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Update EU legislation (Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), Energy

Gas grid Electricity

9. Update EU legislation (Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), Energy

Efficiency Directive (EED), Renewable Energy Directive (RED), Emissions Trading System (ETS), Construction Products Directive (CPD), Taxonomy) using an integrated approach to phase out fossil fuels, increase renewable energy supplies and reduce cumulative GHG emissions from buildings.

(a) Strengthen the links between the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), the Construction Products Directive (CPD), CE marking of new and re-used building components, Environmental Product Declarations and Product Environmental Footprints to reduce embodied GHG emissions in building materials, components and systems.

(b) Require Member States to set targets (eventually limits) for the cumulative GHG emissions (operating and embodied emissions) per square metre of floor area over at least the first 10 years of life of a new building and the first 10 years after a renovation.

(c) Require Member States to set national targets for cumulative GHG emissions (reduced operating emissions plus added embodied emissions), and to submit reports showing that actual emissions do not exceed those that would have occurred without renovations.

Member States could begin by including target trajectories in their long-term renovation strategies.

(d) Require Member States to replace their

cost-optimal energy performance requirements, on the basis of primary energy consumption (calculated using primary energy factors), with new requirements based on final energy consumption. Primary energy factors will


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