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(1)137 Alphabetisches Verzeichniss der Upanishads


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Alphabetisches Verzeichniss der Upanishads.

Von Max Mttller.

Das folgende alphabetische Verzeichniss der Upanishads war

ursprünglich für meine History of Ancient Sanskrit Literature *) be¬

stimmt, musste "aber wegen Mangel an Platz ausgelassen werden.

Die Qnellen, aus denen die Titel der Upanishads geschöpft sind,

sind bereits von mir angegeben*). Die erste Columne entbält die

Titel, welche sich in der IVJfuktikä-upanishad finden. Die zweite

Columne giebt die Titel, welcKe Hr. Walter Elliot in Masnlipatam

unter den Telingana Brahmanen gesammelt. Die dritte Columne

giebt die von Colebrooke, die vierte die von Anquetil Duperron

erwähnten Upanishads. Im Uebrigen verweise ich auf die umfassen¬

den Arbeiten des Herm Professor Weber in seinen „Indischen

Studien", unter dem Titel, „Analyse der in Anquetil du Perron's (Duperron) Uebersetzung enthaltenen Upanishad's," und auf die Vor¬

reden von Dr. Roer, Rajendralal Mitra und Professor Cowell in

ihren Ausgaben einiger Upanishads in der Bibliotheca Indica.

Die folgende Liste macht keinen Ansprach anf Vollständigkeit, sie mag aber nützlich sein, um neue Titel bequemer einzuschalten.

Dass wegen der Leichtigkeit, mit der immer neue Upanishads za

jedem beliebigen Zwecke in Indien verfasst werden, eine vollstän¬

dige Liste derselben kaum je zu erreichen sein wird, bestätigt mir

ein jüngst von Herm Professor. Bühler aus Bombay erhaltener

Brie^ aus welchem ich einige Notizen in meinem Verzeicbniss nach¬

getragen habe. Professor Hall hat in Benares eine Allah Upani¬

shad gesehn. Wegen der Englischen Abfassang des Registers bitte

ich um Nachsicht.

1) EDstoiy of Ancient Sanekrit Literature. 2. edition, p. 325.

2) Ibidem , p. 327.


138 Max Midler, Alphabetisches Verzeichmss der Upanishads.



<U Ü *»00 "H.3a> 1

0.3 u 3 a.l-'

Sw S - 0.-"« « d Nos.Mukti:

i Nos.

Telug Nos.as



1 67 R 66 Akshamälikä-upanishad.

2 72 T 67 — —


94 T —

Agnihotraka - upanishad , also called Pränägnihotra, q. v.

3 23 A 6 6& 7 23 Atharvaiikha - upanishad (Atharvana),

in prose. MS. of Com. at Berlin.

In the Muktikä it is called simply Öikhä, and another Öikhä is quoted

as No. 63. May the latter be the

Yogasikha? (MS. Chambers, 353).

4 22 A 5 6&7 9 Atharva^ira - upanishad ( Atharvana ).

Öankara's Commentary, at Berlin.

Another work must be intended by

Vans Kennedy (Researches, p. 442):

"the Atharva^iras Upanishad con¬

sists of five distinct Upanishads, which relate to the five principal deities or the five shrines (panca

äyatanäni), and are therefore en¬

titled: the Ganapati; Näräyana;

Rudra; (the same as Chap. I. of

Atharvasiras , Anquetil ) ; Sürya ;

Devi. (MS. of this fivefold Upa¬

nishad in the Libraries of the As.

Soc. and of tbe Elphinstone Coll. at Bombay.)

5 53 Y 46(?) Advaya-upanisbad. Cf. Mändükya-npa-

nisbad, "Advaita prakarana". It

may be the same as the Advaya-

taraka, and has been supposed

to be identical witb Anquetil's Tä¬

raka (46).

6 — 65 — —

Advaitarka - upanishad. Advaita - pra¬

karana, see Mändükya.

7 73 Y 64 — —


8 70 A 68 — —

Annapurna-upanishad, also called Pürna.

9 21 Amritanada-upanishad, different from

Colebrooke's Amfitavindu (Aiaque- til's Amfitanäde).


Max MüUer, Alphabetisches Verzeichnisg der Upanishads. 139


u r

Cole-LUt perList.


2 <*

n n

- g, spe;Iro'oKes ;.as etils s|


<n S Ig

Nos.a broo

WJ3 Ii


10 20 T 60 19 43" Araritavindu-upanishad, 38 Älolias,

called Amritanäda by Anquetil.

MS. Chambers, ?57, catalogued as

Amritavindu, but referred to Brabma- vindu, q. v. See Vindupanishad.

MS. Chambers, 357(?) E. I. H.

42 Amfitalankara (?), supposed to be the

title of an Upanishad, counted by

Anquetil as Amrat lankoul. See


11 Aranya-upanishad. (MS. As. Soc. Bom¬


Alatasanti-prakarana , see Mandukya.

12 79 T 69 — —


13 67 S 70 —


Agamaprakarana , see Mandukya.

14 42 R 59 74 17 Ätinaprabodha-upanishad (Atharvana).

No MS. ? In the Muktikä, Ät-

mabodhaka. MS. E. I. H.

15 76 A 23 28 24 Atma-upanishad (Atharvana), in prose.

^ MS. E. 1. H.

16 • 44 38 Anandavalli - upanishad. (Atharvana).

See Taittiriya-upanishad.

Aptavajra^uci, see Vajrasüci.

17 16 S 22 25 35

Amnika - upanishad ( Atharvana^ in

prose, also called Aruneya, Amni,

- and Aroniyoga-upanishad, Aruni be¬

ing the pupil who is instmcted in

tbe Upanishad about retirement from

the world, or the duties of the

Sannyasin. MS. Chambers, 356.

