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1 Appendix – Public welfare chauvinist attitudes

1.1 Principal components factor analysis

1.1.1 Varimax rotation

1 Appendix 1 – Public welfare chauvinist attitudes

1.1 Principal components factor analysis

1.1.1 Varimax rotation


Log generated 15-JUL-2019 16:37:50


Input Data C:\Users\Mo\Documents\Uni\10 Sommersemester

2018\Masterarbeit\SPSS\ESS\ESS7e02_2_trimmed.sav Active Data Set DataSet1

Filter <none>

Weighted <none>

Split Data <none>

Number of rows in Data 40185

Processing of Missing Values

Definition of Missing MISSING=EXCLUDE: values defined as missing by the user will be treated as missing.

Processed Cases LISTWISE: Statistics are based on cases that do not feature missing values for any of the used variables


/VARIABLES imbgeco imueclt imwbcnt qfimedu qfimlng qfimchr qfimwht qfimwsk qfimcmt imtcjob imbleco imwbcrm gvrfgap gvtrimg rlgueim /MISSING LISTWISE

/ANALYSIS imbgeco imueclt imwbcnt qfimedu qfimlng qfimchr qfimwht qfimwsk qfimcmt imtcjob imbleco imwbcrm gvrfgap gvtrimg rlgueim





Ressources Prozessor Time 00:00:00,67

Time Elapsed 00:00:00,64

Maximum Memory Needed 28528 (27,859K) Byte


cultural life undermined or enriched by immigrants

Immigrants make country worse or better place to live


work skills needed in country

Qualification for immigration:

committed to way of life in country

Immigrants take jobs away in country or create new jobs

Taxes and make country's crime problems worse or better

Government should be generous judging applications for refugee status

Compared to yourself government treats new immigrants better or worse

Religious beliefs and practices undermined or enriched by immigrants Immigration bad or good for

country's economy

1,000 0,618 0,647 -0,127 -0,219 -0,185 -0,254 -0,220 -0,229 0,536 0,474 0,350 -0,340 0,343 0,396

Country's cultural life undermined or enriched by immigrants

0,618 1,000 0,695 -0,186 -0,274 -0,280 -0,318 -0,279 -0,249 0,474 0,444 0,336 -0,365 0,379 0,527

Immigrants make country worse or better place to live

0,647 0,695 1,000 -0,177 -0,265 -0,233 -0,280 -0,289 -0,279 0,520 0,485 0,415 -0,385 0,372 0,467

Qualification for immigration:

good educational qualifications

-0,127 -0,186 -0,177 1,000 0,543 0,297 0,221 0,595 0,331 -0,089 -0,114 -0,080 0,179 -0,169 -0,148

Qualification for immigration:

speak country's official language

-0,219 -0,274 -0,265 0,543 1,000 0,278 0,252 0,526 0,408 -0,169 -0,186 -0,137 0,213 -0,215 -0,220

Qualification for immigration:

Christian background

-0,185 -0,280 -0,233 0,297 0,278 1,000 0,593 0,362 0,273 -0,144 -0,115 -0,060 0,164 -0,185 -0,193

Qualification for immigration: be white

-0,254 -0,318 -0,280 0,221 0,252 0,593 1,000 0,346 0,251 -0,222 -0,154 -0,089 0,210 -0,192 -0,204

Qualification for immigration:

work skills needed in country

-0,220 -0,279 -0,289 0,595 0,526 0,362 0,346 1,000 0,481 -0,177 -0,174 -0,144 0,242 -0,224 -0,208

Qualification for immigration:

committed to way of life in country

-0,229 -0,249 -0,279 0,331 0,408 0,273 0,251 0,481 1,000 -0,152 -0,206 -0,180 0,259 -0,200 -0,218

Immigrants take jobs away in country or create new jobs

0,536 0,474 0,520 -0,089 -0,169 -0,144 -0,222 -0,177 -0,152 1,000 0,519 0,367 -0,286 0,313 0,357

Taxes and services: immigrants take out more than they put in or less

0,474 0,444 0,485 -0,114 -0,186 -0,115 -0,154 -0,174 -0,206 0,519 1,000 0,460 -0,305 0,328 0,370

Immigrants make country's crime problems worse or better

0,350 0,336 0,415 -0,080 -0,137 -0,060 -0,089 -0,144 -0,180 0,367 0,460 1,000 -0,264 0,220 0,317

Government should be generous judging applications for refugee status

-0,340 -0,365 -0,385 0,179 0,213 0,164 0,210 0,242 0,259 -0,286 -0,305 -0,264 1,000 -0,265 -0,291

Compared to yourself government treats new immigrants better or worse

0,343 0,379 0,372 -0,169 -0,215 -0,185 -0,192 -0,224 -0,200 0,313 0,328 0,220 -0,265 1,000 0,287

Religious beliefs and practices undermined or enriched by immigrants

0,396 0,527 0,467 -0,148 -0,220 -0,193 -0,204 -0,208 -0,218 0,357 0,370 0,317 -0,291 0,287 1,000

Correlation Matrixa



Immigration bad or good for country's economy

0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000

Country's cultural life undermined or enriched by immigrants

0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000

Immigrants make country worse or better place to live

0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000

Qualification for immigration:

good educational qualifications

0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000

Qualification for immigration:

speak country's official language

0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000

Qualification for immigration:

