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Im Dokument Re"erence ltIIanual (Seite 90-94)


July 20, 1962





U-3519 1



UPCO (UPdating COntrol) is one of the three General Program Process-ors associated with the BOSS III SUPPORT System. Its purpose is to pro-vide updating services for the user's source code and object code libraries.



may be used in three major area - in creating symbolic code or relocatable obj ect code libraries, in updating libraries, and in creating control tapes.

A new library tape is created by UPCO by including the desired library . information with the control input. In this case there would be no additional

library input tapes to UPCO, and there would be no corrections, insertions, or deletions. A new library tape could also be created by using the PRESTO card-to-tape symbiont. it " : , " (',}, i ' , I


UPCO can create an updated library tape by 1?electing ,~nfo:rmation from one or more old library tapes. Control input directs'the various processes of insertion, deletion, and correction, and the control input may itself con-tain information to be included on the updated library tap'e. '''The 'updatd:'I ! tape may then be used as library input or as a control tape for another pro-cessor (ACCO, DECO, or UPCO itself).·1 'I,·

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1. Input

Input to


consists of the user's relocatable library or symbolic library tape, which is to be updated, and control information on cards or on a separate tape which directs the updating process. All tape input to


is in the condensed PRESTa format, which means that all consecutive blanks and zeroes have been removed. None of the original information content is lost a. Library Tapes

A library tape may contain sets of independently compiled reloca-table object code, or source code, arranged in groups and elements.

Elements contain either source code images (COBOL, FORTRAN, or UTMOST), or binary card images. In either case ~ there may be control cards within the element.




U-3519 2

b. Control Information

Control information defines and directs the updating of the relocatable or the symbolic library tapes, and is contained either on a tape in PRESTO format, or on cards, but not both.

Control input comes from a previous processor (ACCO or UPCO), the PRESTO card-to-tape symbiont, or directly from cards. In addition to control card images, the control input may also contain symbolic or binary elements.

See the section on Control Cards for an explanation, in detail, of the various types of control cards.

2. Output

a. Library Tape

The library tape (PRESTO fonnat) which is produced by an UPCO run will be an updated symbolic or a relocatable library tape, containing updated and/or new information. This tape may be used as input to another processor (ACCO, DECO, or UPCO itself).

b. List/Punch Tape

A List/Punch tape is optional in an UPCO run, and must be specified by a tape assignment parameter card if the user wants it. If it is not so des ignated, all listing and/or punching will be d one on line.

The information which UPCO places on the tape is in the format required by the combined PRINT! PUNCH tape' -s-yml:ilimL(.GP.ES).

This tape could be printed and/or punched later by'CPPS"con-currently with a main program.

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There are a number of option~tavailable to the user which will control the mode of listing and punching, and the mode can be changed for each element or group within an UPCO run. For punching, there are only two options - punch or no punch. For listing, options available allow the printing of selected informa-tion such as diagnostics, error messages, control cards, or a combination of these.





The Options in a MODE control card (or in a COpy control card) determine the printing/punching mode. Once a mode is initiated~ it will remain in effect until changed by another MODE or COpy control card. If a mode of listing and punch-ing is not stated ~ there will be no punching, and the listing will be as specified in the l;;~ option of the MODE card .

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1--List/Punch options will be particularized in the Control Card Section.

3. Groups and Elements

3-0003 3

A program (job) contains a combination of groups and elements - or a program may consist of only one group or element. An element is the smallest program uni t and may contain binary images or source code images, inel uding control cards. A group is a collection of elements or other groups, and may contain control cards, but .!Il'?-Y .. I'l:()!_ contain source code or binary images unless they are within an element.

Groups and elements are identified by names, which must be unique within a group. Names may not exceed ~.igbJ characters. '

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Groups and elementS- are identified by the following control cards:

BOG Groupname EOG Groupname ELT Elementname


(Beginning of group and its name) (End of group and its name)

(Begi.p.ning of element and it$ name)

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On a library tape an element is terminated by the appearance of another ELT, a BOG, an EOG card, or an end-of-file marker.

The BOG and EOG control cards serve as brackets around a section of coding; they are descriptive labels for a group. All other control cards pertinent to a group must appear within the BOG and EOG con-trol brackets. Groups may be nested within groups, as the following example indicates.

3-0003 card, or end-of-file marker encountered.

The following is an example of elements within nested groups:

Im Dokument Re"erence ltIIanual (Seite 90-94)