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Gravity and holography in lower dimensions I


Academic year: 2022

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Daniel Grumiller November 16th 2020

Gravity and holography in lower dimensions I

(6.1) Casini–Huerta spacetime diagram

Prove the formula (20) in the notes on EE, AD=BC, that we used in the derivation of the Casini–Huerta c-function.

(6.2) Entanglement entropy of thermal states

Use the exponential map z = exp (β w) to a cylinder of circumference β =T−1 to derive the thermal result for EE

SA(L; T) = c 3 ln

β πεUV

sinhπL β

+ const.

from the T = 0 result SA(L) = c3 lnεL

UV + const. Verify that in the large T limit you get a volume law for EE,SA(L; T)∝LT.

(6.3) Geodesics in Poincar´e patch AdS3

Just for fun and with no hidden agenda, calculate the geodesic length of an equal time-geodesic

SA(L) = 1 4G




for a spatial interval of lengthL anchored at the asymptotic boundary z →0 of Poincar´e patch AdS3

ds2 = `2

z2 −dt2+ dx2+ dz2

Since the result will diverge, introduce a small cutoff z =ε instead of calculating at z = 0. Express your result as function of the interval length L, the cutoff ε, the AdS radius ` and Newton’s constantG.

These exercises are due on December 1st 2020.



• Either use explicitly coordinates or prove this in a coordinate indepen- dent way. Here is again the figure.



• Recall how conformal primaries transform and look up the conformal weights ∆n = ¯∆n of the twist operators Φ±n in the lecture notes.

Work first at the level of the nth R´enyi entropy and then take the limit n →1+, like in the lectures. The key formula you need to use is

SA=− d dntrρnA

n→1+ =− d dn

n(w1,w¯1−n(w2, w¯2)in n→1+

The UV cutoff can be introduced at the final step on dimensional grounds (why?). You can assume w1−w2 = ¯w1−w¯2 =L.

• You can either calculate the Christoffels and brute-force solve the geodesic equations with suitable boundary conditions, or you directly use the ac- tion functional (convince yourself why this expression is correct!)

SA = 1 4G 2




dx `L(z, z)˙

where you should find L(z,z) =˙ √

1 + ˙z2/z, with dot denoting x- derivatives; then exploit the Noether charge associated with invariance under x-translations, Q=L −z∂L/∂˙ z˙ and relate it to the maximal z value that can be taken on a geodesic. Finally, note that the interval length is simply given by

L/2− O(ε) =









˙ z .

And of course there is a hiden agenda! Once you have the final result you’ll see...



For the second part you can either use the analogy to special relativity in four spacetime di- mensions (only one sign changes as compared to special relatvity) and directly write

[For cross- checks: your result for the number of asymptotic Killing vectors should be infinitely many for (a) and six for (b).] If you carefully did part (b) you should have some

~ = 1) to deduce the length dimension of ψ, and then write down all the terms that are powers of ¯ ψψ and have either coupling constants that are dimensionless (these are the

Variation with respect to the spin- connection requires you to be careful with signs and partial integrations (see the last question of the exercise), but in the end it should

In particular, establish a holographic dictionary relating the number N of Majorana fermions, the coupling strength J , the Goldstone bosons, the asymp- totic symmetries and

It is a general feature of Chern–Simons theories that for relaxed boundary conditions where all generators contain functions that are allowed to fluctuate the resulting

(The other sector is analogous, up to sign changes, and does not need to be considered here.) Derive the canonical boundary charges and their asymptotic symmetry algebra..

If you additionally recall the Penrose di- agram of BTZ you can again make a shortcut, just by declaring the locus r = r + to be your asymptotic boundary and omitting the regions