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Atomic Resolution of the Silicon (1 11 )-(7 x 7) Surface by Atomic Force Microscopy


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Atomic Resolution of the Silicon (1 11 )-(7 x 7) Surface by Atomic Force Microscopy

Franz J. Giessibl

Achieving high resolution under ultrahigh-vacuumconditions with the forcemicroscope canbedifficult for reactive surfaces,where the interaction forces between the tipand the samplescanberelatively large. A forcedetection scheme that makesuseofamodified cantilever beam and senses the force gradient through frequency modulation is de- scribed. The reconstructed silicon (11 1)-(7x7) surfacewasimaged inanoncontactmode byforce microscopy with atomic resolution (6angstroms lateral, 0.1 angstromvertical).

Theatomicresolutionof thescanningtun-

neling microscope (STM) allowed a long- standingquestion,thenatureofthesurface reconstruction of Si(111)-(7X7) (1), to be resolved. Achieving similarresolution with the atomic force microscope (AFM) (2) underultrahighvacuum (UHV) hasproven more difficult. TheoperationofanAFM is

basedonbringingatipincloseproximityto a surface and scanning while controlling the distance for a constant interaction force.The tip isusually mountedon acan-

tileverbeam(CL). Progressinforcemicros-

copy toward true atomic resolution has beenslower fortwo main reasons: (i) The

nature of the forces between a tip and a sampleismorecomplex than the tunneling

current between awell-conducting tip and sample, and(ii) it isrelativelyeasytomea- sure the tunneling currents (nanoampere range) with a good signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio,whereasmeasuringthe forcesrequired foratomicresolutionimaging(nanonewton range)isamuchmorechallenging problem, especially inUHV.

Initialreports of "atomic" resolution by

an AFM in vacuum showed the periodic lattice ofNaCI(001) (3),but these images didnotshowanysingularities like defectsor

steps. The AFM wasoperating in the con-

tactmode,where thetipandsamplewerein mechanicalcontact. This mode works well inambient conditions because mostsurfac-

es arecoveredwithalayerofwater, hydro- carbons, or other contaminants when ex- posedtoair. InUHV,cleansurfacestendto

sticktogether, especially when the materi- als are identical. Therefore, the choice of sampleand tipmaterialis important. Ionic NaCI crystals are chemically inert, and closecontact between tipand sampledoes

notcreatechemical bonds. The interaction forces were on the order of 10 nN, about 100timesgreaterthan whatwasacceptable forasingle-atomtip.Many "minitips"must

have been in contact with the surface, whichcompromisesand limits theobserva- tionofstepsand defects. In ordertoachieve

true atomic resolution, imaging must pro-

ceed with very small interaction forces.

Forces inanAFMcannotbegauged direct- ly; they are usuallydetermined by measur-

ing the deflection of a spring. Absolute length measurements ofobjects the size of centimeters on a nanometerscale aresub- ject to thermal drift. For that reason, it is

verydifficult to maintainaconstant inter- actionforce while takinganimage in con- tact force microscopy. The weaker the springconstant, the less critical the length

measurementbecomes. However, the tip is

subjecttoattractive vander Waalsinterac- tionsbefore itmakescontact with the sur-

face.Whenthe forcegradientof theattrac-

tiveinteractionexceeds thespringconstant

of theCL,thetipsnapsintocontact,which

cancrush an initiallysharptip. This is less likelyto happenfor stiff CLs.

ThevanderWaals forcescanbe reduced by performing the experiments in water.

Ohnesorge and Binnig (4) demonstrated

true atomic resolution with an AFM by imaging stepson acalcite crystal inwater.