Christian background

0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000

Qualification for immigration: be white

0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000

Qualification for immigration:

work skills needed in country

0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000

Qualification for immigration:

committed to way of life in country

0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000

Immigrants take jobs away in country or create new jobs

0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000

Taxes and services: immigrants take out more than they put in or less

0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000

Immigrants make country's crime problems worse or better

0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000

Government should be generous judging applications for refugee status

0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000

Compared to yourself government treats new immigrants better or worse

0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000

Religious beliefs and practices undermined or enriched by immigrants

0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000

Sig. (1-tailed)

a. Determinant = ,004


cultural life undermined or enriched by immigrants

Immigrants make country worse or better place to live


immigration: be white

Qualification for immigration:

work skills needed in country

Qualification for immigration:

committed to way of life in country

Immigrants take jobs away in country or create new jobs

Taxes and make country's crime problems worse or better

Government should be generous judging applications for refugee status

Compared to yourself government treats new immigrants better or worse

Religious beliefs and practices undermined or enriched by immigrants Immigration bad or good for

country's economy

2,095 -0,517 -0,620 -0,044 0,027 -0,049 0,074 -0,021 0,049 -0,389 -0,192 -0,026 0,076 -0,073 0,005

Country's cultural life undermined or enriched by immigrants

-0,517 2,447 -0,903 -0,005 0,077 0,137 0,124 0,024 -0,052 -0,084 -0,076 0,035 0,096 -0,146 -0,486

Immigrants make country worse or better place to live

-0,620 -0,903 2,540 -0,033 0,026 0,015 0,029 0,110 0,086 -0,241 -0,130 -0,252 0,144 -0,092 -0,130

Qualification for immigration:

good educational qualifications

-0,044 -0,005 -0,033 1,772 -0,562 -0,164 0,084 -0,748 0,017 -0,055 0,013 -0,018 -0,047 0,033 0,007

Qualification for immigration:

speak country's official language

0,027 0,077 0,026 -0,562 1,664 -0,030 -0,031 -0,332 -0,255 0,009 0,028 -0,009 -0,011 0,049 0,054

Qualification for immigration:

Christian background

-0,049 0,137 0,015 -0,164 -0,030 1,663 -0,844 -0,122 -0,099 -0,042 -0,029 -0,054 0,027 0,051 0,046

Qualification for immigration: be white

0,074 0,124 0,029 0,084 -0,031 -0,844 1,665 -0,208 -0,027 0,117 -0,039 -0,058 -0,074 0,008 -0,006

Qualification for immigration:

work skills needed in country

-0,021 0,024 0,110 -0,748 -0,332 -0,122 -0,208 2,003 -0,444 0,036 -0,042 0,020 -0,047 0,047 -0,018

Qualification for immigration:

committed to way of life in country

0,049 -0,052 0,086 0,017 -0,255 -0,099 -0,027 -0,444 1,429 -0,090 0,065 0,064 -0,126 0,025 0,053

Immigrants take jobs away in country or create new jobs

-0,389 -0,084 -0,241 -0,055 0,009 -0,042 0,117 0,036 -0,090 1,714 -0,434 -0,121 0,032 -0,087 -0,070

Taxes and services: immigrants take out more than they put in or less

-0,192 -0,076 -0,130 0,013 0,028 -0,029 -0,039 -0,042 0,065 -0,434 1,707 -0,386 0,077 -0,144 -0,114

Immigrants make country's crime problems worse or better

-0,026 0,035 -0,252 -0,018 -0,009 -0,054 -0,058 0,020 0,064 -0,121 -0,386 1,392 0,090 -0,001 -0,128

Government should be generous judging applications for refugee status

0,076 0,096 0,144 -0,047 -0,011 0,027 -0,074 -0,047 -0,126 0,032 0,077 0,090 1,285 0,092 0,075

Compared to yourself government treats new immigrants better or worse

-0,073 -0,146 -0,092 0,033 0,049 0,051 0,008 0,047 0,025 -0,087 -0,144 -0,001 0,092 1,274 -0,063

Religious beliefs and practices undermined or enriched by immigrants

0,005 -0,486 -0,130 0,007 0,054 0,046 -0,006 -0,018 0,053 -0,070 -0,114 -0,128 0,075 -0,063 1,491

Inverse Correlation Matrix


cultural life undermined or enriched by immigrants

Immigrants make country worse or better place to live

Qualification immigration: be white

Qualification for immigration:

work skills needed in country

Qualification for immigration:

committed to way of life in country

Immigrants take jobs away in country or create new jobs

Taxes and make country's crime problems worse or better

Government should be generous judging applications for refugee status

Compared to yourself government treats new immigrants better or worse

Religious beliefs and practices undermined or enriched by immigrants Immigration bad or good for country's


0,477 -0,101 -0,117 -0,012 0,008 -0,014 0,021 -0,005 0,016 -0,108 -0,054 -0,009 0,028 -0,027 0,001

Country's cultural life undermined or enriched by immigrants

-0,101 0,409 -0,145 -0,001 0,019 0,034 0,031 0,005 -0,015 -0,020 -0,018 0,010 0,030 -0,047 -0,133

Immigrants make country worse or better place to live

-0,117 -0,145 0,394 -0,007 0,006 0,004 0,007 0,022 0,024 -0,055 -0,030 -0,071 0,044 -0,028 -0,034

Qualification for immigration: good educational qualifications

-0,012 -0,001 -0,007 0,564 -0,190 -0,056 0,029 -0,211 0,007 -0,018 0,004 -0,007 -0,021 0,015 0,002

Qualification for immigration: speak country's official language

0,008 0,019 0,006 -0,190 0,601 -0,011 -0,011 -0,100 -0,107 0,003 0,010 -0,004 -0,005 0,023 0,022

