambridge, 1958); contrib, Metropolis on the Move: Geo- graphers Look at Urban Sprawl (New York, 1966, 1967); con- trib. more than 100 arts, to prof, journs. Sources: Hand, Pers, Print. - R.F.J.I.

Nassau, Erich, pediatrician; b. Reichenbach, Silesia, Ger.

(Dzierioniów, Pol.) 25 July 1888, d. Haifa 24 Feb. 1974. R.- Jewish. E: 1938 Pal. Cit: 1948 Isr, fmly. Ger. F: Hermann N, b. Warburg, Westphalia, Ger. 1861, d. Berlin 1933, Jewish, sec.

educ, merchant. M : Flora Engel, b. Reichenbach 1868, d. Lon- don 1953, Jewish, sec. educ, 1939 to U.K. S: Emmy Birer, b.

Reichenbach 1891, to Swed, then to U . K , a : U . K . °° 1917Toni Stern, b. Bolzum, Hannover, Ger. 1886, Jewish, att. Höhere Töchtersch, 1912-17 Red Cross nurse, 1938 to Pal. with hus- band. C: Gertrude Sacker, b. Hildesheim, Hannover, Ger.

1917, sec. educ, nursing sch, 1936 to U.K, fam. counsellor, a:

U . K ; Gerhard N, b. Hildesheim 1917, sec. educ, to U.K, to Arg, 1949 to Isr, hotel mgr, a : Haifa.

1909-14 att. Univs. Berlin, Freiburg/Breisgau, and Heidel- berg; 1914 Dr.med, Univ. Heidelberg. 1911-14 with the Pathol, and Anat. Inst, Düsseldorf. 1914-15 at children's Hosp, Düsseldorf. 1915-18 W.W.I field physician, Ger. Army; recd.

E.K, 2nd class. 1919-26 rose from assist, to 1923- Oberarzt, Berlin Munic. Orphanage. 1926-33 med. dir, Children's Sana- torium, Borgsdorf near Berlin, 1933 dismissed. Concurr:

1927-33 dir, Berlin Munic. Rickets Sanatorium, 1933 dis- missed; 1930-34 fdr. and ed, Kinderärztliche Praxis pediatric journ, 1934 ceased pubi. Nov. 1938 (Kristallnacht) interned in

Sachsenhausen concentration camp. Nov. 1938 emigr. to Pal.

on A-I cert. Recd. offer of position from Kuppat Holim before emigr. 1938-61 chief, dept. of pediatrics, Kuppat Holim, Cen- tral Emek Hosp, Afulah; dev. soc. work prog, for kibbutz chil- dren in Afulah Valley district. 1959 turned down prof, position at Hebrew Univ, considered work in Afulah too important to leave. 1961-consult, pediatrician, Kuppat Holim, Haifa. 1965 org. day nursey for mentally retarded children in Haifa Munic.

Health Cent, later renamed Erich Nassau Health Cent. Pediatri- cian ; res. on infant nutrition and its pathology, esp. rickets. Stud- ies on children's nursing care and child raising. Major interest in Ger. and Isr. centered on the handicapped and mentally re- tarded child. Scholarly work on Israeli climatic and hygienic in- fluences on infant and toddler development, esp. in kibbutzim.

Mem: Isr. Pediatrics Soc; Sociedad de Puericultura de Buenos Aires (hon. mem.). Recd: Henrietta Szold Prize, City of Tel Aviv (1958); Golden Dipl. of Doctorate, Med. Fac, Univ. Hei- delberg (1965).

Biblio: Co-auth. the following: Die bunte Welt, ein Bilderbuch von Kinderzeichnungen mil Versen (Berlin, 1928), Giddul Banim (Raising Children; Tel Aviv, 1951; 2nd ed. 1957), Derech le Chaim (Way to Life; Tel Aviv, 1963); co-auth. with — Ludwig Ferdinand Meyer: Die Sauglingserndhrung. Eine Anleitung fur Arzte und Studierende (Munich, 1930; Sp. ed. Barcelona, 1935); Physiologie und Pathologie der Sauglingserndhrung (2nd ed. Basel, 1953; Sp. trans. Cordoba, Arg, 1954; Eng. trans. 2nd ed. Springfield, III, 1955); others; contrib. num. arts, to Isr, Swiss and Am, and other intl. journs. Sources: Hand, Pers. — R.F.J.I.

Natan, Alec (fmly. Alex Natan), writer, teacher, journalist; b.

Berlin 1 Feb. 1906, d. London 1971. E: 1933 Switz, 1933 U.K.

C: Ger.

Att. Univs. Berlin, Heidelberg, Munich, and Paris. Sprinter and in 1929 mem, Ger. world championship team in 100-meter relay race. Feb. 1933 emigr. to Switz. Aug. 1933 emigr. to U.K.

1933-34 assoc. with the anti-Nazi intell. and info. serv. that was org. by Fritz von Bose, the secy, of Franz von Papen; Bose was murdered in the purge of 30 June 1934.1935-37 Rockefeller as- sist. for intl. reis, Univ. London. 1943-67 sr. hist, master and head, dept. of hist, King's Coll, Worcester. Journ; contrib. to the press and radio in the U.K. and Eur. Co-fdr. Anglo-Ger.

Assn. Mem: Fgn. Press Assn; Deut. P.E.N.-Zentrum, Ger. Fed.

Repub.( 1964-71).

Biblio: Neues Deutschland (Oxford, 1955); Sport aus Leiden- schaft (Zurich, 1956); Sport and Society (London, 1958); Groß- britannien Heute (Munich, 1958); Stadion 60 (1961); Silver Re- naissance (London, New York, 1961); co-ed, German Men of Letters, 6 vols. (vols. 1-3 publ. as Twelve Literature Essays [London, Philadelphia, 1961-65]; vols. 4, 5, 6. Chester Springs, Penn, 1973); Primadonna (Basel, Boston, 1972); Prima Homo (Basel, 1963); Richard Strauss - die Opern (Basel, 1963); Bri- tain Today (Munich, 1965); Graue Eminenzen (Freiburg, Fed.

Repub. Ger, 1967); ed, Swiss Men of Letters (London, 1970);

co-ed. Literary Essays (London, 1972); co-auth, Sport - kritisch (Berne, Stuttgart, 1972). Sources: Hand, News, Pers, Print. — R.F.J.I.

Nathan, Amos, prof, of electrical engineering; b. Liegnitz, Lower Silesia, Ger. (Legnica, Pol.) 5 Oct. 1920. E: 1933 Pal. Cit:

Isr, fmly. Ger. F: Martin N, b. Zduny, Posen, Ger. (Pol.) 1886, univ. educ, physician spec, in radiol, active mem. of Ger. Zion.

org, 1912-13 physician, Haderah, Pal, 1933 to Pal. on A-I cert, with wife and children. M: Laura Schiller, b. Liegnitz 1893, sec.

educ. S : Hannah Navot, b. Liegnitz 1923, univ. educ, sec. sch.

teacher. °° (none). C: (none).

7 yrs. schooling, incl. several yrs. in Jewish sch, Berlin. Aug.

(Sept?) 1933 emigr. to Pal. on A-I cert, of parents. 1938-42 stud- ied elee, and mech. engr, Technion, Haifa; 1942 B.Sc, engr, 1943 dipi. mech. and elee. engr. 1942-46 serv, Brit. Army.

1946-48 assist, elee, engr, Technion. 1948-53 major, I.D.F.

1950-51 att. Columbia Univ; 1951 M.Sc, elee. engr. 1953-65 student and mem. staff, Technion: 1953 res. fel, 1954-57 sr.


Nathan 845

lect. of elec. cngr, 1956 D.Sc, Technion, 1961-65 assoc. prof, 1965- prof, of elec. engr. 1967-68 vis. fel, Univ. Sussex and vis.

prof. Imperial Coll, Univ. London. 1969-70 vis. prof, of elec.

engr, Univ. Rochester, N.Y. Holds many patents. Mem:

I.E.E.E, New York (chmn, Isr. sect. 1963); assoc. mem, Inst.

Elec. Engrs, London. A: Haifa.