They could resolve the unit cell in both attractive andrepulsive modes. The home- made instrumentused CLs with verysharp tips (5). The repulsive forces between tip and sample were <0.1 nN. In UHV, the onlywaytoreduce thevander Waals forces is to use very sharp tips. The problem of maintaining a small repulsive force for the time required to take an image is still

present. One solutiontothatproblemisto operatethe AFMatlowtemperature (6) to

minimize thermal drifts. A different ap-

proachistouse an acmethod. Theseprob- lems and their possible solutions were al- ready pointed out by Binnig et al. (2).

Atomic resolution of the Si(1M1)-(7X7)

reconstruction by AFM is challenging be-

cause this surface is reactive. Meyer and co-workers (7) studied the Si(111)-(7X7)

reconstruction in UHV by contact force microscopyand observed adhesive forces of

up to 103 nN between a Si tip and the Si(111) surface. By coating the tip with polytrifluoroethylene (Teflon), they could reduce the sticking forces to 10 nN. The periodicityof theunitcell could be resolved

by using coated tips, but the images show friction effects. Thus, mechanical contact

betweentipandsamplemustbe avoided for the imaging ofa reactive surface. A non- contactmethodhasallowedimagingofthe

rowsof theunitcellsof Si(1 1)-(7X7) (8).

The data presented in this report were

takenwith theAutoProbe VP (9), a com- binedSTMandAFMforUHV,instandard configuration. The experimental setup is

described in more detail in (10). The in-

strumentusesaforcedetection scheme that simplifies the operation in UHV consider- ably. The CLs are etched out of single- crystalline Si, have a conductive channel (doped Si) on one side, which changes its resistance when strained,and also incorpo-

rate a very sharp integrated tip (11). This so-called Piezolever(PL)ispartofaWheat-

stonebridge. Wehave chosen thefrequen-


troduced by Albrecht et al. (12). In that method, thespringthatcarriestheAFMtip is subject to positive feedback and thus oscillates at its eigenfrequency (13). The positive feedback mechanism maintains a constant amplitude. The data shown here have beentaken withPLswithaneigenfre-

quency of -120 kHz (14). The eigenfre-

quency v0 ofthe PL is givenby

v0 =2'r kPL m




isthespringconstantofthelever andmisthereducedmass. Whenthesam- ple approaches the tip, the force gradient

Ak =


ofthetip-sample inter- action (resulting from van der Waals and electrostatic forces) alters the effective force constant, and the frequency changes accordingto


vo 2kPL (2)

whenAk/kPL << 1.Thetip-sample interac- tion is in general attractive before the tip reaches contact; therefore, the frequency decreasesas thesample approaches thetip.

The fmnoncontact AFM allows theimag- ingofasurfaceataconstantfrequencyshift and thus createsamap ofaconstant aver- ageforce gradient.

Therearethreeexternallyadjustablepa- rametersthat affect theimagingprocess:the oscillation amplitude, the set point ofthe frequency shift, and the bias between tip andsample.To achieveoptimalresolution, the bias is set to zero. The amplitude and frequency shift affect each other because the gradient of the tip-sample interaction varies with distance. For a set minimum distance between tip and sample, the fre-

quencyshift decreasesas the amplitude in-

creases. The best combination betweenAv and the oscillation amplitude is foundem- Park Scientific Instruments, 1171 Borregas Avenue,




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pirically. An amplitude of -200 A and a relative frequency shift of -0.01% turned out tobe a good starting point. The noise in the surfacenormal (z) position is minimized by varying both the amplitude and the fre- quencyshift.

The fm noncontact method has three advantages over thecontact AFM: (i) The eigenfrequency of the PL is much higher than the 1/fcorner frequency ( 1 1 ), the 1/f noiseprevalentincontactforce microscopy isoutside of the bandwidth of the fm detec- tor, and the noise in the fm detector is thermally limited(15). (ii)Thetipdoesnot touch the sample during imaging (no dan- ger of chemical bonding between tip and sample). (iii)Thefmmethodissensitive to the force gradient rather than the force.

Sensing the force gradient rather than the forceincreases the sensitivity to forces that arespatially dependentonthe atomicscale.

