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Im Dokument CLASS DOCU- MENTS (Seite 45-77)

EL & 7665 IMDEI Describes thO! construction and characteristics of capacitors as a guide for selection ami application:!. U'led \lith tne Training Cou .. sO! on Capacitors of,ered by Component Engineering.


Title: COllponent Enginee .. tng Guide To Tran:!r~rllers

Order Mo. ELCETRA-TM Revision A(lOll Date: 09-Nov-81 Abstract: De:!cribes the basic construct~on and characteristlcs of transformers. To bO! elsed \11th Component Engineering Training Course on Tran:!formers.


Order No. ELEH301 Revisior. H Date: 01-Jun-81

Abstl'aot: Provides guidelines for maintenanoe and update of information or, the Dooument Control ""ile (Den. Intended as a training aid and reference document for site document control people,

litle: CAD Libraries Guide

Order N:l. ELENj02 ReviSion A Date: 13_Jan_81

Abstract: Provides a collection of brief, comparative descl"iptions of the current libraries u.!!ed in computer aided printed circuit and mechanical design at Digital. These libraries inClude the GEMS, CALDEC, SUDS, IDEA, Applicon, ;Standard Features, and Uni;raphics Libraries.

Title: Engineering Managellient System Manual

Order No. ELElI303 Revision A(X01 l 17-Jul-81

This manllal contains CO"ltent guidelines and sample formats for the preparation of' the Baseplan, the Baseplan ECO

~!~~ta~c in1a~~utlaYCOAuDt ~~~t~n. c~~:;~;:\lSsp~~~~~~s /elfoe\lre~~:

information on each CAD ::'001.

Title: Guide To Ordering Capital Equipaent

OrC:er No. ELE!!'311 Revision A Date: 01-Jan-81

Contai.1s tlolioies and procedures for ordering capital equipment within Cetltral Engineering. Includes capital forecasting, plans, and budgets. Covers how an order


P~~~~~;d Fo~u~G~~i:~' Ag~~~~~,

delivered, and capitalized.

EL '" 7665 IIDU S .. etien 0

15_Jul_82 Page 113

Table 2. EL Cla!!!!!! Manusl!!! and Spee!f1eati"M, (Cor.tlnued) Title: PC Board Layout Ma::lual

Order No. ELEN312 Revbion A Date: 15_Dee_81

'!'bstract: Contains printed circt.!it board layouts <;I:uidelines for tne layout designer.

Title; Guide To PC Metries

Order No. ELEN3Hi Revision A(XOO) 25-Jan-82

Abstraot: Not available


Title: Digital-Developed Appliecn Co_and Exten"ions • Order No. ELEN317 Revision A Date: 28-l"ay-82

The progra!lls described in this manual were written at the • :rrna;rde

f:~~;~;rc~: ~~gl~~; ~~~~~6~nt coC:;:no;a~~~n. an/l:~~;

• written USing AGS/860 software.

b;~!~:NO. ~~~~l~!!!er GUid~~~~:~;~'\l

of TWIGY 12-,1.,,"-82 . . Abst_ract:

i~~~ut Llsde;S'iSgn:~!d:h/5lJ3!n~~:de:WI~~r r%~;;~:d;~;;~~!, ~ "~~~~

guide i!!! inten 'ed for 'J5e with v .. r5ion 1 of the new nitGY, . . which supersedes the old version of TWGY.

Title: TWIGT User Gulde:VERSIOII 2 cf TWIGY

Order No. ELEN318-02 Revision A(XOO) Date: 24_Apr_8"

A.b3traet: This \I"er'~ guide is inte,,-ded for printed_olrouit board layout doi!slgne,·s who u"e the nlIGY routing program. this gui'!le is int'~nd"'d for use with versioil 2 of the new TWIGY, which supersedes the old version of ... GY.


Title; KPL-To-EPL5 Proce.u Manual

Order ~o, ELf~355 Revision A :Jate: 23-Feb·;1

Describes how to transfe! a released automate::! parts list (K.PLI to the Engineering Product LilJrary System (EPl.S), Intended for use by site de3ign libr:lry personnel 1n coor::!inating the !CPL to EPLS process.