Biblio: Contrib. num. arts, to prof, journs. incl. Proc. of the Inst. Elec. Engr. and the I.E.E.E; biblio. to 1974 in R.F.J.I.

arch. Sources: Hand, Qu. — R.F.J.I.

Nathan, Hans, prof, of musicology; b. Berlin 5 Aug. 1910. R:

None. E: 1936 U.S, 1938 Cuba, 1938 U.S. OY: 1944, U.S, fmly.

Ger. F: Jakob N, b. Berlin 1874, Jewish, businessman, disap- peared ca. 1936. M: Luzie Nathan-Weyl née Dobrin, b. Berlin 1884, d. ca. 1942 Auschwitz concentration camp, Jewish, adver- tising business, 1936 married David Weyl, held Cuban emigr.

visa but unable to obtain passage. 5 : (none). <*> 1937 Jael (fmly.

Irmgard) Wahlburg, b. Mannheim, Baden. Ger. 1907, Jewish, exec. secy. Berlin, 1937 to U.S, B.A, att. art schs. in U.S. and It, exec. secy, in hosp, curator of exhib. res. Carpenter Cent, for Visual Design, Harvard Univ. C.-(none).

1928-33 studied musicol. Univ. Berlin; 1934 Dr.phil. Att.

Stern Cons, for one yr. Influential teachers incl: Rudolph Schmidt; piano, Claudio Arrau; cond. Michael Taube; the- ory, Grete von Zieritz; stage dir Hans Hinrich. 1932-36 music critic Jüdische Rundschau in Berlin. Originally intended to emigr. to Pal. Retraining in Eng. lang, in prep, for emigr. 1936 emigr. to U.S. on student visa. 1936-38 post-grad, studies, Har- vard Univ. 1938 re-emigr. to U.S. via Cuba with immigr. visa.

Reed. fin. aid from parents and Jewish org. in New York, and was assist, to Hugo Leichtentritt of Harvard. 1939-45 lect. at Boston and Cambridge Cents, for adult educ. 1944-45 weekly lect. on W.H.D.H, Boston, on behalf of Boston Symph. Orch.

1945 vis. assist, prof, Tufts Univ, Medford, Mass. 1946- mem.

fac. Michigan State Univ, E. Lansing: 1946 vis. assist, prof, dept. of lit. and fine arts, 1951 assoc. prof, 1964 prof. Concurr:

1950-55 McDowell and Yado resid; 1952-53 Fulbright prof, Univ. Rome; 1957-58 mem, Inst, for Advanced Study, Prince- ton, N.J; 1961-62 It. govt, grant for res. in Florence; 1966 vis.

prof, Tulane Univ, New Orleans. Reed, other grants: 1944 and 1961 Am. Philos. Soc; 1957-58 Guggenheim; 1959 Sonneck Mml. Fund, Libr. of Cong; 1969-70 Chapelbrook Found, Bos- ton; 1970 N.E.H. Res. in the previously academically unaccep- table music, dance and stage perfs. of early Am. Negro minis- trel groups; promoted wider acceptance of the work of Luigi Dallapiccola; also interested in Tyrolese and other folk music.

M e m : Am. Musicol. Soc. (coun. mem, 1951-53, 1957-59, 1962-64, 1967-69).

Biblio: Das Rezitativ der Frühopern Richard Wagners (diss, 1934; publ. Berlin 1934); ed, Folk Songs of the New Palestine.

6 vols. (New York, 1938 and 1939); co-auth. Doctoral Disserta- tions in Musicology (Denton, Tex, 1952); ed, auth. of intro, Wil- liam Billings: The Continental Harmony (Cambridge, Mass, 1961); Dan Emmett and the Rise of Early Negro Minstrelsy (Norman, Okla, 1962; rev. ed, 1977); William Billings. Data and Documents (Detroit, Mich, 1976); ed, vol. 2 of The Com- plete Works of William Billings, 4 vols. (Philadelphia and Bos- ton, 1977); contrib. arts, to musical journs, books, Encycl. Ame- ricana. Lit: F.L. Harrison and M. Hood, C. Palisca, Musicology (Englewood Cliffs, N.J, 1963). Sources: Hand, Pers, Print, Qu.

- R.F.J.I.

Nathan, Helmuth Max, surgeon, prof, of surgery, anatomy, and history of medicine, artist, educator; b. Hamburg 26 Oct.

1901, d. Greenport, N.Y. 15 July 1979. fi: Jewish. E: 1936 U.S.

OY: 1943 U.S. F: Neumann N, b. Rendsburg, Schleswig-Hol- stein, Ger. 1869, d. Hamburg 1926, businessman. M: Regina Seligmann, b. Wandsbek, Schleswig-Holstein, Ger. 1876, d.

New York 1974, Jewish, Höhere Töchtersch. educ, emigr. to U.S. £ : Elfriede von Halle, b. 1899, Höhere Töchtersch. educ, emigr. to Norw, then to Swed, 1947 to U.S, worked in factory, ret, a: New York; Albert, b. Hamburg 1900, d. 1942, sec. educ,

businessman, emigr. to U.S; Kurt Arthur, b. Hamburg 1904, d.

U.K. 1956, sec. educ, businessman, active in Jewish affairs, emigr. to U.K. <*> 1927 Irene Nelson, b. Freiburg, Baden, Ger.

1905, Jewish, att. art acad. in Berlin, 1936 to U.S, secy, to hus- band, active in charity work. C: Ruth Norden, b. Hamburg

1929, M.A. Columbia Univ, emigr. to U.S. with parents, princi- pal of public sch; Peter V. Norden, prof, of engr. at Columbia Univ, prog, admin, for I.B.M.

1917 Einjähriger, 1919 serv. in Einwohnerwehr, 1919-20 Zeitfreiwilliger, Ger. Army. 1920 Abitur, Gym. 1920-25 att.

Univs. Freiburg/Breisgau and Hamburg; 1925 Dr.med, Univ.

Hamburg. 1926-33 with St. George Hosp, Hamburg: 1926-27 internship, 1928-33 rose from assist, surg. to assoc. surg. 1928- 33 postgrad, studies, depts. of pathol, internal med, and surg, 1933 dismissed; concurr. 1927-28 assist, surg, Univ. Freiburg/

Breisgau. 1933 practice restricted. 1933-36 assoc. surg, Jewish Hosp, Hamburg. Mem: Kameraden; Reichsbanner; Reichs- bund, Jüdischer Frontsoldaten; Centraiverein; others. Recd:

Deneke Medal for res. in pyemic infections, St. George Hosp.

(1932); Solomon Heine Medal for clin. work and res, Jewish Hosp, Hamburg (1936). Oct. 1936 emigr. to U.S. Helped by fam. and prof, colleagues. 1936-37 cancer res. fel. surg, Beth Is- rael Hosp, New York. 1937 obtained license to practice med.

1937-39 priv. surg. practice, New York. 1937-46 with Mt. Sinai Hosp, New York: 1937-39 clin. assist, surg. and res. vol, 1940-46 sr. clin. assist. 1940 assoc. att. surg, 1947-55 vis. att.

surg, Sydenham Hosp, New York. 1950- prof. emer. of surg, Univ. Hamburg. 1954-79 mem. fac, Albert Einstein Coll. of Med, Bronx, New York: 1954 assist, prof, of surg, 1957 assoc.

prof, 1960-70 clin. prof, of surg, 1969-79 prof. emer. of anat.

and prof, of hist, of med, 1971 prof. emer. of surg, 1973 chmn.

of dept. of hist, of med. Concurr. 1954-79 mem. staff, Bronx Munic. Hosp. Cent: 1954-75 att. surg, 1975 att. surg, depts. of surg. and anat, 1976 consult, surg. 1977-79 consult, surg, Mon- tefiore Hosp. and Med. Cent. Spec, in surgical infections and gastrointestinal diseases. Dev. new theories incl. septic focus of circulatory systems and dev. new operations incl. first com- plete removal of parotid gland with facial nerve preservation.

Num. lects. on medical subjects, history of medicine, and the spec, relationship between art and the physician. Self-taught painter and sculptor; worked in watercolors, lithographs, oils, and pen and ink. Num. portraits and sketches of public figures incl. musicians, physicians, authors, and political leaders. Ex- hibitions: Individual and group shows throughout U.S. and Isr.