These three benefits are important for achieving ultimateresolutionatsmall inter- actionforces (8).

An imageofSi(111)-(7X7) (16) taken with an STM with positive sample bias is shown in Fig. 1. The short and the long diagonals of theunitcell aredepictedinthe image. The diagonals end in the so-called comerholes. The protrusions in the image arethe 12 adatomsper unit cell according to the dimer-adatom-stacking fault (DAS) model (17). According to that model, out ofthe49surfaceatoms in one unitcell, 12 ofthem (the so-called adatoms) sit in the top layer. The fourvalence electrons inSi form sp3 hybridized orbitals in tetrahedral configuration,sothe fourth orbital doesnot haveabindingpartnerand isperpendicular to the surface (dangling bond). The depth ofeach cornerhole is -2 A.

TheAFM noncontact image ofSi( 111)- (7X7) in Fig. 2represents the data with the highest S/N ratiothat was obtainedon this sample. The image was taken in the topo- graphic mode; that is, thedistancebetween the sample and the medianposition ofthe PLwas adjusted duringthe scan for a con- stant frequency shift. The lower section of theimageshows7X7 unitcellsbutatypical multitip image. Inthe upper section ofthe image,thetipwasmonatomicforaboutthe width ofa unit cell. This phenomenon is alsocommonly observed withanSTM:The tipsuddenly switched froma multitip (sev- eral atoms on the tip were contributing significantly to theimage) to a monatomic tip. Afterextended scanning over the sur- face, the resolution deteriorated. The tip probably picked upcontaminants. Sofar, I have reproduced atomic resolution on this surface with theAFM three times in addi- tion to Fig. 2. Progress in obtaining larger areaswithatomicresolutioncanbe expect- edinanalogy tothedevelopmentofatomic resolution imaging of Si(111)-(7X7) by

STMs: The first atomic resolution image taken byan STM was -3 unitcellsinsize (1), and with the evolution of recipes for preparing tipsand samples, larger areas will be imaged with atomic resolution by the AFM.

The AFM image shows 12 protrusions per unitcell.Ibelieve thatthese protrusions are thedangling bonds of the adatom layer in the DAS model and suggest that their high polarizability is responsible for the contrast in the image. The AFM images compare well to STM images taken with positive sample bias. Thedepth ofthecor- nerholesis - 1 A asopposedtothe value of




.4- 0.4-l


0.8 _ 0.6-


, 0.4-


I 0.2


-2 A obtained with an STM. This differ- encemayresult from the lesserdependence ofthe errorsignal with distance compared with thatfor the STM; as the foremost tip atom "dives"intothe cornerhole, other tip atoms interact with the adatoms and cause a smaller apparent corrugation.

For an understanding of the imaging process in anyscanning probe technique, it is crucial to analyze the variation of the signal that is used to obtain the image as a functionofthe distanceof the probe to the surface. Figure 3 shows the natural loga- rithm of the relative frequency change ver- sus distance. These data were obtained by

Fig. 1. An STM image of Si(111)-(7x7)taken at a sample bias of+1.96 V andacurrentof400pA.

Imagesize is 78Aby 78 A. The unit cell is indicat- ed by the black dia- mond.Thelengthsof the diagonalsared1 -46.6 Aandd2 = 26.9A. The image shows the 12 adatoms per unit cell.

The black spots, called cornerholes, each have adepthof -2 A.

