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Transformation NavigationAndProcess2Presentation


4.6 Presentation

4.6.2 Transformation NavigationAndProcess2Presentation

Model Driven Software Engineering for Web Applications


The appropriate notation for the presentation model is a stereotyped composite structure diagram for each presentation class with the user interface elements as parts with the corre-sponding multiplicities. Equally, regular class diagrams can be used. For a definition of the corresponding UML profile see A.5.

The presentation classes corresponding to the process data classes of the add project proc-ess are depicted in Figure 67. Text input elements are used for capturing textual data that is needed by the process for the creation of a new project. An enumeration input element is required for the user selection of the desired project type. Finally, a selection element is used for the selection of a validation project out of a collection of validation projects.

<<prese ntation class>>

: ProjectManagerMenu


: AddProject


: RemoveProject

<<prese ntation class>>

: ProjectIndex


: Project [*]

<<pr esen tation cla ss>>

ProjectMana ger

Figure 65. Automatically derived presentation classes for the navigation class ProjectManager, menu ProjectManagerMenu and index ProjectIndex

Model Driven Software Engineering for Web Applications

<<presenta tion class>>

: UserProjectMenu

<<anch or>>

: ValidationProjec t

<<anch or>>

: E ditUserProject

<<anch or>>

: ProjectMana ger

<<text> >

: Description

<<te xt>>

: Id

<<te xt>>

: Na me

<<prese ntation class>>


Figure 66. Automatically derived presentation classes for the navigation class UserProject and for the menu UserProjectMenu

<<presentation class>>

P roje ctKindInput

<<enumeration input>>

: ProjectKind

< <pre sen tation cla ss>>

AddV alidationProjectInput

<<text input>>

: Name

<<text input>>

: De scription

<<text input>>

: Name

<<text input>>

: De scription

<<se lection>>

: ValidationP rojec t

<<presenta tion class>>

AddUse rProject Input

Figure 67. Automatically derived presentation classes for the process classes

ProjectKindInput, AddValidationProjectInput and AddUserProjectInput of process AddProject

Rule NavigationClass2PresentationClass

For each navigation class (exact type) a presentation class is generated by this rule. Fur-ther, for each attribute of the navigation class (including inherited attributes) with a datatype type, i.e. either a primitive type or an enumeration type, a text user interface ele-ment is generated. For each outgoing link an anchor user interface eleele-ment is generated. In comparison to the rule implementation in B.3.9 the following details have been omitted below: target bindings that are not relevant for understanding the rule, and targets for the


presentation properties that correspond to the composition relationship between the gener-ated presentation class and the genergener-ated user interface elements.

rule NavigationClass2PresentationClass {

from nn : UWE!NavigationClass (

not nn.isAbstract and nn.oclIsTypeOf( UWE!NavigationClass ) ) to tnn : UWE!NavigationClass ( … ), -- target for copying source element pc : UWE!PresentationClass

( ),

textUis : distinct UWE!Text foreach ( p in nn.allOwnedAttribute()->select( p | p.type.oclIsKindOf( UWE!DataType ) ) )


name <- p.name.firstToUpper(),


anchorUis : distinct UWE!Anchor foreach ( p in nn.allOwnedAttribute()->select( p | p.association.oclIsKindOf( UWE!Link ) ) )


name <- p.type.name,

), }

Rule Menu2PresentationClass

For each menu a presentation class is generated by this rule. For each outgoing link an an-chor user interface element is generated. In comparison to the rule implementation in B.3.9 the following details have been omitted below: target bindings that are not relevant for un-derstanding the rule, and targets for the presentation properties that correspond to the com-position relationship between the generated presentation class and the generated user inter-face elements.

rule Menu2PresentationClass {

from nn : UWE!Menu ( not nn.isAbstract )

to tnn : UWE!Menu ( … ), -- target for copying source element pc : UWE!PresentationClass


Model Driven Software Engineering for Web Applications


anchorUis : distinct UWE!Anchor foreach ( p in nn.allOwnedAttribute()->select( p | p.association.oclIsKindOf( UWE!Link ) ) )


name <- p.type.name,

), }

Rule Index2PresentationClass

For each index a presentation class is generated by this rule. Additionally, an anchor user interface element is generated for the outgoing link. In comparison to the rule implementa-tion in B.3.9 the following details have been omitted below: target bindings that are not relevant for understanding the rule, and the target for the presentation property that corre-spond to the composition relationship between the generated presentation class and the an-chor.

rule Index2PresentationClass {

from nn : UWE!Index

to tnn : UWE!Index ( … ), -- target for copying source element pc : UWE!PresentationClass

( ),

anchorUi : UWE!Anchor (

name <- nn.outLinks->first().target.name,

), }

Rule ProcessClass2PresentationClass

For each process class that represents process data a presentation class is generated by this rule. Further, for all attributes of the process class with a primitive type a text input ele-ment is generated. Attributes with an enumeration type are mapped to an enumeration in-put element and all other attributes are mapped to a selection inin-put element. In comparison to the rule implementation in B.3.9 the following details have been omitted below: target


bindings that are not relevant for understanding the rule, and targets for the presentation properties that correspond to the composition relationship between the generated presenta-tion class and the generated user interface elements.

rule ProcessClass2PresentationClass {

from nn : UWE!ProcessClass ( nn.inLinks->isEmpty() )

to tnn : UWE!ProcessClass ( … ), -- target for copying source element pc : UWE!PresentationClass

( ),

textInputUis : distinct UWE!TextInput foreach ( p in nn.allOwnedAttribute()->select( p | p.type.oclIsKindOf( UWE!PrimitiveType ) ) )


name <- p.name.firstToUpper(),


enumerationInputUis : distinct UWE!EnumerationInput foreach (

p in nn.allOwnedAttribute()->select( p | p.type.oclIsKindOf( UWE!Enumeration ) ) ) (

name <- p.name.firstToUpper(),


selectionUis : distinct UWE!Selection foreach ( p in nn.allOwnedAttribute()->select( p | p.type.oclIsTypeOf( UWE!Class ) ) )


name <- p.name.firstToUpper(), format <- p.type.name,

), }