Collections: Mus. of City of New York; Jewish Mus, New York; Tel Aviv Mus; Mus. of Montecatini, It; Albert Einstein Coll. of Med, Columbia and Princeton Univs, L.B.I; other works in hosps. and univs. Mem: A.M.A; Acad, of Med; Acad, of Sei; Acad, of Gastroenterology; Acad, of Facial Plastic Surg; Intl. Coll. of Surg; Am. Coll. of Cardiology; Ger. Surg.

Soc. (elected one of ten life mems.); Am. Assn. of Hist, of Med;

Am. Assn. of Anatomists; Self-Help, New York (v.-pres.);

Nursing Home Found, New York (bd. dir.); Am. Physicians Art Assn. (pres.); Soc. Med. Illustrators (hon. fel.); many others.

Recd: Spec, scroll for work in the Art Comm, Army Electronics Command A.E.C.O.M. (1967); Scroll, Bronx Munic. Hosp.

Cent. (1974); Officer's Cross of Merit, first class, for contrib. to art, sei, med, Ger. Govt. (1973); scroll for outstanding mem. of fac, (1975) and Spec. Dipl. of Merit (1978), Albert Einstein Coll. of Med; num. art prizes.

Biblio: "Über den Zuckergehalt krankhafter Körpersäfte"

(diss, Univ. Hamburg, 1925); co-ed. Should the Patient Know the Truth? (New York, 1955); "Sugar in Pathological Body- fluids II," Klin. Wochenschrift (1927); "About the Spread of the Primary Intestinal Actinomycosis," Klin. Wochenschrift (July, 1929); "The Spread of Septic Infections with Metastases," De- neke Medal Paper in Virchow Arch. (1931); "Total Extirpation of the Parotid Gland with Preservation of the Facial Nerve,"

Arch, of Clin. Oral Pathol, (vol.6, 1940); "Internal Hernia:

Postgraduate Lecture with John E. Moseley," Rev. Gastroente- rology (Nov. 1953); "The Portrait of the Physician in the Histo- ry of Art," Victor Robinson Mml. Lect. at Temple Univ, Phila- delphia (1968); contrib. more than 60 arts, to sei. journs; also num. book revs, on surg. and hist, of med. Sources: Hand, News, Print, Qu. — R.F.J. I.


846 Nathan

Nathan, Kurt, prof, of agricultural engineering, hydrologist, and conservation engineer; b. Essen, Rhineland, Ger. 27 June 1920. R: Jewish. E: 1937 U.S. Cil: U.S. fmly. Ger. F: Ludwig N, b. Bad Ems, Hesse, Ger. 1884, d. Baltimore, Md. 1961, Jewish, owner, mgr. retail store, 1937 to U.S. with wife. M : Emmy Meyer, b. Lübbecke, Westphalia, Ger. 1883, d. Catons- ville, Md. 1967, Jewish, sec. girls sch. educ, acct. S: Benno, b.

Essen 1914, Realgym. educ, mgt. anal, 1936 to U.S, ret; Irma Beckman, b. Essen 1917, d. Ellicot City, Md. 1965, priv. sec.

sch. educ, 1936 to U.S, businesswoman, oo 1948 Barbara Wil- son, b. Cleveland 1926, Jewish, B.A, teacher. C: Bernard, b.

Penn. 1950, M.S.Cornell Univ, Ithaca, N.Y, electronicsengr.

1930-36 att. Gym. 1936-37 mem, Hachscharah farm, Ger.

1937 emigr. to U.S. 1938—43 student and mem. staff, Nat. Farm Sch. (Delaware Valley Coll.), Doylestown, Penn: 1941 Dipl.

Agric, 1941-43 field foreman, 1942 Dipl. Horticulture. 1943-48 att. Cornell Univ: 1944-46 E.C. Kenney schol, 1946 B.S, 1946- 48 teaching assist, in agric. engr. and mod. lang, 1948 M.S. in agric. engr. 1948-51 assist, prof, of agric. engr, Nat. Agric. Coll.

(Delaware Valley Coll.); concurr. grad. work, Teacher's Coll, Temple Univ, Philadelphia. 1951- mem. fac, Cook Coll, Rutgers Univ, New Brunswick: 1951-55 res. assoc, 1955 B.S. in agric. engr, Sigma Xi, 1955- assist, prof, 1960 assoc. prof, 1974- prof, of agric. engr. 1957- collab, U.S. Soil Conservation Serv. I960 licensed engr. in civil engr. and land surveyor, N.J.

1966 N.S.F. grant for Water Resources Inst, New Mexico State Univ, Las Cruces. 1968 instr. in landscape construction, N.J.

Turnpike Authority Personnel. 1971 N.S.F. grant for Intl. Sem.

for Hydrology Profs, Purdue Univ. Lafayette, Ind. Res. in de- termination of effective methods of managing land and water resources under conditions of changing land use, development of hydrological and engineering techniques to accomplish the conservation of land and water resources. Mem: Assn. of Ar- chits. and Engrs. in Isr; Soil. Conservation Soc; Am. Soc.

Agric. Engrs; Nat. Soc. of Prof. Engrs. (chap. pres. I960); elect- ed to Bd. of Educ, Franklin Township, N.J. (v.-pres. 1960-62;

pres, 1962-64). A: (1978) Somerset, N.J.

Biblior Co-auth, Hydrology of a Small Rural Watershed Un- der Suburban Development (New Brunswick, N.J. 1970): Basic Site Engineering for Landscape Designers (New York, 1973;

rev. 2nd ed, 1975); co-auth, "Impact of Suburban Develop- ment on the Rainfall Runoff Relationship," Proc. Intl. Symposi- um on Urban Hydrology, Hydraulics and Sediments Control (Lexington, Ky, 1977); contrib. more than 25 arts, to prof, pubis, incl. N.J. Agric. Journ. of Soil and Water Conservation.

and Agric. Engr. Sources: Biblio, Hand, Qu. — R.F.J.I.

Nathan, Otto, economist, prof, of economics; b. Bingen, Hesse, Ger. 15 July 1893. R: Jewish. E: 1933 U.S. Cil: 1939 U.S, fmly. Ger. F: Jacob N, b. Gau-Algesheim, Hesse, Ger.

1860, d. 1959, Jewish, merchant, emigr. to U.S. with wife. M.- Sara Freiberg, b. Göllheim, Palatinate, Bavaria, Ger. 1868, d.

1961, Jewish. S : Fritz, b. Bingen 1891, dec, emigr. to Neth, to U.S, architect, oo (none).

W.W.I Kriegsfreiwilliger, off; reed. E.K. Att. Univs. Brus- sels and London. Worked in banks in Brussels and London.

1918-20 att. Univs. Munich, Freiburg/Breisgau and Würzburg;

1920 Dr.phil. in econ. and law, Univ. Würzburg. 1920-33 govt, econ. adv. in statist, off, treas. and econ. depts; Oberregierungs- rat, Min. of Econ, Berlin. Concurr: 1925-32 deleg. to League of Nations and I.L.O. confs. 1926-30 dir. of intl. res, Inst, of Bus.

Cycle Res, Ger; 1928-33 Privatdoz, Hochsch. für Politik, Ber- lin; 1920-33 teacher at Berlin Volkshochsch; 1930-31 spec, econ. adv. for Pres. Hoover's Emergency Comm. on Employ- ment; fel, Inst, of Econ, Washington, D.C. and Iect. at New York Univ. 1933 emigr. to U.S. on vis. visa. 1933-35 lect. at Princeton Univ, N.J. 1935-58 assoc. prof, of econ, New York Univ. Concurr: 1940 summer lect, Columbia Univ; 1940-41 consult, U.S. Nat. Defense C o m m n ; 1942-44 prof, of econ, Vas- sar Coll, Poughkeepsie, N . Y ; 1944-45 chief econ. anal, U.S.

Treas. Dept; 1945-46 instr, Biarritz Am. Univ. of the U.S.

Army, Fr; 1946-52 prof, of econ, Howard Univ, Washington, D.C. and consult, on econ. lit, Libr. of Cong. 1958- freelance res. 1955- executor of -» Albert Einstein's will and trustee of

his lit. estate. Res. on Nazi economic policies and the economic systems in Eastern Europe in the post-W.W.ll period. Active in the fight for civil liberties, the abolition of the House Un- American Activities Comm. and particularly in the struggle for the abolition of war. Mem: Am. Econ. Assn; Royal Econ.

