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2 Card Read PunchModels 5, 6, and 7Manual of Instruction o Field Engineering r-r-r,r-


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(1)r -r -. o Field Engineering Manual of Instruction. r ,. Restricted Distribution This manual is intended for internal use only and may not be used by other than IBM personnel without IBM's permission. Specifications contained herein are subject to change without notice. Revisions and/or supplements to this publication will be issued periodically.. r-. 2. Card Read Punch Models 5, 6, and 7.

(2) PREFACE. This manual prov ides ins t ruc t ional mat erial on the I B M 1442 Card Read Punch, Models 5, 6 , and 7. C i r c u i t ref erenc es are made to the Aut omat ed Logic Diagrams (ALD's ) f or the Models 5, 6, and 7 i n chapters I I I , I V, and V.. RESTRICTED DIS TRIB UTION: Thi s publ i c ati on is i ntended for use by IB M personnel only and may not be made av ai l abl e t o others wi thout the approv al o f l oc al IB M management.. Second Edi ti on This manual , Fo rm Y 31-0101-1, repl ac es and oboletes Form 231-0091-0 and Form 231-0084-0.. This manual has been prepared by the IB M Systems Dev el opment Division, P roduc t Publications, De p a rtm e n t 245, Roc hes ter, Mi nnes ota, 55901. A form has been prov ided at the bac k of this publ i c ati on for readers c omments . I f the f o rm has been remov ed send comments to the address above.. I nt er nat ional Business M ac hines Cor por at ion 1 9 6 5.

(3) cm-. rr C H A P T E R I . C O M P R E H E N S I V E I N T R O D U C T I O N 1 1 C H A P T E R I I I . T H E O R Y O F O P E R A T I O N 3 1. CONTENTS. Des c ri pti on 1442 Model 5 1442 Model 6 1442 Model 7. 1. 1 1. Card Fl ow. -. 1. Card Readi ng Card Punching Data Fl ow CE Di agnos ti c Aids. 1 1. -. 1. 1. 1. -. 1. 1. 2 3 4. 1 1 O C. -. -. 2. -. 2. 2 2. 2. 2. -. 8 8. 2. 1 1. 2 4 4. 2 -. 1. Read Feed Wheel. -. 1. 0. Read E j ec t Rolls. -. 1 1 1. 1 2. 2. -. 1. 2. -. 1. 2. Magneti c Emi tters Read E mi tter. -. 1 1 1. 2. 2. 3 3 4. -. 1. -. 9 9. -. 6. 1 1. 2. 4 4 6. -. 2. 3. 1 1 1. 2. 2. 1. -. Dum m y Read Stati on Li ght Source 2 Punch Uni t 2 Inc remental Dri v e Un i t Dummy Punch Un i t Emitters. -. 2 2. 3-3. Feedi ng Ci rc ui ts. 3. -. 4 4 2 Model 5 (Fi gure 3 -5 ). 3 4 4 2 Models 6 and 7 (Fi gure 3 -6 ) u t p u t s To Processing Uni t 3 a r d Readi ng Ci rc ui ts , Model s 6 and 7 Card Punc hing Ci rc ui ts 3 Inc remental Dri v e Ci rc ui ts 3. -. 4. 3. -. 4. -. 4 -. Stacker Sel ec t Ci rc ui t, Model s 6 and 7. 3. -. Indi c ator Lamp Ci rc ui ts. -. 3. Power Suppl i ed By Processing Uni t Power Suppl i ed By 1442 4 Power Sequencing 4 1442 Models 6 and 7 4. 1 2 -. 2 2 2. -. 1. 5. -. -. 1 1. -. 1 5. -. 1. -. 1. -. 1. -. 1. 5. -. 5. 1. 5. I. 1. -. 3. 5 5 5. 3 3 -. -. 3 4 4 4. 5. 6. 1. -. Appendix C. S p e c i a l Ci rc ui ts SPEC 5804715 5 CV 5803498 5. INDEX. -. 5. -. 5 5. 5. -. 6. -. 1. 1. -. 5. -. -. 4. 5. AR PC 5804294 AR M D 5804662 AR M D 5804297 OR I D AR M D 5803805 AR 5803806. 4 1. -. 5. Appendix B. U n i t Operati on Controls and Indic ators. 8 9. -. Pri mary Power Requirements Heat Dissipation 5 Dimensions 5 W ei ght. 6 7 7. 4. 4. AR 5803819 2 3. 4. 3 -. Appendix A . U n i t Characteristics Speed 5 Capac ity 5 0. Punch Ej ec t Rolls 2 Stacker Corneri ng Station. Stacker Trans port 2 Stacker 2 Read S tati on 2. 2. 1 1. CHAPTER V . APPENDICES. -. 2 -. 1 -. -. Power Sequencing. 9 0. Punch Regi s trati on Mechanisms Punch Pressure Rolls 2 Punch Feed Wheels 2. 3. Power Suppl i ed By Processing Uni t Power Suppl i ed By 1442 4. Read Regi s trati on Mechanisms. Read Pressure Ro l l 2 2. 3. CHAPTER I V . P OW E R SUPPLIES A ND CONTROLS 1442 Model 5 4 -. 1 -. -. 2 2. 1. 1 1. Continuous Runni ng Mechanisms 2 Card Feed Cl utc h Control l ed Mechanisms Read Cl utc h Control l ed Mechanisms Feed Mechanisms 2 -. Hopper Pickerknives. C a r d. 4. 2. 2. Des c ri pti on Ti m i n g Clutches. 1. -. CHAPTER 2. FU N C TI ON A L UNITS Introduc ti on SRP Dri v e. Introduc ti on S t a r t / S t o p Ci rc ui ts 1-1 3 5 . 1442 Model 1442 Models 6 and 7. 1.

(4) 1. 1.

(5) CHAPTER I. CO MP RE HE NS I V E I NTRODUCTI ON. DESCRI PTI ON • T h e 1442 Models 5, 6, and 7 are s i mi l a r in construction and function. • T h e 1442 Models 5, 6, and 7 use the Serial Reader Punch (SRP) c ard-handling mec hanis m. • T h e I B M 1442 Model 5 prov ides punched c ard output f or I BM System/360 Model 20 at 160 columns/second. • T h e I B M 1442 Model 6 prov ides punched c ard input and output f or the I B M 1130 s y s t em or the I B M 1800 system. T h e mo d e l 6 reads 300 c ards / minut e and punches 80 c olumns / second. • T h e I B M 1442 Model 7 prov ides punched c ard input and output f or the I B M 1130 s y s t em or the I B M 1800 system. T h e model 7 reads 400 c ards / minut e and punches 160 c olumns / second. 1442 Model 5 The I B M 1442 Model 5 Card Punch prov ides punched c ard output f or I BM System/360 Model 20. C a r d s are s e r i a l l y punched at a rat e of 160 c olumns / second. The I B M 2020 Cent ral Proc es s ing Unit contains the logic al c irc uit ry f or the 1442-5. T h e only elec t ronic c irc uit s in the 1442-5 are amplifi ers and driv ers t hat condition pulses ent ering or leav ing the 1442-5. 1442 Model 6 The I B M 1442 Model 6 Card Read-Punc h prov ides punched c ard input and output f or the I B M 1130 system o r the I B M 1800 system. C a r d s are s erially read at a rat e of 300 c ards / minut e, and s erially punched at a rat e of 80 columns/second. T h e use of one c ard path f or both reading and punching permit s reading f rom and punching int o the s ame c ard. The I B M 1130 o r 1800 s y s t em proc es s ing unit contains the logic c irc uit s f or the Model 6. T h e only elec t ronic c irc uit s in the Model 6 are amplifi ers and driv ers t hat condition pulses ent ering or leav ing the 1442-6.. 1442 Model 7 The Model 7 Card Read-Punch is s i mi l a r in f unc t ion and c ons t ruc t ion to the Model 6, but operates at a higher speed. T h e Model 7 reads 400 c a r d s / minut e and punches 160 columns/second.. CARD FL O W • T h e 1442 c ard feed has f our c ard s t at ions ; (1) Hopper, (2) Read St at ion, (3) Punc h Stat ion, and (4) Stacker(s). • C a r d s are advanced f rom s t at ion to s t at ion when the c ard feed clutch is activated. • C a r d s are advanced t hrough the read s t at ion by the read clutch, whic h is ac t iv at ed by the c ard feed clutch. • C a r d s are advanced t hrough the punch s t at ion by eit her the inc rement al driv e unit or the c ard feed clutch. The c ard path of the 1442 (Figure 1-1) has f our basic c ard stations: 1. H o p p e r . C a r d s are placed in the hopper by the operat or, and feed f r o m the hopper one at a t ime. 2. R e a d Station. C a r d s are mov ed f r o m the hopper and regis t ered at c olumn z ero in the read station. Th e Model 5 does not read cards; i t uses a dummy read s t at ion (ref erred to as the sense station) in place of the n o r mal read station. 3. P u n c h Station. C a r d s are mov ed f r o m the read station and regis t ered at c olumn one in the punch station. 4. S t a c k e r ( s ) . C a r d s are mov ed f r o m the punch station to the s t ac k er where t hey r e ma i n unt il remov ed by the operat or. T h e Model 5 has one s t ac k er; Models 6 and 7 have t wo stackers, eit her of whic h can be s elec t ed by programming. 1-1.

(6) Card mov ement f rom s t at ion to s t at ion is c ont rolled by the c ard feed clutch. E a c h t ime the c ard feed (CF) c lut c h is activated, i t operates mec hanis ms whic h advance each c ard in the f eed one s t ation.. A det ailed des c ript ion of c ard f eeding, inc luding all feed devices and t imings , i s in Chapt er CARD READI NG. Card mov ement through the read s t at ion is c ont rolled by the read clutch. T h e clutch operat es a feed wheel that advances the c ard t hrough the station. The read clutch is mec hanic ally activated eac h t ime the c ard feed c lut c h is activated: t h e read clutch cannot be activated independently. T h u s , card reading mus t always oc c ur in conjunction wit h card feeding.. • C a r d s are read s erially by the 1442 Models 6 and 7. • C a r d s are fed t hrough the read station under c ont rol of the read clutch. • P u n c h e s in the c ard are sensed by photot rans is t ors .. Card mov ement t hrough the punch s t at ion takes place at one of two t imes : 1. D u r i n g Punch Cycles. A c ard is mov ed int ermit t ent ly through the punch s t at ion by an inc rement al driv e unit and a pair of punch feed wheels . C a r d mov ement occurs only between punch cycles; a c ard moves only one c olumn at a t ime. 2. D u r i n g a Feed Cycle. T h e punch feed wheels are disengaged f r o m the c ard, and the c ard is f ed f r o m the punch station (ejected) by the read ejec t and the punch ejec t rolls .. •. A. read emit t er s ignals the proc es s ing unit about midpoint of the read t ime f or each column.. The Models 6 and 7 r e a l c ards s erially (c olumn by column) beginning wit h c olumn one. C a r d s move c ontinuously during the reading. T h e read clutch cont rols c ard mov ement and is mec hanic ally activated by the c ard feed clutch. The read s t at ion has 13 phot ot rans is t ors and 13 light sources. T h e light sources are the ends of glass fi b e r bundles that t rans mit the light f r o m a c ent ral source.. - o - - - - P u n c h Station. Read Station. '44 ). Hopper (1200 Card Capacity). Stacker 1 (Normal) Stacker 2 (Select) 11111 ,. Stackers (1300 Card Capacity Each). Figure 1 -1 . C a r d Path. 1-2. '491111 ). A.11414 1. '4 °1 ,.

