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Underlying mechanisms for StAR inhibition under Pex13 knock-down conditions.94

5.2 Part 2 Peroxisomal functions on steroidogenesis in mouse granulosa tumor cell lines—

5.2.5 Underlying mechanisms for StAR inhibition under Pex13 knock-down conditions.94


status of StAR in response to the peroxisomal deficiency and AKAP1 overexpression.

However, unfortunately, there is no commercially antibody against phosphorylated StAR protein available at the moment.

5.2.5 Underlying mechanisms for StAR inhibition under Pex13 knock-down


cells due to the dissipation of mitochondria membrane potential [185]. Another group has demonstrated a decreased testosterone secretion due to inhibition of P450scc activity and StAR protein expression after H2O2 treatment in cultured Leydig cells [282]. According to these reports and to the results we presented here, StAR and progesterone inhibition were, at least partially, exerted by the increased ROS generation after peroxisome deficiency. To confirm this hypothesis, we treated KK-1 cells with H2O2. We found in consistence with our expectation that a H2O2 dose-dependent reduction of StAR and progesterone secretion with no changes of P450scc, indicating that mitochondrial steroidogenic enzymes were unaffected, similar to the Pex13 KD results. Analysis of the StAR mRNAs after H2O2 treatment showed that the StAR protein abundance regulation is controlled post-translationally, similar to what we observed in case of knockdown of PEX13. The StAR protein is particularly susceptible to ROS exposure and therefore the StAR-mediated translocation of cholesterol responds critically to a disrupted redox balance [185].

Also, an intact mitochondrial membrane potential is critical for StAR mediated cholesterol translocation [283-285]. Excessive ROS can cause mitochondrial membrane potential dissipation leading to StAR protein inhibition [185]. Indeed, peroxisome deficiency can also cause mitochondrial dysfunction, e.g., the Pex5 knock-out mice exhibited very severe mitochondrial abnormalities in various different organs, including steroid producing adrenal cortex [262]. In Sertoli cell- specific Pex13 knockout mice, complex III of the mitochondrial respiratory chain was strongly reduced and a mislocalisation of mitochondrial SOD2 to the cytosol was observed, indicating mitochondrial fragility [103]. The underlying mechanisms for mitochondrial dysfunction due to peroxisome deficiency is most probably the accumulation of ROS together with the accumulation of toxic fatty acids that are usually degraded by intact peroxisomes and are unable to be metabolized by mitochondria.

5.2.6 Protective role of tocopherol on steroidogenic enzymes and steroid biosynthesis

To further confirm that the disturbance of steroid synthesis after the knock-down of Pex13 may be due to increased ROS accumulation, we have investigated whether tocopherol treatment would reestablish hormone secretion. Tocopherol (Vitamin E) is one of the major non-enzymatic antioxidants in mammalian cells, which mainly


derives from diet [286]. Vitamine E is located within the cellular membrane and protects the cells against DNA damage and toxic effects by directly scanvenging free radicals and/or down-regulating mitochondrial superoxide generation [287, 288].

Tocopherol is shown to have a positive impact on fertility [289]. Chen et al. in 2005 have investigated testosterone secretion from isolated Leydig cells cultured with or without vitamin E, and showed that the testosterone production was enhanced [290].

In rat testis, cadmium was reported to induce ROS damage and to exert negative effects on StAR and steroid synthesis and that these effects were counteracted by Vitamin E supplementation [291]. In addition, in rat Leydig and Sertoli cells, administration of vitamin E was reported to ameliorate ROS induced testicular toxicity from polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), which are ubiquitous environmental contaminants. [292, 293]. Therefore, Vitamin E significantly contributes to protect steroidogenic cells and tissues against ROS. Our results show that in KK-1 granulosa lutein cells, the decrease of StAR protein abundance and of progesterone secretion observed due to the peroxisomal dysfunction, was also partially counteracted after tocopherol treatment (Figure 34). Our study is the first one to demonstrate the protective role of vitamin E on StAR protein and progesterone synthesis under oxidative stress induced by peroxisomal deficiency in luteinized granulosa cells.


