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Bug Tracking and Design Release

Bug detection was a key status indicator through­

out the J\1VAX logical verification effort and thus helped to steer the team's work. Hugs were tracked carefu lly with an on-line system and ana lyzed each week to consider trends, successfu l and unsuccess­

ful bug-findi ng techniques, and bug hot spots, which requi red additional attention. The bug detec­

tion rate was fairly constant throughout the project at abou t 22 per month, with the excep tion of the last month in which the rate dropped to nearly zero. An analysis of the bug-detecting effectiveness of each testing tech nique shows that all test tech­

niques were effective and seemed to complement each other. Table 1 shows the percentage of bugs detected by each technique. This table includes data on the ever-valuable, nonsim ulation verifica­

tion tec hnique of simply reviewing, inspecting, and discussing the design and its many representations.

The decision to release the design for fabrication of first-pass chips was a consensus decision made by the verification, archi tecture, and design teams.

From a verification perspective, the design was ready for release when the bug detection rate remained at zero for several weeks and the majority of the planned tests had been i mplemented . The develop ment schedule, whereas additio nal delay in releasing the design wou ld.

Vol. 4 No. 3 Surnmer 1992 Digital Teclmical journal

Ta ble 1 Bug Detection Using Va rious Techn iques

Percent of

Techn ique Total Bugs Found

Focused tests 28

Directed, pseudorandom

exercisers 23

Review, i nspection,

observation, thought 20

Detection technique unknown 1 2





Results and Conclusions

Only 15 logical bugs were fo und i n the first- pass NVAX CPU chip design, a ll of which were either eas­

i ly worked aroun d or did not impact normal system operation . The n an1re of the bugs fo u nd in the first­

pass design ranged from stra igh tforward bugs that escaped detection tor clear-cut reasons to extremely complex bugs that required h o u rs or weeks of rig­

ormJs prototype system test ing to u ncover. Some of the bugs escaped detection during s i m u l ated verifi­

cation for cl assic reasons such as:

Tes t i ng of the function was pe rformed just before release, in a hurried man ner.

Sim u l ation performance proh i b ited r u n n i ng a cert a i n type of test case.

A test was n o t run i n a certa i n mode due to the difficu l ty of running it i n all possible modes.

It took an exerciser r u n n i ng on a simu l ator a long time to encou n ter the conditions that wou ld evoke the bug.

A test was i nadvert e ntl y dropped from the set of exercisers that were run contin uously

Det a i l s abou t five of the more i nterest i ng hugs fou nd in the first -pass design fol low. Included is i n fo rmation about how the hug was detected, a hypothesis on why the bug e luded detection before first-pass c h ips were fabricated , and les­

sons lea rned from the detection and e l i m i n ation of the bug.

Digital Tecbuica/ journal liJI. ·I .Vo ..i S111nml!r l')')l

Logical Veri(ica tiun of the NVAX CPU Ch ip /Jeslj{ll

1 . One simple bug was detected by r u n n i ng the HCORE test su ite o n the pro totYpe system with the floati ng-point unit ( F- box) ll isable d . This bug could have been fo u nd i n the same way through simu latio n , but the test suite was n o t run as a fin a l regression test w i th the F-box d isabled . I n ge nera l , focused tests l i ke HCORE were n o t run wit h varied chip/system configu rati ons. The ver­

ification team concl uded that a l l foc used tests sho u ld be r u n with d ifferent chip/system con fig­

u rat i o ns. At the m i n i m u m , a configuration that disables all possible fu nctions s hou ld be H::sted.

2. Another hug was discovered because the Cl' l l c h i p generated spurious writes to memory in the protot ype system. The exercisers prolx1bly did generate the conditions necessary to evoke thi s bug; however, the spurious wri tes wen t un no­

ticed . It is extremely diffi cult to verify that a machine does everyt h i ng i t is supposed to do and noth ing more. Ad ditional assertion checkers or m o n i tors in t h e models might detect such bugs in the fu t ure.

3. A third bug was evoked when a prototype system exerciser executed a translation bu ffer inva l idate a l l ( TBIA) i nstruct i o n u nder certa i n con d i t i o ns. On a rea l system, the TBI A instruc­

tion is used o n ly by the operating system. I n our verificat ion effort, the TIIIA instruction was l i ttle used by the exercisers that were simu lated.