(7) Twelv e of the phot ot rans is t ors and light sources sense holes i n the c ard (Figure 1-2). W h e n light passes t hrough a hole, t he c orres ponding photot rans is t or emit s a data pulse. T h e data pulse is amplifi ed, s haped into a square wav e, and t rans mit t ed to the proc es s ing unit. T h e t hirt eent h photot rans is t or detects c ards at the punch station, and checks f o r jams . A read emit t er emit s an impuls e at about the c ent er point of the data pulse f or each c olumn. T h i s impuls e is amplifi ed, s haped, and sent to the p r o cessing unit where i t develops t wo read s ampling pulses about 100 usec apart. Reading accuracy i s checked by c omparing the data read at t wo read s ample t imes . I f the dat a read at the second s ampling dif f ers f r o m the fi rs t , the proc es s ing unit turns on the 1442 Chec k and Read Reg indic at ions , and the 1442 i s remov ed f r o m its ready condition. CARD PUNCHI NG • C a r d s are punched s erially at a rat e of 80 columns/second in the Model 6; 160 c olumns / second in Models 5 and 7. • C a r d s are mov ed one c olumn at a t ime by the inc rement al driv e and punch feed wheels.. • E m i t t e r s s ignal the proc es s ing unit when to energiz e the punch and inc rement al driv e magnets. • P u n c h echo pulses are sent to the proc es s ing unit to check punching accuracy. Twelv e c ard punches, c ont rolled by 12 punch magnets, do the c ard punching in the 1442. C a r d s are punched c olumn-by -c olumn, beginning wit h c olumn 1. A hole is punched when the proc es s ing unit energiz es the required punch magnet. The 1442 checks punching accuracy. A f t e r a hole is punched and the punch res t ored, a punch echo pulse is emit t ed by the punch magnet. T h e punch echo puls e is amplifi ed, s haped, and sent to the proc es s ing unit where i t is c ompared to what should have been punched. Cards are mov ed by the punch feed wheels , whic h are driv en by the inc rement al driv e unit , one c olumn at a t ime between punching strokes. T h e proc es s ing unit c ont rols the inc rement al driv e unit by impuls ing an inc rement al driv e magnet each t ime a c ard is t o be mov ed to the nex t column. A punch emit t er and an inc rement al driv e e mi t t e r are part of the punch unit. Thes e emit t ers t ell the proc es s ing unit when to impuls e the inc rement al driv e magnets and the punch magnets, and when to test the punch echo pulses.. Photoce Assembly ll. Cord. r c • r -. Light Source. Figure 1 -2 . R e a d Stati on Operati on. 1-3.

(8) DATA FL O W. •. A. lamp test line, i n the 1442 Model 5, ac t ivates a l l indic at ors on the 1442-5.. (Ref er t o Fi g u r e 1-3) CE DI AGNOSTI C AIDS. A. d. d. i. t. i. o. n. a l inf ormat ion on diagnos t ic programs is given in the maint enanc e o r programming manual f or • D i a g n o s t i c programs as s is t the CE in t h e us ing system. M o r e inf ormat ion on the CE s wit c h analy z ing 1442 f ailures , i s giv en in Chapt er I V of this manual. The l a mp test line prov ides a quic k way of check• A CE s wit c h on the 1442 remov es power f r o m i n g f or burned out indic at or lamps . W h e n this line the mot or and power supply during maini s activated all operat or console indic at ors on the tenance. M o d e l 5 are light ed (see Chapt er III).. 0. Read Station. Punch Station Stacker /. Incremental Drive Unit. 11E1. Punch Emitter. 0 IC. ° D. 101. Hopper. Read Emitter. ("1 4= 1 1. p. 1 C a r d Feed Clutch Drive Motor. Punch Data Flow. Read Data Flow ( 1442 Mods 6 & 7 Only ) CD Pr ( 2) Processor activates card feed clutch. oc e s Data read by photocells is sent to processor. C:) so 0r Read emitter signals processor that data is available. s t NOTE: Data from each column is sampled twice and compared in processor. a If both samplings are not equal an r error is indicated. t s Figure 1- 3. 1442 Models 5, 6, and 7 Data Flow d r i v e m o t o r .. 0. Processor starts drive motor.. 0 I n c rcorrect time to activate incremental drive magnets. (e9mProcessor activates incremental drive magnets (card does not yet move becasue of mechanical delay ). e n tPunch emitter signals processor correct time to a l activate required punch magnets. (d1 ,r 0 Punch unit sends echo pulses to processor. Card 3) i advances to next column. Punch emitter signals P processor that echo pulses are available. v re oe cm ei st st oe rr as ci tg in va al ts ep sr ro ec.

(9) rCHAPTER 2. F U N C T I O N A L UNI TS. I NTRODUCTI ON. 5. The mec hanic al components of this mac hine, whic h feed, read, and punch c ards , a r e loc at ed above the base plat e i n a unit ref erred to as the s erial reader punch (SRP). T h e SRP is used in a v ariet y of I BM products. The fi r s t part of this c hapt er des c ribes the SRP f unc t ional units and is writ t en in such a way that it can be us ed in the manuals of ins t ruc t ion f or the v arious produc t s using the SRP. B e c a u s e of this ref erenc es may be made t o the punch or read unit even though the mac hine des c ribed in t his manual may not be equipped wit h the unit. W h e n these ref erenc es oc c ur, and the mac hine des c ribed does not have the unit ins t alled, as s ume the ref erenc e t o be t o the dummy stations used on machines not equipped wit h the units. SRP DRI VE. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.. H o p p e r nudge roll. R e a d ejec t roll. P u n c h ejec t roll. S t a c k e r t rans port rolls . S t a c k e r jogglers .. Card Feed Clut c h Cont rolled Mec hanis ms The f ollowing mec hanis ms , whic h c ont rol the mov ement of cards f r o m station to s t at ion, a r e under c ont rol of the c ard feed (CF) clutch: 1. C F c lut c h cams. 2. C F emit t er. 3. P i c k e r k n i f e c ams and pic k erk niv es . Read Clut c h Cont rolled Mec hanis ms The read feed wheel, read nudge r o l l , and read emit t er are under c ont rol of the read clutch. T h e read clutch is mec hanic ally activated by one of the CF c lut c h cams.. • T h e mec hanic al units of the SRP are driv en by a 1/ 4 hors epower mot or t hrough t iming belts. • T h e c ard feed clutch t rans f ers power to mec hanis ms whic h move c ards f r o m station to station. • T h e read clutch t rans f ers power to the read feed wheels whic h move the c ard t hrough the read station.. Hopper Nudge Roll. Nylon Gears. Lower Hopper Feed Roll Combination Idler and Reverse Lock Pulley Read Clutch Idler Read Feed Rolls Knife Shaft. Read Clutch. • a. I f the mac hine is equipped wit h a punch unit , the inc rement al driv e mec hanis m t rans f ers power to the punch feed wheels whic h advance cards being punched t hrough the punch station.. Figures 2-1 and 2-2 illus t rat e the t rans mis s ion of mec hanic al power in the SRP.. Picker Knife Corn Shaft. Read Emitter CF Clutch. CF Index CF Index CR Hand Pulley ' . . . s . . " . * * * . * * * ‹ F C l u t c h C a m s CR Feed Rolls Stocker _foggier Input Pulley. Continuous Running Mechanisms The continuous running (not clutch c ont rolled) SRP mec hanis ms are: 1. P u n c h unit and inc rement al driv e unit cams (if machine is equipped wit h a punch unit). 2. C a r d feed clutch driv e input pulley. 3. R e a d clutch input pulley. 4. H o p p e r feed rolls .. Motor Belt Idler Stacker Jaggier Shaft. Note: Shaded parts are continuous running. Non shaded parts are clutch controlled.. Figure 2 -1 . M e c h a n i c a l Power Di s tri buti on Sc hematic. 2-1.

(10) Motor Motor Drive Belt Read Eject Shaft ' -. IPunch Cam Shaft I Cam Drive Belt Restore Cam. Cord Feed Clutch Belt. 1 Interposer Cam. Incremental Drive. Read C l u i Read tch Clutch B e l t. Stacker Drive Belt I Idler I. Hoepf i Idler I r B e lFeed Hopper t Drive Belt Roll. Card Feed Clutch. I Idler I Punch Eject J o g g l e r •Drive Drive Belt B e l t _ Punch Eject Roll. Hopper Feed Roll Hopper Nudge Roll. Joggler Shaft Stackei- Transport Drive Belt Stacker Transport. Picker Knife Cam. CF Clutch Cams (Front to Rear). /6 Read Clutch Trip. Read Punch Pressure Pusher Roll (Patter). Stacker Pusher. Read Pusher. Punch Punch Pressure Eject Roll Pressure Roll. 2 Read Eject Pressure Roll. Read Nudge Pressure Rolll. Drive Bs - Picker Knife it Cam Sl r ft Picker Knife Shaft. Read Feed Roll Read Nudge Roll. Note: Dotted line encloses clutch controlled parts Note: Sol i d lines indicate direct mechanical drive. Short broken lines indicate drive thru drive belts.. Figure 2- 2. M echani cal Power Distribution Chart. FEED MECHANI SMS • S R P feed mec hanis ms mov e the c ards f r o m station to s t at ion, ac c urat ely regis t ering t hem at each station. • C l u t c h e s c ont rol the t rans f er of mec hanic al mot ion in the SRP. Des c ript ion The SRP feed mec hanis m includes a parallel and a s erial feed path (Figure 2-3). T h r e e c ard cycles are required to mov e a c ard f r om the hopper, t hrough the feed, and int o a stacker. Fi r s t Card Feed Cy c le: Du r i n g the fi r s t c ard feed cycle t he c ard is regis t ered at the read s t at ion in the f ollowing sequence: 1. P i c k e r k n i v e s move c ard int o hopper feed rolls . 2-2. 2. H o p p e r feed rolls deliv er c ard to hopper nudge rolls . 3. H o p p e r nudge r o l l s deliv er c ard to pre-read c ard bed. 4. R e a d c lamping r a i l forces c ard against f orward guide rail. 5. C a r d is mov ed s erially into read station by read pus her and is regis t ered at c olumn zero. 6. R e a d pus her activates read drag button whic h drags on c ard and prevents ov ers hoot when read pus her stops. 7. A s c ard approaches read station, read pres s ure r o l l is c ammed out of the way. 8. W h e n c ard has been properly regis t ered, r e a d pres s ure r o l l is permit t ed to close on card. Second Card Feed Cy c le: Du r i n g this cycle the c ard is regis t ered at the punch station in the f ollowing sequence: 1. R e a d c lut c h is activated by a CI ' cam..

