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I itt{> : Red

13.3 Selecting Setup Features

13.6.9 XON/XOFF

This feature controls the genera,tion of the XOFF (default, OC3) and XON (default, OCl) synchronization codes. These codes ensure that data from the host computer is not lost •. With Auto XON/XOFF enabled,

the XOFF code is transmitted under any of these conditions:

o The receive FIFO buffer is almost full.

o You press CTRL-S.

The XON code is automatically generated to resume host transmission under any

Raster Technologies Model One/IO Introduction and Installation Guide

o The receive FIFO buffer is almost empty and an XOFF code was sent.

o You press CTRL-Q.

The XON and XOFF codes are Model One/IO special characters and can be

. changed with the SPCHAR command.

13.6.10 Newline

'The Newline feature controls line feeds. with ~ew1ine disabled (default) pressing RETURN generates only the CR (Carriage Return) code. With this feature enabled, pressing RETURN generates both the CR and the LF (Line Feed) codes.

You can also disable/enable this feature with the host with escape sequences (see Sections and

13.6.11 Autowrap

. Autowrap determines whether or not, as you type, the cursor automatically advances to the first position of the next line immediately after you enter a character into the last position of the current line.

With Autowrap disabled (default), when you get to the end of a line as you are typing, the cursor remains in the last column and successive characters that you enter overlay the last character on the line. With Autowrap on, the cursor and the newly entered text automatically wrap around to the beginning 'of the next line.

You can also select this feature with the host (see Sections and

13.6.12 Cursor Type

There are two cursor types, a blinking underscore (default) and a blinking block •.

13.6.13 Reverse Screen

Enabled, this feature allows you to reverse the text color with the background color, whether these colors are the defaults, white and black, or whether you specified other colors either in Setup B (see Sections 13.6.19 and 13.6.21) or with a control sequence (see Section 15). Disabled is the default.

Raster Technologies Model One/10 Introduction and Installation Guide·

13.6.14 Control Codes Displayed

with this feature enabled, "hex" codes are displayed when you type control codes or escape sequences. For example, if you type:

ABC CTRL-A DEF you see displayed:

ABC<Ol>DEF 13.6.15 Display Format

If you do not want the default, 24 x 80, select another display format by specifying the number of rows across and the number of lines down. These formats are available:

Rows and Columns 15 x 40

15 x 80 24 x 40 24 x 80 24 x 128 30 x 40 30 x 80 30 x 128 60 x 80 60 x 128

Note that some character distortion occurs for screen formats with 128 columns and/or 60·tows due to the smaller size characters required.

13.6.16 Sqlid Background

With this feature disabled (default), there is a graphics background.

Otherwise, the background is solid. This option controls the display of bit planes 0-7 while you are in te~t mode.

13.6.17 Text Blinking

Text displayed on the Model continuously once per second.

color text to be displayed enabled.

One/IO can either remain steady or blink Blinking can be disabled, causing different but not to blink. The default is Text Blinking

Raster Technologies Model One/lO Introduction and Installation Guide

·13.6.18 Background Color

The screen's default background is Color Number 0 but it can be any color you select fram the Model One/la's available colors. Use this feature to select a background shade. The default values, displayed wh~n you initially select the Background Color feature in Setup B (see Figure 13.4), are R=OOO, G=OOO, B=OOO--in effect, a black background.

To change these values, press




to toggle back and forth between

the "+" and "_". After you have selected "+" to increase a value or "_" to

decrease a value, press

[!], l£J,



to change the red, green, blue color components respectively. Note that these changes are automatically in

increments of eight, all relative to the current color values.

SETUP MODE B Press SET-UP to exit.

Background color R=OOO G=OOO B=OOO +

Figure 13.4 Setup Mode B Display: Background Color Defaults

13.6.19 Blinking Text Color

Use this feature if you have enabled blinking text and you want to specify. a text color other than black.

Blinking text can be any color you select from the Model One/lO's available

colo~values. The default values, displayed when you initially select the Blinking Text Color feature in Setup B (see Figure 13.5), are R=OOO, G=OOO, B=OOO.