Qualification for immigration: Christian background

-0,014 0,034 0,004 -0,056 -0,011 0,601 -0,305 -0,037 -0,042 -0,015 -0,010 -0,023 0,012 0,024 0,019

Qualification for immigration: be white 0,021 0,031 0,007 0,029 -0,011 -0,305 0,601 -0,062 -0,011 0,041 -0,014 -0,025 -0,035 0,004 -0,003

Qualification for immigration: work skills needed in country

-0,005 0,005 0,022 -0,211 -0,100 -0,037 -0,062 0,499 -0,155 0,010 -0,012 0,007 -0,018 0,018 -0,006

Qualification for immigration: committed to way of life in country

0,016 -0,015 0,024 0,007 -0,107 -0,042 -0,011 -0,155 0,700 -0,037 0,027 0,032 -0,069 0,014 0,025

Immigrants take jobs away in country or create new jobs

-0,108 -0,020 -0,055 -0,018 0,003 -0,015 0,041 0,010 -0,037 0,584 -0,148 -0,051 0,015 -0,040 -0,028

Taxes and services: immigrants take out more than they put in or less

-0,054 -0,018 -0,030 0,004 0,010 -0,010 -0,014 -0,012 0,027 -0,148 0,586 -0,162 0,035 -0,066 -0,045

Immigrants make country's crime problems worse or better

-0,009 0,010 -0,071 -0,007 -0,004 -0,023 -0,025 0,007 0,032 -0,051 -0,162 0,719 0,050 -0,001 -0,062

Government should be generous judging applications for refugee status

0,028 0,030 0,044 -0,021 -0,005 0,012 -0,035 -0,018 -0,069 0,015 0,035 0,050 0,778 0,056 0,039

Compared to yourself government treats new immigrants better or worse

-0,027 -0,047 -0,028 0,015 0,023 0,024 0,004 0,018 0,014 -0,040 -0,066 -0,001 0,056 0,785 -0,033

Religious beliefs and practices undermined or enriched by immigrants

0,001 -0,133 -0,034 0,002 0,022 0,019 -0,003 -0,006 0,025 -0,028 -0,045 -0,062 0,039 -0,033 0,671




Immigration bad or good for country's economy

,919a -0,228 -0,269 -0,023 0,014 -0,026 0,040 -0,010 0,028 -0,205 -0,102 -0,015 0,047 -0,045 0,003

Country's cultural life undermined or enriched by immigrants

-0,228 ,898a -0,362 -0,002 0,038 0,068 0,062 0,011 -0,028 -0,041 -0,037 0,019 0,054 -0,083 -0,254

Immigrants make country worse or better place to live

-0,269 -0,362 ,906a -0,016 0,013 0,007 0,014 0,049 0,045 -0,116 -0,062 -0,134 0,080 -0,051 -0,067

Qualification for immigration: good educational qualifications

-0,023 -0,002 -0,016 ,796a -0,327 -0,096 0,049 -0,397 0,010 -0,031 0,007 -0,012 -0,031 0,022 0,004

Qualification for immigration: speak country's official language

0,014 0,038 0,013 -0,327 ,882a -0,018 -0,019 -0,182 -0,166 0,006 0,017 -0,006 -0,007 0,034 0,034

Qualification for immigration: Christian background

-0,026 0,068 0,007 -0,096 -0,018 ,782a -0,507 -0,067 -0,064 -0,025 -0,017 -0,036 0,018 0,035 0,029

Qualification for immigration: be white 0,040 0,062 0,014 0,049 -0,019 -0,507 ,791a -0,114 -0,018 0,069 -0,023 -0,038 -0,051 0,005 -0,004

Qualification for immigration: work skills needed in country

-0,010 0,011 0,049 -0,397 -0,182 -0,067 -0,114 ,846a -0,263 0,019 -0,022 0,012 -0,029 0,029 -0,010

Qualification for immigration: committed to way of life in country

0,028 -0,028 0,045 0,010 -0,166 -0,064 -0,018 -0,263 ,899a -0,057 0,042 0,046 -0,093 0,019 0,036

Immigrants take jobs away in country or create new jobs

-0,205 -0,041 -0,116 -0,031 0,006 -0,025 0,069 0,019 -0,057 ,920a -0,254 -0,078 0,022 -0,059 -0,044

Taxes and services: immigrants take out more than they put in or less

-0,102 -0,037 -0,062 0,007 0,017 -0,017 -0,023 -0,022 0,042 -0,254 ,909a -0,250 0,052 -0,098 -0,071

Immigrants make country's crime problems worse or better

-0,015 0,019 -0,134 -0,012 -0,006 -0,036 -0,038 0,012 0,046 -0,078 -0,250 ,910a 0,067 -0,001 -0,089

Government should be generous judging applications for refugee status

0,047 0,054 0,080 -0,031 -0,007 0,018 -0,051 -0,029 -0,093 0,022 0,052 0,067 ,963a 0,072 0,054

Compared to yourself government treats new immigrants better or worse

-0,045 -0,083 -0,051 0,022 0,034 0,035 0,005 0,029 0,019 -0,059 -0,098 -0,001 0,072 ,967a -0,046

Religious beliefs and practices undermined or enriched by immigrants

0,003 -0,254 -0,067 0,004 0,034 0,029 -0,004 -0,010 0,036 -0,044 -0,071 -0,089 0,054 -0,046 ,939a


a. M aß der Stichprobeneignung

7 KMO- und Bartlett-Test

Sampling Adequacy of Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin. 0,890

Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity Approximate Chi-Square 150872,911

df 105

Sig. after Bartlett 0,000


Anfänglich Extraktion

Immigration bad or good for country's economy 1,000 0,617

Country's cultural life undermined or enriched by immigrants 1,000 0,658

Immigrants make country worse or better place to live 1,000 0,683

Qualification for immigration: good educational qualifications 1,000 0,670 Qualification for immigration: speak country's official language 1,000 0,634

Qualification for immigration: Christian background 1,000 0,755

Qualification for immigration: be white 1,000 0,766

Qualification for immigration: work skills needed in country 1,000 0,700 Qualification for immigration: committed to way of life in country 1,000 0,461

Immigrants take jobs away in country or create new jobs 1,000 0,537

Taxes and services: immigrants take out more than they put in or less

1,000 0,550

Immigrants make country's crime problems worse or better 1,000 0,436

Government should be generous judging applications for refugee status

1,000 0,304

Compared to yourself government treats new immigrants better or worse

1,000 0,294

Religious beliefs and practices undermined or enriched by immigrants

1,000 0,413

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

8 Total Variance Explained


Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings Total % of Variance Cummulative % Total % of Variance Cummulative % Total % of Variance Cummulative %

1 5,233 34,884 34,884 5,233 34,884 34,884 4,238 28,251 28,251

2 2,093 13,956 48,839 2,093 13,956 48,839 2,556 17,037 45,289

3 1,151 7,673 56,512 1,151 7,673 56,512 1,683 11,223 56,512

4 0,787 5,246 61,758

5 0,772 5,146 66,904

6 0,742 4,946 71,850

7 0,680 4,536 76,385

8 0,655 4,365 80,751

9 0,552 3,680 84,431

10 0,479 3,194 87,626

11 0,457 3,047 90,673

12 0,402 2,682 93,355

13 0,364 2,430 95,785

14 0,344 2,296 98,081

15 0,288 1,919 100,000

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

9 Factor Matrix



1 2 3

Immigrants make country worse or better place to live


Country's cultural life undermined or enriched by immigrants


Immigration bad or good for country's economy

0,716 0,317

Immigrants take jobs away in country or create new jobs

0,636 0,364

Taxes and services: immigrants take out more than they put in or less

0,631 0,359

Religious beliefs and practices undermined or enriched by immigrants


Government should be generous judging applications for refugee status


Compared to yourself government treats new immigrants better or worse


Qualification for immigration: speak country's official language

-0,526 0,512 -0,308

Immigrants make country's crime problems worse or better

0,511 0,333

Qualification for immigration: committed to way of life in country

-0,509 0,393

Qualification for immigration: good educational qualifications

-0,438 0,619 -0,308

Qualification for immigration: work skills needed in country

-0,565 0,586

Qualification for immigration: be white -0,495 0,334 0,640 Qualification for immigration: Christian


-0,459 0,441 0,592

Extraction Method: Principal Components Analysis.

a. 3 factors extracted


cultural life undermined or

enriched by immigrants

Immigrants make country worse or better place to live

Qualification immigration: be


Qualification for immigration:

work skills needed in country

Qualification for immigration:

committed to way of life in


Immigrants take jobs away

in country or create new jobs

Taxes and make country's crime problems worse or better

Government should be generous judging applications

for refugee status

Compared to yourself government

treats new immigrants better or worse

Religious beliefs and practices undermined or

enriched by immigrants Immigration bad or good for

country's economy

,617a 0,629 0,646 -0,098 -0,195 -0,225 -0,288 -0,207 -0,226 0,572 0,557 0,456 -0,403 0,411 0,501

Country's cultural life undermined or enriched by immigrants

0,629 ,658a 0,665 -0,160 -0,251 -0,334 -0,391 -0,279 -0,276 0,573 0,545 0,433 -0,420 0,430 0,516

Immigrants make country worse or better place to live

0,646 0,665 ,683a -0,166 -0,263 -0,262 -0,320 -0,278 -0,285 0,595 0,584 0,479 -0,437 0,442 0,531

Qualification for immigration: good educational qualifications

-0,098 -0,160 -0,166 ,670a 0,642 0,292 0,226 0,670 0,533 -0,046 -0,100 -0,096 0,223 -0,180 -0,140

Qualification for immigration:

speak country's official language

-0,195 -0,251 -0,263 0,642 ,634a 0,285 0,235 0,657 0,536 -0,140 -0,194 -0,176 0,277 -0,236 -0,215

Qualification for immigration:

Christian background

-0,225 -0,334 -0,262 0,292 0,285 ,755a 0,753 0,403 0,278 -0,147 -0,042 0,062 0,173 -0,199 -0,204

Qualification for immigration: be white

-0,288 -0,391 -0,320 0,226 0,235 0,753 ,766a 0,351 0,244 -0,210 -0,096 0,020 0,195 -0,228 -0,247

Qualification for immigration:

work skills needed in country

-0,207 -0,279 -0,278 0,670 0,657 0,403 0,351 ,700a 0,560 -0,141 -0,175 -0,143 0,284 -0,249 -0,226

Qualification for immigration:

committed to way of life in country

-0,226 -0,276 -0,285 0,533 0,536 0,278 0,244 0,560 ,461a -0,175 -0,213 -0,184 0,268 -0,237 -0,230

Immigrants take jobs away in country or create new jobs

0,572 0,573 0,595 -0,046 -0,140 -0,147 -0,210 -0,141 -0,175 ,537a 0,528 0,439 -0,365 0,373 0,461

Taxes and services: immigrants take out more than they put in or less

0,557 0,545 0,584 -0,100 -0,194 -0,042 -0,096 -0,175 -0,213 0,528 ,550a 0,480 -0,377 0,372 0,454