(11) 2. R e a d clutch driv es read feed wheel whic h moves c ard through read station. 3. N e a r end of feed cycle, r e a d nudge pres s ure r o l l closes on card. 4. R e a d pres s ure r o l l opens, p e r mi t t i n g read nudge r o l l to deliv er c ard to pre-punc h station. 5. P u n c h pusher pushes c ard int o punch station, regis t ering it at c olumn one. 6. P u n c h pusher activates c ard pat t er whic h f orc es c ard against f ront guide r ail. 7. P u n c h pusher activates punch drag button whic h drags on c ard to prev ent c ard overshoot when punch pusher stops. 8. A s c ard approaches punch s t at ion, punc h pres s ure rolls are c ammed out of the way to p e r mi t ent ry of the c ard. 9. A f t e r c ard has been regis t ered at c olumn one, punch pres s ure r o l l s are permit t ed to close on c ard.. Stacker Feed Rolls (CR). Stacker Cornering Pusher (CFC). Punch Eject Pressure Roll (CPC). If the mac hine is equipped wit h a punch unit , t he c ard can now be punched. W h i l e the c ard is being punched, i t is advanced t hrough the punch s t at ion by the punc h feed wheels whic h are driv en by the inc rement al driv e unit.. Th i r d Card Feed Cy c le: Du r i n g this c y c le the c ard is ejec t ed f r o m the punch station and stacked in the f ollowing sequence: 1. P u n c h pres s ure r o l l s are c ammed open. 2. R e a d ejec t pres s ure r o l l is permit t ed t o close on c ard, f eeding c ard out of punch s t at ion to punch ejec t rolls . 3. P u n c h ejec t pres s ure r o l l closes on c ard and feeds c ard to s t ac k er c ornering station. 4. S t a c k e r c ornering pusher moves c ard int o fi r s t s et of s t ac k er t rans port rolls . 5. S t a c k e r t rans port rolls deliv er c ard to stacker.. Card Patter. Punch Station. Punch Feed R e a d Pressure E l e c t Rol ls P r e s s u r e (CFC) R o l l (CPC). Punch Registration Pusher (CPC) Read Nudge Pressure Roll (CFC). Read Feed Pressure Roll (CFC). Read Station H o p p e r Nudge Roll (CR) Read Clamping Roil Read Registration Pusher (CFC) Read Drag Button (CPC). Increment° Drive Punch Feed Wheels. Read Eject Roll (CR). Punch Drag Button (CPC). Read Nudge Roll (RC) H o p p e r Hopper Feed Roll (CR) Stacker 1 (Normal) Stacker 2 (Select) CFC - Cord Feed Clutch RC - Read Clutch CR - Continuously Running. Figure 2 -3 . S R P Card Feed Mechanism. 2 -3.

(12) Timing Figure 2-4 illus t rat es the t iming of the c ard feed operations f or the i ni t i al t hree cycles of an operation. Shaded lines on the t i mi n g c hart indicate t hat the mec hanis m operates during that period of t ime but that the c ard has not yet reached it. B l a c k lines i n d i cate t hat the mec hanis m is ac t ing on the c ard f or the t ime indicated.. Clutches The c ard feed and read clutches c ont rol the t rans f er of mec hanic al mot ion to c ert ain SRP mec hanis ms . The c ard feed c lut c h is activated by a functional magnet and mec hanic ally activates the read c lut c h t hrough a c am on the CI ' camshaft. T h e c ard feed and read clutches both use helic al s prings t o couple t heir input to t heir output.. 3. C l u t c h pawl rot at es wit h input pulley hub, causing output shaft to rot at e. The c lut c h continues t o operat e in this manner unt il the CF c lut c h magnet is de-energiz ed, c aus ing the clutch to disengage in the f ollowing sequence: 1. De - e n e r g i z e d magnet releas es clutch latch, permit t ing lat c h to mov e up int o path of clutch pawl and c lut c h-s pring c ont rol sleeve. 2. Cl u t c h - s p r i n g c ont rol sleeve contacts clutch latch, unwinding c lut c h s pring. Cl u t c h s pring releas es input pulley hub, t hus disengaging clutch. 3. M o m e n t u m of driv en mec hanis m continues to t urn output shaft unt il c lut c h pawl contacts c lut c h latch, s t opping output shaft. 4. C l u t c h pawl and c lut c h-s pring c ont rol sleeve are held between clutch lat c h and keeper.. Read Clut c h Card Feed (CF) Clut c h Figure 2-5 illus t rat es the c ons t ruc t ion and operat ion of this clutch. W h e n the c lut c h is disengaged, t he clutch pawl - - pinned to the output shaft - - is held between the t ips of the c lut c h lat c h and the k eeper and cannot rot at e. T h e c lut c h-s pring c ont rol sleeve is als o held between the t ips of the c lut c h lat c h and keeper; consequently, t he c lut c h s pring is held unwound and cannot grip the input pulley hub and c lut c h pawl flange. When the c lut c h magnet is energiz ed, t he f ollowing sequence of events oc c urs : 1. C l u t c h magnet attracts c lut c h latch, releas ing c lut c h pawl and c lut c h-s pring c ont rol sleeve. 2. Cl u t c h - s p r i n g c ont rol sleeve rot at es c loc k wis e, p e r mi t t i n g clutch s pring to grip both the input pulley hub and the flange on the c lut c h pawl.. Figure 2-6 illus t rat es the c ons t ruc t ion and operat ion of the read clutch. W h e n the c lut c h is disengaged, both the c lut c h-s pring c ont rol sleeve and the c lut c h pawl (pinned to the output shaft) are held between the tips of the c lut c h lat c h and the keeper; consequently, the c lut c h s pring is held unwound and cannot grip the input pulley hub and clutch pawl flange. At 10' of the c ard feed cycle, a c am on the CI ' camshaft operates link age whic h releas es the read clutch lat c h and the f ollowing sequence occurs: 1. C l u t c h lat c h moves out of the way, releas ing c lut c h pawl and c lut c h-s pring c ont rol sleeve. 2. Cl u t c h - s p r i n g c ont rol sleeve rot at es c loc k wis e, p e r mi t t i n g c lut c h s pring to grip both the input pulley hub and the fl ange on the c lut c h pawl. 3. C l u t c h pawl rot at es wit h input pulley hub, causing the output shaft to rot at e..

(13) .. • 0 I I. o a. N 04. Lc, co 0. 0 a 0. •. " co 0 a 0 Lo — — r 0 co N 0.1. I .. .1 co co. 7w: $ / ,. -. 1 1. ' a. _. --. 0 — 0 .1 co. ° co o. 0 o .. ,. 0. Z. . '.2 4. 1. ''. 0. 2 5. ea'. _ 6 _ . . -. 0. 00. --- - ,. ---, r, c ,•;,• A _ — 7 -t'n— --:—P,70 ——',. , o ',A 0 . ,. 0 ' .R - -0, - o g 0 004- V - ,4 •?•3 •, / ( -ʻ0,'„. o ul. d. -. /. cn o a .. '. .. 2 0 .1. I er F edRol(C R ) CS. I 6 -S 1c , ;ti u '-'r ,'43 ,. .:o-. '—.. .: g 0 - , -0 sN t-, 2 2 =• 7 g u ' c2. --, g. 7, u. 8 6o -c, 0Y ..--: — 2 = . l !, c 77 '3. ,r2 -z 2 22 - 2 2 5a, ,0t •,0a- ,0 0 . '5 m 0 n ' ,a 2 ,Y, 2 •_ V ,, ' '.8 2 , ,y7 , "Az , -g •-, - ._ 1F5 E 8. z. 2, -g . 1 , -_,, E 1 ,. -, il 3 g?, 0. 1 w 2. 0) 0 5 !- , 5 30 CO CO , Lc, , , c,.. . s c Ne 0 S - n , 1 "t iS. ,. Fi gure 2 -4 .. SRP Feed Ti m i ng. z p ' ,. 2-5. riN.

(14) Clutch Spring Clamp. Output Shaft. Clutch Pawl (Pinned to C l u t c h output shaft) Spring. Input Clutch P u l l e y I n p u t Clutch Spr ing F l u b P u l l e y Spring C ontr ol (Continuously ( C o n t i n u o u s l y Stud S l e e v e r unni ng) r u n n i n g ). Clutch Spring Control Sleeve C l u t c h spring grips these surfaces when Clutch c l u t c h is engaged. Pawl Latch Return Spring. Output Shaft (Clutched). Bonded Rubber Pivot. Clutch Latch. Clutch Magnet. '4114. . 4 1 ). Figure 2 -5 . C a r d Feed Cl utc h. AP '). '4 1 ). 2 -6. '4 1 1 1 ).

(15) r -. Clutch Spring. Clutch Pawl. C l u t c h Spring Stud. Input Pulley (Continuously running) Input Pulley Hub Clutch Spring Control Sleeve Clutch Spring Clamp. Output Shaft Clutch Latch Stop Bracket Clutch Latch Cam Operated Shaft Read Clutch Actuator Arm. 1211281118Mill I I WWI Figure 2- 6. R ead Clutch. Clutch Spring Control Sleeve Keeper Bonded Rubber Pivot.

