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Transient stress

Im Dokument Rheology of Brownian Discs (Seite 116-119)

5. Binary mixtures in two dimensions under shear 65

5.9. Transient stress

In this section the (time dependent) transient stress σxy(t, t0), which can be measured after switching on the shear, is discussed. While in equilibrium the shear stress is zero, it has a non zero value for the stationary state. Hence, when seeking for information about the crossover from quiescent to the stationary state, the transient stress has to be investigated as it gives information on the transition to the stationary state. It provides information, how stress is built up in the system and how these stresses relax. Figure5.23 shows in the left panel the transient stress for the liquid system atϕ = 0.79and in the right panel for the glassy system atϕ = 0.81 for different shear rates. The stresses are shown as a function of the strainγt.˙


Figure 5.23.: Left: Transient stress σxy(t) for ϕ = 0.79 in the liquid. The overshoot is lost for Pe0 → 0. Right: Transient stress σxy(t) for ϕ = 0.81 in the glass. The stresses show the approach to a master function for Pe0 → 0. Both panels show the shear rates Pe0 = 2·101, 2·102,2·103,2·104. The dashed lines show the stationary results, obtained from figure5.3.

In the liquid and in the glass the stress shows the elastic behavior of a solid state body for small strain γt˙ ≪ 1, where the stress increases linearly with the applied strain. The elastic constant (i.e. the slope) slightly depends on the shear rate. For strains γt˙ ≫ 1 the stress reaches the steady state value also seen in figure 5.3. The steady state values are shear rate dependent, which can be seen by the increase of plateau height upon increasing the shear rate indicating that higher shear flow induces higher stresses. This steady state region, the regime of plastic deformation, is attained for strains of about γt˙ &0.5, being reached slightly earlier for smaller shear rates. The crossover between both regimes exhibits a stress overshot, where the stress exceeds the stationary value and then falls back on it. The maximum of the overshoot is mainly located between 0.03.γt˙ .0.1, occurring systematically earlier for lower shear rates.

This general behavior has also been found in simulations by Varnik et al. , Heyes, Rottler et al. and Zausch et al. [16, 101–103], and also in experiments by Osaki et al. and Letwimolnun et al. [104,105].

The curves in the liquid (left panel of figure 5.23) loose the overshoot for low Pe0 numbers.

This is connected to the fact that Pe ≫ 1 doesn’t hold anymore (compare figure 5.13) and thus the structural relaxation, acting on timescales comparable to 1/γ, prevents a build up of˙ stresses beyond the steady state stress. Furthermore, the stress curves do not collapse on a master curve as it is expected in the glass: The stress is related to the shear modulus G(t, t0) via

σxy(t, t0) = ˙γ Zt


dtG(t, t0). (5.66)

In the liquid G(t, t0), for Pe . 1, the shear modulus’ time scale is determined by structural relaxation, renderingσxy(t, t0)dependent on τα. This is not the case for the glass phase, where Pe ≫ 1 holds. Here, the shear modulus is a function of γt, for Pe˙ 0 ≪ 1, which results in σxy(t, t0) approaching a master function, making the transient stress collapse on the master function, when rescaled byγt˙ [95]. In the glass (right panel of figure5.23) the curves with the two lowest shear rates indeed show that the build up of stress is independent on the shear rate, being a function of the strain only, but for larger strains both curves still deviate. Nevertheless, when one considers the overall behavior, an asymptotic behavior of the curves can be deduced.

This is supported by the fact that the steady state values in figure 5.3 approach a constant for ϕ= 0.81and shear rate approaching zero. Note that this steady state value has to be reached for long times by both curves.


Figure 5.24.: Left: Mean squared displacements in gradient direction for Pe0 = 2·103 (solid lines) and Pe0 = 2·104(dashed lines) in the glass atϕ= 0.81as function of the strainγt. Red˙ lines show the stationary, black lines the transient curves. Additionally, the stress as a function of strain is plotted for Pe0 = 2·103 (values on the right axis). The super diffusive regime coincides with the stress overshoot. Arrows estimate, where the stress exceeds the stationary value and when it reaches it. Right: Exponents obtained via d lnδy(t, tw)/d lnt. Arrows indicate the same strains as in the left panel. They give a good estimate of the super diffusive regime with exponents larger than one.

The overshoot in the shear stress is in connection to the super diffusive regime in the transient MSDs shown in figures 5.18, 5.17 and 5.19 (see also Zausch et al. [16]). The left panel of figure 5.24 shows a direct comparison of the MSDs for Pe0 = 2·103 and Pe0 = 2·104 for the transient and stationary curves and the stress in the glass at ϕ= 0.81. Here the transient curves follow the stationary ones for strainsγt˙ .103 then the transient curve stays longer on

the plateau but shows a slope larger than one (super diffusive) when leaving the plateau and finally falling on the stationary one for strainsγt˙ &0.1. The super diffusive part roughly sets in, when the stress curve reaches values larger than the stationary ones atγt˙ &0.01and ends when the stress curve falls on the stationary value atγt˙ &0.1. This supports the image that built up stresses are relaxing through fast particle motions, when the local cage structure of surrounding particles is broken. The right panel of figure5.24shows the exponentsδy(t, tw)∝tagoverning the MSD. They can be obtained via d lnδy(t, tw)/d lnt. The figure demonstrates that the super diffusive regime, i.e. where the exponent exceeds one, almost coincides with the region of the stress overshoot, marked with arrows.

Im Dokument Rheology of Brownian Discs (Seite 116-119)