To change these values, press




to toggle back and forth between the


and "_". After you have selected


to increase a value or "_" to decrease a val ue, press

[!J, [£],



to change the red, green, blue color components respectively. Note that these changes are automatically in

increments of eight, all relative to the current color values.

Raster Technologies Model OnellO Introduction and Installation Guide

SETUP t-l0DE B Press SET-UP to ex it.

Blinking text color R=OOO G=OOO B=OOO +

Figure 13.5 Setup Mode B Display: Blinking Text Color Defaults

13.6.20 Normal Text Color

Normal text (non-blinking) can also be any color you select from the Model One/10's available color values. The method for changing these values is the same as with blinking text (see the previous section, 13.6.20, and the following figure, Figure 13.6).

SETUP MODE B Press SET-UP to exit.

tJormal text color R=224 G=224 B=224 +

Figure 13.6 Setup Node B Display: Normal Text Color Defaults 13.7 Changing Model Onel10 Special Characters

Model Ooel10 firmware has default special charaters which you can change. Use the DISCFG comnand to display them and the SPCHAR comnand to change them.

{ '

Raster Technologies Model,~e/10 Introduction and Installation Guide

14. Using Keyboard Controls and LED IndIcators

The Model One/10's keyboard has 1) dark gray ~ontrol keys, a set of, 12 programmable function keys, a' set of keypad keys, and'seven LED indicators.

Some of these keys are:











o IPF11

This section discusses the keyboard's control keys, function' keys, and LED indicators. .The; effects of some of these, 'keys vary according to the set-up ',' features (see Section' 13) you selected. Note that the following control key descriptions assume that you activated the Local Echo feature and that transmitted codes are "echoed" back to the 'terminal (the transmitted codes have no effect on the tenninal unless they are echoed).

The Model One/lOis keyboard is illustrated in Figure 14.1.

14.1 Keyboard Controls 14.1.1



Use this key to enter and exi t Setup Mode (see Section 13). After you enter this mode, if Auto XON/XOFF is ,enabled, the tennina1 sends the XOFF code (DC3) when the input buffer becomes nearly full. The characters in the buffer are then displayed when you exit Setup mode.

While you are in Setup mode and AutoXON/XOFF is disabled" overrun errors can occur when the host continues to send data.


• • • • • • •




Figure 14.1 TheMOde1'One/lOKeyboard

Raster Technologies Model One/l0 Introduction and Installation Guide



The ESC code is normally used to initiate multi-code escape sequences (see Section 15). Pressing this key transmits the ESC control code

(lBH) •



This key does nothing by itself. Use it simultaneously with other keys to send control codes to the host.







This key also does nothing by itself. Use it simultaneously with alpha. keys to produce the code for upper-case letters and the code for the upper character on the keys which have two characters on them. Two SHIFT keys are on the l'1odel One/l0 I s keyboard, one on either side, for convenience.

~ ~

Pressing this key converts lower case alpha key codes· to uppercase before they are transmitted. Note that neither numeric, symbol, nor special keys are affected by CAPS LOCK.

The NOSCRL key (no scroll) alternately transmits XOFF and XON codes;

this is equivalent to your pressing CTRL-S and CTRL-Q.



Pressing the TAB key transmits the HT control code (09H) and moves the cursor to the next tab setting.

Raster Technologies Model One/IO Introduction and Installation Guide




Pressing this key transmits the BS (backspace) control code (octal 010).


This key has two functions. First, it can transmit the CR control code (octal 015) which moves the cursor to the first column of the current line. Wi th the New Line feature enabled (see Section 13.2.11), pressing RETURN transmits both CR and LF control codes, thus moving the cursor to the first columri of. the next line.

The second function is terminating both host and local Model One/10 command lines.




Pressing LINEFEED transmits the LF control code (OAH).




Pressing BREAK generates a WARMstart on .the controller and initiates 600 millisecond spacing on the data-line.





This key transmits the <DEL) code (7FH).

Im Dokument this Installation (Seite 115-124)