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NO x Canopy Reduction by a primary Rain Forest: Analysis of Processes and

Analysis of Processes and Quantification for Wet Season Conditions

The relative shallow layer close to the forest floor which was mostly decoupled from this direct exchange with the atmosphere above [see Rummel et al., 2005b], turned out to play a crucial role for the net ecosystem emission of NOx for daytime conditions. This is shown in Rummel et al. [2005d], where characteristic time scales of different canopy processes, namely turbulent transport, plant uptake, chemistry and soil deposition were compared. As in Rummel at al. [2005c], the data basis is

also the intensive investigation period at end of the wet season. In the lowest part of the canopy the transport time scale (or mean residence time) was considerably larger than the chemical time scale of NO oxidation by O3 imported from aloft (Figure 12). This in concurrence with a negligible photolysis rate close to the ground ensured that during daytime nearly all soil emitted NO was transformed into NO2 within the first 4 m above the forest floor. Consequently, almost the whole canopy depth contributes to the reduction of the created NO2..

At night time the ratio of transport and chemical (NO + O3) time scales is reversed in the lowest part of the canopy. This enables NO to reach higher regions of the forest. Therefore, in contrast to the daytime situation, when biogenic NOx leaves the forest as NO2, at night NO can (in the case of turbulent coupling) directly leave the canopy. Both results confirmed the measured in-canopy NO fluxes at 11 m in Rummel et al. [2002].

1 i=

2 i=

3 i=

4 i=

0 10 20 30 40 50

102 103 104 105

τ (s)

z (m)

Figure 12: Average vertical profiles (1000 LT-1400 LT) of NOx exchange relevant time scales (chemical reaction with O3: solid squares; photolysis: open diamonds; turbulent transport: open triangles; vegetation uptake NO2: gray circles (the hatched area marks the range of NO2

uptake time scales with and without mesophyll resistances); soil uptake: half open circle).

Error bars represent standard deviations from the ensemble average. Figure taken from Rummel et al. [2005d].

A clear advantage of the LBA-EUSTACH data set compared to former field studies is the availability of the first NO2 mixing ratio profiles measured throughout a tropical rain forest. On the basis of mean NO2 profiles and the assumption of steady state conditions, the NO2 ecosystem uptake was assessed. Unfortunately the conundrum raised by Lerdau et al. [2000], about the existence of an

compensation mixing ratio for NO2 exchange by leaves could also not be solved in this study. For this, beside canopy scale information, extensive leaf scale measurements of NO2 exchange under environmental mixing ratio levels would be necessary. Three scenarios characterized by different NO2

compensation points were calculated instead for daytime conditions. The resulting integral ecosystem NOx reduction ranges from -3% (of average soil emission), in the case of NO2 emitting vegetation, up to -25% for NO2 uptake by all vegetation layers. The vegetation reduction of NOx in the latter case is considerably smaller than in the prominent model estimations by Jacob and Wofsy [1990] and Jacob and Bakwin [1992], who got -75% and -60%, respectively, for a central Amazonian forest during daytime in the wet season. The difference is caused by the lower LAI and distinctively higher mesophyll and cuticula resistances used in the leaf model for the RBJ tropical forest in southwest Amazonia. Although canopy scale measurements showed some indication for NO2 cuticula resistances as low as used by Jacob and Wofsy [1990] (1000 s m-1), there is experimental evidence by leaf level cuvette field and greenhouse measurements for a NO2 minimum cuticula resistance of ~ 4000 s m-1. Based on this cuticula resistance the mean nocturnal NOx reduction is also about -25%.

5 Conclusion

In order to asses the effect of deforestation on biosphere-atmosphere NOx exchange of southwest Amazonian ecosystems, Table 2 (negative sign represents deposition) compiles the experimental information gained by the LBA-EUSTACH experiments. During LBA-EUSTACH 1, at the end of the local wet season, the RBJ rain forest was a clear source of biogenic NOx [Rummel et al., 2005d]. The FNS pasture site results for the same time period shows a balanced surface exchange of NOx, if, as found for the forest soil, no significant difference occurs between NO emission of wet and dry season [Gut et al., 2002a]. In that case the NO emission fluxes measured during LBA-EUSTACH 2 at FNS by Kirkman et al. [2002] can be transferred to the wet season. Although the NO2 deposition to the pasture site might be somewhat overestimated by the usage of a molybdenum converter (to catalyze NO2 to NO which was measured by the chemiluminescence analyzer), the NOx input from the pasture to the troposphere was clearly lower than from the forest.

