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Innovatsioonisüsteemi elemendid Töötukassa roll innovatsioonisüsteemis Kas mõiste regionaalne

innovatsioonisüsteem on Teile tuttav?

Mida see Teie jaoks tähendab? Kuidas seda mõistate?

Kas Teie või Teie ettevõte kuulub mõnda ametialasesse võrgustikku?

Kas olete võtnud osa ümarlaudadest või fookusgruppidest, kus arutatakse tööturu

Kas Te leiate omale piisavalt tööjõudu?

Millistele ametikohtadele ja millise

Kuidas te värbate töötajaid? Kuidas hoiate ja väärtustate töötajaid?

Mida ootate töötukassalt, et saaks Teie heaks paremini teha, et viia ellu oma missiooni ühte osa, milleks on „aitame leida töötaja“?

Kas töötukassa on Teie jaoks oluline ja arvestatav kanal, kelle kaudu leida sobivat tööjõudu? Kui ei, siis miks?

Milline on Teie meelest töötukassa roll Pärnumaa innovatsioonisüsteemis?

Milline on töötukassa mõju regiooni arengule? (inimkapital, sotsiaalne kapital, toetused ettevõtjale)

74 Lisa 2. Intervjueeritud ettevõtete ja institutsioonide üldandmed

Ettevõtte nimi Sektor/Tegevusala Töötajate arv Töötukassa

koostööpartner Kasutanud Töötukassa

AS Wendre Tekstiilitööstus/ tekstiilitootmine 700 X X

Tervis Spaa Grupp

AS Reideni plaat Ehitus, ehitusmaterjalide tootmine/ ehitusmaterjalitootmine

32 Pärnu tehas 11 Kadrina tehas OÜ Valmos Tootmine/ puidu töötlemine 268

AS Savi Ehitus, ehitusmaterjalide

tootmine/ ehitus

59 OÜ AQ Lasertool Masina- ja metallitööstus/


243 Pärnu tehas 101 Harjumaa tehas



RIS elemendid RIS olemus Vastavus tööturu





Innovation is considered as an important prerequisite of maintaining and increasing the competitiveness and the economic growth of the country. Innovation is a powerful tool in a form of a new idea, more effective device or process that has an impact on society.

Innovation is a process that brings together various new ideas to solve old problems.

Innovative activities can be practiced in the individual and national level. For each business, organization and nation innovative capacity depends on the people´s ability to create and deploy creative resources to ensure sustainability. Innovation-friendly way of thinking is at the heart of the OECD, the European Union and other national development strategies. EU innovation policy challenge is to transform the results of research and development into new and higher quality products and services to promote the country's competitiveness and to improve the welfare of the people.

Innovation systems approaches help to understand and define the factors that contribute to innovation at different levels. The national innovation system is a complex network of social organizations and institutions that exchange information and knowledge to improve country's level of innovation. The regional innovation system approach is based on the idea that the region's economic development objectives are based on local resources like knowledge, cooperation, relationships, human capital and manpower. The focus of a regional innovation system is in the region's willingness to learn and interact with private and public sector companies, educational institutions, supporting organizations.


According to the Estonian Institute of Economic Research fourth of entrepreneurs experience problems with absence of skilled workforce. That sets a barrier to economic development. Estonian Employers Confederation provides a solution to the problem. A vision for sustainable growth based on the development of information, technology, flexible working relationships and forms of work, knowledge, and increasing skill level.

Good education, an active work habit and lifelong learning can help alleviate shortages of skilled labour. Considering demographic changes employees health and safe working environment should be highly valued.

The Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund (Eesti Töötukassa) implements labour market policies to ensure a high employment rate of the population and help employers to find suitable skilled manpower. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the nature of the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund contribution to the innovation system and make suggestions how to increase the contribution.

Master's thesis deals with the regional innovation system as a mechanism or system that helps to facilitate or eliminate labour-related problems of the employers. The object of the study is Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund Pärnu County Department and it´s role in Pärnu County´s regional innovation system.

The aim of the thesis is to make proposals for improving Pärnu county´s regional innovation system by labour market services provided by the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund. To achieve the aim the following tasks have been raised:

• provide an overview of the theoretical approaches of innovation systems;

• provide an overview of the regional innovation system and its elements;

• analyse the nature of the role of public employment agencies in regional innovation system;

• investigate the nature of the Pärnu County Regional Innovation System;

• analyse the role of Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund in Pärnu regional

innovation system;

• examine what are the competencies that registered unemployed people possess in Pärnu County and what are the needs of employers;

• based on the survey results, make suggestions how to improve Pärnu Countys regional


innovation system by labour market services provided by the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund.

Master's thesis consists of two parts - theoretical and empirical part. The first part provides an overview of the literature on innovation systems to create a theoretical basis for understanding the nature of the regional innovation system and the role of public employment offices in it. The second chapter provides an empirical study. The study is based on the qualitative analysis methods. Data were collected during the interviews, and document analysis. Document analysis is based on public information sources and previous studies from Pärnu County. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with representatives of two public sector institutions and six employers.

The result of a study confirms that in accordance with the theory Pärnu regional innovation system consists of private and public companies which are making an effort in collaboration to promote Pärnu´s success. Study participants have the biggest shortcoming with local vocational and higher education market which do not meet the needs of manufacturing businesses. Service and tourism sector have low salaries, which forces people to move, which in turn may exacerbate the labour force shortage.

Generally, employers are satisfied with the Pärnu workforce, despite the fact that temporary staff shortages are felt by all employers. Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund is seen as a support organization for unemployed people and provider of services and support to employers. Changes in employment have led to renewed expectations.

The proposals, which are based on the study results should contribute to the improvement of Pärnu regional innovation system by helping promote cooperation between research institutes, to recruit higher quality workforce and train them to raise their qualifications. The most important proposals are related to organizational innovations in the organization structure; improvement of a job mediation service;

development and designing of human resource services;

remodelling of training principles.

Regional innovation performance depends on the region socio-economical and cultural conditions. Distribution and use of innovations requires cooperation, which in turn makes the economy more efficient. Current Master's thesis confirms the fact that the


region´s competitiveness depends on modern competencies - internal motivation, knowledge and creative thinking.


Lihtlitsents lõputöö reprodutseerimiseks ja lõputöö üldsusele kättesaadavaks tegemiseks

Mina, Kätrin Koso,

1. annan Tartu Ülikoolile tasuta loa (lihtlitsentsi) enda loodud teose


INNOVATSIOONISÜSTEEMIS, mille juhendaja on Raigo Ernits,

1.1. reprodutseerimiseks säilitamise ja üldsusele kättesaadavaks tegemise eesmärgil, sealhulgas digitaalarhiivi DSpace-is lisamise eesmärgil kuni autoriõiguse kehtivuse tähtaja lõppemiseni;

1.2. üldsusele kättesaadavaks tegemiseks Tartu Ülikooli veebikeskkonna kaudu, sealhulgas digitaalarhiivi DSpace´i kaudu kuni autoriõiguse kehtivuse tähtaja lõppemiseni.

2. olen teadlik, et punktis 1 nimetatud õigused jäävad alles ka autorile.

3. kinnitan, et lihtlitsentsi andmisega ei rikuta teiste isikute intellektuaalomandi ega isikuandmete kaitse seadusest tulenevaid õigusi.

Pärnus 21.05.2015