• •

• •

EL & 7665 INDEX

Sectioll 0 15-Jul-82

Table 2. EL Class Manuals and Specificat.ions (Continued) Title: Phase Review Process Manual

Order No. F'.EN356 Revision A Date: 15-Jan-82

Prol/ides a consistent orientation for all product developlllent teams towardS the Phase Review Policy. The manu:!Il includes dOCUments that are intended a~ 8uideline~

and aids to as~1.:!t project teaID members in deflni::g terms and milestones referenced in the Phase Review Policy, DEC STD 028.

SEE STATUS REPORT FOR CURRE!H ACTIVITY Tit.le: "pplicon Hybrid Design Guide

Order No. ELEN360 ReviSion A Date: 21<-Oe<:-81 PrOVides luidelinell and requirements for the design, layout, artwork, and docullle!lt;>tion of h}'brld~ and their related substrates. Focused for indiViduals de:!ign Hybrid·~ USing t:,e Applicon computer alded dellign sy.stem i!1 !'iaynard.

Unit Charge Reference Guide

Order No. ELENCHG_IIf ~evision A Date: 02_Sep_131 Abstraot: GUide for Engineering developillent organi:z;ation.'l and their support groups. The purpo~e is to falDiltarize oost oenter personnel with the TJ'lit Charge System. The groups refere',ce<.!

within this guide ~upport Unit Charge as a project co"trol tool that facilitate:! "lanning- and oontrol.

SEE S:':'TUS A-EPOIIT FOR CURRE~fT ACTIVITY funotl"n, prOCe3Se:!, and requ:!.rements. Also contain~

• informtion on how CAD tool.s are enhanced, relea:!ed, and supported.


• • •

Title: EHI/Rf"I Meehanlcoll Design Guide

Order No. ELENEMI-UG Revhion A(XOO) Date: 15-.'3eo-81 Ab~~l"act: A guide to destgning eq-.ltpment enclosures a<ld cha::!sis that will minimize problem::! with electromagnetic and radio frequency interference and electrostatiC dis0harge.


EL " 7665 IWDEX b,]se. EPlS contains product-related inCor",ation i.e. parts, ,-"ption.!!, llIodules, parts list.!!, bills of mater-lals (BOMs), A collection oC pu~lished .!!tandaros, pr"cedul"es and related inCormation r'equired Car' electr'icall mechanical a.!lpect.!l of engineering dOCulllentation rr'act!ce. (Part aC a .!Ier-ies being developed)

Tttle: Dl"aftins Manual - ''lIlHle 2

Order No. E;.ENGRS-02 Revi.!lion C Date: 15-l'Iay-82 Ab.!ltract: A c'lilecti'ln of publi.!lhed indu.!ltry st;r.ndar'd.!l, pr''lced ... res, and rel"ted inf'lrmation requir-ed for engineering design and d'lcumentation pr'actice.

SEE S'!ATUS RE~ORT FOR CIJRRE!(T ACTIVITY Engineering Orientation Manual

Order No. ELENGRS-OH Revi.!!ion A O"te: 01-Apr_82 Ab.!!tract: Fallliliarizes per'sonnel · ... ith the organizatlo', ano::! 3tructure

of the engineering development groups.

Title: IDEA Tr'aining Manual

Order' No. ELEMGRS_T~_IDEA Revi3ion C Date: 06.-Mar-81 Compilation of inCo:"1I1ation about the proc'!!3.!1 and oper'ation 'lf the progr'ams inVOlved ~" complete a printed circuit board layout, Crom schemati~ input to clean space check, using the IDEA sy.!!tem.

Englneering Technical Tr'ainin8 CAD C'lurse Catal'lg 1981-82 Order No. ELEPlGRS_UG_OCAD Revision B Date: 15-Apr-Bl Abstract: Provides a listing and r'egi.!ltr'ation procedure.!! for' ,:ur'r'ent C'lurses in computer-aided printeo circuit, electrical and mechanical design offered hy Engtneer-ing Technical Training.

These COUr'se3 include SUDS, !DEA, Applicon and Unigraphics deSign drafting "ystem".

Title: (PI. User's Manual

Order No. ELEMGRS_UG_OKPL Revision C Date: O]-Aug-81 Abstract: De.!!cribes data and procedures Cor creating and maintaining an autol:lated par'ts list in accordance <inh the requIrements of the parts 113t standard, DEC STD 025.

