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Uurimus vähekindlustatud laste huviharidus võimaluste kohta Pärnu linnas . 55

Vastuseid käsitlen töös anonüümselt.

I osa. Huvikooli üldosa

1. Kui palju lapsi osales huvikoolis 2014̸2015 õppeaasta alguse seisuga? Kas õppeaasta keskel lisandus õppetöösse lapsi ja kui palju?

2. Millised on huvikooli poolt pakutavad soodustused (sh vähekindlustatud lastele) ja mis tingimustel antud soodustusi saadakse?

3. Kes huvikoolis otsustab soodustuse saamise üle?

4. Kui palju taotleb soodustusi ja kui paljud taotlejatest soodustust saavad?

5. Kuidas saavad lapsevanemad teada soodustustest? (nimeta teavituskanalid, mida huvikool kasutab; kas neid on piisavalt)

6. Millest tunneb huvikool kõige enam puudust?

II osa. Huvihariduse mõju lastele

7. Kas laste majanduslik olukord mõjutab huvikoolis käimise pühendumust ja kuidas?

8. Kuidas mõjutab last huviharidus? (kas annab eluks vajalikke teadmisi ja/või oskuseid, milliseid?)

9. Kuidas oleks võimalik toetada neid Pärnu linnas elavaid lapsi, kellel puuduvad võimalused huvitegevuses osalemiseks huvikoolides?

Lisaks munitsipaalkoolidele: Kas huvikoolidesse uute õpetajate juurdekasv on piisav?


Lisa 3. Küsimused Pärnu Linnavalituse HUKK-AP koordinaatorile

HUKK-AP projekt ehk Huvikoolide Kaasamise ja Arengu Programm“

1. Millest on saanud alguse HUKK–AP projekt? Projekti tutvustus 2. Kes on projekti partnerid?

3. Milliseid lapsi kaasatakse projekti?

4. Kui palju lapsi osaleb hetkel selles projektis?

5. Milliseid üritusi korraldate selle projekti raames?

6. Mis on suurim saavutus selle projekti raames

7. Kuidas on huviharidus muutnud neid lapsi, kes on saanud võimaluse huvihariduseks tänu HUKK–AP`ile?

8. Mis saab peale projekti lõppu?





The current thesis researches the opportunities for after school activities for disadvantaged children on the example of town Pärnu. The aim of this paper was to identify the options for after school activities amongst disadvantaged children and provide suggestions how to reach all families regardless of their economic status.

Poverty can be defined on an individual,- household,- and national level. There are rich and poor countries in the world. European countries are mostly affluent and greater amount of people have better life standards. However the poverty is not unknown in Europe. “Relative poverty” in 2011 in Estonia was 17.5% of the population (Statistics Estonia). The procentual share of people living in “Relative poverty” remained equal compared to the previous year, despite of the increase of salary income per capita.

Children are obliged to attend school; however there is plenty of time after school, which is not used for homework. Time is certainly needed for unwinding, however children in their “active age” are not aware of passive rest, neither wish to sleep after school. Therefore their time can be filled with activities to avoid them spending too much time in front of computer, TV or hanging out on streets without supervision.

Therefore, it is important to attend sport clubs, children’s camps, trainings, etc.

Young people gain necessary competences through after school activities, e.g. creativity, courage, cooperation and problem-solving; knowledge of healthy lifestyle, practical experiences in various fields and social skills. Estonia’s after school activities are comprehensive, with high quality and allow to visit all areas previously listed.


Unfortunately it is not available for all young people. Often it remains inaccessible for those who need it the most. The obstacles are as well as family and economic limitations, as quality, content and availability near home.

The purpose of the thesis is to clarify opportunities for disadvantaged children for after school activities and brainstorm the ideas how to bring it to all children who are interested, regardless of economic status.

According to the aim of the paper, the following main research tasks have been raised:

1. Examine literature for the impact of recreational activities for children development.

2. Study the situation of Pärnu’s children who do not have financial possibilities for after school activities and how many children use the educational grants.

3. Carry out interviews with Pärnu’s hobby schools for information on their benefit methods and system.

4. Carry out interviews with the HUKK-AP project coordinator in Pärnu to introduce the project.

Theoretical overview focuses on the objectives and funding of after school activities.

The HUKK-AP also known as after school clubs evolvement and funding project was introduced. An overview of the poverty problems and of its impact on children was given, as well as the background of theory for needs and motivation. After school activities help young people to grow into successful and versatile adults. It does not focus on narrow fields, but broadens the childs horizon and develops their social skills.

No matter what hobby child is engaged to, it is his/her quality leisure time. If the child's leisure time is unorganized it increases the risk of getting into the “wrong” environment.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs puts limits to participate in after school activities. If there are problems with physiological needs a parent cannot provide hobby activities for children. Even if the local government supports parent to pay tuition fees, the parent must take into account the additional financial and transport costs which involves the child’s attendance at school. Therefore, the interest of using the financial support for after school activities is very limited in Pärnu. Public after school activity clubs can provide benefits to children who have initially funds to pay tuition fees. Private after school clubs cannot offer designed discounts as the income of the children is used for all

59 variable costs.

In the opinion of the schools, projects should be made available in order to support disadvantaged children to reach after school activities. Author of the thesis has brought out an idea to create a non-profit organization providing sustainable after school activities for disadvantaged children in Pärnu.

Children’s hobbies are not valued enough. If one child was able to engage in at least one activity they like, Pärnu would have healthier children who better can coop with the changing dynamics of the nowadays world. The parents play the key role in facilitating the correct activities to their children. They have to align with children’s interests as opposed to needs of any other family member.

The study showed that after school activities are necessary for children as it provides them with the toolkit for life including all social, creativity, problem-solving competences, etc., and gives them the right idea of a healthy life style. The effect of after school activities is not immediate, as any other change it is a long term process.


Lihtlitsents lõputöö reprodutseerimiseks ja lõputöö üldsusele kättesaadavaks tegemiseks

Mina, Siiri Jõul,

1. annan Tartu Ülikoolile tasuta loa (lihtlitsentsi) enda loodud teose „Huvihariduse vajalikkus ja võimalused vähekindlustatud lastele Pärnu linna näitel“, mille juhendaja on Kandela Õun,

1.1. reprodutseerimiseks säilitamise ja üldsusele kättesaadavaks tegemise eesmärgil, sealhulgas digitaalarhiivi DSpace-is lisamise eesmärgil kuni autoriõiguse kehtivuse tähtaja lõppemiseni;

1.2. üldsusele kättesaadavaks tegemiseks Tartu Ülikooli veebikeskkonna kaudu, sealhulgas digitaalarhiivi DSpace´i kaudu kuni autoriõiguse kehtivuse tähtaja lõppemiseni.

2. olen teadlik, et punktis 1 nimetatud õigused jäävad alles ka autorile.

3. kinnitan, et lihtlitsentsi andmisega ei rikuta teiste isikute intellektuaalomandi ega isikuandmete kaitse seadusest tulenevaid õigusi.

Pärnus, 20.05.2015