This difference between the RBJ forest and the FNS pasture reflects the general effect of converting tropical forest to agriculture on the corresponding NO soil emission. FNS is a relative old pasture with largely reduced soil N stocks since its first deforestation in 1977 [Kirkman, 2001]. Over timescales of several years and decades, soil nitrogen cycling at tropical pasture tends to slow down with age (from first deforestation) [e.g. Neill et al., 1995; 1997] which is consequently resulting in a reduction of nitrogen trace emission to rates well below the original forest soil emissions [Keller et al., 1993]. Therefore, without fertilizer usage, on a long term basis, deforestation and establishment of pastures (the main use of converted land in Rondônia) is most likely not resulting in a significant

increase of the net input of biogenic NOx to the lower troposphere. Especially when the relative low NOx reduction of -25% by the RBJ rain forest vegetation layer is considered. A value which is principally caused by comparatively high mesophyll and cuticula resistances for leaf uptake of NO2

[Gut et al., 2002b; Rummel et al., 2005d] and supported during daytime by partly effective turbulent transport of O3 into, and NO2 out of the forest canopy [Rummel et al., 2005c; 2005b]. The successful application of a surface renewal model in Rummel et al. [2005c] indicated coherent turbulent structures to be mainly responsible for the direct coupling of a deep forest layer and the atmosphere.

During nighttime the fact that biogenic NOx reaches higher canopy layers mainly as NO [Rummel et al., 2002] which is hardly deposited at plant and soil surfaces provides the low NOx reduction percentage.

Table 2: Mean (24 h) NOx exchange in ng N m-2 s-1 for the tropical rain forest at Reserva Biológica Jarú (RBJ) and the pasture at the commercial cattle ranch Fazenda Nossa Senhora Aparecida (FNS).

Negative signs represent deposition.



NO soil emission 4.7a 0.7b 4.0a 0.7

NO2 deposition -1.2 ±0.2c -0.7d -5.0 ±0.9e -3.9d

net NOx exchange 3.5 ±0 -1.0 -3.3

a RBJ NO soil emission by Gut et al. [2002a] [see also Rummel et al., 2002].

b FNS NO soil emission during LBA-EUSTACH 1 assumed to be equivalent to findings during LBA-EUSTACH 2 by Kirkman et al. [2002].

c RBJ NO2 deposition by Rummel et al. [2005d]

d FNS NO2 deposition represents an upper limit since the measurements were performed with a molybdenum converter, possibly including contributions of other NOy


e RBJ NO2 ecosystem deposition here was calculated equivalently to the wet season results of Rummel et al. [2005d] but based on the LBA-EUSTCH 2 data and dry season stomatal resistances of McWilliam et al. [1996].

In contrast to the long term effect, significantly enhanced soil NO emission (compared to the forest soil emission) was found at recently established pastures, particularly within the first year after deforestation [Keller et al., 1993; Neff et al., 1995; Weitz et al., 1998]. Increased availability of soil inorganic nitrogen (NO3- and NH4+), mainly as a consequence of lacking vegetation uptake immediately after slash and burn activities, are most likely the reason for this higher soil NO emission [Neill et al., 1999]. The following decline of soil inorganic nitrogen and connected NO emission depends largely on land-use and cultivation activities. In his model study, Kirkman [2001] investigated

the effect of FNSs land-use history on the corresponding soil NO emission. He obtained a significant NO emission enhancement within the first year after the primary deforestation. During the following time period of about 11 years, the soil NO emission was relatively constant at 65%-75% of the original forest soil emission level. Afterwards a further decline of the NO emission occurred towards the low measured emission level in 1999, 22 years after the deforestation. It becomes clear, that on the short and midrange time scale the effect of transforming tropical forest to pasture on the input of biogenic originating NOx into the atmosphere is largely dependent on the magnitude of NOx reduction by the original forest ecosystem. Based on the canopy reduction obtained for the RBJ forest by Rummel et al.