EL " 7665 INDEX Section 0


Table 2. EL Cla3s Marlual.s arld Speclf!cat.lofts (ContInued)

• Title: Magtape U.ser's Guide

• ~~~~~~!;~~~, O~njrata~,~g/, "o:n~St~a'1nC~~rO~



• the enlineering defin:'t1on of ;:.ri,ted circuit de3ign~. electrical aperation. The inforOlation provided is ap~licable to the TTL family 10glC on 34-1ayer Circuit boards (t .. o

"ignal layers). F'Jture val "me" .. ill cove,· :>tner logic types

"nd baard canfiguration.s.

• Title: PraducibUity liateboQIc

~~~~~a~~; ~L~~i~~~~~on


pu~~~!~;~\~"ndard", procedur;=~e ~n~5~:r~~~~

Infai""lIIation rec;o.;ired to de!'!Lgn pr1nted 'Jiring boards to talce advantage of in-p:ace proce5seS and '!!"!chods. ::"nters arounj DEC STD Q3D and docume~t3 It's references. F(}cu~ed at design .",~gineers and i<1d1.'ldu,,15 tha~ 9uppart the de.sLg~


Title: Quick T.Jrnaround Process for Printed Circuit De.sign Order No. ELENQTA._UG Revlsio11 A Dat"!: 10-0ec-81

EL &; 7665 nOEl Section 0


Table 2. EL Cla!ls Manuil!l and Spectftc:at1ons (Continued) Title: SUDS Training Manual

Page "7

Order No. ELENSDS_TM Revi~ion A Date: 01l_feo_81 Abstract: COlllpilanon of information about the SlJDS process a"d operation of progra .. s to enable an indiv~dual to create :;ircuit !!chematic:!, IoItr.:list design ana1y"1,, files, ~nd plot 1rawln,,~, input flle" to other ~y"te .. ~. and design tIIacro's to tIIa:c:lmize uttlization of process pa,'a .. eters.

Title: Virell1"ap Progra. !'IarH~.l

Order ,"0. ELEN1oiVP_TM ReviSion A( X02) Datt'!: 28_Se;:>_81 Describe in det;ul the CAD 30ft too~ program" used in the crea,ion of If!re"rap data ba"e for backplane" and wire .. rap lIIodule~. Intt'!nded for use by Iii rewrap "'perator".

Title: COllit Manaser's Guide For Manufact..,rlng Part "ulI.bt'!r Systell.

Order No. ELMf012_0S_USER Revi"ion A Date: 02_feb_80 Abstract; Oellcrlbe" the .. rocedure for the installatir'ln of the lIIanufacturing part nUlIID"r sy"tell> describ"d in DEC STD 012, Section 5, 1.n a manufa::turlng plant,

Title: Setting Labor Standards for Mo<iu\{: As~~.bly and Tellt Order No. EU4f030_iJG Revisi?n ,\ Date: 24_Nov_30 Abstract: 7his malll1al has ~een :l"vt'!loped by ,",oduies Proces~ Man"sement to de"crib" how module as,embly l~!:lor standard~ t"rlll"la~ are derived, how ~hose for:!!ulas are to be l1sed, an,j ho .. lator st~n1ard3 <ore ~et f?r mo'tul" tesc operations.

Tttlt'!· FF303 In-Circuit Tellter Operator'" Manual

Ord"r ~o. EL)04f303-0P Rev i,lon i\. Date: 28_May_81 O""cr i bes operat ing 3nd mainte~ance procedure for the ,,]03 SE<: STH;;S

I~E~6~~u~~R T~~~~~~;

,I.C"!TJ!!Y •

ff303 In-Circuit Tester, UUT Module Repair and Diagnostic Pro"t'!dure~

O,.der 'h. ELMf]03-RP "evision A Abstract: Prcv ide" ba~ic information

that have been founJ to ~e Test .. r. It car. be u"ed as a

~nd repair per30n~el.

EL & 7665 IIfDEX

Section 0 15-Jul-62

Table 2. EL Class Manual:! and Specifications (Continued) Page 116

Title: Dl,ital ModUle Precess Handbook Section ':; Introd>Jctlon al,d General Inforll.ation

Order No. ELM!"308 Revision l Date: 2G-Feb-80 Abstract: A. referen"e handbook for Manufacturing process engine:.rs.

Contains detailed L,formation required to ,et up, expand, operate <lnd maintain the standaro modul .. process. Includes the following sections:

Section 1: Ccmponent Preparation and Machine Insertion, Section 2: Kand Assembly, ECO and Retrofit,

Section 3: "'ave Solder, Cleaning and Touch_up, Secticn 4: Final A.ssembly, Shearing anC! H"rklng Sectlon 5: Automatic In~pection,

Section 6: ModUle Test

• Title: Ho:!.li:! Astra 400 Vave Soldering Sntelll. -