^ E. I. H.

18 — — 47 Arshika-upanishad, counted as an Upa¬

nishad by Anquetil only, as Arkhi.

19 —_ — 52 —_

Asrama-upanishad (Atharvana) in


20 1 Y 48 56 4 tsavasya-upanishad. (White Yajurveda.)

It forms tbe 40tb book of the

Väjasaneyi -Sanhita, and exists in

1 0


140 Max Müller, Alphabetisches Verzeichniss der Upanishads.


22 23


perList per List S <*


»1 Nos.as Telugu

107R 69 T

8 R

107 79 49

71 ü .2

^ >^



57 11

two säkhäs, Känva and Mädhyandina.

Text, commentary and gloss, Bibl. Ind.

vol. VIII, p. 1. Translation, XV, p.

69. by Dr. Röer. Aceording to Mahi¬

dhara this Upanishad was partially intended as a refutation of Buddhism, and a similar assertion is made by Yasomitra, in his commentary on the Abbidbarmako^a, with, regard to the Öatarudriya. See Burnouf, Introduc¬

tion ä l'histoire du Bouddhisme p.

568, Weber, Ind. Stud. II. p. 22.

Uttaratapaniya-upanisbad. MS A. S. B.

See also Nrisinha.

Rica-upanishad. See Babvrica-upani- shad.

Ek&kshara-upanisbad. (Ms. As. Soc.


Aitareya-upanishad (Rig-veda). It con¬

stitutes Chap. 4—6 of the second

Aitareyäranyaka, so that the fourth

Adbyäya of tbe Aranyaka is palled

the first of the Upanishad. Text,

commentary, and gloss, published in the Bibliotheca Indica, vol. VII ; translation, vol. XV. by Dr. Roer. It is also called Bahvricopanishad. The se¬

venth or last Adhyäya of the second Aranyaka is not considered by San¬

kara as part of the Upanishad. Anque¬

til has the names Sarbsar (Sarvasära), Antrteheh (Aitareya) and Asarbeh.

The title of Aitareya-Upanishad

seems to belong more specially to

the last four Adbyäyas, and, if so, the general title of

Babvrig-brähmana-npanishad , or Ba-

hvpca, and Rica - npanishad would

belong to the whole work.


Max Mailer , Alphabetisehea Verzeichniss der Upanishads. 141


U *ito to Cole-list. b 2«

eg O.I-3

2 «ew . 33 s-g

s g,

" 5 o "3 aspe

ooke's OS.as quetil'i

» H §•=

25 — 26 —

Kanthasruti, supposed to be a misno¬

mer for Kathasmti. MS. E. I. H.

and As. Soc. Bombay.

26 10 3T 83 —

Eali-upanisbad, also called Ealisanta- rana.

27 3 T 30-31 35-36 37

Katbaka-upanishad (Atbarvana). Text, Ankara's Commentary and Ananda's gloss, Bibl. Ind.VIII ; translation,Bibl.

Ind., XV, by Dr. Röer. This Upani¬

shad consisting of six Vallis, (hence Kathavalli) is also claimed as part of the Black Yajurveda, from which the original legend is taken; according to Colebrooke it is also referred to tbe Samaveda (Colebrooke Miscellaneous Essays, I, 96. note.), owing, per¬

haps, to the intercourse between the

Katba and Kauthuma schools.

28 83 T 84 26 In Muktikä Nr. 83 T. is called Katha-

upanishad (in prose), as distinct from Kathavalli, and probably iden¬

tical with Colebrooke's Kanthasruti, 28 T

i. e. Kathasmti. (MS. E. 1. H.)

29 40 47 ~

Kälagnirudra-upanishad, in prose, Ind.

St. II, 24. (MS. Petersburg, E. I. H.) 86 T

text and commentary. As. Soc. B.

Kundali-upanishad, also called Yoga- kundalini, q. v.

30 74 S 86 — ' —


31 96 A 85

Krishna-upanishad. See Gopälatapana, of which it is a part. MS. A. S. B.

32 2 S 32 37 36 Kena-upanishad (Atharvana & Säma).

According to Colebrooke (Misc. Essays 11,88) it also forms the 9tb Adhyaya of the Talavakära-Bräbmana of the Sä¬

maveda, and is called Talavakara-npa- nishad. Text, ^ankara's commentary, and Ananda's gloss, in Bibl. Ind. vol.

vm, transl., vol. XV, by Dr. Röer.


142 Max MUller, Alphabeiisches Verxeichniss der Upanishads.


UV m

o. 3 Cole-r List. per iList 2 tat

rfS ll

5^1 Nos.as Telngo] Nos.aspel

brooke'sNos.as Anquetil's

33 12 T 43 50 18

Kaivalya-upanishad (Atharvana) in

prose and slolcas. Vans Kennedy, Re¬

searches, p. 198. MS. Chambers,

354 ; Petersburg ; E. I. H. The library of the Asiatic Society at Bombay pos¬

sesses a Rik^khiya-Kaivalya-upani- shad. It begins : Asvaläyano bhaga- vantam &c. The As. Soc. at Calcutta possesses a commentary, Kaivalaya- upanisbad-dipika by Sankara.

' 70 ■

Kaula-upanisbad (Atharvana) in prose.

(MS. E. I. H.)

34 25 R 50 58 12 Kausbitaki-upanishad (Rig-veda). It

belongs to the Kausbitaki-brabmana,

and, more especially to the Kau-

shitakyaranyaka , of which it forms in one säkhä, Adhy. 3—6, in another, Adhy. 6—9. See a Ms. E. I. H.Tay¬

lor. 11. MS. Chambers, 83. 84. Edited by Cowell in Bibl. Ind.

