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4.3 Simulation results and comparison to experiments

4.3.4 Validation of clinical relevance through study of spontaneous mutations 143

was mixed with WT melanoma cells before tumour inoculation. However, in a clinical scenario, a mutation would occur spontaneously and start out with a single cell. In order to determine whether a single PmelKOcell can fixate although it is unfit compared to the bulk WT cell population, we introduced the possibility of spontaneous mutations from WT cells to PmelKOcells into our stochastic model.

14 28 42 56 70 84

0 10 20 30

days post tumour inoculation numberofcells(107) WT Diff. cells

WT Dediff. cells PmelKOcells Pmel-1 T-cells Cytokines

14 28 42 56 70

0 1 2

days post tumour inoculation numberofcells(107) WT Diff. cells

WT Dediff. cells PmelKOcells Pmel-1 T-cells Cytokines

Figure 4.19: Simulation (and zoom-in) of the evolution of different cell/molecule types under ACTMETi, shown as number of cells in 107. Initial pure WT tumour size below critical threshold for therapy success. Natural mutation to PmelKO cells at rate of m = 10−7. Vertical lines mark beginning of METi injections, injection of Pmel-1 T-cells, end of METi injections, and the time that a 10 mm tumour diameter is reached.

4 A stochastic model for melanoma T-cell therapy

With 1.5 mutations per day on average in a tumour of 3 mm in diameter (typical melanoma size at treatment onset in our experiments), we have chosen a relatively low frequency of mutational events to obtain Figure 4.19. For this choice of parameters, in more than half of the simulation runs the PmelKO cells fixate and cause a relapse within the first 100 days after tumour inoculation. Even when further decreasing the probability of mutation, this still happens, but in less cases and at a later time points.

Whenever the PmelKOcells fixate, i.e. surpass a detectable number of cells, the same effects as in the experimental setup can be witnessed. For a smaller pure WT tumour, below the critical threshold for tumour eradication, the PmelKOcell population grows and thus protects the WT cells from dying out. The latter can then recover and eventually expand within the PmelKO tumour. Compared to the situations with a pre-existing portion of PmelKO cells, this happens much later, because spontaneously occurring PmelKO cells start to grow from a much lower number. However, the relapse phase itself takes a very similar course (Figure 4.19, right zoom-in panel).

Figure 4.20 shows the results of a number of different simulation runs, where the PmelKO cells fixate at different times to cause a relapse. The occurrence of the mutation that caused the relapse is marked with a cross. This variability is due to the stochasticity of our model where mutations occur randomly at different time points and PmelKO mutants may die out before they fixate and hence the first mutation may not always be successful.

28 56 84 112 140 168

0.3 0.5 0.7 1 3 5 7 10

days post tumour inoculation


Figure 4.20:Simulations of tumour growth curves, shown as diameter [mm] on a log-scale. Red curve shows no successful mutation while first successful mutations of blue and green curves are marked with crosses. Vertical lines mark beginning of METi injections, injection of Pmel-1 T-cells, and end of METi injections.

As above, in Figure 4.17, we again varied the individual fitnessrKO of the PmelKOcells. For the percentage of PmelKOcells in ACTMETi-recurrent melanoma at 9 to 11 mm diameter we obtain a similar picture (Figure 4.21A). We see slightly more variability between simulation runs, particularly for high fitness, and on average lower percentages for the intermediate fitness values. However, the overall range between the highest and lowest values for rKO remains the same and there is no major difference between the variation ofbKO anddKO. As mentioned before, not every simulation run shows a successful mutation where PmelKO cells fixate in the population and and cause a relapse. We have analysed the time points of occurring relapses (as the time when the tumour reaches a diameter of 10 mm) and

4.3 Simulation results and comparison to experiments

summarised the results in Figure 4.21B. With increasing fitnessrKO, the PmelKOpopulation can grow faster and thus causes an earlier relapse. As already pointed out in Figure 4.20, mutations (and thus relapses) can arise at different time points. However, Figure 4.21B shows that the bulk of the relapses occurs at an early time point and can therefore be traced back to a mutation event during the first growth phase of the tumour, before the treatment was initiated.


0.2 0.25 0.3 0.36 0.4 0.45 0

20 40 60 80 100

individual fitnessrKO

PmelKOindelfrequencyintumourcells(%) 19 mm varying birth 10 mmvarying birth 11 mmvarying birth 19 mm varying death 10 mmvarying death 11 mmvarying death


0.2 0.25 0.3 0.36 0.4 0.45 0

50 100 150 200 250 300 350365

individual fitnessrKO


varying birth varying death


0.2 0.25 0.3 0.36 0.4 0.45 50

60 70 80 90 100

individual fitnessrKO


varying birth varying death

Figure 4.21: Analysis of ACTMETi melanomas for sub-critical initial wild type tumour and natural mutation at rate m = 10−7 under varying subclone fitness rKO =bKOdKO. (A) Prediction of enrichment of PmelKO cells for different tumour sizes at time point of harvesting. (B) Time points when 10 mm diameter are reached (within one year after tumour inoculation). (C) Number of successful relapses (within one year after tumour inoculation) out of 100 simulation runs.