(16) 'of) Lat er i n the c ard feed cycle, t he c lut c h lat c h is p e r mit t ed to r e t u r n to it s original pos it ion in the path of the c lut c h pawl. A s the read c lut c h completes one rev olut ion, t he c lut c h pawl and c lut c h-s pring c ont rol sleeve contact the c lut c h latch, res ult ing in the f ollowing sequence: 1. Cl u t c h - s p r i n g c ont rol sleeve contacts c lut c h latch, unwinding clutch s pring whic h releas es input pulley hub, dis engaging clutch. 2. M o m e n t u m of driv en mec hanis m continues to t urn output shaft unt il c lut c h pawl contacts clutch latch, s t opping output shaft. 3. C l u t c h pawl and c lut c h-s pring c ont rol sleeve are held between clutch lat c h and keeper.. Hopper The hopper (Figure 2-7) has a capacity of 1200 c ards . Cards are placed face down in the hopper wit h t heir 9-edge f orward and are fed indiv idually f r o m the. hopper by the pic k erk niv es . A hopper contact is p r o vided to sense when the las t c ard has been fed f r o m the hopper.. Pic k erk niv es The pic k erk niv es (Figure 2-7) feed cards f r o m the hopper one at a t ime. T h e y are mounted on the pic k erlmif e shaft, and are activated by the c lut c h driv en camshaft assembly. T h e c am f ollower a r m t rans mit s mot ion f rom the c am assembly to the pic k erk nif e shaft. N o t e the i d l e r a r m riding on the side of the pic k erlmif e c am opposite the c am f ollower arm. T h i s applies even s pring tension to bot h sides of the pic k erk nif e c am and prevents wearing of the pic k erk nif e camshaft bearings . The pic k erk niv es t rav el in an arc . T o obt ain the best f eeding conditions, t he k nif e blocks mus t t rav el evenly t hrough the s ame arc . T h e pic k erk nif e blocks are fi x ed on the k nif e arms , but the pos it ion of the knife arms on the shaft can be adjusted.. Hopper Back Plate. Picker Knife Block. Hopper Post Picker Knife Arm. Hopper Nudge Rol l. "wft). Picker Knife Spring Arm Picker Knife Cam (CF Clutch) Cam / Fo l l o w e r Arm Idler Arm. Figure 2 -7 . H o p p e r and Pickerknives. 2-8. '4N).

(17) Two Carbaloy * pieces are ins ert ed in the bloc k surfaces t o res is t wear, and are ground to s pec ifi c at ion f or proper knife projec t ion. Re p l a c e me n t of the pic k erk nif e block is required when the ins ert becomes worn.. loaded t oward the r o l l and are adjusted f or a s light c learanc e to the roll. T h i s prev ents the r o l l wearing when cards are not being fed. W h e n a c ard is fed int o the nudge roll, t he shoes push the c ard against the r o l l and the c ard is moved to the p r e - r e a d station.. * Trade name o f Carbaloy Dept. o f General El ec tri c Co.. Read Clamping Rail Read Regis t rat ion Mechanisms The read regis t rat ion mec hanis ms (Figure 2-8) r e ceive the c ard f rom the hopper feed rolls , and regis t er it i n the read station at c olumn zero. F i g u r e 2-4 illus t rat es the t iming relat ions hips between the v arious read regis t rat ion mechanisms. Hopper Nudge Roll The hopper nudge r o l l (Figure 2-8) consists of a continuously running feed r o l l mounted above a pair of fi x ed nudge r o l l shoes. T h e shoes are s pring. The read c lamping r a i l (Figure 2-8) f orc es the c ard, under s pring tension, agains t the f ront guide r a i l whic h guides the c ard along the c orrec t c ard path. Read Pus her The read pusher (Figure 2-8) pushes the c ard int o the read station and regis t ers it at c olumn z ero. T h e pusher mus t be ret rac t ed during the t ime the c ard is being fed int o the pre-read station, and begins regis t ering the c ard only af t er the c ard has had t ime to c ome to res t against the f ront guide r a i l . T h e pusher is operat ed by a CF c am.. Hopper Nudge Rol l. Hopper Nudge Rol l Shoe. Read Pusher Read Drag Button. Read Pressure Roll. Clamping Rail. Read Feed Wheel Push Rod Cam Follower. Figure 2 8.. Read Regi s trati on Mechanism. 2 -9.

(18) Bead Drag But t on. Read Feed Wheel. The read drag button (Figure 2-8) is ac t iv at ed by the read pusher. W h e n activated, i t presses agains t the c ard and applies f ric t ion, prev ent ing the c ard f r o m overshooting beyond c olumn z ero when the read pusher stops.. The read feed wheel (Figure 2-8) operates in conjunc t ion wit h the read pres s ure r o l l to feed the c ard through the read station. T h e read feed wheel is driv en by the read c lut c h whic h is mec hanic ally operated by a c am on the CF camshaft. T h e out er c i r c u mference of the wheel is constructed of rough mat erial to f ac ilit at e gripping the c ard.. Read Pres s ure Roll While the read pusher is regis t ering the c ard in the read station, t he read pres s ure r o l l (Figure 2-8) is rais ed to permit ent ry of the c ard. A f t e r the c ard has been f ully regis t ered, t he read pres s ure r o l l is p e r mit t ed to c los e on the c ard, under s pring tension, gripping the c ard between the pres s ure r o l l and feed wheel. T h e rais ing and lowering of the read pres s ure r o l l is c ont rolled by a CI ' cam.. Punch Regis t rat ion Mec hanis ms The punch regis t rat ion mec hanis ms (Figure 2-9) r e ceive t he c ard f r o m the read station and regis t er it at the punch s t at ion wit h c olumn one under the punches. Ti mi n g relat ions hips of the punch regis t rat ion mechanisms are illus t rat ed in Figure 2-4.. Read Nudge Pressure Roll Read Eject Pressure Roll Read Eject Roll Drag Button Adjusting Plate Punch -Drag iButto N N Card Patter. Read Nudge Roll. Figure 2 -9 . P u n c h Regi s trati on Mechanisms. 2-10. Card P aOperating tLink t Punch e Pusher r , ,. "t). Avi) 1411.

(19) r-. (ow. Read Nudge Rolls. Card Pat t er. The read nudge rolls (Figure 2-9) deliv er the c ard to the pre-punc h station after it has lef t the read station. Just bef ore the read pres s ure r o l l is rais ed, releas ing the c ard, t he read nudge pres s ure r o l l is permit t ed to c los e on the card. A t this point the c ard is being moved by both the read feed wheel and the read nudge roll. S h o r t l y af t er the read nudge pres s ure r o l l closes, t he read pres s ure r o l l is c ammed upward, releas ing the c ard. T h e c ard is t hen deliv ered to the pre-punc h station by the read nudge roll.. While the c ard is being regis t ered by the punch pusher, t he c ard patt er (Figure 2-9) is ac tiv ated and pushes the c ard against the f ront guide r a i l . T h e c ard pat t er is activated by the punch pusher. Punch Drag Button The punch drag button (Figure 2-9) is activated by the punch pus her and drags against the card, prev ent ing it f r o m overshooting the c olumn one regis t rat ion point when the punch pusher stops. Punch Pres s ure Rolls. Punch Pus her Af t er the c ard has been deliv ered to the pre-punc h s t at ion by the read nudge roll, t he punch pusher (Figure 2-9) pushes the c ard int o the punch station, regis t ering it wit h c olumn one under the punches. The punch pres s ure rolls are rais ed at t his t ime to p e r mi t ent ry of the c ard. Th e punch pusher is operated by a CF cam.. The punch pres s ure rolls (Figure 2-10) are opened during the t ime the c ard is being regis t ered at the punch s t at ion and are permit t ed to c los e (under s pring tension) af t er the c ard is regis t ered. Th e s e pres s ure rolls f orc e the c ard against the punch feed wheels whic h move the c ard during punching operat ions . When another c ard feed cycle is init iat ed, t h e rolls are again opened to permit ejec t ion of the c ard. T h e punch pres s ure rolls are operat ed by a CF c am.. Front Pressure Roll Assembly Push Rod. \\. ʻ • 1 1"oeʻwg , r ;, 0 ,. Rear Pressure Ro1.1Assembly. Rear Punch Feed Wheel. Front Punch Feed Wheel Operating Link Push Rod. , P. Figure 2 -1 0 . P u n c h Pressure Rol l s and Feed Wheels. (ot .. 2-11.

(20) Punch Feed Wheels The punc h feed wheels (Figure 2-10) operat e in c onjunc t ion wit h the punch pres s ure r o l l s to advance the c ard during punching operations. T h e punch feed wheels are driv en by the inc rement al driv e mec hanis m. T h l out er c irc umf erenc e of the wheels is c onstructed of rough mat erial to f ac ilit at e gripping the card. Read Ejec t Rolls The read eject r o l l s (Figure 2-9) mov e the c ard f r o m the punch s t at ion into the punch eject r o l l s during c ard feeding operations. T h e read ejec t. pres s ure r o l l is permit t ed to c los e on the c ard during the early part of the cycle, c aus ing the read eject r o l l to ejec t the c ard. T h e operat ion of the read eject pres s ure r o l l is c ont rolled by a c am on the CF camshaft. Punch Ejec t Rolls The punch eject r o l l s (Figure 2-11) rec eiv e the c ard f r o m the punch s t at ion af t er it is ejected by the read eject rolls . T h e y then deliv er it to t he s t ac k er c ornering station. T h e punch eject pres s ure r o l l is permit t ed to c los e on the c ard af t er the read eject rolls have had t ime to deliv er it , and remains closed on the c ard f or the ma j o r part of the cycle. T h e t ime. Jam Switch Jam Bar Stacker Select Magnet Card Guide. 'at) Card Movement Punch Eject Pressure Roll Operating Arm Punch Eject Pressure Roll. Stacker S t a c k e r T r a n s p o r t Pus her Rolls A r m. ott. Cornering Station Guide Rail. Wedge Stop. •. Punch Elect Roll Cornering Station Guide & Backstop Operating Lever. — 4). "A*) Figure 2 -1 1 . S t a c k e r Corneri ng Stati on and Trans port. 2-12.