35 31 T 4 4 33 Kshurika-upanishad ( Atharvana ) 24

ilokas. In the Muktikä, Kshuri.

(MS. E. I. H.)

89 A — — —

Gana-upanishad, also called Ganapati.

36 89 A 80 — —

Ganapati-upanishad, also called Gana, see Atharvasiras (Vans Kennedy).

37 17 T 7 8 28 Garbba-upanisbad (Atharvana), ascri¬

bed to Pippaläda. See Pra^na-

upanishad. (MS. E. I. H.)

38 — 123 — —

Gäyatri-upanishad (Elliot's MS.)

39 102A 39 46 —

Garuda - upanishad. (MS. Petersburg, E. I. H.)

40 95 A 52-53 60-61 —

Gopäla-tapana-upanishad , in prose, in two parts; one called Krishnopaui- shad, (suspicious, Colebrooke). (MS.

41 — — 71 —

E. I. H. and A. S. B.)

Gopicaudana - upanishad (Atharvana).

46 S 5 41 MS. A. S. B.

Cüdä-upanishad , also called Yogacü¬

dämani. (Culika ?) MS.E.l.H.Cülikä.


Max Milller, Alphabetisehea Verzeichniss der Upanishads. 143

I. «£ .2 ft J « 1o

« o.^« ^

* j««• w * gJ

o — §1

1 H


43 9 S 45

44 13 Y 44


45 26 A 75

46 104S 82

47 "

27 A

48 91 Y 115

49 64 Y 117

50 37 T 18







46 27

Chagaleya-upanishad (?) counted as an

Upanishad by Anquetil only, under

the corrupt name Tchakli.

Chändogya Upanishad (Sämaveda). It

consists of eight Prapäthakas, and forms, together with two introduc¬

tory chapters, the Chändogya-bräh- mana. Text, commentary of Sankara

Acärya, and gloss of Ananda Giri,

published by Dr. E. Röer, Bibliotheca Indica, vol. III. translated hy Rajen¬

dralal Mitra. See äändilopanishad,&c.

Jäbäla-upanishad (Atharvana) in prose.

It contains nothing about Jäbäla

(Chändogyopanishad IV, 4), and, if

it belonged to the Säkhä of the

Jäbälas, it would bave to be refer¬

red to the White Yayurveda, as

No. 13. is in the Muktikä. Text

and commentary in As. Soc. Bombay.

Tbere is a Mabäjäbäla - upanishad.

( Mackenzie Catalogue ) ; or , ac¬

cording to the Muktikä, a Brihaj- jäbäla. No. 26 (A).

There is a third Jäbäla, 104 (S), men¬

tioned in the Muktikä.

Tadeva-upanishad (White Yajurveda).

The text is taken in the main from the 32'' Adhyaya of tbe Väjasaneyi- Sanhita, (tbe Sarva medha-mantras), which begins "tad eva".

Talavakära, other name for Kena-upa¬


Täpini- upanishad, also called Npsi- nhatäpini.


Täraka-upanish^ see Advaya.


Tejovindu-npanishad (Atharvana), 1 eh., 14 Slokas. (MS. E.I.H. and A.S.B.) 10*


144 Max Milller, Alphabetische* Verzeichniiis der Upanishads.

Nos.asper HnktikU List. Nos.asperTelugnList

Nos.asper Cole¬

brooke's List Nos.asper

Anquetil's List

61 7 T 44,46 38,39 Taittiriya-Upanishad.(BlackYajurveda).

It forms the 7'\ 8'^ and 9"' chap¬

ters of the Taittiriya-äranyaka. Text, Sankara's commentary, and Ananda's gloss, iu Bibl. Ind. vol. VII; trans¬

lation, vol. XV, by Dr. Röer. In

Dr. Röer's edition the first Adhyä¬

ya, consisting of 12Anuväka8, and

corresponding to the 7"' chapter of the Taittiriya-äranyaka, is called Sikshädfayäya, (No. 134) and first Valli. (p. 42.)

The second Adhyaya, consisting of 9 Anuväkas, and corresponding to the 8"' chapter of the Taittiriya- arai^yaka, is called Brahmänanda- valli. (p. 122).

The third Adhyäya, consisting of

10 Anuväkas, and corresponding to

the 9"" chapter of the Taittiriya- acavyaka, is called Bhfigu-valli in the translation.

In tbe collection of the Athar- vai,ia-upanishads two Upanishads are found, 1) Ananda-valli, 2) Bhrigu-

valli. lliese (Nos. 44 and 45 in

Colebrooke's list), are, according to

him, the same as the Taittiriya

and Varnni-upanishads. Anandavalli is Taittiriya-äranyaka, chap. VIII, Bhviguvalli, cbap. IX. The Väruni- upaniahad (No. 125), however, com¬

prehends properly chap. VIII and IX of the Taitt Aranyaka.

Säyana, in his commentary on the

Taittiriya-äranyaka, explains (he

seventh chapter (the Sikshädhyäya), consisting of 12 Anuväkas, as San- hiti-upanishad (No. 144). His com¬

mentary is called Sikshäbhäshya.


Max Mailer, Alphabetisches Verzeichmss der Upanishads. Ub

o»A o-J

I °'

Ä H I o J=

» .

Bd. XIX.

The same name is given to it in the

Anukramani of the Taittiriya, and

the 8"' and 9"' chapters are compre¬

hended under the common title of


Sayana has the following remarks on this division, (Sikshabhashya,p.3 6) sey am Tai ttiriyopani shat trividhä, sänhiti, yäjniki, vämni ceti. Tatra prathame prapäthake sanhitädhyä- nasyoktatväj japopanishat sänhiti.