Assn; Am. Polit. Sci. Assn; Am. Statist. Assn; War Resisters' League; Women's Intl. League for Peace and Freedom; and other peace orgs. A : ( 1981) New York.

Biblio: Co-auth, The Nazi Economic System; Germany's Mo- bilization for War (Durham, N. Car, 1944; New York, 1971);

Nazi War Finance and Banking (New York, 1944); co-ed, Ein- stein on Peace (New York, 1960; London, 1963; New York, 1968; Ger. ed. Berne, 1975); contrib. arts, to prof, journs. in Ger.

Fr. and Eng. incl. Am. Econ. Rev. Bull, de l'Institut de Sci. Eco- nomique Appliquée, and Monthly Rev; biblio. to 1979 in R.F.J.I. arch. Lit: Fermi, Immigrants. Arch: S.P.S.L. Sources:

Arch, Hand, Print, Qu. — R.F.J.I.

Nathan, Paul, surgeon; b. St. Wendel, Saarland, Ger. 23 Nov.

1899. R: Jewish. E: 1933 U.K, 1934 Pal. Cil: Pal. (Isr.), fmly.

Ger. F: Friedrich N, b. Bingen, Hesse, Ger. 1872, d. 1958, Jewish, elem. educ, businessman, 1939 to Pal. M: Olga Francken, b. Geldern, Rhineland, Ger. 1872, d. 1945, Jewish, sec. educ, 1939 to Pal. S: Ernest, b. St. Wendel 1904, Gym.

educ, 1933 to Neth, 1936 to U.S, businessman, oo 1937 Eva Kallner, b. Bad Soden, Hessen-Nassau, Ger. 1915, Jewish, att.

nursing sch, 1936 to Pal, nurse. C: Ira, b. Petab Tikvah 1944, att. Tel Aviv Univ; Yakim Eliezer, b. Petal) Tikvah 1947, att.

Tel Aviv Univ, in diamond indus, tourist guide, Isr.

1917-18 W.W.I serv. in Landsturm, Ger. Army. 1918-24 att.

Univs. Bonn and Munich; 1924 Dr.med, Univ. Munich.

1924-25 intern in pathol, Munich-Schwabing Hosp. 1925-33 with surg. dept, Berlin-Friedrichshain Munic. Hosp. 1931-33 Oberarzt. Feb. 1933 emigr. to U.K. 1933-34 att. Royal Coll. of Edinburgh Sch. of Med. 1934 Licentiate Royal Coll. of Physi- cians. 1934 emigr. to Pal. on A-I cert. 1935-36 surg, Kuppat Holim, Haifa. 1936-68 chief, surg. dept, Beilinson Hosp, Petah Tikvah. From ca. 1953 assoc. prof, Hebrew Univ. Prof. emer. of surg, Tel Aviv Univ. Mem: Isr. Surg. Soc. (hon. mem, 1971-).

A: (1981) Petab Tikvah.

Sources: Hand, Qu. — R.F.J.I.

Nathorff, Hertha née Einstein, psychologist; b. Laupheim, Württemberg, Ger. 5 June 1895. R: Jewish. E: 1939 U.K, 1940 U.S. Cil: 1945 U.S, fmly. Ger. F: Arthur Einstein, b. Laupheim 1865, d. Laupheim 1940, Jewish, att. Gym, merchant. M: Ma- thilde Einstein, b. Laupheim 1865, d. Laupheim 1940, Jewish, att. sec. and finishing sch. 5 : Sophie Marie Pauson, b. Laup- heim 1902, d. New York 1970, sec. sch. grad; Elsbeth Treitel, b. Laupheim 1908, d. Philadelphia 1951, att. sec. sch. oo 1923 Eric Nathorff, b. Berlin 1889, d. Atlantic City, N.J. 1954, Dr.med. Univ. Berlin, chief physician and chief of Internal Med. dept, Moabit Hosp, Berlin, and univ. clin, interned in concentration camp, 1939 to U.K, 1940 to U.S, 1941 passed N.Y. State med. exam, physician. C: (Heinz) Henry, b. Berlin 1925, att. City Coll, New York (C.U.N. Y.), sr. exam, of engrs.

1914-19 studied med. at Univs. Heidelberg, Munich, Frei- burg/Breisgau, Berlin; 1920 Dr.med, Univ. Heidelberg; stud- ied internal med. with Prof. —• Georg Klemperer and surg.

with Prof. Moritz Borchardt; concurr. vol. nurse during W.W.I. 1920-22 resid, clin, of Univs. Freiburg/Breisgau and Berlin. 1922-28 chief physician, Women's and Babies Hosp. of Red Cross, Berlin-Lichtenberg. 1923-38 priv. practice, Berlin.

1929-33 chief physician, psych, dir. of first Fam. and Marriage Consult. Cent, City of Berlin till closed down in 1933. Nov.

1938 (Kristallnacht) almost killed at home, money and property confiscated, forbidden to practice med, lect. or publ. arts.

Mem : 1925-33 first and only female physician to be mem. of ex- ec. bd, Berlin Ärztekammer; exec, bd. Ärztlicher Standesverein des Westens; Jüdischer Frauenbund Deutschlands. Apr. 1939 emigr. to U.K. on vis. visa. 1940 emigr. to U.S. Aided by reis, and Selftielp. Employed in odd jobs and as nurse. Took courses in med. and psych. Gave lects. and courses in nursing and baby


Nawiaski 847

care for immigrs. to enable them to find work. 1940- writer of poetry and short stories; 1940 won prize from Harvard Univ.

for abbreviated diary, My Life in Hitler's Germany. 1941(?)- priv. practice as psychotherapist, New York. 1941-45 trained practical and baby nurses for Civil Defense Vol. Off, also mem.

of adv. panel. 1942- fdr, later dir. Am. Training Cent, for Baby Care, New York. 1943-68 speaker on med. and psych, topics for Ger. lang, radio stations. 1948- staff mem, Psychoanal.

Cent, New York. 1954-55 att. psych, course, Alfred Adler Men- tal Hygiene Clin. 1955- staff mem. as licensed psych, Alfred Adler Inst, for Individual Psych. Mem: New World Club (fdr.

of women's groups, pres. 1941-70); Am. Health Found, (bd.

mem, 1948-); H.I.A.S.(bd. mem, 1950-55); Assn. for Advance- ment of Psychotherapy; Rudolf Virchow Med. Soc; Fed. of Jewish Women's Org. (rep. of Immigr. Women's group,

1943-); L.B.I; Blue Card, Inc. (adv. bd.); U.N. rep. deleg. of Intl. Abolition Fed, Paris-Geneva (1973). Reed: Order of Mer- it, Ger. Fed. Repub. (1967); Award, Inst, for Ger. Am. Studies, Cleveland, Ohio (1973). A: (1981) New York.

Biblio: Contrib. arts, to Ger.-Am. newspapers and mags.

Sources: Hand, Print, Qu. — R.F.J.I.

Natonek, Hans, journalist, writer; b. Prague 28 Oct. 1892, d.

Tuscon, Ariz. 23 Oct. 1963. E: 1933 C.S.R, 1938 Fr, 1941 U.S.

F: J.N, dir. of life insur. co. New Yorker Germania. M: Fran- ziska Heimann. oo I. 1918-(?) Gertrude Hüther; II. Anne Mor- genstern. C: With first wife, Wolfgang, b. 1919, Susanne, b.


Studied philos. at Univs. Vienna and Berlin. 1920-33 feuille- ton ed, Neue Leipziger Zeitung. Contrib. to journ. Der Drache, Leipzig, as well as several expressionistic journs. incl. Die Aktion. The novels, Geld regiert die Welt oder die Abenteurer des Gewissens (Berlin, 1930) and Der Schlemihl: Ein Roman vom Leben des Adalbert von Chamisso (Amsterdam, 1936) were banned in Nazi Ger. Mem: Reichsverband der deut. Presse;

S.D.S. 1933 emigr. to C.S.R. because of Jewish fam. back- ground. 1938 emigr. to Fr. 1941 emigr. to U.S. Contrib. to var.

newspapers and journs. incl. 1933-40 National-Zeitung, Basel;

1933-40 Neue Zürcher Zeitung. 1938-40 Das neue Tage-Buch;

1938-40 Die Neue Weltbühne, Prager Tagblatt, Prager Presse, The Free Man, Christian Herald, New York; 1941- Christian Sei. Monitor, Boston. Author of plays and novels. Reed:

Goethe Award of the City of Leipzig (1931).