(21) at whic h the c ard leaves the punch eject rolls depends on the c ardt s pos it ion in the punch station when the c ard feed cycle begins. I f the c ard is not punched at all, t he read eject rolls mus t feed the c ard f or s ome distance bef ore it reaches the punch eject rolls . I f , howev er, 8 0 columns of the c ard have been punched, the c ard is already well under the punch eject pres s ure r o l l when the c ard feed cycle begins. The operat ion of the punch eject pres s ure r o l l is c ont rolled by a CF cam.. Stacker Cornering Station The s t ac k er c ornering station (Figure 2-11) rec eiv es the c ard f r o m the punch eject rolls and feeds it int o the fi r s t s et of stacker t rans port rolls . T h e s t ac k er t rans port rolls deliv er the c ard to one of the stackers. Wedge Stop The wedge stop (Figure 2-11) stops the c ard af t er it is releas ed f rom the punch eject rolls . W h e n the leading edge of the c ard enters the v -s haped s lot in the wedge stop, t he t railing edge of the c ard f alls behind the c ornering station backstop, r e s u l t i n g in the c ard being aligned wit h the s t ac k er t rans port rolls . The v -s hape of the s lot in the wedge stop has a cushioning effect on c ard mot ion, reduc ing c ard r e bound. Stacker Cornering Pus her The s t ac k er c ornering pusher (Figure 2-11) pushes the c ard int o the fi r s t s et of continuously running stacker feed rolls af t er the c ard has s et t led in the c ornering station. Th e s e pushers are operat ed by a CI ' c am. Stacker Trans port The s t ac k er t rans port mec hanis m (Figure 2-11) r e ceives the c ard f rom the s t ac k er c ornering station and deliv ers it to a stacker. Stacker Trans port Rolls Four sets of continuously running t rans port rolls (Figure 2-11) are prov ided to mov e the c ard to the stacker area.. on the tape wi l l cause the s wit c h to t rans f er. W h e n the s wit c h t rans f ers it signals a malf unc t ion in the t rans port area to the mac hine. Stacker Select Magnet The s t ac k er s elec t magnet (Figure 2-11) ma y be p r o vided on mac hines equipped wit h more t han one stacker. I t selects whic h of the s t ac k ers wi l l rec eiv e the c ard being transported. Figure 2-11 illus t rat es the operat ion of the stacker select mec hanis m. W h e n the magnet is de-energiz ed, the c ard passes under the lower c ard guide int o the normal stacker. W h e n the magnet is energiz ed, t he extension on the armat ure pushes the l o we r c ard guide below the c ard line, and the c ard is s ent to t he select stacker. T o prev ent int erf erenc e wit h the c ards , t he armat ure extension operates agains t an area of the l o we r c ard guide not in the c ard path. Stacker The s t ac k er (Figure 2-12) rec eiv es c ards horiz ont ally f r o m the t rans port mechanism. T h e dis t anc e f r o m the t op of the radial guide as s embly to the l i p of the c ard-piv ot ledge as s embly is les s than the lengt h of a c ard. O n e end of the c ard is held by the c ard-piv ot ledge as s embly while the opposite end, guided by the guide as s embly , f alls . When the c ard approaches the radial c ard guide as s embly , t he c ard f alls f r o m the l i p of the c a r d pivot ledge assembly. T h e c ard stops wit h one end on the c ard aligner lev er and the opposite end on the c ard deck s upport , o r on the c ard prev ious ly stacked. Spring tension supports the c ard aligner lev er unt il s ev eral c ards have accumulated. T h e weight of the ac c umulat ed c ards ov erc omes the s pring t ens ion supporting the c ard aligner lev er and lowers the group of cards int o the c ard pusher s lide. The c ard pus her os c illat es f r o m f ront to bac k by action of the ec c ent ric shaft. T h e bot t oms of the. Cord Pivot Ledge Asm. Ledge Spring. Cord Retaining Lever. Radial Card Guide Assembly. Eccentric to Joggle Cords to Front of Machine. Cord Deck Support. J am Bar The j a m bar (Figure 2-11) detects jams i n the s t ac k er t rans port area. I f a c ard is defl ec t ed f r o m the n o r mal c ard path, i t contacts the j a m tape. T h e j a m tape and j a m s wit c h are so adjusted that a s light pres s ure. Cord Aligner Lever. Stocker Stop Switch. Cord Pusher Slide. Figure 2 -1 2 . S t a c k e r Operati on. 2-13.

(22) cards a r e work ed f orward and the c ards are stacked against t he c ard-dec k support. T h i s ac t ion c ontinues unt il the c ard-dec k s upport moves f ar enough out to operat e the s t ac k er-s t op switch.. enters both slots. N e a r the end of the reading t ime f or that part ic ular c olumn light again enters only one of the s lot s . Th e s e pulses are sent to a mp l i fi e r c irc uit s in the mac hine whic h amplif y t hem and shape them int o s quare waves.. READ STATI ON DUMMY READ STATI ON • T h e read s t at ion reads c ards phot oelec t ric ally . The dummy read s t at ion is used in place of the read station on those mac hines ut iliz ing the SRP whic h do not read cards.. • C a r d s are read s erially .. The dummy read station is s i mi l a r in c ons t ruc t ion to the n o r ma l read s t at ion but is not equipped wit h the read mas k and has only one read phot oc ell (in the 11 punch pos it ion). T h i s phot oc ell is used to detect the presence of cards in the dummy read station.. The read s t at ion (Figure 2-13) consists bas ic ally of 13 photocells and 13 fi ber bundles whic h t rans mit light f rom a c ent ral light source. T w e l v e of the fi ber bundles and photocells are used to read i n f or mat ion f r om the c ard and one of the fi ber bundles and photocells is used to detect the presence of c ards at the punch station. When c ard c olumns in the c ard passing through the read s t at ion are blank , no light f rom the light source can reac h the phot oc ells , but when the c ard c olumns are punched, l i g h t passes f r o m the light source t hrough the holes in the c ard to the photocells. W h e n the light s t rik es the phot oc ells , t hey emit an impuls e (Figure 2-14). T h e pec uliar shape of the puls e f r o m the phot oc ell is caused by the t wo slots in the phot oc ell mask. W h e n the read station fi rs t begins t o read a punch in a c ard, l i g h t enters only one of the slots. A s the c ard progres s es , l i g h t ev ent ually. LI GHT SOURCE • O n e c ent ral light source prov ides light f or all SRP phot oelec t ric functions. • L i g h t is channeled f rom the light source t o the v arious areas of the SRP by bundles of glass fi bers .. The light source (Figure 2-15) consists of a projec tion lamp and 14 fi ber bundles used to t rans mit the light f rom the l a mp to v arious areas of the SRP. T h e. Read Station Closed. Read Station Open. Read. R. e. - - - - Head L i Assembly. a. d. g h t. Station Input Uni t. Read Photocell Light Sources Read Feed ,----- Wheel. Read Pressure Rol l. Read Emitter Disk. Punch Card Lever Light Source Read Head Assembly. Read M ---- Clutch. a. Photocel s lk. 4*A.) Figure 2 -1 3 . R e a d Station. 2-14.

(23) 14 fi ber bundles are made up into t wo light t rans mit t ing cables. The e mi t t e r bundle cable t rans mit s light to the read emit t er. T h e 13-pos it ion bundle t rans mit s light to the read station where i t prov ides light f or the c ard reading and punch c ard lev er phot oc ells . 1. Fi b e r bundles t rans mit light t hrough a group of glass fi bers whic h are t ight ly bundled together. Fi b e r bundle cables are t erminat ed in met al f errules .. 1st Slot oth Slots Lost Slot. The pos it ion of the fi ber bundle ends wit h res pec t to the light source lamp is adjustable. T h e v olt age to the light source lamp is als o adjustable t o c ompensate f or lamp aging.. Fi gure 2 -1 4 . R e a d Data Pulse. Read Station Light Input Unit. Read Emitter Phototransistor Assembly. 13 Position Bundle Emitter Bundle. Light Source Lamp. Figure 2 -1 5 . L i g h t Source. 2-15.

(24) PUNCH UNI T • T h e punch unit is capable of s erially punching cards at a max imum rat e of 160 c olumns per second. • T h e punch unit consists p r i ma r i l y of 12 punches, 12 int erpos ers , 12 magnet s , a hold c oil, and t hree continuously running f unc t ional cams. •. A punch emit t er is prov ided to s ignal the mac hine when the punch unit is c orrec t ly positioned f or impuls ing the punch magnets.. Figure 2-16 illus t rat es the operat ion of the punch unit: 1. P u n c h c am, res t ore c am, and int erpos er c am rotate in synchronism. 2. H o l d c oil (continuously energized) s urrounds a l l 12 int erpos er c oils and keeps a l l 12 i n t er posers attracted. 3. C o n t r o l l i n g unit energizes required int erpos er coil(s) at t ime indic at ed by punch emit t er. 4. C u r r e n t in selected int erpos er c oils generates magnet ic fi eld t hat cancels fi eld of hold c oil, releas ing int erpos er. 5. R e l e a s e d int erpos er(s ) moves between punch bail and punch(es). 6. P u n c h bail f ollows punch c am and c lamps int erpos er(s ) between punch(es) and punch bail. 7. I n t e r p o s e r c oil is de-energiz ed by c ont rolling unit at t ime s ignalled by punch emit t er. 8. C a r d is punched. 9. R e s t o r e c am and int erpos er c am res t ore punch and int erpos er(s ). 10. I n t e r p o s e r ( s ) ret urning to int erpos er c ell(s ) generates impuls e(s ) in int erpos er c oil(s ).. Punch Corn Interposer (12) Punch Boil Hold Coil. Interposer Coil (12). Figure 2 -1 6 . P u n c h Un i t Operati on. 2-16. Restore Corn. Restore Lever (12) Punch (12). These echo pulses are used by the c ont rolling unit to check punch unit operation. Figure 2-17 illus t rat es the punch unit wit h all c omponent part s in place. T h e c ard being punched passes between the die and the upper c ard guide and is mov ed by the punch feed wheels. T h e punch feed wheels are driv en by the inc rement al driv e unit. T h e punch unit and inc rement al driv e unit mus t be kept in t ime wit h each ot her to ens ure t hat the c ard wi l l not be moved while being punched. Figures 2-18a t hrough 2-18d illus t rat e a t y pic al punching cycle. P u n c h emit t er 1 t ime indic at es to the mac hine the c orrec t t ime f or impuls ing the punch magnets. I t also indic at es when the punch echo i mpulse f r o m the prev ious punch cycle is av ailable. Punch emit t er 2 t ime indic at es the end of the period of t ime in whic h the punch magnets can be impuls ed. The inc rement al driv e emit t er is als o illus t rat ed to show the t i mi n g relat ions hip between the punch unit and inc rement al driv e. T h e inc rement al driv e emit t er t imings shown wi l l be more meaningf ul af t er reading the "I nc rement al Driv e Un i t " section of this manual. I NCRE ME NTA L DRI VE UNI T • T h e inc rement al driv e unit moves the c ard during punching operations. • T h e inc rement al unit is c ont rolled by lat c h magnets. Th e s e magnets are impuls ed by the mac hine t o cause c ard movement.. • T h e c orrec t t ime f or impuls ing the inc rement al driv e magnets is indic at ed to the mac hine by the inc rement al driv e emit t er.. The inc rement al driv e unit (Figure ' -19) i n t e r mit t ent ly driv es the punch feed wheels whic h move the c ard t hrough the punch station during punching operations. During punching operat ions , t he c ard in the punch station mus t be mov ed only between punching cycles, and mus t be held mot ionles s while the holes are being punched. A n inc rement al driv e emit t er is prov ided to s ignal the c orrec t t ime f or impuls ing the i n c r e ment al driv e magnets. T h i s emit t er is t imed to t he punch unit to maint ain the proper t iming relat ions hip between the punch unit and inc rement al driv e. The inc rement al driv e unit consists bas ic ally of: 1. T w o continuously running cams, eac h having two high and t wo low lobes. Th e s e c ams are t imed 180* out of phase; when the upper c am is on a high lobe, t he lower c am is on a low lobe..