0 20 40 60A

u UU IDbU Zuu uA

Fig. 2. Noncontactimage ofSi(111)-(7x7) (unfiltered data,corrected for thermaldrift). Imagesize is 270 Aby 195 A. Thesamplebiaswasadjustedtomatch thetippotentialand thus minimize the electrostatic interaction(8). Imagingparameters:A0=340A, vo= 114,224Hz,Av 70Hz,and the forceconstant of the PL is 17N/i.Theimageshowsaphenomenonthat is well known from STMimaging:Thetip suddenlyswitches fromamultitiptoasingle tip.Thefastscandirection is from lefttoright (3.2 Hz),the slowscanfrombottomtotop. The lowerpartof theimageshowsatypicalmultitip imageofSi(111)-(7x7),

then thetipquality deteriorated,andsuddenlyamonotipcreatedacrispimageof the adatomstructure foraheightof aboutoneunitcell. Sixcornerholes,embracingfive unitcells,areclearlyvisible. The five unit cells also show the adatomstructure similartothe STM imagein Fig. 1. Unit cell C indicates all 12 adatoms.Unit cells D and E show thetwoadatoms thatarenotvisibleinAand B. Unit cell A showsan atomic defect. Therightof thetwocentral adatoms ismisplaced.

SCIENCE * VOL. 267 * 6JANUARY 1995 69

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presetting the frequency shift and measur- ing the position of the sample in the z (vertical) direction. The frequency shift in- creasessharply with decreasing distanceun- til the feedback becomes unstable at dis- tance


It isnot possible todetermine the absolute value of


but because we could use a PL with a similar spring constant and tip shape for tunneling (10), I assume that Do is the distance where the PL starts to snap into the surface. Because I could ob- tainSTM images and the distances for tun- neling are on the order of 5 A,Iassume that


is lessthan 5 A because in the tunneling experiments, the electrostatic interaction (which was zero in the AFM experiment because of zero bias) was added to the at- tractive interaction. For comparison, the variation of thetunneling current with dis- tance for a metal sample is shown by the dashed line inFig. 3.

Albrecht et al. [equation 19 in (12)]

have calculated the minimum detectable force gradient in fm detection (limited by thermal detector noise)

_ 4kPLkBTB

kmin V


where kPLis the spring constant of the PL (17 N/m), kB is the Boltzmann constant, T


-6.0 a

z c


istemperature (in kelvin) (300 K),B isthe bandwidth of thedetectioncircuit (1kHz), vO is the eigenfrequency of the PL (114 kHz), Q is the quality factor of the PL [28,000 (10)], andAois the oscillationam- plitude of the PL (340 A). Equation 3 yields

kmin = 4.9 X 10-6N/m (using the values given above in parentheses, which were used when Fig. 2 was obtained).

AccordingtoEq. 3,the minimaldetect- able force gradient is proportional to the inverse of the oscillation amplitude of the PL. However, alarge amplitude implies that the tip of the PL is only affected by the sampleduringapartof itsoscillation cycle.

Figure 4Avisualizesthegeometricrelations betweentipand sample when the sampleis imaged. Thepeak-to-peak amplitude of the oscillating PL is 680 A. Figure 3 indicates that therangeXof theattractivetip-sample potentialisonly -15A. Equation 2 has to be modified for calculating the frequency shift. If Sk changes during the cycle, the motion becomes anharmonic and difficult to calculate. A perturbation approach al- lows anestimationof thefrequencyshiftfor large amplitudes

Av a2 K k

v0 rr VA02kPL

where A/kPL << 1 and


<< 1. Again using the values of Fig. 2 (range of the attractivepotentialK = 15 AandA0- 340 A), thefrequency shift stillamounts to one tenth ofthe value derived by Eq. 2. This result mayseemsurprising, but thevelocity



of the tip is zero at its turning points, and therefore, the tip spends a relatively


time close to the sample, even though the meandistanceis large. Clampinga rulerat the edge ofadesk and exciting it tooscil- latecausesthesamephenomenon: The rul- er seems to split into two pieces at the turnaroundpoints. Combiningthefindings

in Eqs. 3 and 4 would still favor infinitely large amplitudesAoforthedetection of the weakest possible force gradients. However, other sources ofnoise (like the drift ofvo withtemperature) become noticeableasAo

is set to largervalues.