Dvitiya tritiyayoh prapathakayor yä brahmavidyä vihitä tasyäm sampra-

däyä (?) ämnätäh. Atas tapo(?)-

panishad yäjniki. Täsäm tisrinäm

madhye väruni mukhyä, tasyäm

paramapurushärthasya brahma-

präptilakshanasya säkshäd eva

sädhanabhütäyä vidyayäh prati-

päditatvät. Evam tarhi tattvena

saiva prathamam pathitavyä, iti

cet, na: tasyäm adhikärasiddhaye sänhityäh prathamam pathitavyatvät.

Säyana (p. 42) gives the following reason for the insertion of tbeÖikshä chapter: prathamänuväkoktamantra- japena parihritavighnasya purusba- syopäsanärtham brahmävabodhär-

tham ca tatpratipädako grantho

vaktavyah. Tasya ca grantha-

syärthajnänapradhäuatvät päthe mä

bbüd audäsinam ityetadartbam dvi-

tiyänuväke sikshädhyäyo 'bhidhi-

yate. Bhavatv audäsiuyam iti cet,

na ; anarthaprasangät. Mautro hinah

svarato varnato vä mithyä pra-

yukto na tam artham äha, sa väg-

vajro yajamänam hinasti yathen-

drasatruh svarato 'parädhäd ityä-

dinyäyät. Indrah äatrur yasya sa



146 Max MuUer, Alphaietisches Verzeichniss der Upanishads.


° -a

=^1 !zi El

52 53

54 55

22 R 80 A

44 Y 49 T

ÖÖ 54

116 76

O .2 o-J

68 67

indrasatrur iti baliuvriliih ; tadar- thasca Tvashta liataputra ityanu- välce vispashtam abliiliitah. Evam tarbi karmalcände 'py ayam adhyäyo

vaktavya iti cet, bädbam. Ata eva

kandadvayaseshatvad debalidipa-

nyayenobbayob kandayor madbye

'bbiliitah. Na cobhayasesbatvena

vedasyopakrama eva pratbatam iti

väcyam, ubhayasesbasyäpi vidyäyäm

prayojanädbikyadyotanäya vidyä-

kände patbaniyatvät. Karmakände kvacit svaravarnädi vyatyayena ya- tbä^ästram artbänavabodbe 'pi prä- ya^cittenänusbthänavaikalyam pari-

bartum äakyam. ... Vidyäkände tv

ayathäsastram artbävabodhe sati

vaikalyam na samädhiyate , naby

anyathäbodhah präyascittena pari- hartüm äakyate, rajjusarpadibhrän- ter gäyatrijapädibbih paribärädar-

sanät. Ata eva karmasv iva

vidyäyäm vaikalyaparibäräya prä-

yascittam kimapi nämnätam . . . .

tasmäd vidyäyäm avaikalyäya ya-

tbäsästram boddhum upanisbat-

pätbe prayatnäti&yam vidbätum atraiva ^iksbädbyäyo 'bliidhiyate.

Tripui*a-npanisbad, in prose ascribed to Öaniiara.

Tripurätapana-upanishad (Atharvana) ;

explained as Tripnra or Traipuriya by Bhatta Bbäskara (suspicions,

Colebrooke). (MS. E. I. H.)

Trisikhi-brähmana-npanishad. MS. A.

S. B.

Daksbinä-upanishad, also called Dak-

shinämürti. Cf. Catal. of Sansk.

Mss. (Chambers) p. 179.


Max Milller, Alphabetisehea Verzeichniss der Upanishads. 147

perList. u r

Cole-List. perList.

Nos.as MuktilcäNos.as Telugu] Nos.aspe

brooke'sNos.as Anquetil's 56

I 1 1

i 1

101 A 77 Dattatreya-upanishad, cf. Srimaddatta?

Dattätreya is mentioned as a Para- maliansa in tlie Jäbälopanisliad.

"Besides Sanliara, the different

orders of Dandis hold in high ve¬

neration the Muni Dattätreya, the

son of Atri and Anasüyä. By virtue

of a boon bestowed on Atri, or

according to one legend, on his

wife, by the three deities Brahma,

Vishnu, and Siva, that sage had


1 tbree sons. Soma , Datta, and Dur-

vasas, who were severally portions

of the deities themselves. Datta

or Dattätreya, was eminent for his

practice of the Yoga, and hence

is held in high estimation by tbe

Yogis; whilst, as an incarnation of a portion of Vishnu, he is likewise venerated by the Vaishnavas."

Wilson, Religious Sects of the

Hindus, p. 130.

57 90 S 57 72 —


58 81 A 78

Devi-upanishad,see Atharvaiiras (Vans Kennedy).

59 39 T 17 20 15

Dhyänavindu-upanishad (Atharvana),

23 Älokas. (MS. E. I. H.^

Nada-upanishad. See Amritanäda, and


60 38 R 15 17 —

Nädavindu-upanishad. 20 älokas ; also

called Näda. (MS. E. I. H.)

61 43 A 94

Näradaparivräjaka - upanishad , also

called Parivrät? MS. A. S. B.

Näräyana-npanisbad, see Atharvasiras,

Vans Kennedy, and Schiefner.

(MS. Petersburg.)

