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Having found a surprising and significant pattern in the data, a realist must ask what it means.

This step of going beyond the observable to the reality behind the observables was banned by the positivists. To undo the damage caused by positivist thinking, we must re-learn this skill which is currently not part of our textbooks and training in econometrics. In a realist methodology, finding of a pattern is a starting point for research and not the terminal point, as in the nominalist methodology.

As discussed earlier, the concept of probability is inherently unobservable, because it makes reference to possibilities which might occur but do not. This is why we teach absurd and hard to digest definitions to puzzled undergraduates, who have a clear intuitive understanding of the idea that even though the coin came up heads, it could with equal likelihood, have come up tails; see Zaman (2008) for an extended discussion. Once we force them to discard their naïve intuitions and accept the idea that probability refers to limiting frequencies in an impossible to conduct sequence of trials, we force them to abandon intuitions and rely solely on complex and abstruse mathematics for understanding what is basically a simple concept. In exactly the same way, causality is inherently unobservable. Nonetheless, we all have strong intuitions about what it is, and routinely deduce causal effects in real life from a variety of clues. By framing the problem in a way that makes it impossible to apply these intuitions, we impede the progress of knowledge.

Oaksford and Chater (2007, Introduction) have described the revolution in artificial intelligence that resulted from abandoning positivist models of human knowledge and reasoning, and adopting more flexible realist models developed by cognitive science. In a similar way, learning to reason about the reality behind the data may resolve the frustration about econometrics expressed by Magnus (1999) and Freedman (1997) cited earlier.

Our goal in this section is to illustrate, via a simple example, how intimately real world knowledge is involved in the deduction of causality from data clues. This means that any process which uses nameless data (X,Y) without knowing what these variables mean, cannot lead to final conclusions about causality. Data can provide clues, even strong clues, but ultimate verification requires deeper investigation than is available from data alone.

Consider the following (artificial) data about admission into Real University (RU). We assume rough equality of backrounds in the applicant pools of males and females for the reasoning which follows.

Applicants  Males Females

Total 1000 1000

Admitted 300 700

Percent 30% 70%


One would immediately guess that RU discriminates against males. The discrepancy in the admission ratio is so large that almost any method for assessing significance of difference would conclude that the null hypothesis of equality of admission ratios would be rejected. Note that we do not consider the possibility that Admission is a cause of Gender – students who are admitted get sex-change operations. Correlations are always symmetric, while causality is always unidirectional, so the pattern in the data can never be a depiction of reality. Next suppose that the university has two major schools, sciences and humanities. Subdivided into these categories, admissions data is as given below:

Male Applicants Female Applicants

School Social Science Engineering Social Science Engineering

Applicants 100 900 900 100

Admitted 100 200 690 10

Percent 100% 22% 77% 10%

Now it seems clear that the discrimination is against females. In both Social Science and Engineering, male candidates are preferred admits by a large margin. Males apply overwhelmingly to Engineering, which is hard to get into, while females apply overwhelmingly to Social Science, which is easy to get into. This accounts for the difference in overall admit ratios.

The surface pattern of overall admits leads to a clear causal conclusion. Deeper investigation of structure reverses it completely. This shows that we can only get clues to causality from data, and only reach tentative conclusions – there may be hidden variables, which would change the picture. Knowledge about the real world is messy and it is not possible to encapsulate it in elegant mathematical formulae. Suppose we expend some shoe leather and go to the admissions department of the university in question. We find out that all applications are processed uniformly, without regard to which department the candidates have applied to. Candidates are ranked by SAT scores, and admission is given to the top 2000. Alternatively, we learn that candidates choose departments after they are admitted. Clearly we would renounce our causal conclusion and think about alternative explanations for the discrepancy in the admission ratios.

Also, sitting in an admissions committee meeting at RU would give us important qualitative information about gender bias in admissions in a way that could not be easily captured in any data.


When the proverbial apple fell on Newton’s head, he thought through to the invisible force of gravity which led the apple to fall. Positivist methodology would have led him consider the fit of his apple to the patterns made by apples falling in orchards – these are observable, while gravity is not. Positivist methodology dominated social sciences for the major part of the twentieth century. Positivists eschewed the real underlying structures, and said that scientific laws describe patterns in the observables. The particular, concrete, historical and unique events are therefore


not parts of scientific knowledge. In fact, these play an essential role in the body of human knowledge. As the errors and weaknesses of the positivist methodology became apparent, there has been an effort to break away from this philosophy. Differing amounts of progress has been made in different disciplines, but a lot remains to be done.

In this essay, I have focused on the effects of positivist methodology on econometrics. I have shown that current approaches based on finding patterns in data cannot lead to increases in our knowledge. Data and observations are only partial guides. Striking patterns in the data are clues to real structures. Exploring these clues requires acquiring and organizing information about the real world. There are two keys to developing a realist methodology for econometrics. The first is to measure surprise in how well a data fits a model. The second is to try and look for real causal mechanisms and structures which explain away this surprise. For both of these activities, there exists a substantial amount of existing material. Measurements of surprise via entropy and other techniques have been discussed for decades. There is a very active debate currently going on about how to deduce causal relations from observational data. Even though these activities are central to a realist methodology, currently these research areas are peripheral and marginalized because of the dominant positivist methodology. Progress requires changing priorities.


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