A detailed view of the tip and sample whenthePLisat itsclose turnaroundpoint isshowninFig. 4B. The average tipradius

is based on the estimate in (10); we were usingsimilarPL tips. Ithas been shown that for an exponentially dependent tip-sample interaction,atipcomposedofasingleatom atthe end oftipwitharadiusof300 Awill stillproduce atomic resolution (18).

Themaximumforce thatcanbe exerted from atip atom to a sample atom without breaking the bonds between the surface atom and theunderlying layer is an impor- tant parameter. A simple model may give some insight into that complicated matter.

Silicon has a cohesive energy of 7.4 X 10- 19J [4.63eV(19)] peratom.Thus,each bond hasabindingenergyof-3.7 X 10-19 J. Assuminga linearpotential witharange of 0.37 A, the corresponding force is 1 nN (20). The dash-dotted lineinFig.3andEq.

4provideanestimatefor the gradient of the tip-sampleinteraction. Integrating thatgra-


Sitip [001]

z ,A,; 40 A




5 10


Fig.3.Thedependenceof thesignalthat isused toderivethe image with respecttothe distance between probe and sample is essential forthe resolution of a general scanning probe micro- scope.Thisgraphshows the natural logarithmof thenegativerelativefrequencyshift of the PLas a function of distance. At D = DO, the feedback becomesunstable. Asacomparison,the dashed line marks thedependenceof thetunneling cur- rentwith distance in thecaseof the STM fora metallicsurface. Thedash-dotted line is used for approximating the total forceacting between tip andsample.With theuseof thatrelation,the total force acting on the PL is -0.14 nN (attractive) whenthe PLtipis closesttothesample.



Si(111)-(7x7)DAS - d =46.6A

Fig.4.Schematic of thegeometricrelationsduringimaging.(A)ThePLis shown at itsupper and lower turning points.Themeanpositionof thetipis much furtheraway from the surface than the range of the potential.Equation2isnolongervalid fordeterminingthefrequencyshift and must bereplaced byamore sophisticated model. Thisnewmotion isverycomplex,andasimple perturbationapproach (21)may serve as anestimate.(B)Schematic of the PLtipwhen it reaches its closestpointto thesamplez=Do, The atomicpositions of the surfaceatomsof theSi(111)-(7x7) reconstruction accordingto the DAS modelareshown.Thedanglingbonds of the adatomsareindicatedbytheellipses.The PLtipis oriented in[001]direction. Thetipradius of 40 A is basedonthe estimate in(10).The naturalcleavageplanesof Siare{11 1}planes;it could bespeculatedthat the very end of thetipis therefore boundedbya(111),a (111),anda(iT)plane.Accordingto(18),atomic resolution could be achieved with muchlargertipradii.

M~ IN-~I

-7 -0



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dient fromz = Dotoz = xyields Ftip-sample

=-0.14nN(attractive) astheforceacting

between tip and sample when the PL is

closesttothe surface.


1. G.Binnig, H. Rohrer,Ch.Gerber, E. Weibel, Phys.

Rev. Lett. 50,120 (1983).

2. G. Binnig, C. F. Quate, Ch.Gerber, ibid. 56, 930 (1986).

3. G.Meyer and N. M.Amer,Appl. Phys. Lett. 56, 2100 (1 990).

4. F. Ohnesorge and G. Binnig, Science 260, 1451 (1993).

5.These tipsarecalled Ultralevers(Park Scientific In- struments,Sunnyvale,CA).

6. F. J.Giessibl and G. Binnig, Ultramicroscopy42, 281 (1992).

7. L.Howald, R. Luethi, E. Meyer, P. Guethner, H.-J.

Guentherodt, Z. Phys. B 93, 267 (1994).

8. F. J.Giessibl, Jpn. J.Appl.Phys. 33, 3726 (1994).

9. AutoProbe VP 900 (Park Scientific Instruments).

10. F. J. Giessibl and B. M. Trafas, Rev.Sci.Instrum. 65, 1923 (1994).

11. M.Tortonese, R. C. Barrett, C. F. Quate, Appl. Phys.

Lett.62, 834 (1993).