6 Summary

Human disorders with peroxisomal deficiency show a range of pathologies in the reproductive system leading to human infertility. In recent years, the relationship between peroxisomes and male infertility has been examined in different groups.

However, until now nobody has focused on the pathological consequences happening in the ovary in case of peroxisomal deficiency. Peroxisomes are cell organelles involved in fatty acid β-oxidation, plasmalogen synthesis and cholesterol synthesis on which steroidogenesis depends. Besides this, peroxisomes are able to maintain the equilibrium between production and scavenging of ROS, which are involved in the regulation of follicular development. The aim of this thesis was therefore to study the role of peroxisomes in granulosa cells, follicular development and steroid synthesis in the ovary.

Paraformaldehyde-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) sections of adult mouse ovaries were stained to analyze peroxisome distribution and regulation during follicular development. A highly differentiated mouse granulosa tumor cell line (KK-1 cells) was established as cell culture model to study peroxisomal function in granulosa cells.

Peroxisome related gene expression and protein abundance were compared before and after hCG treatment in KK-1 cells. Moreover, the Pex13 gene, encodes a peroxisomal biogenesis protein, was knocked down in KK-1 cells by Pex13 RNAi.

Moreover, the effects of the peroxisomal deficiency on mitochondrial cholesterol transport (StAR protein) as well as steroidogenesis were analyzed. As trial to stimulate StAR cholesterol transportation, the cloned A kinase anchoring protein Akap1 was overexpressed in KK-1 cells. Thereafter, H2O2 treatment and α-Tocopherol treatment were used to figure out the influence of ROS and antioxidants on steroidogenesis respectively.

The results of this thesis provide clear evidence that peroxisomal proteins are highly abundant in the mouse ovary and exhibit a distinct heterogeneous location pattern during folliculogenesis. Generally, the abundance of peroxisomal proteins is increasing in oocytes during follicular development, suggesting that peroxisomes are protecting mature oocytes against ROS and lipotoxicity. The in vitro studies showed with KK-1 cells that hCG induced the upregulation of peroxisomal proteins and their corresponding mRNAs, suggesting a strong regulatory effect of gonadotropic


hormones on the peroxisomal compartment in granulosa cells. Under peroxisome deficiency conditions, induced by the Pex13 KD, the steroidogenic pathway in granulosa cells was disturbed and the peroxisome deficiency-exerted reduction of the steroid hormone secretion is at least partially mediated via StAR inhibition. The underlying mechanisms for this may at least partly result from increased oxidative stress after the Pex13 KD. In this thesis it was indeed shown that ROS were increased after the Pex13 KD and it is well known that excessive ROS leads to the inhibition of steroidogenesis. This hypothesis is further confirmed by the protective effect of tocopherol on StAR protein and progesterone synthesis under oxidative stress induced by the peroxisomal deficiency. Moreover, the results of this thesis provide also evidence that an increase of AKAP1 can also partly compensate the peroxisomal deficiency- induced mitochondrial alteration. In addition, it was shown in the literature that the lipid structure and the lipid composition of cell membrane are related to the activity of adenylyl cyclase (AC) and G protein-coupled receptor signaling, but the direct relationship between peroxisomal deficiency with adenylyl cyclase needs to be clarified in the future. According to my results and related international literatures, the possible mechanism of peroxisome-deficiency exerted defects on mitochondrial steroidogenesis is summarized in Figure 34.

Figure 34. Schematic illustration of the mechanism of peroxisome regulation on steroidogenesis.


7 Zusammenfassung

Menschliche Erkrankungen, die auf peroxisomale Dysfunktion zurückzuführen sind, verursachen pathologische Veränderungen in den Geschlechtsorganen, die zu Infertilität führen können. In den letzten Jahren wurde der Zusammenhang zwischen männlicher Infertilität und peroxisomalen Defekten bereits in der Fachliteratur diskutiert, jedoch wurde im Gegensatz hierzu der Einfluss peroxisomaler Erkrankungen auf die weiblichen Geschlechtsorgane kaum untersucht.

