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Theoretical Justification for the Choice of the LPS SU Parameter

5. Numerical Examples 107

5.6. Isothermal Turbulent Flow: 3D Taylor-Green Vortex

5.6.3. Theoretical Justification for the Choice of the LPS SU Parameter

of the LPS SU parameter τMu, especially its dependence on the mean velocity on a cell uM and the globally used grid size h. Unfortunately, these considerations are not valid universally; they apply to isotropic homogeneous turbulence and give no answer to the case of wall bounded flow, for instance.

Parameters for the Smagorinsky model that are suited to represent the influence of small scales are derived in [Lil67]. We follow this argumentation and apply it to our situation:

The LPS SU stabilization is interpreted as a turbulence model and is postulated to be of the form

τMuuM(uM· ∇uh), κuM(uM · ∇vh)) with τMu =τfM hβ


and τfM > 0 and some β, γ ∈ R to be determined by the following discussion. In case of isotropic turbulence, the energy spectrum is of the form

E(k, t) =K0ε2/3k−5/3,

where εrepresents the turbulent dissipation rate and simultaneously the energy transfer rate across a given wave number. Assume that the turbulent kinetic energy production and dissipation are in balance on a cell, i.e.,

ε=τMuuM(uM · ∇uh)k20,M. (5.8) In order to determineβ andγ, we conduct dimensional analysis for (5.8). The notation [·]

indicates the physical unit of a quantity.


s3 = [ε] =hτMuuM(uM · ∇uh)k20,Mi= [τMu] 1 m

m2 s2


= [τMu]m2 s4

⇒ [τMu ] =s=hh|uM|−1i

and thus, γ = 1 andβ = 1.

Now, we desire to find a suitable constant τfM. Denote by kc the resolution limit wave number of the coarse spaceDuM with respect to the velocity and bykf the resolution limit wave number ofVh. For the case of (Q2/Q1)∧Q1 elements anda= 1, it holdskf = 32h−1 and kc/kf = 1/2. Due to Plancherel’s theorem for the Fourier transform, we calculate from (5.8)

uM∇uhk20,M = Z kf


k2E(k)dk=K0 Z kf



=K0Mu )2/3uM(uM · ∇uh)k4/30,M Z kf



=K0Mu )2/3uM(uM · ∇uh)k4/30,Mkf4/3

1− kc



=K0Mu )2/3uM(uM · ∇uh)k4/30,Mkf4/3 1− 1

2 4/3!

3 2



=K0 h2/3

kuMk2/30,MτfM2/3uM(uM · ∇uh)k4/30,M 1− 1


4/3!3 2



This yields a formula forτfM. However, this would lead to a highly nonlinear stabilization term and is not feasible for our implementation. Therefore, we content ourselves with the insights from the dimensional analysis and choose τfM empirically. We point out that the finding τMu|uh

M| already reduces the range of possible parameters considerably.

5.6.4. Numerical Experiments

The initial condition of the TGV problem defines the large scale structures and vortices.

For high Reynolds numbers, the kinetic energy is transported to the small scales due to vortex stretching.

Figure 5.18.: Iso-surfaces for |ω| = 1 at t= 0 (left), |ω|= 1 at t= 2 (second from left),

|ω|= 2.5 att= 4 (second from right),|ω|= 4 att= 9 (right) withh=π/8, {a= 2π, b= 1}and grad-div stabilization γM = 1.

Figure5.18 illustrates the mechanisms of the energy cascade in case ofν = 10−4 with the setup from [CBCP15]{a= 2π, b= 1} (h =π/8). At the beginning, the flow is governed by large vortices, that decay into smaller eddies with high vorticity magnitude|ω|.

In order to validate the appropriate choice of stabilization parameters, we show energy spectra at timet= 8/bforν = 10−4. In this regime, the flow can be assumed to be nearly isotropic, so we compare the spectra with Kolmogorov’s −5/3 law. Note that for a given mesh width h, the displayed spectrum cannot be resolved properly for larger frequencies thankh−1.