(25) r -C .. Interposer Guide Comb. Wick Mounting Bracket. Interposer. Punch Cam. Hold Coil Individual Interposer Magnets Interposer Magnet Assembly. Punch Bail Housing Punch Restore Cam Restore Lever. Interposer Cam. Restore Lever Spring Assembly. Interposer Spr i ng...- - Assembly --r. Restore Lever Assembly. Upper Card Guide Plate Grease Wick Punch Return Spring Punch Die Punch Feed Wheel. Figure 2 -1 7 . P u n c h Uni t Assembly. (ow. Punch Stop Comb.

(26) Punch CB 1. • • • • •. Punch I n c r e m e n t a l Emitter D r i v e Dirk E m i t t e r Disk Punch Cain. CB A. I ncrement al drive latch A or B impulsed (illustration assumes B impulsed). Punch cam on high dwell. N o punching occurring. I nt erposer armatures held by hold coil. I nt erposer magnets not yet impulsed.. • • • • •. Punch Emitter 1 impulse signals interposer magnets ready t ube impulsed. Select ed interposer magnets are energized. I nt erposer cam on high dwell. Punch cam on low dwell. Restore cam on high dwell.. 5. \ 0 • Punch cam moves to low dwell. • Punches restored by restore cam. • Interposers restored by interposer cam and held by hold coil. • Car d moved to next column by incremental drive. NOTE: Punch echo signals are provided when selected interposers are restored. Punch CB I signals when echo signals are available.. • Select ed interposers follow interposer cam. • I nt erposer moves between punch bail and punch. • Car d is punched when punch cam reaches high dwell. • Restore cam on low dwell. • increment al drive latch A impulsed (no card movement has yet occurred). NOTE Selecrect interposer magnets were de-energized at Punch CB 2 time.. oB. Time (MS) Incremental Drive CB A. 4.68 C .. i. Punch Index. 1.560 •. Restore Cam. 18.72. 20 700 • 9.880 •. 120* 1 5 0 ' 1 8 0 ' I Punch Punch at Re I Bottomed. 030* 0 6 0 ' 0 9 0 '. 50* High Dwell A. 1. V. . •. 1. 2. 0. 22.360 •. 233.5* A. v. 95*. 6. II 210' 2 4 0 * 270* 3 0 0 * 3 3 0 * 3 6 0 * 030' 0 6 0 ' 090*. 113.5*. High Dwell. 23.40. I 7.200 •. 3.640 •. Punch Cam Motion Interposer Cam. 14 04 12.480 •. 6.240 •. Incremental Drive CB B Punch CB 1 Emitter Punch CB 2 Emitter. I)9. 36. A. 353 5* A. 215' V. A. 113 5* A. V. 250. V. 170'. 335* V. V. 50* A. 95* V. Low Dwell Card Movement. Figure 2 -1 8 . P u n c h Uni t Operati on. 2-18. -.

(27) 2. T w o c am f ollower arms . W h e n these arms are not latched, t hey are permit t ed to f ollow the continuously running cams and i mp a r t mot ion to the rat c het wheel.. 4. A continuously running ec c ent ric c am whic h moves t wo inc rement al driv e pawls , at t ac hed to the c am f ollower arms , alt ernat ely in and out of the rat c het wheel.. 3. A rat c het wheel whic h is attached to the punch feed wheels. T h i s wheel is mov ed by the c am f ollower arms when they are unlatched. W h e n not being moved, t he rat c het wheel is held s t at ionary by a detent.. 5. T w o lat c h arms whic h when not at t rac t ed to t heir c orres ponding magnet as s emblies p r e vent the c am f ollower arms f r o m f ollowing the cams.. SIDE A Cam Follower Arm I T. Incremental Drive Pawls Ratchet Wheel. 6. A n emit t er whic h prov ides t imed impuls es used t o s ignal the c orrec t t ime f o r impuls ing the lat c h magnets.. SIDE B Cam Follower Arm Upper Cam. Figure 2-20 prov ides a more det ailed illus t rat ion of the inc rement al driv e unit. N o t e t hat the gears whic h driv e the inc rement al driv e c ams and ec c ent ric are. Latch A. Lower Cam. Eccentric Incremental Drive Emitter Disk. It Latch B• Incremental Inc remental Drive • D ri v e Emitter 1 (A ) Emitter 2 (8). driv en by a gear on the punch unit int erpos er c am. This ensures that the inc rement al driv e unit wi l l r e main in t ime wit h the punch unit. Figures 2-21a t hrough 2-21e illus t rat e the operat ion of the inc rement al driv e unit. N o t e t hat the c ard can be mov ed at three dif f erent t imes during each punch index cycle. T h i s is necessary because i t is possible f or the punch unit to punch at t hree dif f erent t imes in each punch index cycle.. DUMMY PUNCH UNI T The dummy punch unit replac es the punc h unit in machines whic h use the SRP mec hanis m to read cards only. Figure 2-22 shows the dummy punch s t at ion i n s t alled in the SRP. N o t e t hat an i d l e r pulley is p r o vided in place of the punch c am driv e pulley . T h i s permit s us ing the s ame mot or driv e belt f or SRP's wit h the punch unit and SRP's wit h the d u mmy punch station.. EMI TTERS • T h e t R P inc orporat es t hree magnet ic emit t ers : c ard feed emit t er, punch emit t er, inc rement al driv e emit t er. • M a g n e t i c emit t ers prov ide t imed impuls es used t o indic at e the pos it ion of c ert ain SRP mec hanic al units.. Figure 2 -1 9 .. Inc remental Dri v e Un i t. • T h e SRP read emit t er is a phot oelec t ric emit t er.. 2-1,.9.

(28) fp. 450 ,•,:&1 4 !•••,_. Amt) Figure 2 -2 0 . I n c re m e n t a l Dri v e Un i t Assembly. 2-20.

(29) cw". 0. Incremental Drive CB (A). Control Circuits i. Side A. "111111i 1111111. Cam Follower Arm. Incremental Drive Pawls. Side B Upper Cam D. ••••••. Latch Latch A. Lower Cam. Ratchet Wheel E c c e n t r i c. Cans Follower A r e s. r. i • • • • •. v. Incremental e CB (B). Cor n follower arms A and B are latched. I ncrement al drive pawls alternately enter and leave ratchet wheel. Rat chet ' wheel does not rotate. Lat c h magnet A impulsed at CB A time. Lat c h does not immediately trip because of inherent electrical and mechanical delay.. Side A C : ). Side A C : ). Side B. Side B. 4. tts. 1 Control Circuits 4. • Cam follower arm rol lows lower cam under spring tension. • Rat chet wheel rotates - moving card one column.. • Lower corn is on high dwell. • I ncrement al drive pawl enters ratchet wheel. • C am follower arm is unlatched from latch A. NOTE: I f continuous operation (incrementing) is desired, lat ch B magnet is impulsed at this time.. Side A. Side A Side B. Side B. < L, 2. 2. 4. A i r. 2. 1. 1. • S ide A incremental drive pawl leaves ratchet wheel. • S i d e B incremental drive pawl enters ratchet wheel. • S i d e A corn follower arm begins restoration. NOTE: F or continuous operation, lat ch B would be tripped at this time as a result of the latch magnet being impulsed. •. Punch Index Incremental Drive CB A. r-. Incremental Drive CB B Upper Incremental Drive Cam Lower Incremental Drive Cam. Figure 2 21. I n c r e m e n t a l D. • I ncrement al drive pawl A enters ratchet wheel. • Lower'carn moving to high dwell. • Cam follower arm relatches on latch A or stays unlatched if latch magnet A was previously energized to continuously increment card.. 0* 30* 6 0 0 9 0 ' 1 2 0 * . 1 5 0 0 OM 151* 343* 1 8 0 ° 103' 1 2 0 ° 2 1 0 Latching Point 0 231* 2 4 .... 223' 271° 0 *31' H i Lotchin Card 2 7* g h Movement . 0Point°L D . 111* o w 3 we l 0 Dl 0 w ° e 3 l 3 l 0 " 0 ° 3 0. 11.1 120 . *. 31*. 111° 103'. 15. 351''. 2-21.

(30) Machine With Dummy Punch Uni t. Punch Uni t. Stac ers. Machine With Dummy Punch Uni t (Rear). Figure 2 -2 2 . D u m m y Punch Uni t. Magnetic Emit t ers. Emitter P e r m a n e n t Disk M a g n e t. CB-1. Magnetic emit t ers operate on the princ iple t hat c urrent is induced in a c oil of wire when a magnet ic fi eld passes t hrough the c oil. F i g u r e 2-23 illus t rat es the operat ion of the type of magnet ic emit t ers used by the SRP. A permanent magnet, mount ed in a rot at ing dis k , prov ides a mov ing magnetic fi eld. A s the p e r manent magnet passes near a fi x ed c oil, mount ed in close pr o x i mi t y to the dis k , a pulse of c urrent is i n duced. T h i s pulse is then amplifi ed, s haped int o a square wav e, and used by the mac hine as a t iming pulse. Card Feed E mi t t e r The c ard feed emit t er (Figure 2-23) prov ides impuls es used by the mac hine to det ermine the pos it ion of cards wit hin the SRP feed. T h e t e r m CB, applied to the c oils , i s a c arry ov er f r om prev ious mac hines t hat used contact type Ci r c u i t Break ers t o prov ide these t imed impuls es . T h e c ard feed emit t er dis k is attached to the c ard feed camshaft and is t heref ore c ont rolled by the c ard feed clutch.. 1 E CB-2 C B-2 C o i l C B m i t t Figuree 2 -2 r 3 . C a r d Feed E mi tter. -. 3. C. B. -. 4. 2-22. Ay).