Peroxisomen sind Zellorganellen, die in der -Oxidation von Fettsäuren, Plasmalogenbiosynthese, und in die für die Steroidogenese wichtige Cholesterin-Biosynthese involviert sind. Peroxisomen spielen auch eine wichtige Rolle für die Aufrechterhaltung des Redox Gleichgewichtes. Da Studien gezeigt haben, dass eine Zuname oxidativen Stresses negative Auswirkungen auf die Follikulogenese haben kann, war unsere Hypothese, dass Peroxisomen eine protektive Rolle für die Zellen im Ovar haben könnten. Ziel dieser Arbeit war daher, die Funktion von Peroxisomen in den Granulosa Zellen des Ovars und während der Steroid-Biosynthese zu analysieren.

Die stark differenzierte Granulosa Tumor Zelllinie (KK-1 Zellen) wurde als Zellkultur Modell für die Untersuchungen der peroxisomalen Funktion etabliert. Die Expression von Genen, die für peroxisomale Proteine kodieren wurde vor und nach Behandlung der KK-1 Zellen mit humanen Choriongonatropin gemessen. Als Modell für die peroxisomale Dysfunktion, wurde Pex13, ein Gen, welches für ein peroxisomales Biogenese Protein kodiert, über RNA Interferenz runterreguliert und die darauf folgenden Auswirkungen auf Steroidogenese und mitochondrialen Cholesterin Transport analysiert. Weiterhin wurde der Effekt von oxidativen Stress, Antioxidantien und überaktivierung des mitochondrialen Cholesterin Imports auf die Steroidogenese in KK-1 Zellen untersucht. Peroxisomale Veränderungen die während der Follikulogenese stattfinnden wurden anhand von Immunofluoreszenzen an Paraffin eingebetteten Ovarien untersucht.

Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass peroxisomale Proteine hoch abundant in Maus Ovarien sind und dass sie eine heterogene Verteilung in den unterschiedlichen Zellen des Ovars aufweisen. Während der Follikulogenese kommt es zu einer deutlichen, Stadium-spezifische Regulation der peroxisomalen Protein Mengen: Es


zeigt sich, dass speziell in Oocyten, die Menge an peroxisomalen Proteine während der Follikulogenese zunimmt. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass Peroxisomen eine Schutzfunktion während der Reifung der Eizelle im Hinblick auf oxidative Stress und Lipid-Toxizität haben könnten.

Die in vitro Studie an KK-1 Zellen zeigt, dass hCG eine Erhöhung der peroxisomalen Protein Menge bewirkt. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen auch, dass wenn eine peroxisomale Dysfunktion besteht die Stereoidogenese negativ beeinflusst wird indem die Sekretion von Steroid Hormone und der mitochondriale Cholesterin Transport herabgesetzt wurde. Eine mögliche Ursache dieser Beobachtungen ist auf erhöhten oxidativen Stress zurückzuführen. Auch konnten wir zeigen, dass die durch die RNA Interferenz induzierte peroxisomale Dysfunktion zu einer nennenswerten Zuname oxidativen Stresses führte, welche durch die Zugabe von Antioxidantien kompensiert werden konnte. Auch konnten wir zeigen, dass eine Zuname des mitochondrialen Cholesterin-Transports durch Stimulation von StAR über Überexpression von AKAP1 den negativen Effekt des peroxisomalen Defizits teilweise kompensieren konnte.

Zusammenfassend, wurden die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit mit Hinzuname bereits publizierten Informationen für die Anfertigung der in Figur 34 gezeigten Schemas verwendet.

Figur 34. Schematische Abbildung der peroxisomalen Regulierung der Steroidogenesis


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