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8.2 Further Work

8.2.3 XML Indexing

XML index structures are intended to expedite the processing of queries, especially of path queries. Thus, in this section, we briefly describe how XML indexing techniques could improve our implementation of an XLink-aware querying system.

General Requirements for Indexing. In our dbxlink approach, an important aspect is that queries “traverse” autonomous documents, coming in via an XLink/XPointer, and probably leaving it via another XPointer. Especially, the referenced documents are usually not aware which references use them. Furthermore, it is preferable that the knowledge about a referenced document can optionally be combined with the knowledge of the referencing document (e.g., the index of countries.xml could be enhanced with the knowledge about the structure of the linkedcities-XX.xmldocuments). For that, the combination of local indexes with a more lightweight structure for handling structural information of the referenced sources as proposed in [BMCJ04] seems appropriate.

For the adaptation of indexing to the requirements of thedbxlinkscenario the following issues have to be considered: (i) autonomous documents (or “closely related” sets of documents) maintain their own indexes, that must be “open” to adapt to the linked sources, (ii) maintenance of combined index structures along references, preferably using operators on such structures, and (iii) the possibility to extend the covered area on demand.

Another use case is to build such indexes for all incoming XML fragments that are received when links are processed with the local and distributed evaluation strategies. As these fragments have to be parsed, we can generate appropriate indexes on-the-fly. Here, if we do not take caching into account, the index can directly be tailored to the remaining queryxpath-expr2 which is not possible for stored XML instances which are parsed once.

Thus, for all documents the local instance points to, additional information is obtained incrementally, e.g. for the corresponding links we know which progressing paths we can expect. As a consequence, for query rests of XPath expressions that navigate along links, we can decide if the link has to be resolved, i.e. if the query would yield a non-empty result.

Data Guides. Data guides [GW97] have been developed for providing some benefits of schema information in schema-free semistructured data environments. A data guide can thus be adopted to a concise and accuratestructural summary of an XML instance.

Such a structure can be generated in linear time. Considered from our point of view, data guides can be used a priori for deciding if a given path (query) exists in an instance, i.e., if the answer set of an XPath query against an XML document must be empty or

not. Strong data guides [MAG+97] even allow not only to check if a path exists, but also to return its answers.

Data guides can not only be applied for answering user queries, but especially for deciding if an XLink provides a relevant answer. Consider hybrid shipping or query shipping. A server that provides XML documents that are frequently queried (for eval-uating XPointers or user queries) can maintain a data guide, and match each query first against the data guide before actually evaluating it. Still, communication of the query, including establishing of the connection is necessary. As an alternative, the referencing document can keep (either by polling, or by publish-subscribe mechanisms) the data guide of the referenced documents, and check the emptiness of the answer even before doing any communication. Using data shipping, the data guide can be generated during the parsing process of the referenced document.

Note that in case of references, the data guides either must include the referenced documents (which leads to a fixpoint process for generating all of them in case of a cyclic network), or end with an “ANY” where XLinks are present.

The dbxlink proposal specifies how interlinked XML instances are mapped to a virtual instance. Links are considered astransparent, i.e. they define a view on referenced XML data which is silently mapped into a virtual instance in a flexible way. In this thesis, it has been analyzed how this virtual instance can be queried with XPath and it has been described in an abstract way how to achieve this. In order to evaluate queries on an interlinked scenario, it showed that it is not feasible to materialize the complete virtual instance in advance. Instead, during query evaluation, only relevant links are resolved on demand leading to the materialization of a partial instance that covers the parts of the view which are necessary to answer the query appropriately.

Three different strategies can be applied for the evaluation of XLinks, namely data shipping, hybrid shipping and query shipping. It has been discussed in detail how these strategies are integrated into the query evaluation process. Also, how to cope with cyclic instances has been investigated and some useful caching and optimization strategies have been given. A proof-of-concept implementation of the dbxlink approach has been undertaken as part of the open source XML database system eXist [exi].

This thesis provides results that fill the gap in the W3C XML Query (XQuery) Require-ments and that can be applied to different XML query languages.

W3C XML Query (XQuery) Requirements. Recall the aforementioned W3C XML Query (XQuery) Requirements [XMQ04, Sec. 3.3.4/3.4.12 (“References”)] which explic-itly state that

“the XML Query Data Model MUST include support for references, including both references within an XML document and references from one XML document to another”

and that

“queries MUST be able to traverse intra- and inter-document references”,

but which have only been partially met by standard XQuery. Additionally, in Sec-tion 4.1.1, it has been shown that it not possible to query along XLinks in a general way. A description has been given how the dbxlink approach allows even for XQuery’s subset XPath to query interlinked scenarios. Especially, the above mentioned W3C re-quirements have been met for simple XLinks in both an abstract and practical way in terms of a proof-of-concept implementation.

Transferability and Applicability. The query strategies proposed in this thesis are de-scribed in an abstract way and it has been shown how to implementdbxlinkfunctionality as an extension to XML query systems that rely on the stepwise evaluation strategy for XPath: the link expansion has to be integrated into the axis evaluation. Thus, these descriptions allow for enabling any XML query language based on XPath like XQuery, XPathLog [May04] or XSLT [XSL06] for handling simple XLinks. Additionally, for querying interlinked XML instances which contain the more complex extended XLinks, the investigations conducted in this work can serve as a basic foundation.

Online Demonstration. The results of the investigations outlined in this thesis have been used for conducting a proof-of-concept implementation of the dbxlink approach as an extension to the open source XML database system eXist [exi]. The Mondial testbed (cf. Chapter 1) has been used to set up an online demonstration that is reachable viahttp://www.dbis.informatik.uni-goettingen.de/linxis/where some example queries are provided.

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Erik Behrends

Pers¨onliche Daten

Geburtsdatum 8. M¨arz 1974

Geburtsort Itzehoe

Staatsangeh¨origkeit deutsch Familienstand verheiratet Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang

1980-1984 Breitenaugrundschule Pl¨on

1984-1993 Gymnasium Schloss Pl¨on; Abschluss: Abitur 1995-1997 Studium der Informatik und Mathematik an der

Christian-Albrechts-Universit¨at zu Kiel

1997-2001 Studium der Informatik mit Nebenfach Mathematik an der Albert-Ludwigs-Universit¨at Freiburg

Abschluss: Diplom-Informatiker

1998-2001 Studentische wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft am Institut f¨ur Informatik der Albert-Ludwigs-Universit¨at Freiburg 2001-2003 Software-Entwickler bei der Inxmail GmbH in Freiburg seit 2003 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut f¨ur Informatik

der Georg-August-Universit¨at G¨ottingen