In addition to the time point of a relapse and the percentage of PmelKO cells in ACTMETi -recurrent melanoma, we also studied the likelihood of those relapses. Figure 4.21C shows the number of simulation runs (out of 100) that exhibit a relapse within one year after tumour inoculation. Besides the expectable higher number of relapses for higher fitnessrKO, we also observe different behaviour between the variation of bKO and dKO. In the cases where the fitness decrease (compared to rKO = 0.36) is obtained by an increased death rate dKO or the fitness increase is due to a higher birth rate bKO, we detect fewer relapses than in the other cases. This is due to the fact that we have higher ratesbKO and dKO (while keeping rKO the same), which causes more birth and death events in the same time interval and thus higher fluctuations in the PmelKO population. This makes it more likely for the mutant to die out before fixation, i.e. before it reaches a population size at which it cannot go extinct due to random fluctuations, and thus relapses become less likely.

Mathematically this is in line with theoretical results calculating the probability of fixation, within a population at state N, to be proportional to [fKO(N)]+/bKO (see [31]) and thus to decrease with increasing ratebKO (for constantrKO and hencefKO(N)). Once a certain population size is reached, the fluctuations have less influence and the PmelKO cells grow according to their average dynamics, hence their enrichment at relapse is less sensitive to the different approaches.

4 A stochastic model for melanoma T-cell therapy

In conclusion, simulations with spontaneously occurring antigen loss mutations have shown the clinical relevance of the conducted experiments since similar phenomena can be witnessed during treatment. In this scenario, random events play an important role as they decide if and when a relapse of the tumour may occur. Possible implications of these stochastic fluctuations for treatment strategies are discussed in the next section.

4.4 Discussion

In this section we discuss the clinical relevance and implications of our results.

The experiments that are considered in this chapter have all been conducted in mouse models.

Nevertheless, we argue the relevance of our results. The epitope derived from murine Pmel protein is a low affinity epitope and rather poorly recognised by Pmel-1 T-cells, in contrast to the corresponding high affinity epitope derived from human Pmel [68, 151]. Thus, the complex dynamics of antigen down-regulation and ablation under ACT therapy and the facilitation of tumour immune escape are of even greater importance in the context of human high affinity epitopes.

Our simulation results emphasise the importance of an early tumour discovery and therapy initiation. Due to negative feedback within the immune system, there is a threshold for tu-mour size at treatment onset, above which successful eradication through ACTMETitherapy or at least control of the melanoma cells in an immune equilibrium is impossible. However, in those scenarios, it could be promising to first remove a portion of the tumour by surgery and afterwards treat the remaining cells with immunotherapy.

Moreover, our results underscore the importance of tumour heterogeneity on tumour immune surveillance of melanomas, as also demonstrated by recent studies analyzing melanoma pa-tient samples or using UVB-induced mouse melanomas as a models system [133, 176]. We believe that our findings have important implications for the analysis of patient samples, be-cause the genomic comparison of pre- and post-treatment tumour specimens, untreated and recurrent melanomas in our experimental setting, is a standard approach to identify genetic changes in tumour cells that cause resistance to immunotherapy [179]. A highly variable enrichment of resistant tumour cell variants limits their detection likelihood, because the chance of being identified as a recurrent event decreases. We therefore postulate that many resistance mechanisms to immunotherapy remain to be discovered, in particular those ge-netic events that are associated with a reduced tumour cell fitness prior to but an increased fitness upon treatment. Hence, we envision that implementing mathematical models for evolution into genomic analysis pipelines could help to identify such resistance mechanisms more reliably.

Finally, our simulations of spontaneous antigen loss mutations further emphasised the im-portance of stochastic events, in particular in small tumour cell populations. We have shown that stochastic fluctuations can cause extinction of spontaneously occurring antigen loss vari-ants even though their context-dependent fitness might be positive (as it is in smaller WT tumours). This observation is applicable to any small cell population, as for example tu-mours in remission. It is obvious to target tutu-mours with treatments that impair the overall

4.4 Discussion

growth of the cell population. We argue that it is most promising to do so with approaches that actively induce cell death (rather than impair cell division) since this increases fluc-tuations. In other words, treatments that enforce tumour cell death such as Bcl-2 family antagonists [3] are predicted to efficiently eliminate residual, possibly resistant, tumour cells and thus prevent melanoma recurrence. This scenario reminds of a recent study, where tissue-resident memory CD8 T-cells were shown to achieve long-term immune surveillance of residual melanoma cells in the skin of mice [152]. Experimental models like this seem to be suitable to confirm the prediction regarding cell death induction and may eventually con-tribute to improved therapeutic strategies that prevent tumour recurrences after successful immunotherapy.


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