Biblio: Heilige Kranke?Schwindlerin: Kritik des Mirakels von Konnersreuth (Leipzig, 1927); Schminke und Alltag: Bunte Pro- sa (Leipzig, 1927); Der Mann, der nie genug hat, novel (Berlin, 1929); Kinder einer Stadt (Berlin, 1932); In Search of Myself, autobiog. (New York, 1943); unpubl. plays with Hans Rei- mann, " D e r Harlekin," orig. perf. Leipziger Schauspielhaus,

"Hugos Hochzeit," orig. perf. Schauspielhaus F r a n k f u r t / M ,

" D e r gute Mensch," orig. perf. Leipziger Schauspielhaus.

Sources: Hand. — IfZ.

Natzler, Gertrud née Amon, ceramist, potter; b. Vienna 7 July 1908. R: Jewish. E : 1938 U.S. CU: 1944 U.S, fmly. Aus. F.- Adolf Amon, b. Vienna 1869, d. 1940, Jewish, mfr. M: Helene Grünwald, b. Sopron, Hung. 1880, d. 1945, Jewish. 5 : Hans, b.

1905. oo 1937 Otto Natzler, b. Vienna 1908, Jewish, craftsman, potter, sculptor, 1938 to U.S, a: (1972) Los Angeles.

1937 won Silver Medal at Exposition Internationale in Paris with Otto Natzler. 1938 emigr. with husband to U.S, first Los Angeles. Opened joint ceramic workshop(?) in Santa Susanna, Calif.(T). Num. exhibs. in U.S. and abroad, incl. 1940, 1942 Fine Art Gall, in San Diego, Calif; 1943, 1963 San Francisco Art Mus; 1944, 1966 Los Angeles County Mus; 1946, 1963 Art Inst, Chicago; 1958 Jewish Mus, New York; 1959 Bezalel Nat.

Mus, Jerusalem; Haifa; Kunstgewerbemus, Zurich; Stedelijk Mus, Amsterdam. Winner of many regional, nat. and intl.

prizes for ceramics, incl. 1939, 1940, 1941, 1946, 1956 purchase prizes at Nat. Ceramic Exhib, Syracuse Mus. of Art, N Y. 1948, 1949, 1951 first prizes at Los Angeles County Fair; 1952, 1953

" G o o d Design" award, Mus. of Mod. Art, New York; 1952, 1955, 1956, 1957 Calif. State Fair; 1962 Silver Medal, Intl. Ce-

ramic Exhib, Prague. 1966 extensive retrospective of G.N.'s and husband's work at Los Angeles County Mus. 1968 subj. of the documentary film The Ceramic Art of the Natzlers prod, by Los Angeles County Mus. (reed. Christopher award), and of the book about Natzler ceramics by Otto Natzler. Works in perm, colls, of num. Am. and fgn. museums, incl. Metrop. Mus.

of Art, Mus. of Mod. Art, New York; Smithsonian Inst, Washington, D.C; Kunstgewerbemus, Zurich. A: Los Angeles.

Lit: Otto Natzler, Natzler Ceramics in the L. M. Sperry Collec- tion (1968); Vollmer (vol. 6, 1962); Who's Who in American Art (1970); Who's Who of American Women (1972-73). Sources:

Arch, Hand. - IfZ.

Navè Levinson, Pnina née Fass (pen name: Pnina Bat Shela), writer, educator, translator; b. Berlin 3 Apr. 1921. E: 1935 Pal.

Cil: Isr. F: Markus Fass. M: Sabina Pflanzgraben. oo I. G.

Boehm, dec; II. Seev Navè, div; III. 1970 Nathan Peter Levin- son, b. Berlin 1921, M.H.L, ordained rabbi, serv. as rabbi in Ger. and U.S, 1964- Landesrabbiner, Baden, Ger, auth. of books on Jewish topics (see Nachtrag vol.). C: Miriam GIuz- m a n ; O d e d Navè.

1935 emigr. to Pal. with parents. Att. Hebrew Univ; 1945 M.A, 1952 Ph.D. Res. work for Hebrew Univ. Auth. of Hebrew poetry. Trans. Ger, Sp, and Gaelic poetry and prose into He- brew (incl. poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke, Michelangelo, Juana de Ibarbourou, V. Gerbasi, prose of Tommasi di Lampedusa's II Gattopardo). Auth. of essays on Eur. and Hebrew lit. Contrib.

to encycl. and journ. incl. ed. and trans, for Encycl. of World Lit.

(Shipley), and arts, for Encycl. Judaica. Mem. ed. bd, contrib.

arts, fmr. secy, Encycl. Hebraica. Also wrote on Jewish themes for Jewish-Christian Dialogue, and for var. Ger. encycls. Regu- lar broadcasts on Jewish themes in W. Ger. 1961- long stays in Eur, esp. in Fed. Repub. Ger. 1965 went to Fed. Repub. Ger.

for prof, reasons (retained Isr. cit.). 1967- vis. prof, of Jewish studies, Univ. Heidelberg; lect, Teachers Coll. Mem: Liturgical bd, Hug Mevakshei Derekh, Jerusalem; Hebrew Writers' Assn; Hugim leYahadut Mitkademet (fmr. bd. mem.). Reed:

Klausner Prize (1952); Warburg Prize, Hebrew Univ. (1961);

Leo Baeck Prize(1962). A:(198l) Heidelberg.

Biblio: Die neue hebräische Literatur (Berne, 1962); trans, into Hebrew, David Greene's Modern Gaelic Poetry as Shirah Gelit Hadashah (Tel Aviv, 1966); trans, into Hebrew, Juana de Ibar- bourou's selected works, as Mivhar Yezirot (Tel Aviv, 1966);

trans, into Hebrew, Rainer Maria Rilke's Duineser Elegien as Ilyor Duyino (Tel Aviv, 1967); Leket Kelavim (selected writ- ings of Leon da Modena; Tel Aviv, 1968); ed, Kol Shirei Yaa- kov Francis (The Poems of J. Francis; Jerusalem, 1969); select- ed and trans. Du unser Vater (Jewish prayers for Christians;

Freiburg/Breisgau, 1975). Sources: Hand, News, Qu. — R.F.J. I.

Nawiaski, Hans, constitutional and administrative lawyer, pro- fessor; b. Graz, Aus. 24. Aug. 1880, d. St. Gallen, Switz. 11 Aug, 1961. R: Roman Catholic. E: 1933 Switz. Cit: Aus, Ger, Switz.

F: Eduard N, opera singer. M: Malwine Spitzer, oo 1906 Gerda von Urban. C: Mechthild, b. 1907.

Att. Gym, F r a n k f u r t / M . Studied law, Univs. Vienna and Berlin; 1903 state legal exam and Dr. jur, Univ. Vienna. 1903- 19 with Aus. postal serv. W.W.I milit. serv, Aus.-Hung. Army.

1909 Habil. 1910 Privatdoz. on admin, and Aus. admin, law, 1914 o. Prof, Univ. Vienna. 1919-33 mem. fac. of law, Univ.

Munich: 1919 a.o. Prof, 1928- o. Prof, of pub, constitutional, and admin, law. 1928-30 mem. constitutional comm. of the Ger. interstate confs. 1932- rep. of Bavaria at Supreme Court of Ger. Reich. Publicly opposed Nazism. 1931 attacked by Na- zi students while lecturing. Aug. 1933 discharged from Bavar- ian civil serv. 1933 emigr. to Switz. 1934-55 o. Prof, of pub. law, Handelshochsch, St. Gallen, contributing significantly to its de- velopment; 1938 fdr, Swiss Inst, for Admin. Courses; 1955 emer. and app. Honorarprof. While in Switz. cont. fight against Nazism. Polit. collab. with 'Wilhelm Hoegner. Sen- tenced to death in absentia just before end of war. 1946 recalled to Univ. Munich. 1946-52 o. Prof, of admin, law, Univ. Mu-


848 Nebel

nich, 1952 prof. emer. After the war contrib. to drafting of new Bavarian constitution, to which he also published a commen- tary. Reed. Grosses B.V.K. (1953); Dr. rer. pol. h.c, Univ. Mu- nich (1961).