Immigrants make country's crime problems worse or better

0,456 0,433 0,479 -0,096 -0,176 0,062 0,020 -0,143 -0,184 0,439 0,480 ,436a -0,318 0,306 0,374

Government should be generous judging applications for refugee status

-0,403 -0,420 -0,437 0,223 0,277 0,173 0,195 0,284 0,268 -0,365 -0,377 -0,318 ,304a -0,296 -0,342

Compared to yourself government treats new immigrants better or worse

0,411 0,430 0,442 -0,180 -0,236 -0,199 -0,228 -0,249 -0,237 0,373 0,372 0,306 -0,296 ,294a 0,344

Religious beliefs and practices undermined or enriched by immigrants

0,501 0,516 0,531 -0,140 -0,215 -0,204 -0,247 -0,226 -0,230 0,461 0,454 0,374 -0,342 0,344 ,413a

Reproduced Correlations

Reproduced Correlations


Immigration bad or good for country's economy

-0,011 0,001 -0,028 -0,023 0,040 0,034 -0,014 -0,002 -0,037 -0,082 -0,106 0,063 -0,069 -0,105

Country's cultural life undermined or enriched by immigrants

-0,011 0,030 -0,026 -0,022 0,054 0,073 8,704E-05 0,026 -0,099 -0,101 -0,098 0,055 -0,051 0,011

Immigrants make country worse or better place to live

0,001 0,030 -0,011 -0,002 0,029 0,040 -0,011 0,005 -0,075 -0,099 -0,064 0,052 -0,069 -0,064

Qualification for immigration: good educational qualifications

-0,028 -0,026 -0,011 -0,099 0,006 -0,005 -0,075 -0,202 -0,044 -0,013 0,016 -0,044 0,010 -0,008

Qualification for immigration:

speak country's official language

-0,023 -0,022 -0,002 -0,099 -0,007 0,017 -0,131 -0,128 -0,029 0,008 0,040 -0,064 0,022 -0,004

Qualification for immigration:

Christian background

0,040 0,054 0,029 0,006 -0,007 -0,160 -0,041 -0,004 0,004 -0,072 -0,121 -0,009 0,014 0,011

Qualification for immigration: be white

0,034 0,073 0,040 -0,005 0,017 -0,160 -0,005 0,007 -0,012 -0,058 -0,109 0,014 0,036 0,043

Qualification for immigration:

work skills needed in country

-0,014 8,704E-05 -0,011 -0,075 -0,131 -0,041 -0,005 -0,079 -0,036 0,001 -0,001 -0,042 0,025 0,018

Qualification for immigration:

committed to way of life in country

-0,002 0,026 0,005 -0,202 -0,128 -0,004 0,007 -0,079 0,023 0,007 0,004 -0,008 0,038 0,011

Immigrants take jobs away in country or create new jobs

-0,037 -0,099 -0,075 -0,044 -0,029 0,004 -0,012 -0,036 0,023 -0,009 -0,072 0,079 -0,060 -0,103

Taxes and services: immigrants take out more than they put in or less

-0,082 -0,101 -0,099 -0,013 0,008 -0,072 -0,058 0,001 0,007 -0,009 -0,020 0,072 -0,043 -0,084

Immigrants make country's crime problems worse or better

-0,106 -0,098 -0,064 0,016 0,040 -0,121 -0,109 -0,001 0,004 -0,072 -0,020 0,054 -0,086 -0,057

Government should be generous judging applications for refugee status

0,063 0,055 0,052 -0,044 -0,064 -0,009 0,014 -0,042 -0,008 0,079 0,072 0,054 0,031 0,051

Compared to yourself government treats new immigrants better or worse

-0,069 -0,051 -0,069 0,010 0,022 0,014 0,036 0,025 0,038 -0,060 -0,043 -0,086 0,031 -0,057

Religious beliefs and practices undermined or enriched by immigrants

-0,105 0,011 -0,064 -0,008 -0,004 0,011 0,043 0,018 0,011 -0,103 -0,084 -0,057 0,051 -0,057

b. Residuals are computed between observed and reproduced correlations. There are 41 (39,0%) nonredundant residuals with absolute values greater than 0,05.


Extraction M ethod: Principal Component Analysis.

a. Reproduced Correlations.

12 Rotated Factor Matrix



1 2 3

Immigrants make country worse or better place to live 0,793

Immigration bad or good for country's economy 0,766

Country's cultural life undermined or enriched by immigrants 0,752 Taxes and services: immigrants take out more than they put in or



Immigrants take jobs away in country or create new jobs 0,727 Immigrants make country's crime problems worse or better 0,624 Religious beliefs and practices undermined or enriched by



Compared to yourself government treats new immigrants better or worse


Government should be generous judging applications for refugee status


Qualification for immigration: good educational qualifications 0,812 Qualification for immigration: work skills needed in country 0,792 Qualification for immigration: speak country's official language 0,773 Qualification for immigration: committed to way of life in



Qualification for immigration: be white 0,839

Qualification for immigration: Christian background 0,824

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser-Normalisation.a a. Rotation converged in 5 Iterations.

Factor Transformation Matrix

Factor 1 2 3

1 0,827 -0,465 -0,315

2 0,558 0,743 0,368

3 0,063 -0,481 0,875

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser-Normalisation.

13 1.1.2 Oblique Rotation (direct oblimin)


Log generated 15-JUL-2019 16:37:51


Input Data C:\Users\Mo\Documents\Uni\10 Sommersemester 2018\Masterarbeit\SPSS\ESS\ESS7e02_2_trimmed.sav

Active Data Set DataSet1 Filter <none>

Weighted <none>

Split Data <none>

Number of rows in Data

40185 Processing

of Missing Values

Definition of Missing

MISSING=EXCLUDE: Defined missing values treated as missingt.

