• Keine Ergebnisse gefunden

Typhloscolex mülleri Busch, 1851: 115. Type locality/origin: “Trieste” (Italy, Adriatic Sea).

° Typhloscolex muelleri. — DALES & PETER 1972: 80.

Typhloscolex mulleri [sic]. — PETER 1973: 348.

R e g i o n a l d i s t r i b u t i o n : Arabian Sea.


We would like to thank the following colleagues who kindly commented on parts of the

manu-script: R. Barnich (Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt a.M.), M.N. Ben-Eliahu (Hebrew University,

Jerusalem), C.J. Glasby (Museum & Art Galleries of the Northern Territory, Darwin), B. Hilbig

(Zoological Institute and Museum Hamburg), H.A. ten Hove (Zoological Museum Amsterdam),

M.E. Petersen (Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen), and G. San Martín (Universidad

Autonoma de Madrid). D. Fiege is very much indebted to Prof. Dr. V. Storch (Heidelberg) for his

generous gift of a copy of S




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DELLE CHIAJE, S. 1841 b. I. Anellosi Amfitritici. II. Anellosi Talassemici. III. Anellosi Lombrici. IV. Anellosi Nereidici.

Descrizione e notomia degli animali invertebrati della Sicilia citeriore osservati vivi negli anni 1822-1830 3: 69-104.

Descrizione e notomia degli animali invertebrati della Sicilia citeriore osservati vivi negli anni 1822-1830 3: 69-104.