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vsf_interior ()

Im Dokument The information (Seite 150-158)

Set fill interior style

vsCinterior (dev_handle, styUn) INT16 vsCinterior 0;

INT16 dev_handle;

INT16 stYUn;


Device handle returned from v_opnwk.

Refers to a specific graphics device when multiple workstations are open.


Requested fill interior style.


Function vsCinterior returns 2::0 if style selected

-1 if error

Actual error can be retrieved by invoking vq_error.

Description This routine sets the style of fill to be used for filled areas, bars, pie slices and circles.

When you select HOLLOW style, the area is outlined in the current fill color. A SOLID area is filled in the current color. PATTERN and HATCH are determined by SET FILL STYLE INDEX. If the requested style is invalid, then HOLLOW is used.

SOLID, HATCH, and PATTERN filled areas are not outlined.

5-84 Control Functions


INT16 dey _handlej INT16 ind_in;


Device handle returned fronl v_opnwk.

Refers to a specific graphics device when multiple workstations are open.


Requested fill style index for PATTERN or HATCH fill.

Function vsCstyle returns

~O if index selected -1 if error

Actual error can be retrieved by invoking vq_error.

Description This routine selects a fill style based on the fill interior style. This index has no effect if the interior style is either HOLLOW or SOLID. If the requested index is not available, index 1 is used.

The index references a HATCH style if the fill interior style is HATCH, or a PATTERN if the fill interior style is PATTERN. At least six HATCH styles are provided:

1 = Narrow spaced +45 degree lines

>6 = Device-dependent

There is no difference between HATCH and PATTERN styles on many devices. For example on some devices, asking for a HATCH style of 3 will result in the same output as asking for a PATTERN style of 3.

Attribute Functions 5-85


Set polyline color index

vsl_color (dev_handle, ind_in) INT16 vsl_color 0;

INT16 dev_handle;

INT16 ind_inj


Devh:e handle returned from v_opnwk.

R~fers to a specific graphics device when multiple workstations are open.


Requested color index.


to device maximum Function vsl_color returns 2::0 if color index selected

-1 if error

Actual error can be retrieved by invoking vq_error.

Description This routine sets the color index for subsequent polylines and arcs.

At least two color indices are provided. Color indices range from 0 to a device-dependent maximum. If the color specified is invalid, the closest value in range is chosen. However, the color index selected is always returned.

To change the appearance of a color, you must select the desired levels of the three color components (red, green and blue) that make up the index by calling the Set Color Representation routine. This can be used to create non-default colors such as brown or Qrange. Then Set Polyline Color Index may be called with this index. The new color will only be visible on devices that support color definition.

5-86 Control Functions

Purpose Set polyline line type Syntax vsl_type (dev_handle, type_in)

Data Types INT16 vsl_type OJ

INT16 dev_handle;

INT16 type_in;

Input dey _handle

Device handle returned from v_opnwk.

Refers to a specific graphics device when multiple workstations are open.


Requested line style.

1 = Solid

2 = Long dashed 3 = Dotted

4 = Dashed-dotted 5 = Medium dashed 6 = Dashed with two dots

>6 = device-dependent Function Function vsl_type returns Returns ;::::0 if line type selected

-1 if error

Actual error can be retrieved by invoking vq_error.

Description This routine sets the line style (dash pattern) for subsequent polylines and arcs. The total number of line styles available is device-dependent,

however, the above six line styles are provided. If the requested line style is out of range, then line style 1 is used.

Attribute Functions 5-87

Purpose Syntax Data Types


Function Returns

Set polyline line width

INT16 vsl_width 0;

INT16 dev_handle;

INT16 wid_in;


Device handle returned from v_opnwk.

Refers to a specific graphics device when multiple workstations are open.


Requested line width in NDC units.

Functionvsl_width returns 2::0 if line width selected

-1 if error

Actual error can be retrieved by invoking vq_error.

Description This routine sets the width for subsequent polylines and arcs.

If the requested line width is outside of the device's capabilities, the line width is set to one device unit and returned in NDC units.

5-88 Control Functions


Set polymarker color index

INT16 Ysm_color ();

INT16 deY_handle;



Device handle returned from y_opnwk.

Refers to a specific graphics device when multiple workstations are open.


Requested polymarker color index.


to device maximum Function Ysm_color returns

~O if color index selected -1 if error

Actual error can be retrieved by invoking yq_error.

Description This routine sets the color index in which subsequent markers will be displayed.

At least two color indices are provided. Color indices range from 0 to a device-dependent maximum. If the color specified is invalid, the closest value in range is chosen. However, the color index selected is always returned.

To change the appearance of a color, you must select the desired levels of the three color components (red, green and blue) that make up the index. This can be used to create non-default colors such as brown or orange. The new color will only be visible on devices that support color definition.

Attribute Functions 5-89

Purpose Syntax Data Types


Set polymarker height

vsm_helght (dev_handle, hgCin) INT16 vsm_helght 0;

INT16 dev_handle;

INT16 hgCin;


Device handle returned from v_opnwk.

Refers to a specific graphics device when multiple workstations are open.


Requested polymarker height in NDC units.

Function Function vsm_height returns

Returns ~o if height selected in NDC units -1 if error

Actual error can be retrieved by invoking vq __ error.

Description This routine sets the size of subsequent polymarkers.

If the requested marker height is outside of the capabilities of the device, the marker height is set to the closest device size. If the requested marker height does not exactly map to a device-supported size, then the largest device size that is not greater than the requested marker height is used. Marker sizes, just like graphics text sizes are specified by NDC values.

5-90 Control Functions

Purpose Syntax Data Types


Function Returns

Set polymarker type

YSm_type (deY_handle, type_in) INT16 ysm_type 0;

INT16 dey_handle;

INT16 type_In;


Device handle returned from y_opnwk.

Refers to a specific graphics device when multiple workstations are open.


Requested polymarker type.


2 = + 3 =


4 = 0 5=X

6 = Diamond

>6 = device-dependent Function ysm_type returns

2':0 if marker type selected -1 if error

Actual error can be retrieved by invoking Yq_error.

Description This routine sets the polymarker (symbol) tYlJe for subsequent polymarker operations.

The total number of markers available is device-dependent, however, the above six marker types are provided. If the requested marker type is out of range, type 3 is used.

Attribute Functions 5·91

Im Dokument The information (Seite 150-158)