Operations that are performed o n ly by the oper­

ating system should not be underem phasized in exercisers.

4. One first -pass bug was related to the halt in ter­

rupt, which i s used o n l y d u ring debugging oper­

ations. The h a l t i nterrupt receivecl m i n i m a l testing a n d was not tested a t a l l i n a n y t y p e of exerciser. Discovering this bug was especia l l y ann oying beca use a similar bug h a d escaped detection by t he i nitial logical verification effort fo r a previous VAX i m rlementation. This turn of events reinforces the be.l ief th at there is va l u e i n reviewing t h e escaped b u g l ists from other proj­

ects. Also, dur i ng the veri ficat i o n effort, there seemed to be a natural, but erro neous, tendency to u mlertest fu n ctions used i n frequent l y or not at a l l during normal system operation. Such fu nctions sometimes require extra ::tttent i o n , because they may b e qu ite complex a n d may have been given less carefu l thought d ur ing the design process.

NVAX-rnicroprocessor VAX Systems

5. A state bit that needed to be i ni t ia l ized on power­

up was not. This problem was not iced during i n i t ia l ization simu lation but erroneously ratio­

nalized as being acceptable. Design assu mptions and assertions about i n itial ization should be ver­

ified through simu lation or other means.

Overa l l , the 1\f\/AX Cl'll chip logical verification effort was a su ccess. The pseudorandom testing strategy detected several complex and subtle logi­

cal bugs that otherwise probably wou ld not have been detected by simu lation. The extensive simula­

tion performed on the schematics-derive(! model of the chip prov ided a h igh degree of confidence in the design .

The goals of producing h igh ly functional first­

pass chips and bug-free, second-pass chips were both met. Neither the bugs in first-pass chips nor their work-arounds impeded prototype system debugging in any sign i ficant way. and first-pass chips with work-a rounds were used in prepro­

d uction, field-test systems. The verification team corrected the 15 first-pass design bugs fo r second­

pass chips, which were shipped to customers i n revenue-producing systems.


The NVAX logical verificati o n effort was performed by a team of engineers from the SEG microproces­

sor verificati o n group . Members of this tea m included Wa l ker Anderson, Rick Calcagn i , Sanjay Chopra, and Joh n St. Laurent. 1\f\/A.,.'( archi tects M i ke Uhler and Debra Bernstein provided extensive tech­

n ical d irec t ion and assistance to the verification rea m . The SEG CAD group helped by i ts cont inual


development and support of too ls. 'l'he CHA GO simu lator wou l d not have been possible without the significant co ntribu ti o ns of Kev i n Lack l . Will Sherwood provided h igh-qua l itv, top- level gu id­

ance th rough a l l phases of the project. 'fhe system development groups performed system - level simu­

lations and rigorous p rototype test i ng. The VAX Arch itecture G ro u p A..'<:E/�LAX team, once again, prov ided a nd supported a n effect ive verification tool. Lastly, the success of the project and the final qual i ty of the NVAX chip l ogical design are as much a tribute to the work of the '\f\IAX arch i tecture a nd design teams as they are to the work of the verifica­

tion team.


1 . G Uhler e t a l . , "The NVAX ami NVAX+ High­

performance VAX Microprocesso rs," Digital Teclmical Jou rnal, vol . 4. no. :) (Sum mer 1 992, this issue): 11 - 23.

2. D. Donchin et a l . , ·'The N VAX Cl'l f Chip:

Design Cha l lenges, Methods. and C A D Too ls,"

Digital Tecl.mical Journal, vol . 4. n o. 3 (Summer 1992, this issue): 24- .37

3. R. Calcagni and W Sherwood , " VAX 6000 Model 400 CPU Chip Set Functional Design Ve rification," Digital Technical Journal, vol. 2. no. 2 (Spring 1990) 64 - 72.

4. D. Bhamlarkar, "Architectu re J\<lanagement for Ensuring Software Compatibil ity in the VAX Fam ily of Computers," 1/:'f:F Computer ( february 19H2): 87- 9 3

vbl. 4 No . . l St1111111er 1992 D igital Tecbuical jounwl

Lawrence Chisvin Gregg A. Bouchard Thomas M. Wenners