Figure 5.19.: Energy spectra at t = 9 for different mesh widths with γM = 1 (left) and withγM = 1, τMu = 1 (right),{a= 2π, b= 1}.

In Figure 5.19, the energy spectra with grad-div stabilization γM = 1 (left) and with grad-div combined with LPS SU γM = 1, τMu = 1 (right) are presented for mesh widths h ∈ {π/4, π/8, π/16}. Grad-div stabilization alone does not provide enough dissipation because on all grids, one observes that the smallest resolved scales carry too much energy.

Additional LPS SU stabilization is more dissipative; the combination γM = 1, τMu = 1 is therefore more suited as a turbulence model than grad-div stabilization only. Indeed, the classical Smagorinsky model (with optimized stabilization parameter) shows a similar behavior; see FigureB.16 in the appendix.

Now, we are interested if there are choices for τMu that are more suited as a turbulence model than τMu = 1. In order to be able to examine the influence of|uM|and h, we scale the TGV problem such that Ω = (0,8/√

3)3 and ku0k = 1/10; this means that we set a= 8/√

3 and b= 1/10. The viscosity of the problem isν = 10−5.

First, we consider how τMu depends on |uM|. The semi-discrete analysis yields an upper bound of τMu ≤ |uM|−2; the dimensional analysis of Section 5.6.3 suggests a choice as


100 101 102


10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100

τMu = 1/(2kuhk2∞,M) τu

M= 1/(2kuhk∞,M) τu

M= 1 k−5/3

Figure 5.20.: Energy spectra at t = 80, h = 1/(4√

3), ku0k = 1/10 for considering the dependence of the LPS SU parameter on|uM|.

τMuh|uM|−1. Figure 5.20 shows the combination of grad-div stabilization γM = 1 with different LPS SU choices kuhk−γ∞,M ≤ |uM|−γ with γ ∈ {0,1,2}. It illustrates that τMu ∼ kuhk−2∞,M ≤ |uM|−2 is indeed too dissipative and thus unfeasible. Note that the choice τMu = 1 is less dissipative on the small scales but shows more deviations from the

−5/3-law on the coarse scales than τMu ∼ kuhk−1∞,M.

Hence, we exclude τMu ∼ |uM|−2 from our further contemplations and look at the h-dependence more closely. In Figure 5.21, stabilization as γM = 1, τMuhβ/kuhk∞,M is shown for β ∈ {0,1} and for h = 1/(4√

3) (left) and h = 1/(8√

3) (right). The choice β = 1 yields much better results thanβ = 0 for both mesh sizes. So we can rule out that the improvement arises from a constant (i.e., h-independent) multiplicative factor in the LPS SU parameter. This is in good agreement with the knowledge from Section 5.6.3.

On the grid h = 1/(4√

3), we observe again that τMu = 1 is less dissipative on the small scales but deviates more from the −5/3-law on the coarse scales than τMuh/kuhk∞,M. Surprisingly, for h = 1/(8√

3), these choices show very similar behavior, meaning that stabilization is needed most in cells where (8√

3)kuhk∞,M ≈1. Since even for the initial condition, it holds ku0k∞,M ≤ 0.1, this indicates cells of relatively large mean velocity within the domain. We remark that τMu = 1 is not suited as a universal choice: A LPS SU parameter as 0.1 corrupts the errors in Section 5.3, where a different flow example is considered. Therefore, a parameter is desired that incorporates properties of the flow.

In summary, the numerical tests as well as the theoretical arguments show that for isotropic


Figure 5.21.: Energy spectra at t= 80, ku0k = 1/10 for considering the dependence of the LPS SU parameter on h,h= 1/(4√

3) (left), h= 1/(8√

3) (right).

turbulence a choice of τMuh|uM|−1 is suited to act as an implicit turbulence model;

grad-div stabilization alone is not dissipative enough.