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It then writes the indicated register once, using the value of the argument given. The message printed is

Register name. Wrote: value

Revision A of 20 May 1988


The Write Continuously command prompts for a value to write, by printing Enter Datum (hex). It then writes the indicated register repeatedly. At the end of Ox 10000 writes, the test prints the following message:

Register name. First Write: v~ue.

then checks to see if q has been entered. If it has, the test exits. If it wasn't entered, the test starts the cycle over.


The Write then Read once command prompts for a value to write, with Enter Datum (hex) . It then writes the indicated register once, using the value of the argument given. It then immediately reads the value of the register back, and prints it on the screen. The message printed is

Register name Wrote: value. Read: value.




The Write, then Read continuously command prompts for a value to write, by printing:

Enter Datum(hex)

It then writes to the indicated register, using the value of the argument given.

It immediately reads the value of the register back, then starts over again.

Every Ox 1 0000 iterations, the test does three things. First, the test prints the following message:

Register name First Write: value. First Read: value.

which is the value of the register the first time the diagnostic reads it. Next, if the value read differs (indicating an error), the test prints an E on the screen. Finally, the diagnostic checks to see if a q was typed. If it was, the diagnostic exits. If not, the cycle repeats.

The Write, Read, Compare, and Decrement command writes to the indicated register, starting with the value of the OXFFFF. It then immediately reads the value of the register back, then compares it against the original value.

The command then decrements the value by 3 and starts over again. If the value read back differs from the value that was written, the register is read twice more, and a message showing the discrepancies is printed:

Device device. Register name. Wrote value. Read rdl, rd2, rd3 When the value gets decremented below zero, the test ends.

The Write, Read, and Increment command writes to the indicated register, starting with the value OXO. It immediately reads the value of the register back, then increments the value by one and starts over again. The cycle repeats continuously until

a q is typed. The command does not print the register's contents.


~'fI. microsystems Revision A of 20 May 1988


The Write. Read. and Read on Error command writes to the indicated regis-ter, starting with the value OXFFFF. It immediately reads the value of the register back, then compares it against the original value. The value is decre-mented by one, then the cycle repeats. The command ends when the valuc is decremented to zero. If the data doesn't match, the command prints the mes-sage:

Device device. Register name. Wrote value. Read value.

followed by

Hit any Character to Continue (r to read forever)

If any key but r is pressed, the test ignores the error, and continues on to the next data value.

If the r key is pressed, the command starts reading the register continuously.

Every Ox 10000 reads, the test displays the values with the message:

Register name. Read value

and reads the keyboard. If the q has been pressed, the test quits. Otherwise the test repeats the cycle, reading another Ox 1 OODe -imes.


The Write. Read. Compare and Increment by n command prompts for an increment value to write, by printing


Enter increment (hex) :

It then writes to the indicated register, starting with the value OXO. It immediately reads the value of the register back, then increments the value by the amount given and starts over again. The cycle repeats until the value exceeds OX10 00 0 If the value read does not match the value written, the test reports it with this message:

Device device. Register name. Wrote value. Read value.

The Write and Read alternating data command does a write and read cycle using two different data values. The values are written alternatively on each cycle. The test prompts for the values by printing:

Enter first Datum (hex) :

followed by

Enter second Datum (hex) :

and fin all y ,

Print Error Messages (yin)?

If error messages are enabled, the test will loop for OxlOOOO iterations, then print the following message when the value read and the value written don't match:

Revision A of 20 May 1988

3.7. Interrupt Test Menu

Device device. Register name. Wrote value. Read value.

I t then reads the keyboard to see if the letter q has been typed. If it has, the test quits. If it hasn't, the test repeats the cycle.

Type i from the Manual Test Menu to select the interrupt test menu.

Sun-2 Color Board Diagnostic Program Rev: X XX/XX/XX Interrupt Test Henu Auto

Command ->

3.8. Color Map Test Menu

Perform Auto Test once


The Auto Interrupt Test selection asks the Exec to install an interrupt handler. After the test it asks the Exec to remove that handler. If installing or removing the interrupt handler fails, the diagnostic aborts and returns to

the Exec top menu. .

This test checks the Sun-2 color map by loading it with different values and pat-terns, then verifying that the values in the map are correct. Select the color map values by choosing them yourself, or have the values selected automatically.

These tests can be set to run one time or continuously.

To display the image in the Sun-2 color frame buffer memory, each 8-bit pixel is used as an index into a 256-element color look-up table. Each element of the table is 24 bits; 8 bits for the red component, 8 bits for the green, and 8 for the blue. The color look-up tables consist of a high speed ECL look-up table that controls the color monitor, and a TTL shadow color lookup table that is loaded and read by the software. The TTL shadow color lookup table is loaded into the ECL lookup table to make the new colors visible.

While running various tests, you should see the appropriate image displayed on the color monitor screen. Note that the

Load TTL -> EeL cmap

command must be executed before values loaded into the color map become visi-ble.

Revision A of 20 May 1988


SUl1-2 Color Board Diagnostic Program R~v:X XX/XX/XX Color Acqttl

Relttl Loadttlecl Setrgb SIngle AUto ATC Command =>

AcquireaceesstoTTLcmap Relinquish access>


TTL > cmap Load TTL ";'>ECLcmaponce

Set 0 -25 5 red, ··25 6 ~511grn /512..;.767 blue

Test singleloc~tion

Auto test

Continllous«a.uto test