Biblio: Der Bundesstaat als Rechtsbegriff (Tübingen, 1920);

Bayerisches Verfassungsrecht (Munich, 1923); Staatstypen der Gegenwart (St. Gallen, 1934); Aufbau und Begriff der Eidgenos- senschaft (St. Gallen, 1937); Allgemeine Rechtslehre als System der rechtlichen Grundbegriffe (1941; 2nd ed. 1948); Kann das deutsche Volk für Demokratie und Weltfrieden gewonnen werden? (Zurich, 1946); co-auth. Die Verfassung des Freistaa- tes Bayern vom 2. Dezember 1946 (Munich, 1948); Die Grundge- danken des Grundgesetzes fur die Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Stuttgart, Cologne, 1950); Allgemeine Staatslehre. 5 vols. (Ein- siedeln, Zurich, Cologne, 1945-58); for biblio. see G.K. (1961).

Lit: Festschriften on occasion of 70th birthday (1950) and 75th birthday (1956); Göppinger, Juristen. Arch: Estate in Inst, for Polit. and Pub. Law, Univ. Munich. Sources: Arch, E.G.L, Hand, Journ, News, Print. — IfZ.

Nebel, Otto Wilhelm (pseuds, incl. Martin Maurer), painter, poet, actor; b. Berlin 25 Dec. 1892, d. Bern 12 Sept. 1973. R:

1933 New Church (Swedenborgian), fmly. Protestant. E: 1933 Switz. O r : 1952 Switz, fmly. Ger. F: Otto, b. 1856, d. 1924, head clerk. M : Sophie Müller, b. 1865, d. 1929. S. Karl, b. 1895, Gym. teacher. ~ 1924 Hildegard Heitmeyer, b. 1886, d. 1975, Protestant, 1933 New Church (Swedenborgian), temp, assist, to Gertrud Grunow in Berlin, author. C: (none).

Abitur, Berlin. 1909-12 civil engr. apprentice, Berlin. 1913 designer and bldg. supr. on annex of T.H. Berlin-Charlotten- burg. 1913-14 studied acting with Rudolf Blümner and Fried- rich Kayssler, Lessing-Theater Berlin. 1914-18 lieut. in Ger.

Army on eastern and western fronts; 1918-19 Brit. P.O.W. in U.K, prod, first poems and paintings. Concurr. 1917 first con- tacts to artist circle of Der Sturm; mem. of Novembergruppe.

Through Blümner met Nell Waiden, -> Herwarth Waiden and -« Kurt Schwitters. 1919- lit. contrib. to Der Sturm and other journs, Berlin; 1919-24 pubi. Zuginsfeld, antiwar poetry in Der Sturm. 1920 first exhib. in Walden's Gall; evening lects, work as painter, art instr, prod, abstract paintings. 1925 contact with Bauhaus Weimar Paul Klee and Wassily Kandinsky.

1927-28 in Ascona, Switz. Trips to Fr, It. and Sp. Mem. of Die Abstrakten, Berlin and Reichsverband bildender Künstler Deut. (R. V.B.K.); partic. in exhibs. 1930 Grosse Berliner Kunst- ausstellung (G.B.K.), Schloss Bellevue, 1931 Haus der Jury- freien, Berlin. May 1933 emigr. to Berne with wife, without work permit. 1935 partic. in exhib. at Kunsthalle Berne; friendship with Paul Klee. 1936 contact with Hilla von Rebay with the help of Kandinsky. Until 1951 purchases and commns. for paintings from the Guggenheim Found, New York. 1938-39 ex- hibs. with Guggenheim Coll. in U.S. (Charleston, Baltimore and New York). Works incl. Venusspiegel (30 pen and ink drawings, 1935), Musertaja, Stadt der ¡000 Anblicke (100 pen and ink drawings, 1937-39). 1937 defamed by inclusion in

"Entartete Kunst" exhib. in Munich. 1937- contrib. Der Bund, Berne. 1943 more than 100 paintings destroyed during air raid on Berlin. 1944 individual exhib, Kunsthalle Berne. 1945- col- lab, Die Neue Kirche (Zurich). 1951-55 actor, Kammerspiele, Berne. Mem. of Radio Studio, Berne. 1956-73 num. individual ex- hibs. in Eur, U.S, 1955- Gall. Simone Heller, Paris; also even- ing lects, recorded poetry of Sturm movt. 1972 donated ap- prox. 200 works to Kunstmus, Berne. Reed : 1949 Hon. mem, Ac- cademia Culturale Adriatica, M i l a n - R o m e (1949); B.V.K.

(1965); hon. mem, Accademia Internazionale Tommaso Cam- panella (1970).

Biblio: Worte zur rhythmischen Malerei (Dresden, 1931);

Geistige Kunst der Gegenwart und der Zukunft (Burgdorf, 1948); Das Rad der Titanen (Zurich-Stuttgart, 1957); Unfeig:

Neun-Runen-Fuge (Zurich, 1960); Goldene Spur (Zurich, 1962); Sieben Trübsinn-Scheuchen (Munich, 1965); Das We- sentliche (Zurich, 1967); Sturm und Vollendung (Zurich, 1972);

for further biblio. see René Radrizzani, Otto Nebel: Das Ge- samtwerk, 3 vols. (W. Berlin, 1980). Papers: Deutsche Bi- bliothek, F r a n k f u r t / M (unpubl.). Lit: Kurt Liebmann, Der Ma-

lerdichter O.N. mono, and index of works (Zurich-Leipzig, 1935); Künstler-Lexikon der Schweiz, XX. Jahrhundert (Frauen- feld, 1963); Kate T. Steinitz, O.N. as Artist and Writer (Los An- geles, 1963); Catalog der Schenkung O.N. (Kunstmus. Berne, 1971); cat, Kunstsammlung der Stadt Thun, Switz. (1976).

Arch: Otto-Nebel-Stiftung, Berne. Sources: Hand, Autobiog, Arch, News, Pers, Print. — If2.

Nebenzahl, Seymour, film producer; b. 1897, d. 1961 ; see Stra- chek film biographies.

Necker, Wilhelm Friedrich Ludwig Otto, journalist; b. Dort- mund, Westphalia, Ger. 21 Apr. 1897, d. Port Issac, Cornwall, U.K. 21 Nov. 1977. E: 1933 C.S.R, 1938 U.K. F: Wilhelm Friedrich N, d. 1938, teacher. M: Katharina Schneider. <*> III.

Katharina Strober. C: 5.

1915 Abitur. 1916 studied at Univ. Jena. W.W.I volunteer, reserve lieut. Mem. U.S.P.D. 1918 mem, Workers' and Soldiers' Coun. Stargard, Pomerania. 1919-21 studied econ, bus. mgt.

and fin, Univ. F r a n k f u r t / M ; Dr. rer. pol. Co-fdr. socialist stu- dent group. 1920-25 mem. S.P.D. 1921-33 D.L.M. (Ger.

League for Human Rights). 1921-23 secy, Ger. Union of Rail- waymen in Berlin. 1923-24 co-worker of "Walter Loeb at Thu- ringian Nat. Bank in Weimar. 1924-25 legal rep. of Bauhaus Weimar. Temp, in advertising. 1926-29 fin. ed, Berliner Börsen- Courier. 1925-28(7) mem. K.P.D. 1929-30 ed.-in-chief, Wirt- schaftlicher Ratgeber. Proprietor of fin. and tax consult, off. in Berlin. 1933 illegal activities. June 1933 fled to C.S.R. Odd jobs. 1934- contrib. to Czech, newspapers and ed. of Ger. sect, of semi-off. press-corresp, Centro-Press: Mar. 1938 dismissed due to Ger. diplomatic intervention. Summer 1938 with Alexander Bessmertny, serv. as propaganda adv. to C.S.R.