• Order No.




A Date: 09-Jul-82

• Ahstract: !~~;:l~~~i~~~/~~:;;~~g ~~~t::~ntenar.ce information for the Title: C"cmtinuity Auto.,,'dc Test ~,ste!ll (CATS) Operator's Manual Order No. ELMFCAT-OP Revisic'l l Oat,,: 0 .. -Hay-81 Abstract: Descri:'es operating, maintenance and troubleshooting procedure:! for tile CATS. Intended for u:!e by supervi:!or:!

and operator:!.

Title: DIP In:!erter Operator's Manual

Order No. ELMFDIP-OP-GEN3 Revision ~ Oate: 01-Aug-80 Abstract: Describes ope.-atlng procedures Dual In line packaging (DIP), third generation rnserter. Intend ... d for

"se by supervisor~ and operators. R~places l-SP-7665283-0-0 C/C Lo03e DIP In3ertion Operat~on.

Title: MUlti_Module DIP Inserter Operator':! Manual

Order No. EL.Mf"lJIP_OP_GENl! ReviSion A Date: Oo_May_a, Abstract: Describe3 operating and procedures fo .. the Computer_

Controlled Hulti-Module Dual-In-Line Packag~ng (DIP), fourth-generation In:!e .. ter. Interded for use by supervisors and operators.

Title: Mark V Hydraulic Power Shear Operator's Kanual Ord"'r No. ELMf"HPS-OP .'<evi3ion A Date: 30 _Apr_81

Descrlbe3 operating procedures for the Hark v Hydl'"aulic Power Shear. Include3 machine specificatlons, safety features, and detailed in~tl'"uctions to shear the various panel configurations. Daily maintenance procedures are a130 provided. Intend",d for operators and may be u~ed as a training aid.

£L l 7665 IIfDEX

panel and COlllpo:!ite Artwork Standard .eatu!" .. configu .. ations ulled tn ~peclfication of manufacturing requirement" of Printed Circuit board:! and panel!. Reference:! to the:!e Title: Product Reliabilay and Proce"s Tellting

Order No. ELHFPRT_OO Revision A Date: 01-3ep-15

Ablltract: Dellcribes a method developed by Central Reliability Engineering to improv .. the !"eliabillty of Digital p .. oductll . Titl .. : Sequenoer Operator'lI Hanual

Orde .. No. ELMF3EQ-CP-GEN3 Revision A Date: 01-Aug-8e Abst .. act: Describe:! operati.ng procedures for the comp<.lter controlled, third gener-ation component :sequeocer. Intended for use by .'Supervisors and operator!. Replace:! A-SP-7665279-0-0 Axial COlllponent Sequencer

Title: Rotary Sequencer Operator'lI Manual

Order Ko. ELHFSQ2_0P ReviSion A Date: 10-J<.In_81

"b:stract: Desoribe.'S operating and maintenance procedures for the Rotary Sequenc ...

Title: Wave Soldering and Aqueous Tr-ainin8 Manual

Order lio. ELHFT01_Tl'I Revi.'llon A Date: 10-Mar-81 Ahlltract: ConSists of three learning modules and th .. related course material:s and .'Ikill:s ch .. ck list.'S used with the ba.31c course"

t~ train wave .,oldering and aqueous cleaning sY.'Item technicians.

Titl,,: veo Inserter Operator's Manual

Order No. ELHFVCO_OP-GEN3 ReviSion A Date: 01-.o.ug-80 Oe.'lcrthes the operating proc .. dure for- the '1ariabl .. Center Dt:stanoe (VCO), third generation Inser!;.er. Intended for use by supervi:sor:s and operator:s_ Replace:! "'_SP_7665281_0_D '1CD Component Inser-tion

Title: Satellite VCO In.serter Operator's Manual

Order No. ELMFVCD_OP_GEN4 R .. vi:sion A. Date: 02-Jan-81 Abstract: De"crtbe:s the operating proc .. dur .. r..,r th .. '1ariable Center Dist.anc .. (VCD) fourth gen .. raticn Inser t .. r. Intended for use by supervisol's and operators.

.. ..


EL. l 7665 INDEX Ord",r tfo. ELMFWAV-OP-OOAQ Revision A Date: a1-Aug-aO Abstract: DeS<:lribes operating procedures for tne Solder WWf:' Machine and Aqueous Cleaner Syste~. Intended for use by process

• Tl!:.le: Desigr, aftd Construction Guidelines For COlllputer Facllitoles