Processed Cases LISTWISE: Statistics based on cases which feature no missing values for any of the processed cases.


/VARIABLES imbgeco imueclt imwbcnt qfimedu qfimlng qfimchr qfimwht qfimwsk qfimcmt imtcjob imbleco imwbcrm gvrfgap gvtrimg rlgueim /MISSING LISTWISE

/ANALYSIS imbgeco imueclt imwbcnt qfimedu qfimlng qfimchr qfimwht qfimwsk qfimcmt imtcjob imbleco

imwbcrm gvrfgap gvtrimg rlgueim






Ressources Prozessor Time 00:00:00,33

Time Elapsed 00:00:00,29

Maximum Memory Needed

28528 (27,859K) Byte


cultural life undermined or

enriched by immigrants

Immigrants make country worse or better

place to live

Qualification immigration: be


Qualification for immigration:

work skills needed in


Qualification for immigration:

committed to way of life in


Immigrants take jobs away

in country or create new jobs

Taxes and make country's crime problems worse or better

Government should be

generous judging applications

for refugee status

Compared to yourself government

treats new immigrants better or worse

Religious beliefs and

practices undermined or

enriched by immigrants Immigration bad or good for

country's economy

1,000 0,618 0,647 -0,127 -0,219 -0,185 -0,254 -0,220 -0,229 0,536 0,474 0,350 -0,340 0,343 0,396

Country's cultural life undermined or enriched by immigrants

0,618 1,000 0,695 -0,186 -0,274 -0,280 -0,318 -0,279 -0,249 0,474 0,444 0,336 -0,365 0,379 0,527

Immigrants make country worse or better place to live

0,647 0,695 1,000 -0,177 -0,265 -0,233 -0,280 -0,289 -0,279 0,520 0,485 0,415 -0,385 0,372 0,467

Qualification for immigration: good educational qualifications

-0,127 -0,186 -0,177 1,000 0,543 0,297 0,221 0,595 0,331 -0,089 -0,114 -0,080 0,179 -0,169 -0,148

Qualification for immigration: speak country's official language

-0,219 -0,274 -0,265 0,543 1,000 0,278 0,252 0,526 0,408 -0,169 -0,186 -0,137 0,213 -0,215 -0,220

Qualification for immigration:

Christian background

-0,185 -0,280 -0,233 0,297 0,278 1,000 0,593 0,362 0,273 -0,144 -0,115 -0,060 0,164 -0,185 -0,193

Qualification for immigration: be white

-0,254 -0,318 -0,280 0,221 0,252 0,593 1,000 0,346 0,251 -0,222 -0,154 -0,089 0,210 -0,192 -0,204

Qualification for immigration: work skills needed in country

-0,220 -0,279 -0,289 0,595 0,526 0,362 0,346 1,000 0,481 -0,177 -0,174 -0,144 0,242 -0,224 -0,208

Qualification for immigration:

committed to way of life in country

-0,229 -0,249 -0,279 0,331 0,408 0,273 0,251 0,481 1,000 -0,152 -0,206 -0,180 0,259 -0,200 -0,218

Immigrants take jobs away in country or create new jobs

0,536 0,474 0,520 -0,089 -0,169 -0,144 -0,222 -0,177 -0,152 1,000 0,519 0,367 -0,286 0,313 0,357

Taxes and services: immigrants take out more than they put in or less

0,474 0,444 0,485 -0,114 -0,186 -0,115 -0,154 -0,174 -0,206 0,519 1,000 0,460 -0,305 0,328 0,370

Immigrants make country's crime problems worse or better

0,350 0,336 0,415 -0,080 -0,137 -0,060 -0,089 -0,144 -0,180 0,367 0,460 1,000 -0,264 0,220 0,317

Government should be generous judging applications for refugee status

-0,340 -0,365 -0,385 0,179 0,213 0,164 0,210 0,242 0,259 -0,286 -0,305 -0,264 1,000 -0,265 -0,291

Compared to yourself government treats new immigrants better or worse

0,343 0,379 0,372 -0,169 -0,215 -0,185 -0,192 -0,224 -0,200 0,313 0,328 0,220 -0,265 1,000 0,287

Religious beliefs and practices undermined or enriched by immigrants

0,396 0,527 0,467 -0,148 -0,220 -0,193 -0,204 -0,208 -0,218 0,357 0,370 0,317 -0,291 0,287 1,000

Correlation Matrixa



Immigration bad or good for country's economy

0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000

Country's cultural life undermined or enriched by immigrants

0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000

Immigrants make country worse or better place to live

0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000

Qualification for immigration: good educational qualifications

0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000

Qualification for immigration: speak country's official language

0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000

Qualification for immigration:

Christian background

0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000

Qualification for immigration: be white

0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000

Qualification for immigration: work skills needed in country

0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000

Qualification for immigration:

committed to way of life in country

0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000

Immigrants take jobs away in country or create new jobs

0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000

Taxes and services: immigrants take out more than they put in or less

0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000

Immigrants make country's crime problems worse or better

0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000

Government should be generous judging applications for refugee status

0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000

Compared to yourself government treats new immigrants better or worse

0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000

Religious beliefs and practices undermined or enriched by immigrants

0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000

Sig. (1-tailed)

a. Determinant = ,004


cultural life undermined or

enriched by immigrants

Immigrants make country worse or better

place to live

Qualification immigration: be


Qualification for immigration:

work skills needed in country

Qualification for immigration:

committed to way of life in


Immigrants take jobs away

in country or create new jobs

Taxes and make country's crime problems worse or better

Government should be

generous judging applications

for refugee status

Compared to yourself government

treats new immigrants better or worse

Religious beliefs and

practices undermined or

enriched by immigrants Immigration bad or good for country's


2,095 -0,517 -0,620 -0,044 0,027 -0,049 0,074 -0,021 0,049 -0,389 -0,192 -0,026 0,076 -0,073 0,005