Gen. Staff in the event of a Ger. invasion. After Munich Agree- ment, Ger. requested W.N.'s extradition. 1938 emigr. to U.K.

via Pol. 1940 interned. 1941-43 milit. expert; contrib. to DieZei- tung, Sunday Express, War Weekly and Fortnightly Review. Au- thor. 1943- worked for Brit. Secret Serv, mission to N. Afr.

June 1944- Sept. 45 with O.S.S. propaganda dept. Partic. in in- vasion of Fr. Collab. on assessment of effects of air warfare on Ger. Sept. 1946-Spring 1947 gen. dir, Ger. press-agey, D.E.- N.A. in Bad Nauheim, Hesse (U.S. Occup. Zone). Conflict with O.M.G.U.S. Then contrib. to Ger. newspapers. Dec. 1947 returned to Eng; resid. in London. Hosp. porter, then catering off. in hosp. Mem: Club 1943; F.D.K.B; Ger. P.E.N. Club, London (temp, treas.). Fel: Royal Soc. of Health.

Biblio: Nazi Germany Can't Win (London, 1939); collab, I was Lucky to Escape (London, 1940); This Bewildering War (London, 1940); Hitler's War Machine and the invasion of Brit- ain (London, 1941); The German Army of Today (London, 1943); Invasion Tactics (London, 1944); collab, In Tyrannos (London, 1944); Derneue Anfang (Hannover, 1946); Die Bewe- gung (Hannover, 1947); Es war doch so schön (Hannover,

1947). Sources: Arch, Hand, News, Print. — IfZ.

Neher, Carola (Karoline), actress; b. Munich 2 Nov. 1900, d.

Sol-Ilezk prison camp, U.S.S.R. 28 June 1942. E: 1933 C.S.R, 1934 U.S.S.R. Cit: Ger, 1 Nov. 1934 cit. revoked. F: Josef N, d. Munich 1919, prof, of mus, cond. M: Katerina Ziegler. 5 : Emil, b. 1893. °° I. 1925 Klabund (fmly. Alfred Henschke), b. Crossen, Brandenburg, Ger. (Krosno Odrzanskie, Pol.) 1891, d. Davos, Switz. 1928, auth, playwright; II. Anatol Becker, b. Rum. 1903(7), d. U.S.S.R. 1937 (murdered in prison camp) engr, mem. of K.P.D, 1933 to C.S.R, 1934 to U.S.S.R. C:

Georg Anatol Becker, b. Moscow 1934, studied forestry and radio tech, mus. teacher and comp, 1975 to Fed. Repub. Ger, a: 1980 Augsburg, Fed. Repub. Ger.

Educ. by the Englische Fräulein (Catholic relig. order), Mu- nich. Bank employee. Studied acting under influence of first husband Klabund. Engagements as dancer in Baden-Baden.

1922-24 at Kammerspiele, Munich. 1924-25 at Vereinigte Theater, Breslau, Lower Silesia, Ger. (Wroclaw, Pol.). Later in Munich, Vienna, Berlin and other cities. Dist. actress in Kla-


Nelken 849

b u n d ' s d r a m a s , a n d a f t e r h u s b a n d ' s d e a t h tours with plays.

Close collab. with -* Bertolt Brecht. Actress in films incl. of Brecht's Die Dreigroschenoper (1931). G r a d u a l involvement with social a n d polit, causes. M e m . G . D . B . A . 1933 co-signer with other progressive artists of an a p p e a l against the Nazi re- gime (for this action cit. later revoked). 1933 emigr. with second h u s b a n d to Prague. G u e s t perfs. incl. at N e u e s Deut. Theater.

1934 emigr. to U . S . S . R ; co-signer of the Saar Proclamation.

1934-35 actress in G u s t a v von W a n g e n h e i m ' s Ger.-lang.

theater-in-exile collective Deut. T h e a t e r K o l o n n e Links, Mos- cow. Film work with M e s h r a b p o m . T o g e t h e r with -» Alexan- d e r G r a n a c h org. cultural events for G e r . - s p e a k i n g émigrés.

1936 in the course of Stalinist purges arrested with h u s b a n d for alleged "Trotzkyite activities" (by assoc. with ' E r i c h Wollen- berg); sentenced to ten yrs. in prison c a m p ; a t t e m p t e d suicide d u r i n g detention a w a i t i n g invest; allegedly m u r d e r e d after re- fusing to serve as spy in G e r . for the N . K . V . D . (according to o t h e r sources died of t y p h o i d fever).

Lit: K o s c h , Thealer: Enciclopedia delta spellacolo; Margaret B u b e r - N e u m a n n , Als Gefangene bei Stalin und Hitler (Stuttgart, 1958); A n n e d o r e Leber, ed, Das Gewissen entscheidet: Bereiche des deutschen Widerstandes von 1933-45 in Lebensbildern (4th ed. W. Berlin a n d F r a n k f u r t / M , 1960); Petzet, Kammerspiele:

var. auths, " C a r o l i n e N e h e r , " europäische ideen (vol. 14-15;

W. Berlin, 1976); Diezel, Exilliteratur. Sources: Arch, H a n d , News, Print. — IfZ.

Nehring, Alfons, prof, of linguistics; b. Bischwitz near Trebnitz, Silesia, Ger. (Trzebnica, Pol.) 12 Aug. 1890, d. W ü r z b u r g , Ba- varia, Fed. R e p u b . G e r . 9 Dec. 1967. R: R o m a n Catholic. E:

1933 U.S, 1952 Fed. R e p u b . Ger. Cit: G e r . F: N i c o l a u s N. M:

Paula Riesenfeld. °o 1925 H e l e n e C r a m e r .

Att. G y m . Breslau. Studied philo), Univs. Breslau a n d Berlin;

1915 Dr. phil. T h e n var. assist, positions. 1919 sec. sch. teacher.

1923 Habil. 1923-30 m e m . fac, Univ. Breslau, 1923 Privatdoz, 1929 apl. Prof, of c o m p , linguistics. 1930-33 o. Prof, of c o m p , linguistics, Univ. W ü r z b u r g , 1933 c o m p u l s o r y retirement. 1933 emigr. to U.S. 1938-43 taught at M a r q u e t t e Univ, Milwaukee, Wise. 1943-52 taught F o r d h a m U n i v , N e w York. 1952 returned to Univ. W ü r z b u r g as o. Prof, of c o m p , linguistics. 1953-55 Rektor, Univ. W ü r z b u r g , 1958 prof. emer. M e m : Linguistic Soc; M . L . A ; Philol. A s s n ; Classical Assn. of the Atlantic States; other orgs.

Biblio: Gotische und althochdeutsche Sprachdenkmäler (Leipzig, 1927); " L i t e r a t u r b e r i c h t f ü r d a s J a h r 1925: Latei- nische G r a m m a t i k , " Glotta (vol. 16, 1928); " V o l k s t ü m l i c h e A n s c h a u u n g e n vom K ö n i g s t u m , " Mitteilungen der schlesischen Ges. für Völkerkunde (vol. 29, 1928); " S t u d i e n zur indoger- m a n i s c h e n K u l t u r u n d U r h e i m a t , " Die Indogermanen- und Germanenfrage. Wilhelm K o p p e r s , ed. in Wiener Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte und Linguistik, vol. 4 (Salzburg, Leipzig, 1936); " D i e P r o b l e m a t i k der I n d o g e r m a n e n f o r s c h u n g , "

Würzburger Universitätsreden (vol. 17, W ü r z b u r g , 1954); a n d num. a d d i t i o n a l pubis, in tech. j o u r n s ; for complete biblio. see I f Z arch. Arch: S.P.S.L. Sources: A r c h , H a n d , J o u r n , News, Print. — IfZ.

Neisser, Hans Philip, p r o f , of e c o n o m i c s ; b. Breslau, Lower Silesia, G e r . ( W r o c l a w , Pol.) 3 Sept. 1895, d. Berkeley, Calif.

1 J a n . 1975. E: 1933 U.S. Cit: 1938 U.S, fmly. Ger. F: G u s t a v N, b. Breslau, d. 1918, Protestant, lawyer, m e m . city c o u n , Breslau. M : Else Silberstein, d. 1943, Protestant. S: H e d w i g M, b. Breslau 1897, Dr. m e d , emigr. to U . K , bacteriol. °° 1923 C h a r l o t t e Schroeter, b. Breslau 1897, 1921 Dr.rer. pol. Univ.