~~~~~a~~; i~~;CF:~~~eline h~~Vi~;~~

\eveloped by

REg~te~o 25p-rM:~i~~

• effective computer systems in cost effective computer rooflls.

Title: 1pplicon Plot Flle To ltultiplot File Converdon Prollralll Order No. ELEN1a1_'iO Revision A Dat.e: D3-Nov-81 Ab.stract: Provides a description "f thl Applicon Plot F~le to Multi-plot Conversion Progra!!l, its' theory of operation, and pro-cedures to op<!rate the progra!!l. A list of Af'f conventlons, co_and formats, and OOflll!lon error :nessages are included.

• Title: Multiplot File For1l.al,

~~;~~a~~; ~t;~;T5M~OlOtiPlot A~:i:i~~r!at


de~~~:~ 1i2n-M~~;~i

• software MULPLT ver.sion ')8, dated 17-Sep-80.

• •

Title; FCC COlllpliance R,.port


Titl,.: Global Equipillent Plan

Order No. ELMFMPM_Ol ~evision A Date: 01_Jun_81 Abstract: Provide.s a detail de.scription of the Global Equip!!lent Plan, a plan i!!lplefllented by the Module.s Process Group in A~t"n, which acte1 as the central planner for the plants msnu(acturir.g equiplllent needs.

Title: Module Ruild Analysis System

Order No. ELl1FMP"'_02 Revision C Date: 01_5"p_1;1O Abstract: PrOVides volume !!Ietric infoffllation various facets of Oigital's Module Production. The Module Build Analysis (MBA) Syste!!l extends 'Jnit profile information stored on each DEC MOdule to give volume dl!lta on suoh para!!le~ers _as standard hours, !!Iaterial added, standard cost, board denSity, insertion device, and test instruments.

EL &. 1665 rllDEX Section 0


Table 2. EL ClaslI lIanualll and Specifications (Continued) Tit'.e: Machine C.pacity lIodels

Pale 51

Order No. ELI1FI1PI1-03 Revillion A Date: 01_Jun_81 Ablltract: Provieell a technical dellcript.iotl of the follawi'lg machine

capacity modelS:

APST Capacity, DIP Inserter Capacity (24 Statton), GR Capacity (Gen"!ral ~adio Tester 1792), ST Capadty (Teradyne L427 Capac~ty and Cost), VCD In:'!ertlon Capacity (Revillion 11), WS &. Wave Solder, ACI and Aqueous Cleaning PrOCeSll, Z1"

Capacity (rehntel capacity and cost) Title: lOL Co.petit1 .. e Metrics

Ord~r ~o. ELMFI'!PI1-011 ReviSion A _late: 01_Jurl_81 Ablltract: This speclfication provides a ~tudy un,-'ertaken by a contracted independent party (ACL, Arthur D. Little) whlch clearly givell detailed !IIanufacturlng operating comparisons between Digital and a sdected sa!llple of direct competitorll.

The <::ompetltive data complemented Digital ' 3 existing programs ~eaUne; with Internal operating metricll at the plant and procells level.

Procellll "anagell.ent Charter Package

Order No. ELMFHPM-05 Revision A Date: 01-Jun-i31 Abstract: Pruvldes a breakdown of the Hodule~ Process :o\anagement group who had primary rell~"nllibility for the past cperation and future direction of Digital's mOdule manufacturing (a~se!llbly

&, tellt) proce~~es: Process Engine.".-ing; Business Group;

Proce~:J Equipment !rainlnl"!; and 110dules Procells Finance.