[2005d] and the results of Kirkman [2001] for FNS, the effect of deforestation and pasture establishment on the net biogenic NOx emission in Rondônia is relatively small over almost one decade. Considering the fact, that the found relative NOx reduction of -25% ranges at the lower end of the estimates obtained by canopy models for tropical forests [Jacob and Wofsy, 1990; 1992;

Ganzeveld et al., 2002a], an increase of biogenic NOx emission by forest-pasture transformation over this first decade seems to be likely if no NO2 leaf compensation mixing ratio exists. To clarify the possible existence of NO2 emission by tropical trees due to leaf compensation mixing ratios and its influence on the forest NOx budget under wet season conditions experimentally, it is necessary to complement comprehensive canopy scale experiments like LBA-EUSTACH in future by extensive branch cuvette measurements with highly sensitive NO2 sensors (or converters).

However, the impact of long term development and pastoral land use on the input of NOx into the tropical troposphere is not restricted to the gradually decreasing biogenic soil emission. Beside this effect, development and colonization of originally forested land comes along with growing infrastructure and consequently increasing anthropogenic NOx emissions caused by fossil fuel combustion. Anthropogenic impact on NOx mixing ratios above the RBJ forest was clearly visible during LBA-EUSTACH 2 at the end of the dry season in Rondônia. Despite similar NO soil emission (Table 2), intensive biomass burning activities resulted in NOx mixing ratios 6-10 times higher than during LBA-EUSTACH 1 (see Figure 13). The dry season NO2 ecosystem deposition for the RBJ rain forest in Table 2 was calculated equivalently to the budget approach of Rummel et al. [2005d] but based on the LBA-EUSTCH 2 data and dry season stomatal resistances of McWilliam et al. [1996].

Both ecosystems were net NOx sinks during the LBA-EUSTCH 2 campaign. Due to the much lower NO soil emission of the old pasture, the net NOx uptake of FNS was about 3 times higher than the net uptake found for the forest ecosystem. This difference in net NOx uptake between the two ecosystems during the burning season was most likely smaller for a considerable time period after deforestation, taking into account the temporal evolution of soil NO emission mentioned above.

Figure 13: Ozone production/destruction rate after Chameides et al. [1992] like Figure 3. Additionally shown is the range of the NOx and total non methane RH’s (in propylene reactivity equivalent) mixing ratios during LBA-EUSTACH 1 and 2.

Figure 13 shows again the O3 production/destruction rate resulting from photochemical box model calculations of Chameides et al. [1992] (see also Figure 3) with the corresponding mixing ratios of NOx and total non methane RH’s. The original Figure is complemented by the midday (when due to well mixed conditions, surface values can be assumed to represent approximately the boundary layer mixing ratios) mixing ratio ranges measured during both LBA-EUSTACH experiments above the RBJ forest. At the end of the local wet season, during LBA-EUSTACH 1, the mixing ratio ranges of the O3 precursors were comparable to the background levels found in central Amazonia 14 to 19 years before [Kaplan et al., 1988; Zimmermann et al., 1988]. The conditions during that experiment were at the transition range between local photochemical O3 destruction and production. Totally different is the situation at the end of the dry season (LBA-EUSTACH 2) under biomass burning influence. The mixing ratios of ozone precursors, already comparable to values in agricultural regions of northern America, are clearly shifted into the O3 production range, providing the high daytime O3 levels which were measured during this time of the year [Rummel et al., 2005a].

But the sensitivity of the O3 production rate on the mixing ratios of nitrogen oxides shown in Figure 13 is also illustrating the high potential in the developing regions of the Amazon to get

enhanced O3 levels in the lower troposphere over the whole year. The increasing amount of seasonally independent NOx emissions by fossil fuel combustion and fertilizer deployment together with the considerable reduction of the surface O3 sink strength by, (i) deforestation, found in Rummel et al.

[2005a], and (ii) lower O3 uptake capability of the remaining rain forest in developing regions due to the likely feedback of high O3 mixing ratios and plant damage will propagate such a development.


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