(31) co• Punch E mi t t e r The punc h emit t er (Figure 2-24) is mount ed on the punch unit and prov ides t imed impuls es t hat indicate the pos it ion of c ert ain mec hanis ms in the punch unit. Note t hat the punch emit t er dis k contains t hree magnets. T h i s c orresponds to the t hree s eparate punching t imes possible f or each rev olut ion of the punch c ams . T h e punch emit t er dis k is attached direc t ly to the punch cam. I mp u l s e s prov ided by the punch emit t er s ignal the beginning and end of the c orrec t t ime f or impuls ing the punch magnets and also s ignal when punch echo impuls es are av ailable.. I nc rement al Driv e Emit t er. Read Emit t er The read emit t er (Figure 2-25) prov ides t imed i mpulses used to indic at e to the mac hine the c orrec t t ime f or sensing data pulses f r o m the read phot oc ells . T h e read emit t er is not prov ided on mac hines unequipped to read cards. The e mi t t e r consists, bas ic ally , o f a light source (fi ber bundle), a phot oc ell, and an emit t er dis k whic h is driv en by the read clutch. S l o t s are c ut in the dis k to c orres pond to the read t ime f o r c ard c olumns . The dis k is adjusted to cause the fi r s t s lot to pass between the light source and the phot oc ell half way through the fi rs t c olumn read t ime. L i g h t then passes t hrough the s lot and causes the phot oc ell to emit an impuls e. T h e impuls e emit t ed is shaped, amplifi ed, and used by the mac hine f or t i mi n g O t h e r slots i n the dis k c orres pond to ot her c ard c olumns. The inc rement al driv e emit t er (Figure 2-24) prov ides t imed impuls es whic h indicate t o the mac hine the c orrec t t ime f or impuls ing the inc rement al driv e magnets. T h e inc rement al driv e emit t er contains t wo permanent magnets and is attached direc t ly to the inc rement al driv e upper camshaft.. Punch Emitter Disk. ruN r'. Punch Emitter I Read Clutch Incremental Drive Emitter I (A ). Mounting Plate. Photocell. Read Peed Wheel Emitter Disk. Emitter Bundle From Light Source. Incremental Drive Emitter Disk Incremental Drive Emitter 2 (6). Locking Screw. Phototronsistor Housing Block. Set Screw. Figure 2 -2 4 .. Punch and Inc remental Dri v e Emi tters. Figure 2 -2 5 . R e a d E mi tter. 2-23.

(32) I. V. I.

(33) CHAPTER M. T H E O R Y OF OPERATI ON. • P e r m i t remov ing the c ards f r o m the feed wit hout processing them.. I NTRODUCTI ON. .. This c hapt er explains the int erf ac e lines between the 1442 and the proc es s ing unit. Des c ript ions of lines are grouped by the f unc t ion the line perf orms . Sequential des c ript ions of the operat ions p e r f ormed by the 1442-5, 6, 7 are not inc luded in this chapter. T h e sequence of operat ion depends, p r i ma r i l y , o n the using system, bec aus e a l l logic c irc uit s f or the 1442 are contained in the proc es s ing unit t o whic h the 1442 is attached. De t a i l e d , s equent ial des c ript ions are prov ided in I / O attachment manuals f or the us ing system.. • S i g n a l e r r o r conditions to the proc es s ing unit. • C o n t r o l the use met er. 1442 Model 5 Output Lines To Proc es s ing Unit (Figure 3-1). + St art Key N- 0 indicates that the s t art key has been operated. T h i s line s ignals the proc es s ing unit that t he operat or wishes to place the 1442-5 in the ready condition.. START/ STOP CI RCUI TS • C o n t r o l the 1442 driv e mot or. • P l a c e the 1442 i n the ready condition. • R e m o v e the 1442 f r o m the ready condition.. + Stop Key N-C indicates that the stop key is i n it s normal position. W h e n the stop key is operat ed the line drops , s ignaling the proc es s ing unit that the operat or wants t o stop the 1442-5 and remov e it f r o m ready condition.. All switchs on ALD page PU 310 unless otherwise indicated.. 1. Start • C P A • 74* •. A. + Stop Key N -C Stop + NPRO Key N -C NPRO •. + NPRO KEY N - 0 + Stacker Jam Sw N -C. Stacker Jam *. •. + Hopper Empty Sw N -C. • Hopper Empty*. •. Ov Switch Common. + Start Key N - 0. +Combined Attention. • •. • • Chip Box Ou t. A. • V' , Interl oc k * Cover • 1r Motor Hold S t a c Relay Thermostat PU 300 k e • r F u * These switchs are normally transferred. l. Processing Unit. I3ox Full. + Cover Closed Thermal 1 , •. 1 1 >> •J1 •I 1 1 1. Thermal 2. >> 0 >>. Motor Hold Relay N -C. >>. l Figure 3 -1 , 1 4 4 2 Model 5 Start/Stop Output Signals. 3-1.

(34) + NPRO Key n-C/ ± NPRO Key N- 0 indic at e the pos it ion of the NPRO key. W h e n the NPRO key is operated, t he lines s ignal the proc es s ing unit that the operat or wants to remov e the c ards in the 1442 f eed wit hout proc es s ing them. T h e p r o cessing unit requires that c ards be remov ed f rom the hopper bef ore it wi l l perf orm the non-proc es s runout.. exceeds 120* F, t he t hermal s wit c h opens, i n d i cating to t he proc es s ing unit that the 1442 is overheating. Mot or Hold Relay N- C indic at es that the mot or hold relay has been de-activated.. + Stacker J am Sw N- C indicates that a c ard jam has oc c urred in the stacker t rans port area. T h e s wit c h is n o r ma l l y held t rans f erred but when a c ard in the s t ac k er t rans port moves outside the normal c ard path, i t touches a jam tape, a l l o wing the n/ c contacts of the j a m s wit c h to close.. Input Lines Fr o m Proc es s ing Unit (Figure 3-2) -Mot or Relay Select energiz es the mot or relay . The mot or relay activates the driv e mot or.. - Execute Command energiz es the mot or hold relay s . Af t er the line is de-ac t iv at ed, mo t o r hold relay K3 is held f or an addit ional 30 seconds by the dis c harge of a c apac it or t hrough a relay c oil and a pot ent iomet er.. + Hopper Empt y Sw N- C indicates that the hopper is empty. T h e s wit c h is i n the t rans f erred pos it ion when the hopper contains c ards . + Combined At t ent ion Sw, when dropped, indic at es that one of the f ollowing has oc c urred: 1. Th e stacker has fi lled t o capacity, c aus ing the s t ac k er-f ull s wit c h to t rans f er.. The pot ent iomet er is used f or adjus t ing the amount of t ime the relay remains energiz ed af t er the execute c ommand line is de-ac t iv at ed. This t ime period permit s the 1442 driv e mot or to be c ont inuous ly energiz ed when a s eries of c los ely -t imed commands is rec eiv ed. O v e r heating, wh i c h would oc c ur i f the driv e mot or had to be res t art ed f or each c ommand, i s p r e vented.. 2,. The c hip box is eit her f ull or not c orrec t ly positioned, c aus ing the c hip box f ull or c hip box out s wit c h to t rans f er. + Cov er I nt erloc k indicates that the c ov er is closed. 1442 Th e r ma l 1/1442 Th e r ma l 2 lines are normally c ommoned t hrough the n/ c points of the t hermal switch. I f the t emperat ure in the SLT gate. - 1442 Met er Go energizes the process met er relay . This relay causes the process met er t o run.. AR). Motor Relay. - Motor Relay Select. - Pick Motor Relay. PU 300 + 24 vdc. Motor Hold Relay - Pick Motor Hold Relay r t K2 11 P U 300 + E x Processing e Unit c 24 v Commor6 u t e C o m 110 m Meter + 6 v Supply > 1 a P••- 1442 Meter Go Pick Meter Relay ' n d , Figure 3 -2 , 1 4 4 !2 Model 5 Start/Stop Input Signals k l l 3-2 M D • 1. ) + 24 vdc K2 PU 300 + 24 vdc Process Meter Relay. 1 •. P U 300. r ..

(35) 1442 Models 6 and 7 Output Lines To Proc es s ing Unit Note t hat all lines, (See Figure 3-3) except the stacker j a m s w line, are active only when the c ov er int erloc k s wit c h is closed.. - St ac k er J am Sw indicates a c ard jam in the s t ac k er t rans port area. T h i s s wit c h is n o r ma l l y held t rs ns f erred. I f a c ard in the s t ac k er t rans port leaves the normal c ard path, i t contacts a jam tape, wh i c h causes the n/ o contacts of the j a m s wit c h to break contact. Input f rom Proc es s ing Unit (Figure 3-4). cwt . 'r. -. + St art Swit c h indicates that the s t art key has been pressed, and the stop key, s t ac k er f ull switch, and c hip box switches are all in t heir n o r ma l positions. T h i s line s ignals the proc es s ing unit that the operat or wants to place the 1442-6, 7 i n a ready condition.. - Mo t o r Relay activates the mot or relay , c aus ing the 1442 driv e mot or to be activated.. - Stop Swit c h indicates that the s t op s witch, s t ac k er f ull switch, o r a chip box s wit c h has been operated. This line signals the proc es s ing unit to remov e the 1442 f r o m the ready condition. + NPRO Switch indicates that the NPRO key was pressed, t he stop key is in its normal pos it ion, and the hopper contact is c los ed (empt y hopper). This line signals the proc es s ing unit that the operat or wants to remov e the c ards f r o m the 1442 feed wit hout processing t hem (non-proc es s runout). + Hopper Empt y Sw indicates that the hopper contains no c ards . Idle Relay Contact indicates that the idle relay is activated.. - SRP Busy whic h work s wit h the idle relay as an idle c ont rol c irc uit , i s maint ained at a minus lev el while the 1442 is busy, and ret urns t o a plus lev el when the 1442 i s not busy. W h e n the line goes to a plus lev el, t he idle relay d r i v e r c irc uit is activated and activates the pic k c irc uit of the idle relay . The idle relay has a built -in delay of 15 s ec onds. I f the SRP busy line remains at a plus lev el (indic at ing SRP not busy) f or 15 seconds, the idle relay picks, i t s n/ c point s open, a n d an idle relay contact s ignal is sent to the proc es s ing unit. T h e proc es s ing unit responds t o t his s i g nal by de-ac t iv at ing the mot or relay line and the 1442 driv e mot or. The idle c ont rol c irc uit c ont rols the driv e mot or. I f the 1442 perf orms operat ions wit hin 15 seconds of each other, t he driv e mot or runs continuously; thus, prev ent ing successive r e s t art s of the driv e mot or whic h would cause the mot or t o overheat.. All switches on AID page RP 101. NPRO Stop. + NPRO Switch. 470 0. 7. Hopper. 2200 Stir Full Chip Box Full. Stop. Chip Box Out. Hopper EmptyE m tySwitch 1 . 1 p. Start •. 1 1. 4700. *Start Switch. 470. - Stop Switch. 104. 12 K + > > -0—'\ AAAy — •. Processing Unit. Chip Box To chip box indector driver.. Cover Interlock* +12v. Idle. • • SMr. Jam.. 470 0 •\./ \Atv „ i d01.> l e Relay Contact 4700. -. Stacker Jam Switch. 1•4. • These switches normolly held in transferred condition.. Figure 3 -3 . 1 4 4 2 Models 6 and 7 S tart/S top Output Signals. 3-3.