62 18 33 38 7 Näräyaniyä-upanishad (Black Yajur¬

veda), 10th book of the Taitti-

riyäranyaka, also called Yäjniki Upanishad. Andhra text, translated



148 Max Milller, Alphabetisches Verzeichniss der Upanishads.


63 34 Y

64 47 R

65 ! —


68 69

70 27

>5 H

62 95


67 93 T

I 71 72 73

78 A 66 A

98 43 A 66 A 77 A

987 96 38


70. A

74 59 Yj

75 ' — I

76 4 Ai

61 p.-^ V

« M o .Q r-

16 29-34

OJ"t 0.1-1

O o"



27 34




by Anquetil; Dravida text, com¬

mented on by Sayana.

Niralamba-upanisbad. (MS. Petersb.) Nirvana-upanisbad.

Nilarudra-upanisbad (Atharvana;; or


Nrisinbatapini-upanishad, in prose,

also called Täpini. (1—5 Pürva,

6, Uttaratapaniya. ) Cf. Journal

Asiatique 1836 seq. Commented

by Gaudapäda and Sankara. (MS.

Chambers, 348. E. I. H.)



Paramahausa - upanishad (Atharvana) in prose; called also Parivräjaka- upanishad, or Paramahansaparivrä-

jaka, not No. 19 in Muktikä. MS.

A. S. B.

Another Paramahansa, No. 98 in

Telugu list.

Parivräd-upanishad , also called Nä¬

radaparivräjaka. q. v.

Pariv räjä -npanishad. See Parama¬



Pinda-upanishad (Atharvana).

Pumshasukta-upanishad, only in An¬

quetil's translations counted as an Upanishad.

Pürna-upanishad , also called Anna¬

purna. q. V.

Pürvatäpaniya-upanishad. See Nri¬


Paingala-upanisbad. MS. E. I. H.

Pranava - upanishad , counted as an

Upanishad by Anquetil only ; called j Pranou.

iPraSna-upanisbad (Atharvana). It is

I iu prose, and cajled by Sankara a


Max MüUer, Alphaietisches Verzeichniss der Upanishads. 149

Nos.asper Huktikä List. Nos.asperTelttguList.

Nos.asper Cole¬List.brooke'sNos.asper

Anquetil's List.

Brähmana. It is supposed to have

belonged to the Bräbmana of tbe

Pippaläda-Säkhä. Pippaläda is the

principal teacher in this Upanishad.

Text, commentary of Sankara, and

gloss of Ananda, in Bibl. Ind.

vol. VIII; translation, vol.XV. by Dr. Röer.

77 94 T 10 11 —

Pränägnihotra - npanishad , in prose ; also called Agnihotraka. q. v.

107 71 — ~

Bahvrica - upanishad. See Aitareya- upanishad, and Itica - upanishad.

78 44 Bäshkala - upanishad , counted as an

Upanishad by Anquetil only. A

Bäshkala-säkhä in slokas on Upani¬

shad doctrines is quoted by Säyana.

Ind. St. II, 100.

79 10 Y 46 54 2 Brihadäranyaka (White Yajur-veda).

In the Mädhyandinasäkbä the

14"' book is called the Aranyaka,

consisting of 7 prapäthakas. The

Brihadäranyaka begins with prap. 3,

also called the Madhukända, and

followed (4, 6.) by the Yäjna-

valkiya-kända, etc.

In the Känva-^khä the 17»' book forms the Upanishad.

Text (according to the Känva-

sakhä). Commentary of Sankara

Acärya, gloss of Ananda Giri,

published by Dr. Röer, Biblio¬

theca Indica, vol. II. Sankara calls it tbe Väiasaneyi brähmanopani- shad; the ISäväsya, the Väjasaneyi- Sanhitopanishad.

Bribajjäbäla, see Jäbäla.

Brihannäräyana , see Mahänäräyana.

80 11 T 9 10 Brahma-upanishad. Cf. Chändogyopan.

p. 177. Sat. Br. X, 6, 3., under Säijdilyavidyä, etc. (MS. E. I. H.)


150 Max MUller , Alphabetisches Verzeichniss der Upanishads.



83 84

85 86 87 88 89

90 91

« ,^

O-lJ M l"^


40 T

86 A

84 A 60 Y

48 Y 32 Y

* S>

n a

s »



72 p<-

^ to

» M O t°



73 74

90 91

I 52 A 34-35


» ä




39-40 30

Brahmavidyä - upanishad (Atharvana).

13 slolcas. See Vidyopanishad.

(MS. E. I. H.)

Brahma-vindu (Atharvana) , 22 Slokas,

called Amritavindu by Anquetil.

(MS. Chambers 357 (?). E. I. H.)

Brahmanandavalli , see Anandavalli.

Bhasma-upanishad, also called Bhasma- ' jäbäla.

Bhällavi-upanishad, supposed to exist on the strength of sloka-quotations

(Säy. Taitt. Ar. X, 63) from a

Bbällavi-säkhä. Ind. Stud. II, 100.

Wilson (Religious Sects, p. 91)

quotes from a Bhallavaga (Bhälla-

veya?) upanishad in prose. Tbere

are frequent quotations from a



Bhi kshu-upanishad .

Bhriguvalli - upanishad ( Atharvana ).

See Taittiriya-upanishad.

Mandala - upanishad. Mandala - bräh¬

mana, or Mandalabrahma ?

Mantrikä-upanishad. Colebrooke men¬

tions a Mantrasastra , on the use

of incantations. Ms. A. S. B. of

Mantra-upanishad ; 30 slokas.

Malläri - npanishad (Atharvana). MS.

A. S. B.

Mahänäräyana-upanishad (Atharvana).

Contains the essential portions of

the Näräyaniya - upanishad. This

Upanishad seems to have furnished, directly and indirectly, the matter for many of the smaller Upanishads, such as : Tadeva , ÖvetäSvatara,

Käthaka, Kaivalya, Mahä, &c.