12. T. R. Albrecht, P. Gruetter, D. Home, D. Rugar, J.

Appl.Phys. 69, 668(1991).

13. The forces acting between tip and sample during STMoperation have been measured by mountinga

sampleon aCL andmonitoring the variation of the oscillationfrequency of the sample-CL assembly by fm detection of thetunneling current [U. Durig,0.

Z0ger,D. W.Pohl,Phys. Rev. Lett. 65, 349 (1990);

U.DOrig and0.Zuger, Phys. Rev. B 50, 5008 (1994);

and referencestherein].

14. VPPL4ONO(Park Scientific Instruments).

15. The dominant low-frequency noise component in fm detection is the variation of theeigenfrequency of the PL with temperature. This frequency shift is very small for appropriate oscillation amplitudes (10) compared with the frequency shift resulting from the tip-sample interaction andcanbeneglected.

16. The sample was prepared by cleaning aSi(1 11)- oriented waferinacetoneand alcoholinanultrasonic

bath for 5min,transferring it into thevacuumcham- ber, and then heating it to 1 1 700C by electron beam heating. Thepressureduring heating increasedto 1.3x10-9mbar. The basepressureof thevacuum

systemis 5x10-1 1mbar.

17. K. Takayanagi, Y. Tanishiro, M. Takahashi, S.Taka- hashi, J. Vac.Sci. Technol. A 3,1502 (1985).

18. F. J. Giessibl, Phys. Rev. B 45,13815(1992).

19. C. Kittel, IntroductiontoSolid State Physics (Wiley, New York, 1986),p.55.

20. This isa veryconservative estimate, becauseSiisa verybrttle material, and the actualrangeofthe at- tractive interatomic potential will be much shorter.

For thepurposeof this analysis, this estimate is suf- ficient because the uncertainty in the tip-sample in- teraction is much larger.

21. Assumingatip-sample potential with aconstant forcegradient Ak,arangeX,andatip oscillating withanelongation according to z(t)=Do+Ao-

AOcos(2rrvot),the effective forceconstantk =kPL

+Akfor -t*<t<t*and k=kpLfor t*<t T-

t*, with t*=[T/(27r)]arccos(1-X/A0)andT=1/vo.

Accordingly, the resulting frequency shift will be smaller than in Eq. 2 for large oscillation ampli- tudes, namely

AV 1 / X k

-wr arccos 1 --

vO 7r AO 2kPL

where Ak/kPL << 1 and X/AO << 1.This can be

furthersimplified[withuseofcosx-1 (x2/2)forx


Av X Ak

VO 7r AO2kpL

22. thank C. F. Quate for his continuous support, B. M.

Trafas for sharing his experience of imaging Si(1 11)- (7x7) using theSTM withme,M. D. Kirk for technical discussions and bringing his enthusiasm to this project, S. Yoshikawa for help with sampleprepara-

tion, J. Nogami for useful comments, and S. Presley for his technical support. M. Tortonesesuppliedme withPLs andanunderstanding of how tousethem, and T. R. Albrecht shared hisknowledge of fm de- tection withme.

30August 1994; accepted 31 October 1994

Atomic-Scale Images of the Growth Surface of Ca, 1SrxCuO2 Thin Films

Kazumasa Koguchi, Takuya Matsumoto, Tomoji Kawai*

The surface microstructure ofc-axis (Ca,Sr)CuO2 thinfilms, grown by lasermolecular beam epitaxy on SrTiO3(001) substrates, was studied by ultrahigh-vacuum scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). Imageswereobtained forcodepositedCa1 XSrxCuO2thin films, which showalayered-type growth mode. The surfaces consist ofatomically flat terracesseparated by steps thatare oneunitcellhigh.Apronounceddependenceof the growth mechanismontheSr/Ca ratioof the filmswasobserved. Atomic resolution STM images of the CuO2sheets in the abplaneshowasquarelattice withanin-plane spacing of4angstroms; thelattice contains different concentrations ofpoint defects, depending

on the polarityof thesample-tip bias.