D.L. (nlrect Labor) Metrics Survey Results

Ord~r No. ELHFHPI1_06 Revision A Date: 01_Jun_81 Abst;.-act· Provides a survey completed on some metrics ,-e:ated to D.L.

(Direct Labor) on nine (9) of twelve (12) Digital'lI Modules Businesses. The figures given ... ay be regarded as reprellentatlve of the entire Hodule BUSiness. The results show an average goal ::If 1555 hours pe. DL per year at no Abstra,!t: ComplIed by the modules inte.-connect process management group in Acton, MA. provide5 a metric breakJoOln of Digital's

EL &: 7665 IMOEl Seetion 0


Table 2. EL Class Manuals and Speeifleations (Continued) Title: Equip_nt Configuration Files On Global Assellibly Order 110. ElMFMPM_08 Revision A Date: 01-Jun_81 Ab~tract: Attached are Equiplllent Configurations on:

APST Power Supply Tester, Cencorp POio'er Shear, fairct.ild ff303 Test Syste"" Genrad 1795 Test System, Hollis Astra Model ~OO 16ft W,"ve Soleler SysteM, 'loll i.s TDC-16A Wave :301der System, Stoelting, Hydro-Fleen III Aqueous Cleaner, Teradyne LII17A "Shorts" Test Systelll, Universal Multi-Module Dip Inserter, Universal Un i_Module Dip Inserter, Universal VCD Axial COlllponent Inserter, loder Rotary Slitter, Zehntel TSIIOO Test Syste"',

Title' Module Process Joianag<!!Slent Manufacturing Training Video Tapes O"der Mo. ELMfMPM-09 ReviSion A Date: Cl-Jun-61 Abstract: A synopsis of Training Video Tapes f,.oma Manufacturing

~9gJ~ee:o\~~ i~:;;a;s }I~~~eo iga"sA:tdtO/~~~ll:~le i;it:~:~~'


;lvaHable production labor hour" on the insertion equipment_.

Title: Head Count Models

Staffing. FinanciaL, Production) on the forlllatlon of three (3) separate Module CUllin"",,: 1) Stand Alone; 2) Pla'lt Model; 3) In Phnt.

COllponent Engineering Incollling Inspection Te.st Requirements And Methods Manual

Order No. ELCE059_XX_XXXX Revision A(XOO) Date:

Abstr;lct: A compilat10n of PAV;:;S require .. ents and individual Test Methads to supp:e'l!en~ DEC STO 059, Seetio" 1 or, "PAVES Incoming Inspection Documentation Requ l.rements".




EL &, 7665 nlDEI Seetion 0


Table 3. A_5P_7665IXX_X_X Sp.ee1f1eations Title: W11"evI"apped Panel -Ir$pection Procedure

A-SP_7665G01_00 Revision 8

Page 53

:·1-:ul-76 Title: Alig".ent of Gold Conta~ts on Circu:!.t Boards -Inspection


A_SP_76Ej002_00_0000_IlfIT Revhlor, • 18-Ju:-63

Title: Solder "'ask. -Proces$ Specification

A-SP_7665004_00_0000_HtIT Revision·

Title: Gold Plating - Proce.,s Specification

A_SP_7665005_00_0000_IlfIT Revi$ion • 18-Jul-68

"Pttle: Solder Touch-up Specification

A-SP-7665010-00 R~vi,ion A Date: 06-M~y-74

Title: Mechanical Inspection for G610, G611, G612 -In:!pectlon Procedure

A_SP_7665011_0C_OOOO_IHIT Revision • 21-Aug-68

Title: i!eshtance Soldering - Proce:!:! Specification

A-SP _1665012_00_0000_I!HT Revi:!ion • 07-0ct-08

Title: Wire_Wr-ap Pr-oces" Specification and In:!pecti?n Pr-ocedure

A-SP-766S013-00 Revhion f lJate: 01-Aug-73

Title: G022 Cable Tester-(Ca~le Type 70-05971) A-SP-7665018-00-0000-IlIIT Revi!!ion • Title: Flnhh Specification - QC Procedure A_SP_7665019_00_00CO_IHIT Revi"ion •

Title: Wire-Wrap Too11n8 Calibration QC Procedure

A-SP-7655027-00 Red$!on E Title: Layout fipeciflcation for Printed Circuit Bao~ Panels A_SP_7665028_00_0000_IHIT Revision· Date: 1·!-feb_69

Procedure For Identifying Multiple Use 80,-"rd:! Without flandle:!