Several of its verses are borrowed


Max MuUer, Alphabetisches Verzeichmss tier Upanishads. 151

" M tn M. S II

92 92

93 -


« Jo a>

sz; H

88 87

5 Ä


94 :61 S 8

95 99

6 A 11-14 12-25 16


from the Sanhitas. — It is also

called Brihannäräyana.


Mahäväkya-ratnävali-upanishad. (El¬

liot's MS.)

Mahopanishad (Atharvana), in prose.

In the Muktikä, called Mahat.

Mahopanishadam is also a title given at the end to the Mahänäräyana- up; "etad vai mahopanishadam",

"this is the Great Mystery." Both

Upanishads , celebrate Näräyana ,

the Mahopanishad in prose, the

Mahänäräyana in verse. The cor¬

rect title would seem to be "Maho¬

panishadam" (neuter).

Wilson (Religious Sects, p. 90) quotes a passage from a Mahopani¬

shad which, with some emendations, would seem to be in slokas.

MändAkya - npanishad ( Atharvana ).

This upanishad consists of 12 pa¬

ragraphs, which are called the Müla- mantras. Graudapäda, tbe teacher

of Govinda, the teacher of San¬

kara, wrote a Kärikä on them

in 29 verses, which is called

Agamaprakarana (No. 96). To

tbis be added three other Pra-

karanas, the Vaitatbya (No. 97),

Advaita (No. 98), and Alätasanti

(No. 99), all forming an expla¬

nation of the Agamasästra or tbe

traditional doctrine. The text of

the Upanishad, Gaudapäda's Slokas,

Sankara's Commentary, and Anan-

dajnäna's gloss, published in Biblioth.

Ind. Vni ; translation of tbe Upa¬

nishad, ibidem vol. XV. by Dr. Röer.


152 Max Müller, Alphabetisehea Verzeichniss der Vpianishads.


Iho tn

^•'ä Cole-r List. perList.

m ^* M Ji

Ifioc a be s.-"a>

» M as etil's. S M

^1 NosTell

Nos.8broo Nos Anqa

100 108Y 93 —

Muktikä - upanishad, or Mauktika.

101 56 R 92 —

Mudgala - upanishad.

102 5A 1 1 4 Mundaka-upanishad (Atharvana). Text,

commentary and gloss, Bibliotheca Indica, vol. VIII, p. 258. Transla¬

tion, vol. XV, p. 142. by Dr. Roer.

103 42 Mrityulangbanam , counted as an

Upanishad by Anquetil only; called

by him Mrat Lankoul, id est,

„halitus mortis, quod tempus ter¬

mini vitae est, expositus factus fiat ;"

also amrat lankoul. See Amritalan

47 55

kära. (Mrityulängala. MS. A.S.B.

104 24 S 3 Maiträyana-or Maitri-upanishad (Black

Yajurveda) ; called Mitri, by Duper¬

ron. A Maitreya-upanishad, quoted

by Colebrooke, Essays I, p. 244.

The revelation descends from Pra¬

jäpati to the Välakhilyas, Maitri or Maitreya, Säkäyanya, Brihadratha.

Text and Commentary published by

E. B. Cowell. In the Muktikä it is

called Maiträyani, and distinguished from

105 29 S 89 — — the Maitreyi-upanishad.

106 97 Y 120 Yäjnavalkya - upanishad. See Briha


Yäjniki-upanishad. See Näräyaniyä- upanishad; 10"" book of Taittiriya- äranyaka.

107 86 122 — — Yogakundalini-upanishad , also called


108 46 S 121 — —

Yogacüdämani-upanishad, 21 Slokas,

also called Cüdä, or Culikä.

109 41 T 20 23 21 Yoyatattva - upanishad ( Atharvana ),

15 slokas. (MS. E. L H.)

110 63 T 19 22 20 Yojasikhä - upanishad (Atharvana),

10 slokas.

Duperron's Upanishad (No. 20)

1 is YogaSikhä. He calls it Dyog )


Max Müller, Alphaietisches Verzeichmss der Upanishads. 153

fei U -t-i r Cole-List.

*i u .2

p. j ^3 S,j


as tikä 1.as ugu ^-S<D 2 as etil. s ö o "3

» H Nos.t

broo Nos Anqu

^ sankha, but explains it kagnel

(i. e. globulus, cincinnus capilloruin.

qui e temporibus super malas cadit).

rov Djog. (MS. E. I. H.)

35 T 100 •—

Rahasya-upanishad. See Sukaraha-

54 A


101 — —

Rahasya-upanishad , also called Rä¬



107 —

Rahasya-upanishad, i. e. Sarasvatira¬

III 55 A


1-42 48-49 Ramatapana-upanishad, 2 parts (sus¬

picious, Colebrooke). MS. Ch.

359. contains a commentary on

Rämapürvatapaniya-upauishad (five

sections, 95 verses). MS. 360 is

Anandavana's commentary on Rä-

mottaratapaniya-upanishad, in prose.

(MS. Chambers 359 and 360. E.I.H.

and A. S. B.

112 54 A ~

Ramarahasva-upanishad, see Rahasya.

(MS. A.' S. B.)

113 '

Rudva-upanishad. See Atharvasiras;

also Nilarudra (Colebrooke). No. 72.

(MS. E. I. H., Rudra, and ithar- vaniya-rudra.)

114 — 103 —

Rudra-jäbäla-upanishad. (Elliot's MS.)

115 85 T 102 —

Rudrahridaya-upanishad , also called Rudra, and Hridaya-upanishad.

Rudräksba-upanishad. A Rudräksba- mahima , in Taylor , Madras , Cat.

I, 68.