(36) - SRP Proc es s Met er activates the process met er • r e l a y , wh i c h activates the process met er. CARD FEEDI NG CI RCUI TS • T h e proc es s ing unit s t art s the c ard feed cycle by ac t iv at ing the 1442 c ard feed c lut c h magnet. • W h i l e c ards are mov ing t hrough the feed, t he 1442 s ignals t heir positions t hrough lines activated by phot ot rans is t ors and the c ard feed emit t er.. 1442 Model 5 (Figure 3-5) Input Lines Fr o m Proc es s ing Unit Feed Cl u Select activates the c ard feed c lut c h magnet. T h i s causes the c ard feed clutch to engage and advance all c ards i n the feed one c ard station. Output Lines To Proc es s ing Unit During a c ard feed cycle the f ollowing s ignals are developed and sent to the proc es s ing unit. T h e proc es s ing unit uses t hem to det ermine the pos it ion of cards i n the feed and to detect feeding malf unc tions.. FCB 1, F C B 2, F C B 3, and FCB 4 signal the pos it ion of the c ard feeding mec hanis m at f our d i f f erent c y c le points. P u l s e s are emit t ed at s pec ifi ed t imes (Figure 3-5).. Read Station SC 1 Exposed; Ac t iv at ed by the number 11 phot ot rans is t or in the sense s t at ion, det ec t s the mov ement of c ards t hrough the sense s t at ion.. The line is ac t iv e when t here is no c ard between the light source and phot ot rans is t or. I f the line is not activated at the right t ime (230' 313"), a c ard feeding malf unc t ion has occ urred. Punch Station SC 2 Ex pos ed is used by the processing unit to detect the proper mov ement of the c ard f r o m the dummy read s t at ion to t he punch station. As c ards mov e f r o m the sense s t at ion to the punch station they pass bet ween the punch c ard lev er phot ot rans is t or and it s light s ourc e. Wh e n the c ard has been f ully regis t ered at t he punch s t ation, t he light f r o m the light s ourc e s t rik es the phot ot rans is t or and the line is activated (305"). The line then stays ac t iv e unt il 50' of the next feed cycle. 1442 Models 6 and 7 ( Fi g u r e 3-6) Input Lines Fr o m Proc es s ing Unit SRP Feed Clut c h activates the c ard feed clutch magnet, c aus ing the c ard feed c lutc h to engage and advance a l l c ards i n the feed one c ard station. Outputs To Proc es s ing Unit The f ollowing s ignals are developed and sent to the proc es s ing unit during a c ard feed cycle. T h e processing unit uses these s ignals t o ddt ermine the pos it ion of cards i n the feed, and to detect feeding malfunctions. Punch Lamp Dark ; As c ards mov e f r o m the read station to the punch station, t hey pass between the punch c ard lev er phot ot rans is t or and it s light source, and activate the punch lamp dark line. T h e t iming of this line is illus t rat ed on the t iming c hart (Figure 3-6).. Motor Relay - Motor Relay AR Id le Relay Processing Unit. - SRP Busy. - SRP Process Meter. AR. ›>. Figure 3 -4 . 1 4 4 2 Models 6 and 7 S tart/S top Input Signals 3 -4. AR. 1 ] .>> • • R Process P Meter Relay 1 [ 1 . 19 RP 191 1 I •.

(37) Feed Clutch ii. P. U. AR MD. •. 309 S. + 24 vdc. - Feed Cl u Select. + Read Station SC 1 Exposed. >>. Spec Read Station ( a m p ) 0 1 Light Source 1 P Spec PU h 301 > > . (amp) oPunch Card Lever Phototransistor t oLight Source Card Feed t Emitter r PU 302 a n s i s t o r. Processing Unit + Punch Station SC 2 Exposed. Pool. + FCB 1. CV. 0-1. + FCB 4 CV. + FCB 3 CV. C. V. 30' 6 0 °. -->. +FCB 2. 9 0 ' 120° 1 5 0 ' 1 8 0 ' 2 1 0 ' 240° 2 7 0 ' 3 0 0 ' 330° 360° 11 I 1 1 . I I 1 . 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 ,. FCB1. 260 °. FCB2. 330' 1355*. FCB3. FCB4 Read Station SC1 Exposed. 50'. Punch Station SC2 Exposed. Figure 3 -5 . 1 4 4 2 Model 5 Card Feed Signals. 2 3 0 °. 313° 305'.

(38) Feed CB I , Fe e d CB 2, Fe e d CB 3, a n d Feed CB 4 lines s ignal the pos it ion of the c ard-f eeding mec hanis m at f our dif f erent cycle points. P u l s e s are emit t ed at the t imes shown on the t i mi n g c hart (Figure 3-6). CARD READI NG CI RCUI TS, MODELS 6 AND 7 • P u n c h e d holes are detected in c ards when light shines t hrough the punched holes and activates read phot ot rans is t ors .. • Out put s f r o m read phot ot rans is t ors are amplifi ed, s haped, and sent to the proc es s ing unit.. • A read emit t er produces impuls es near the middle of the read t ime of each c ard column.. • Re a d emit t er pulses are amplifi ed, shaped, and sent to t he proc es s ing unit.. Feed Clutch. > •. •+. A"). A"). R P 171 AR. A") A"). 12 vdc. + SRP Feed Clutch. RP 121. > >. e P Lever Phototransistor u 5n 1c Card Feed Lh Emitter i C RP 131 a g r h t d S( oa um rp c) e. +Punch Lamp Dark. Spec. Processing Unit + Feed CBI. CV + Feed CB4 CV. + Feed CB3 CV. + Feed CB2 CV. 15° CBI. 0 ' 3 0 ° 6 0 ° 9 0 ° 120* 150° 180° 210° 2 4 0 ' 270° 300° 3 3 0 ° 360° I I i i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. _AI. CB2 CB3 CM Punch Lamp Dark. n II 3 3 35510 '. A") '"). Figure 3 -6 . 1 4 4 2 Models 6 and 7 Card Feed Signals 3-6. A").

(39) Circ uit s used to shape and amplif y the phot ot rans is t or s ignals (Figure 3-7) are des c ribed in Appendix C.. CARD PUNCHI NG CI RCUI TS • P u n c h CBIs t ell the proc es s ing unit when to impuls e punch magnets and when to detect punch echo pulses.. The Model 5 punch c irc uit s (Figure 3-8) are s i mi l a r to the Model 6 and 7 punch c irc uit s (Figure 3-9). The ma i n difference between the t wo is i n the c i r cuits used to amplif y the punch echo pulses. R e f e r to Appendix C. The t i mi n g c hart (Figure 3-10) s hows the t iming relat ions hip between punch magnet pulses and t heir respective echo pulses. I NCRE ME NTA L DRI VE CI RCUI TS • T h e inc rement al driv e emit t er t ells the processing unit when to impuls e the i n c r e ment al driv e magnets.. • P r o c e s s i n g unit activates punch magnets. • C o r r e s p o n d i n g punches punch holes in the card.. • T h e proc es s ing unit activates an inc rement al driv e magnet, c aus ing the c ard t o advance one c olumn.. • P u n c h echo pulses are s ent to the proc es s ing unit.. Read Phototransistors 12-9 RP111 RP121. 1 Spec. 4 1 # 4 4 6. Light Source. (amp) 12 Ckts. -*Read 12 Through +Reod 9 ( 12 Lines ). RP111 RP121. Processing Unit. Phototransistor RP121. + Read Emitter. Spec (amp). Emitter Disk. Column 40. Column 39. + Read Pulse (To Processing Unit) + Read Emitter. rr-. Note. 1. * Note: When reading similar punches in adjacent columns,the amplifier output may not drop between columns as illustrated. Figure 3 -7 . 1 4 4 2 Models 6 and 7 Card Read Signals 3 -7.

(40) A%) AR MD > >. - Punch Magnet 12 Select " 1 1. - Punch Magnet 12. 1 1 1. Processing Unit. 1:1 12 I ] PU 304. 1 1 1 • > > t. 1. PU 303. AR PC. ARMD. AR PC. RP 141. + Punch Echo 12. -Pch Chk Amp 12. - Punch Magnet 9 Select. Punch Magnet 9. + Punch Echo 9 1 1 1 0. Pch Chk Amp 9. + 12 vdc. 5 CV. CV. + Punch CB 1. + Punch CB1 C. V. C. V. 0. + Punch CB 2. RP 131. > P Note: Positions 11-8 not illust rat ed. u n c Figure 3 -9 . 1 4 4 2 Models 6 and 7 Punching hCi rc ui ts C B 2. Punch Magnetic CB's. Punch Magnetic CB's. Note: Positions 11-8 not illust rat ed.. Figure 3 -8 . 1 4 4 2 Model 5 Punching Circuits. The inc rement al driv e c irc uit s f or the Model 5 (Figure 3-11) are s i mi l a r in design and f unc t ion to the Models 6 and 7 c irc uit s (Figure 3-12). T h e main differenc e is in the d r i v e r c irc uit s . S e e Appendix C. Ti mi n g charts of the inc rement al driv e operat ion are prov ided on pages T0002 and TC003 of the 1442 logic diagrams . T h e s e c hart s s how the t i mi n g r e lat ions hip between the inc rement al driv e impuls es and the inc rement al driv e mec hanis ms .. • P r o c e s s i n g unit energizes s t ac k er s elec t magnet. • S t a c k e r s elec t magnet direc t s c ard to the alt ernat e s t ac k er. (Ref er to Figure 3-13). ' 4 6 ) ,. Punch CB 2. Punch Magnet 5 Punch Echo Pulse 5. High l D we il. 1. Po). STACKER SELECT CI RCUI T, MODELS 6 AND 7. Punch CB 1. Interposer Corn. Processing Unit. Low Dwell. Punch Magnet 9. Inter. e r Sealed on Magnet Core. 1. Punch Echo Pulse 9. APS ). NOTE: This illustration shows.° 5 punch in column 1, a 9 punch in column 2, and the punch echo pulses. Figure 3 -1 0 . 1 4 4 2 Punch Operati on Sequence and Ti m i n g. 3-8.



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