Breslau, res. in soc. scis. a n d in sociol, 1933 to U.S. with f a m . C: M a r i a n n e Selph, b. Berlin 1924, coll. e d u c ; Ulric, b. Schles- wig-Holstein 1928, D r . p s y c h . H a r v a r d U n i v , prof, of psych, Cornell Univ.

1913-21 att. Univs. M u n i c h , F r e i b u r g / B r e i s g a u a n d Breslau;

1919 D r . j u r , 1921 D r . r e r . pol, Univ. Breslau. R e f e r e n d a r Asses- sor, L a n d s h u t , Silesia. 1922-27 econ. with govt, c o m m n s . C o n - curr. 1925-27 co-ed, Magazin der Wirtschaft, weekly econ.

m a g , Berlin; 1927 secy, S o z i a l i s i e r u n g s - K o m m i s s i o n , Berlin.

1927-33 lect. a n d d e p . chief res, Inst, f ü r Weltwirtschaft u n d Weltverkehr, Univ. Kiel. Sept. 1933 emigr. to U.S. with o f f e r of p r o f e s s o r s h i p . 1933-43 prof, of m o n e t a r y theory, W h a r t o n Sch, Univ. P e n n s y l v a n i a , P h i l a d e l p h i a ; c o n c u r r . 1941-43 prin- cipal e c o n , O P.A, W a s h i n g t o n D . C . 1943-75 m e m . fac. N e w School for Social Research, N e w Y o r k : 1943- prof, of e c o n , g r a d . fac, 1965-75 p r o f . emer. C o n c u r r : 1943-51 res. p r i n c i p a l , Inst. W o r l d Affairs, N e w Y o r k ; 1954 Fulbright lect, Univ. Bris- b a n e , A u s t ; 1958-59 F o r d F o u n d , res. fel. Res. in national a n d international e c o n o m i c s a n d m o n e t a r y theory a n d the develop- m e n t of business a n d b a n k i n g . M e m : E c o n o m e t r i c Soc. (fel.);

Royal E c o n . Soc; A m . Econ. A s s n ; Intl. P h e n o m e n o l o g i c a l S o c ; A m . Statist. Assn.

Biblio: Zur Lehre von den Grenzen der Tierhalterhaftung (diss, Univ. Breslau, 1919; publ. Breslau, 1919); co-auth, Lujo

Brentano (Berlin, 1924); Der Tauschwert des Geldes (Jena, 1928); co-ed, Kapitalbildung und Steuersystem 2 vols. (Berlin, 1930); Some International Aspects of the Business Cycle (Phila- d e l p h i a , 1936); co-auth, National Income and International

Trade ( U r b a n a , III, 1953); On the Sociology of Knowledge ( N e w Y o r k , 1965; Sp. trans. Buenos Aires, 1972); contrib. arts, to prof, j o u r n s . on econ. a n d p h e n o m e n o l o g y . Lit: Art. by Prof.

A d o l p h Löwe in Soc. Res. ( S u m m e r 1975); C h a r l o t t e Neisser, Selected Papers/Hans Neisser, c o n t a i n s biblio. (El Cerrito, Cal- if, 1977). Sources: A r c h , H a n d , N e w s , Qu. — R . F . J . I .

Nelken, D i n a h ( B e r n h a r d i n a ; originally D i n a h N e l k e n - O h - l e n m a c h e r ; pseud. B e r n h a r d i n e Schneider), a u t h o r ; b. Berlin 16 M a y 1900. E: 1936 Aus, 1938 Y u g o , later It, 1950 W. Berlin.

Cit: Ger. F: Actor. 5 : Rolf G e r o , painter. Div. C: C h i l d r e n . Att. Lyceum, then self-educ. Until 1933 j o u r n . a n d a u t h ; script writer for cabaret " D i e U n m ö g l i c h e n , " Berlin. 1936 emigr. to Vienna. A f t e r Anschluss of Aus. 1938 lived on island of K o r i u l a (Yugo.). Later emigr. to It. E m p l o y e d by publ.

house, M o n d a d o r i . Seven mos. illegal resid. in R o m e d u r i n g Ger. o c c u p . of city. 1950 returned to W. Berlin. 1950- f r e e l a n c e writer in W. Berlin. Novelist a n d script writer. In a u t o b i o g r a p h - ical novel, Spring über deinen Schatten.' Spring, D . N . por- trays the d e v e l o p m e n t of a m e m b e r of the Ger. m i d d l e class a n d his c o n f r o n t a t i o n with N a t i o n a l Socialism. M e m : V e r b a n d Deut. Schriftsteller (1920). R e e d : Lit. Prize, Min. f o r C u l t u r e , Ger. D e m . R e p u b . (1954).

Biblio: As B e r n h a r d i n e Schneider, Eineinhalb-Zimmer- Wohnung, novel (Leipzig, 1933); co-auth. with Rolf G e r o , ich an dich, novel (Berlin, 1938); ich an mich, novel ( H a m b u r g , 1952); Spring über deinen Schatten.' Spring (Berlin, 1956; later publ. u n d e r title Geständnis einer Leidenschaft); addio amore, novel, illus. by Rolf G e r o (Berlin, 1959); Von ganzem Herzen, novel (Berlin, 1964); Das angstvolle Heldenleben einer gewissen

Fleur Lafontaine, novel (Berlin, 1971); Die ganze Zeil meines Lebens: Geschichten, Gedichte, Berichte (Berlin, 1977). Scripts a n d screenings: Hilde Petersen postlagernd ( G e r , 1935); Der junge Graf (Ger, 1935); Das Abenteuer geht weiter (Ger, 1939);

Eine Frau wie Du (Ger, 1939); Frau über Bord (1945); Corinna Schmidt (Ger. D e m . R e p u b , 1951); Tagebuch einer Verliebten (Fed. R e p u b . G e r , 1953); Liebe ohne Illusion (1955). Lit: Lexi- kon deutschsprachiger Schriftsteller, 2 vols. (Leipzig, 1974); for f u r t h e r w o r k s see Intl. Biblio. Sources: H a n d . — IfZ.

Nelken, Ludwig Elasar, physician, university a d m i n i s t r a t o r ; b.

Breslau, Lower Silesia, Ger. ( W r o c l a w , Pol.) 8 J u n e 1898. E:

1933 Pal. Cit: Isr. F: A d o l f A w r a h a m N , b. Kaiisch, Russ. Pol.

(Kalisz, Pol.) 1864, d. Breslau 1942, Jewish, m e r c h a n t . M : T h e r e s e M o n a s c h , b. 1865, d. Breslau 1918. S : Rosa M a r c u s , b.

Breslau 1894, d. J e r u s a l e m 1962, nurse, 1936 to Pal; Ella, b.

Breslau 1902, soc. w o r k e r , Jewish C m t y , Breslau, 1933 to Pal, a: Jerusalem. <*> 1925 Lucie Lea B e r n h a r d , b. Posen, G e r . (Poz- n a n , Pol.) 1898, sec. sch, bus. w o m a n , 1933 to Pal. with f a m . C.- W o l f g a n g Israel, b. 1926, d. in action in Isr. W a r of I n d e p e n d - ence 1948, co-fdr, Kibb. M i s h m a r H a N e g e v ; W a l t e r S c h m u e l , b. 1930, 1948 partic. Isr. W a r of I n d e p e n d e n c e , studied m u s i c a n d cello in J e r u s a l e m , Paris, a n d L o n d o n , music teacher.

1916-22 att. Univ. Breslau; 1922 Dr.med. Att. Jewish Theol.



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Mais qu'elles se renseignent aux sources les plus sûres, comme nous l'avons fait naguère, en organisant une enquête sur la situation du patois en Ajoie, et elles pourront

Je coudrais te cAauter ta //tas bette CAanson ßu'it /Vif d'amour, //u'it /Vit de joie et d'afte//resse X« CAanson jo//euse et naïee Et douce comme des caresses — "".. Xa

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L'aubaine d'un immeuble racheté à un prix intéressant et la générosité d'une Chaux-de-Fonnière à son décès ont permis à la section de regrouper toutes ses activités sous un