116 88 S 104

117 36 S 58 73 Vajrasucika - upanishad (Aptavajra-

Suci?), in prose, ascribed to

Sankara. (MS. Petersburg.)

118 98 T 118 —


119 Väruni - upanishad. See Taittiriya-

upanishad, 8"' aud 9"' chapters of Taittiriya-äranyaka.

120 56 S 119 —

Väsudeva-upanishad. MS. A. S. B.


154 Max MiUler, Alphabetisches Verzeichniss der Upanishads.

121 2 «Öj4


40 T 20 T


ftJ n .2OS


Vidya-upanishad, the same as Brahma¬


Vindu-upanishad. See Amrita-vindu.

Vaitathya-prakarana. See Mändükya.

Satarudriyam (Black Yajurveda). It

is also called Rudra-upanishad and Satarudra-upanishad. The original is found in the Taittiriya-Sanhita

(IV, 5); in the Käthaka (17,

11—16); in the Väjasaneyi-Sanhitä

(XVI, Mädhyandina-säkhä; XVII,

Känva-säkhä), and the Apastamba- Brähmana (?).

Bhatta Bhaskara Misra has the

following remarks on the efficiency

of this Upanishad ; they are im¬

portant, as showing the priority of this work with regard to other works which appeal to its authority.

Atha yajnasamyuktäh prayogäh sru-

tismrititihäsapuräneshu prasiddhäl.i.

Moxasvargamalaxaya vittärogyäyu- shyädiphaläni bahüni vartante. teshu känscid brümah.

§ Tatra täväj Jäbälopanishadi :

Etäni ha vä amrita näraadheyäni, etair ba vä amrito bhavatiti.

§ Kaivalyopanishadi : yab sata- mdriyam adhjte so'gnipüto bhavati •, svarnasteyät püto bhavati ; brahma-

hatyäyäh püto bhavati ; krityä-

krityät püto bhavati: tasmäd avi-

muktam äs^ito bhavati; sarväsrarai sarvadä sakrid vä japet. Japenänena vidhinä Kaivalyaphalam asnuta iti.

§ Aha ca Öätätapah: Steyam

kritvä, gurudäränS ca gatvä, madyam

pitvä , brahmahatyäm ca kritvä ,

Bhasmacchanno bhasmasayyäm Sa-


Nos. as per Muktikä List.

Nos. as per Telugu List. Nos. as per Cole¬

brooke's List. Nos. as per Anquetil's List.


156 Max MiiUer, Alphabetischen Verzeichniss der Upanishads.

122 123

124 50 A

99 Y 125 57 A

126 127


129 130


109 105

I 62 T'i08

63 T —

35 T




§ Aha ca Sankhah: rahasi kri-

taiiam mahäpätakänäm api Sata-

rudrijam prayascittam iti.

§ Apastambah: yasya Kudrah

prajan pasiiu vabhimanyeta rudra- japas cared iti.

And again towards the eud of the

Commentary :

§ Almsca Pauranikah:

Rudradhyayi vased yatra gräme vä

nagare 'pi vä,

Na tatra xutpipäsädyä durbhixavyä- dhayo 'pi ca.


(Sakalya-upanishad?) Shekl or Pankl

or Mankl. Only known from An¬

quetil's translation. (Pancalya?) Sätyäyani-upanishad.

Sändila-upanisbad, or Sändilyopani- shad, part of Chändogyopanishad,

and quoted by Sayana (Siksha-

bhashya, p. 42, as "Chandogah Sändilyavidyäyäm ämananti.") See also Brahmopauishad.


Sikshä-valli. See Taittiriyopanishad.

Sikha-upanisliad, quoted in theMuktikä, besides tbe Atharvasikha, and meant perhaps for YogaSikhä.

Sivasankalpa-upanishad (White Yajur¬

veda). It consists of six verses in

the beginning of Adhyäya 34 ; of

the Väjasaneyi-Sanhitä (Mädhyan¬


Suka-rahasya-upanishad. See Rahasya.

Saunaka-upauishad , counted as an

Upanishad by Anquetil only, who

calls it Savank.

Srimaddatta-upanishad, 12 slokas.


Max Müller, Alphabetisches Verzeichniss der Upanishads. 157

' S .2 ] «^J ' S<oä

131 14 T 51

132 —

ü -S T^-i

59 13

133|65 21




106 i

33 t; 36 24


Cf. Dattätreya. (MS. Peters¬

burg. )

Svetäsvatara-upanishad (Black Yajur¬

veda), in six Adbyäyas. Text, and

Commentary of Sankara in Bibl.

Ind. VII; translation, vol. XV by

Dr. Röer. Dr. Röer considers a

reconciliation of Vedänta, Sänkhya,

and Yoga doctrines to be the ob¬

ject of tbis work.

Samvarta-upanisbad ; known only from prose quotations as Sainvarta-sruti (Säyana, Taitt. Ar. X, 63).

Sanhitä-upanishad, mentioned by San-

karänanda as following the Kau-

shitaki-brabmana-upanishad. See Co- well, Preface to Kausbitaki-upani¬

shad, p. Ill, note.

Sanhitä-upanishad, one of the Pa-

risishtas of the Sämaveda. MS.

Wilson, 375.

Sanhitä-upanishad, one of the Bräh¬

manas of the Samaveda. MS. Wilson, 451. Begins, Athatah sanhitopa-

nishado vyäkhyäsyämab ; ends iti

Sanhitopanishadam Bräbmanam sa-

mäptam. It is not the Kenopa-

nishad. But tbere is another

Brähmana, mentioned simply by

the name of Upanishad, which may

be meant for the Kena.

Sanuyäsa-upanishad, in prose. (MS.