Country's cultural life undermined or enriched by immigrants

-0,517 2,447 -0,903 -0,005 0,077 0,137 0,124 0,024 -0,052 -0,084 -0,076 0,035 0,096 -0,146 -0,486

Immigrants make country worse or better place to live

-0,620 -0,903 2,540 -0,033 0,026 0,015 0,029 0,110 0,086 -0,241 -0,130 -0,252 0,144 -0,092 -0,130

Qualification for immigration: good educational qualifications

-0,044 -0,005 -0,033 1,772 -0,562 -0,164 0,084 -0,748 0,017 -0,055 0,013 -0,018 -0,047 0,033 0,007

Qualification for immigration: speak country's official language

0,027 0,077 0,026 -0,562 1,664 -0,030 -0,031 -0,332 -0,255 0,009 0,028 -0,009 -0,011 0,049 0,054

Qualification for immigration:

Christian background

-0,049 0,137 0,015 -0,164 -0,030 1,663 -0,844 -0,122 -0,099 -0,042 -0,029 -0,054 0,027 0,051 0,046

Qualification for immigration: be white

0,074 0,124 0,029 0,084 -0,031 -0,844 1,665 -0,208 -0,027 0,117 -0,039 -0,058 -0,074 0,008 -0,006

Qualification for immigration: work skills needed in country

-0,021 0,024 0,110 -0,748 -0,332 -0,122 -0,208 2,003 -0,444 0,036 -0,042 0,020 -0,047 0,047 -0,018

Qualification for immigration:

committed to way of life in country

0,049 -0,052 0,086 0,017 -0,255 -0,099 -0,027 -0,444 1,429 -0,090 0,065 0,064 -0,126 0,025 0,053

Immigrants take jobs away in country or create new jobs

-0,389 -0,084 -0,241 -0,055 0,009 -0,042 0,117 0,036 -0,090 1,714 -0,434 -0,121 0,032 -0,087 -0,070

Taxes and services: immigrants take out more than they put in or less

-0,192 -0,076 -0,130 0,013 0,028 -0,029 -0,039 -0,042 0,065 -0,434 1,707 -0,386 0,077 -0,144 -0,114

Immigrants make country's crime problems worse or better

-0,026 0,035 -0,252 -0,018 -0,009 -0,054 -0,058 0,020 0,064 -0,121 -0,386 1,392 0,090 -0,001 -0,128

Government should be generous judging applications for refugee status

0,076 0,096 0,144 -0,047 -0,011 0,027 -0,074 -0,047 -0,126 0,032 0,077 0,090 1,285 0,092 0,075

Compared to yourself government treats new immigrants better or worse

-0,073 -0,146 -0,092 0,033 0,049 0,051 0,008 0,047 0,025 -0,087 -0,144 -0,001 0,092 1,274 -0,063

Religious beliefs and practices undermined or enriched by immigrants

0,005 -0,486 -0,130 0,007 0,054 0,046 -0,006 -0,018 0,053 -0,070 -0,114 -0,128 0,075 -0,063 1,491

Inverse Korrelationsmatrix


cultural life undermined or

enriched by immigrants

Immigrants make country worse or better place to live

Qualification immigration: be


Qualification for immigration:

work skills needed in


Qualification for immigration:

committed to way of life in


Immigrants take jobs away

in country or create new jobs

Taxes and make country's crime problems worse or better

Government should be

generous judging applications

for refugee status

Compared to yourself government

treats new immigrants better or worse

Religious beliefs and

practices undermined or

enriched by immigrants Immigration bad or good for

country's economy

0,477 -0,101 -0,117 -0,012 0,008 -0,014 0,021 -0,005 0,016 -0,108 -0,054 -0,009 0,028 -0,027 0,001

Country's cultural life undermined or enriched by immigrants

-0,101 0,409 -0,145 -0,001 0,019 0,034 0,031 0,005 -0,015 -0,020 -0,018 0,010 0,030 -0,047 -0,133

Immigrants make country worse or better place to live

-0,117 -0,145 0,394 -0,007 0,006 0,004 0,007 0,022 0,024 -0,055 -0,030 -0,071 0,044 -0,028 -0,034

Qualification for immigration: good educational qualifications

-0,012 -0,001 -0,007 0,564 -0,190 -0,056 0,029 -0,211 0,007 -0,018 0,004 -0,007 -0,021 0,015 0,002

Qualification for immigration:

speak country's official language

0,008 0,019 0,006 -0,190 0,601 -0,011 -0,011 -0,100 -0,107 0,003 0,010 -0,004 -0,005 0,023 0,022

Qualification for immigration:

Christian background

-0,014 0,034 0,004 -0,056 -0,011 0,601 -0,305 -0,037 -0,042 -0,015 -0,010 -0,023 0,012 0,024 0,019

Qualification for immigration: be white

0,021 0,031 0,007 0,029 -0,011 -0,305 0,601 -0,062 -0,011 0,041 -0,014 -0,025 -0,035 0,004 -0,003