A-SP-756S029-00 Date: 05-Jun_74

EL " 71565 llIDEX

Section 0 15-Jul-S2

Table 3. A_SP_7665XXX_X_X Specification:! (Continued) Page 5it

Delay Ti.er (P. Sup. -Po Ctrl.) H"lw to Connect it and How it Works

A_SP_7565030_00_COOO_IlnT Revi"ion. • Date: 07-Apr-79 Title: Power Supply - Control Model Acceptance - Procedure A-SP-7665031_00_0000_IMIT ~evlsion • Date: 01-loIa1-69 Title: OP01-A Cable Assy. -Kfll. Std.

A_SP_7665032_00_0000_IM11 Revision· 2]_Hay_69

Title: DEC Se.i_Aut.,.atic ifire Wrap Operation:! Manual A_3P_7665033_00_0000_ISIT Revhion • Date: 06-!oIay-69 Title: Repairin, Da.aaed Connector 1110cl(:! and Backplane Asselllblies

A_3P_7665034_00 Revhion 0 Date: OT-Mov-74

Title: Diode 1 ':'ransist~r " Dual-In_Line Package (DU') Replace.ent Charts

A-S!>-7665035-00 elate: 01_Jul_75

T1tle: Require.ent:l and iforoan:lhip Standards tor !>ower SuppUe:l

A_SP_1665038_00 Revislon A elate: 18_Ju'l_·1C

Title: Final Module Inl!pect:on Procedure

A_5P_1665039_00 P.evhlon C 01_Hay_14

T1tl/!: Procedure for Use of Module In.,pect10n Gage:!

A_5P_7665042_00 Revhion A 08-Jun-73

T1tle: ifire Insulation "'.lIl Test -QC Procedure

A_SP_1665047_00_0000_INIT Revision· Date; 03_l1ar_-;-D Title; Melllory Circu.it Board:! - Acceptance 5tandards

A-5P-7665052-00-0000-I!HT Re~ision - C3-Apr-7D

Title: Sta~dard 1f1bratio~ Test On Flip Chip S1:!telils

A-SP-7665057-00-00DO-TN!T Revi~ion ~ Date: 20_Hay_10 Title: Control Of Fixture:! Used In Fabrication Ships _ QC Procedure A_SP_1665060_00_00DO_1NIT aevision· Date: 11l_Aug_10

• Title: DlIte-Codl"S Materia!

• ~E~psf~n~6~E~gRT FOR CURRE!fT ACTIVITY Revl~ion C(XDZ) D..:te: J6_Jan_82 Title: Dl"de Forward Recovery Test Setup

A-5P-7665055-00-0000-INTT Revision ~ 18_Nov_10

Title: Operatins: In.,tr Ictions for Vater Bath 1herillal Shoclc &. Drying Oven

A_SP_1665065_00 Oat .. : 12-Sep-~5

EL " "665 lIDU

SectioD 0 15-JuJ.,·82

Table 3. A-SP-76S5XXX_X_X SpeciCication3 (CQIlt.i!l<led) Title: Corrective Action Requ',st. Procedure

.I.-SP_7665069_00 ReVision A

Title: proce1ure For Processing !fon-ConCor_ing Material ~nd In_Process ValVer

Page 55

A-SP_7665075_00 Ql-Apr-78

Title: Procedure For ECO Status Sheet

A-SP_7665077_00_0000_INIT Revi.:,ior. .. 15-0eo-72

Title: XOR Testing OC POP 11/45 Modules -- lOR Test Procedure

A-SP_7665089_00 Revision 8 Date: 01-Jun-73

Title: General Design Guide For Power Supplies and Power Cantrall!

Title: General Design Guide For Power Supplies and Power Cantrall!

Im Dokument CLASS DOCU- MENTS (Seite 45-77)