E. I. H.) Sarasvati-rahasya-upanishad.

Sarvasära-upanishad (Atharvana). It

is sometimes called Sarva, or

Sarvopanishad - sära ; in prose.

(MS. Chambers, 355. E. I. H.)

Sänhiti-upanishad. See Taittiriyopa¬



158 Max Milller, AlphabetiscJies Verzeichniss der Upanishads.

perList. perList.

« ^

"1 M _M

^1 Nos.as Telugu

137 75 S 110

138 — —

139 45 A Ill

140 — —

141 30 Y 113

142 71 A 114

143 106R 112

144 51 T 56

145 —

146il5 Y 37

I47U9 Y

j 148





» 5

149 1Ö0A 85 T|



Savitri-upanishad. MS. A. S. B.

Siddhanta-upanishad , or Krishna-pu- rushottama-siddhanta-up. MS.A.S.B.

Sita-upanishad. MS. A. S. B.

Sundari tapani-upanishad (Atharvana) ; suspicious, Colebroolie. MS.A.S.B.

Subala-upanishad. MS. A. S. B.

Surya-upanishad. See Atharvasiras.

(Vans Kennedy.) Saubliagya-upanishad.

Slcanda-upanishad. 15 slolcas. MS.

E. I. H.

Svarüpa-upanishad Hansa-upanishad.


nishad, IV, 7.

E. I. H.)

Hansanada-upanishad (Atharvana), iu

prose. No complete manuscript;

only a translation by Anquetil

Duperron from the Persian. Hansa means the divine spirit, näda, the

mysterious sound by which he

reveals himself. (MS. Chambers

358. fragment.)

Hanumad-upanishad , or Hanumtokta-

RÄmopanishad ; MS. A. S. B.


Hridaya-upanishad, also called Rudra hridaya.

MS. A. S. Benares.

Cf. Chändogyopa-

page 260. (MS.



Zur himjarischen Alterthumskunde


Dr. Ernst Oslander,

aus seinem Nachlasse herausgegeben von

Prof. Dr, M. A. Levy.

Vorwort des Herausgebers.

Der Nacldass über die südarabischen Denkmäler von dem ver¬

ewigten Osiander, dessen Verlust die Wissenschaft tief zu beklagen hat, wurde mir durch den Vorstand der Deutschen morgenländischen

Gesellschaft zur Herausgabe übertragen. Ich habe gerne diesen

Auftrag übernommen in der Ueberzeugung, dass durch die eben so

gründlichen, wie scharfsinnigen und dabei vorsichtigen Untersuchun¬

gen, durch die sich die früheren Arbeiten Osiander's auszeichnen,

ein Gebiet weiter angebaut werden möchte, zu dem er einen so

guten Gmnd gelegt hatte. Damals (1856), als jene ausgezeichnete

Arbeit: „Zur himjarischen Altertbumskunde" in der Zeitscbrift der

DMG. X. Bd. ans Licht trat, stand dem Verfasser eine nicht sehr

umfangreiche Anzahl von Monumenten und diese nicht einmal in

zuverlässigen Abschriften zu Gebote, während seine neuesten Unter¬

suchungen über diesen Gegenstand, die hier verölfentlicht werden

sollen, auf zahlreichere und zuverlässigere Denkmäler sich stützen.

Es erschien nämlich in der Mitte des vorigen Jahres ein trefflich

ausgestattetes Werk „Inseriptions in the Himyaritic character, dis¬

eovered chiefly in the southern Arabia , and now in the British Mu¬

seum. London, printed by order of tbe Trustees. 1863 (gr. Querfolio)",

das zwei und vierzig Inschriften mittheilt, die sämmtlich bis auf

fünf in Südarabien gefunden worden sind. Sie sind auf achtzehn

lithographirten Tafeln sehr correkt abgezeichnet, die achtzehnte

enthält jene fünf Inschriften, die wohl alle aus Mesopotamien

herrühren. Eine kurze Beschreibung der Monumente von Herrn

Franks geht dem Werke voran, ein Commentar oder Umschrift der

Inschriften ist nicbt beigegeben, indem, wie es in der Vorrede

heisst, man erwarte, dass Osiander diese Arbeit unternehmen werde.

Es wurden ihm nämlich, uoch vor der Veröffentlichung des grosseu




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— 1, durch das Dorf, über die Sulm, durch das anschliessende Dorf Klein-Heimschuh, das Sulmthal verlassend auf stets schöner Strasse erst eben, dann über den in schöner

aa) Spielen der eigenen Stimme eines eigenen Arrangements nach Leadsheet zu einem selbst gewählten popularmusikalischen Gemeinde- lied, mindestens mit Begleitung eines

Eine Berufung auf diese Stelle erfolgt nach dem Kirchenverwaltungsgesetz auf Vorschlag der Kirchenleitung durch die Kirchensynode für die Dauer von sechs Jahren. Eine wiederholte

The corresponding transitions I’, II’, a’, b’ and g’ on the neutron energy gain side (negative energy transfer) are observed at elevated temperatures. The

Der Kirchenkreisvorstand kann einen oder mehrere Bevollmächtigte bestellen, zu denen auch bisherige Kirchenvorsteher gehören kön- nen; sie nehmen grundsätzlich alle

sc hi eber proportional au fzutei len ist ein sehr zeitraubende r Vorgang , bei We lc h e m sich !eicht ein Fehler einschleichen kan n... wenn man sich überhaupt

Aus dem Besitz von Ildephons Kennedy, mit Ex libris. Aufgeschlagen: Elementa Gnomonicae Tab. I Ele- menta Pyrotechnicae Tab. Seit erwa 1720 drangen die Ideen der Aufklärung, die