Qualification for immigration: work skills needed in country

-0,005 0,005 0,022 -0,211 -0,100 -0,037 -0,062 0,499 -0,155 0,010 -0,012 0,007 -0,018 0,018 -0,006

Qualification for immigration:

committed to way of life in country

0,016 -0,015 0,024 0,007 -0,107 -0,042 -0,011 -0,155 0,700 -0,037 0,027 0,032 -0,069 0,014 0,025

Immigrants take jobs away in country or create new jobs

-0,108 -0,020 -0,055 -0,018 0,003 -0,015 0,041 0,010 -0,037 0,584 -0,148 -0,051 0,015 -0,040 -0,028

Taxes and services: immigrants take out more than they put in or less

-0,054 -0,018 -0,030 0,004 0,010 -0,010 -0,014 -0,012 0,027 -0,148 0,586 -0,162 0,035 -0,066 -0,045

Immigrants make country's crime problems worse or better

-0,009 0,010 -0,071 -0,007 -0,004 -0,023 -0,025 0,007 0,032 -0,051 -0,162 0,719 0,050 -0,001 -0,062

Government should be generous judging applications for refugee status

0,028 0,030 0,044 -0,021 -0,005 0,012 -0,035 -0,018 -0,069 0,015 0,035 0,050 0,778 0,056 0,039

Compared to yourself government treats new immigrants better or worse

-0,027 -0,047 -0,028 0,015 0,023 0,024 0,004 0,018 0,014 -0,040 -0,066 -0,001 0,056 0,785 -0,033

Religious beliefs and practices undermined or enriched by immigrants

0,001 -0,133 -0,034 0,002 0,022 0,019 -0,003 -0,006 0,025 -0,028 -0,045 -0,062 0,039 -0,033 0,671

Anti-Image Matrices



Immigration bad or good for country's economy

,919a -0,228 -0,269 -0,023 0,014 -0,026 0,040 -0,010 0,028 -0,205 -0,102 -0,015 0,047 -0,045 0,003

Country's cultural life undermined or enriched by immigrants

-0,228 ,898a -0,362 -0,002 0,038 0,068 0,062 0,011 -0,028 -0,041 -0,037 0,019 0,054 -0,083 -0,254

Immigrants make country worse or better place to live

-0,269 -0,362 ,906a -0,016 0,013 0,007 0,014 0,049 0,045 -0,116 -0,062 -0,134 0,080 -0,051 -0,067

Qualification for immigration: good educational qualifications

-0,023 -0,002 -0,016 ,796a -0,327 -0,096 0,049 -0,397 0,010 -0,031 0,007 -0,012 -0,031 0,022 0,004

Qualification for immigration:

speak country's official language

0,014 0,038 0,013 -0,327 ,882a -0,018 -0,019 -0,182 -0,166 0,006 0,017 -0,006 -0,007 0,034 0,034

Qualification for immigration:

Christian background

-0,026 0,068 0,007 -0,096 -0,018 ,782a -0,507 -0,067 -0,064 -0,025 -0,017 -0,036 0,018 0,035 0,029

Qualification for immigration: be white

0,040 0,062 0,014 0,049 -0,019 -0,507 ,791a -0,114 -0,018 0,069 -0,023 -0,038 -0,051 0,005 -0,004

Qualification for immigration: work skills needed in country

-0,010 0,011 0,049 -0,397 -0,182 -0,067 -0,114 ,846a -0,263 0,019 -0,022 0,012 -0,029 0,029 -0,010

Qualification for immigration:

committed to way of life in country

0,028 -0,028 0,045 0,010 -0,166 -0,064 -0,018 -0,263 ,899a -0,057 0,042 0,046 -0,093 0,019 0,036

Immigrants take jobs away in country or create new jobs

-0,205 -0,041 -0,116 -0,031 0,006 -0,025 0,069 0,019 -0,057 ,920a -0,254 -0,078 0,022 -0,059 -0,044

Taxes and services: immigrants take out more than they put in or less

-0,102 -0,037 -0,062 0,007 0,017 -0,017 -0,023 -0,022 0,042 -0,254 ,909a -0,250 0,052 -0,098 -0,071

Immigrants make country's crime problems worse or better

-0,015 0,019 -0,134 -0,012 -0,006 -0,036 -0,038 0,012 0,046 -0,078 -0,250 ,910a 0,067 -0,001 -0,089

Government should be generous judging applications for refugee status

0,047 0,054 0,080 -0,031 -0,007 0,018 -0,051 -0,029 -0,093 0,022 0,052 0,067 ,963a 0,072 0,054

Compared to yourself government treats new immigrants better or worse

-0,045 -0,083 -0,051 0,022 0,034 0,035 0,005 0,029 0,019 -0,059 -0,098 -0,001 0,072 ,967a -0,046

Religious beliefs and practices undermined or enriched by immigrants

0,003 -0,254 -0,067 0,004 0,034 0,029 -0,004 -0,010 0,036 -0,044 -0,071 -0,089 0,054 -0,046 ,939a


a. Degree of Sample Adequacy.

19 KMO- und Bartlett-Test

Sampling Adequacy by Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin. 0,890

Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity Approximate Chi-Square 150872,911

df 105

Sig. by Bartlett 0,000


Initial Extraction

Immigration bad or good for country's economy 1,000 0,617

Country's cultural life undermined or enriched by immigrants 1,000 0,658

Immigrants make country worse or better place to live 1,000 0,683

Qualification for immigration: good educational qualifications 1,000 0,670 Qualification for immigration: speak country's official language 1,000 0,634

Qualification for immigration: Christian background 1,000 0,755

Qualification for immigration: Christian background 1,000 0,755