Since theparentcompound ofthe cuprate

superconductors, (Ca,Sr)CuO2, was first synthesized by Siegrist etal. (1),this mate-

rial has been studiedintensively. The prin- cipal reason for this interest is that this

compoundhas the simplest oxygen defect

type perovskite structure comprising the CuO2 sheets that are considered essential for high-TC superconductivity (TC is the superconducting transition temperature).

STM has been shown to be a powerful techniqueforimaginghigh-TCcuprateson an atomic scale (2-12). Because of the simple structureof the parentcompound,


STM offers the opportunity to directly probe the CuO2 sheets without the inter-

ference of intermediate oxide layers. For thepurposeofthe STM studies, thin film specimensareespeciallyattractivebecause they provide a well-defined surface that

can be preserved from vacuum-type

growth conditions (13). Itis also ofinter- est to study the layer-by-layer growth mechanism as reflected in systematic

changes in the surface structure.

Inthisreport,wedescribe thin films of (Ca,Sr)CuO2 deposited on SrTiO3(001 ) substrates and studied by ultrahigh-vacu-

um (UHV) STM. We used a combined

system for laser molecular beam epitaxy

(laser MBE) with reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED) and UHV STM. Film surfaces of codeposited Ca1


films with different Sr/Ca

ratios were prepared, as well as surfaces containing an extra monolayer of CuO.

TheSTMimagesofc-axis-oriented code- posited (Ca,Sr)CuO2films showatomical- ly flat and well-defined terraces. The im-

agesprovideinformation about theatomic

layerepitaxyof(Ca,Sr)CuO2films.These atomic-scale images show square lattices withperiods thatcorrespondto thea-axis lattice constant.

The (Ca,Sr)CuO2 thin filmswerepre-

pared by laser MBE (14) with an ArF excimer laser operating at 193 nm and a repetition rate of 2 to 5 Hz. Targets for the ablation were sintered disks of Ca1


(x = 0.30, 0.55, 0.70), CuO, and metallic Sr. The ablatedspecies

were deposited on 0.01% Nb-doped Sr- TiO3(001) single crystal substratesheated

to500°C. Duringdeposition, NO2gas was

directedontothe substrate as anoxidizing

agent for the growth of the parent com-

pound. The background pressure during growth was 1.0 X 10-5 torr. Before the deposition, the substrate was heated to

600°CunderNO2 gasflow at 1.0 X 10-5

torr for 30 min. Then the substrate tem- perature was reduced to 500°C, and a

monolayer of SrO was deposited to stabi- lize the initial stages of growth (15, 16).

The deposition of a single monolayer of SrOwas inferredfrom the observation ofa single RHEED intensity oscillation. Dur- ingandafter thedepositionof thefilm,we

repeatedly annealed the sample by inter- rupting thedeposition for about 10 to 20 min to enhance surface migration. After the deposition ofseveral layersof(Ca,Sr) CuO2, thesample was cooledin NO2 gas

flow. Then gas flow wasstopped, and the sample was transferred into the UHV STM chamberwith abase pressureof less than 10`10 torr. To obtain information

about the surface microstructure during

atomic layer-by-layer growth, insome ex- periments we deposited a monolayer of 71 Institute ofScientificandIndustrialResearch,OsakaUni-


'To whomcorrespondenceshould be addressed.


=J: s =

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(5194), 68-71. [doi: 10.1126/science.267.5194.68]

267 Science

Franz J. Giessibl (January 6, 1995) Force Microscopy

Atomic Resolution of the Silicon (111)-(7x7) Surface by Atomic

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