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Since RNA can quickly be degraded by RNases, all the working surfaces and materials had to be free of RNases. For this purpose all preparations were done under a fume hood and all used materials were treated with an anti-RNase-spray (RNaseZap; Sigma-Aldrich) before working. Additionally RNase-free pipette tips ( Quali-Filterpipettenspitzen steril; Kisker, Steinfurt) were used to prevent contamination with RNases.



3.2.1 RNA Isolation

For RNA isolation about 1x106 cells were taken and washed with about 4 ml PBS-buffer [2.3.1]. Afterwards cells became centrifuged with 250 g for 5 minutes at room temperature. Then the supernatant became discarded and the very last liquid in the tube became removed with a pipette. In the next step the pellet was lysed in 350 µl RLT Plus buffer (Qiagen). For this step no 2-Mercaptoethanol was used. Then the solution was transferred to a 2 ml Eppendorf tube. The RNA was isolated with the RNeasy Plus Mini Kit (Qiagen) by the QiaCube (Qiagen) robot according to the recommended protocol. In the end the extracted RNA concentration was determined by the photometric quantification [3.2.2].

3.2.2 Photometric Quantification of RNA

The quantification of RNA samples is accomplished by photometric measurements with an absorbance of 260 nm. An Implen-Nanodrop cuvette (Implen) was applied with the BioPhotometer (Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany). For quantification of RNA 3 µl of sample was used. Additionally to the extinction of 260 nm there is an absorbance ratio of 260/280 nm, which expresses the purity of RNA in the samples. In this case the resulting value of about 2 stands for high purity.

The principle of nucleic acid quantification is the Beer-Lambert law:

A= αcl A= absorbance

α = absorbance coefficient (cm2/µg) c = solute concentration (µg/ml) I = length of the light path (cm)

3.2.3 Reverse Transcription

The reverse transcription method is utilized to analyze the expression of genes by the determination of the amount of produced RNA transcripts in cells.

In order to do this the extracted RNA had to be transcribed in cDNA (copy or complementary DNA) by Super Script II reverse transcriptase (Invitrogen, Karlsruhe) first. Next the amount of specific cDNA transcripts was quantified by qPCR. Since the cDNA became generated directly from mRNA, there were no introns in resulting cDNA


45 fragments. For reverse transcription first the random primers got annealed for 5 minutes at 70°C in the following reaction with the total amount of 1 µg RNA. After this the samples became cooled down on ice for 10 minutes.

Mixture for primer annealing

Reagent Volume [µl] per Reaction

cDNA (1µg) Volume for 1µg

dN6 (random Primers) 2

ddH2O Add to 18.54

In the meantime the master mix for reverse transcription was prepared. Subsequently the master mix was added to each sample and the reverse transcription was conducted under 42°C for 1 hour as described in the following example:

Reverse transcription reaction mixture

Reagent Volume [µl] per Reaction

5 x Superscript RT buffer 6

DTT (0.1 M) 3.5

dNTPs (10 mM) 1

RNase Inhib P/N (40un/μl) 0.5 Super Script™ II (200 U/μl) 0.25

Total volume 11.25

At last the cDNA concentration was adjusted to a concentration between 2 ng/µl and 10 ng/µl by diluting with TE-buffer [2.3.1].

3.2.4 Quantitative PCR

The quantitative PCR (also qPCR or real-time PCR) is a method for quantification of cDNA transcripts, which were derived from mRNA reverse transcription [3.2.3], during PCR amplification process.


46 The produced DNA products were monitored by eva green (Excitation =500 nm;

Emission = 530 nm), which is a fluorescent intercalating dye and a component of the qPCR-master mix (Solis BioDyne, Estonia). During several PCR cycles the cDNA became amplified. Between the cycles the total amount of amplified DNA was monitored. The fewer the amount of specific cDNA in the beginning the more cycles of PCR were necessary to reach a threshold (Threshold Cycle (Ct)) of a preset DNA quantity (HIGUCHI et al 1993). The lower the cycle number the higher was the expression of this gene. To be able to compare expression patterns in different cells with deviating total RNA amounts, it was necessary to normalize the quantity of transcripts with the quantity of at least one housekeeping gene (e.g. GAPDH, UBC etc.), which were ubiquitously expressed genes. For determination of amplification efficacy during the cycles a basic grade with a pool of cDNA of cell lines, which were supposed to be analyzed, was compounded. This basic grade was prepared by a serial dilution of cDNA with six concentrations (1:5 dilutions). The amount of amplified DNA became monitored. In the end the amplification efficacy was calculated and referred to the data of the samples.

The 5x HOT FIREPol® EvaGreen® qPCR Mix Plus (Solis BioDyne, Estonia) was used for real-time PCR and was prepared as described in the following example:

qPCR master mix:

Reagent Volume [µl] per sample

qPCR Master mix 2

Primer [1:10] 0.2

ddH2O 4.8

cDNA 3

total 10

The quantitative PCR was executed by TaqMan 7900HT (Applied Biosystems) in a 384 Well Plate (Thermo Fast Plate 384 PCR, ABgene), which was covered with a special

“optical clear” cover slide (Adhäsiv PCR-Folie, ABgene).


47 qPCR-Program:

Phase Duration Temperature

Initial denaturation 15min 95°C

Denaturation 15 sec 95°C

Primer annealing 20 sec 60°C

Elongation 40 sec 72°C

Melting curve

The results were evaluated with the software SDS 2.1. The specific melting curve in this qPCR process was an indication that the intended PCR product was amplified. Different DNA fragments have various melting temperatures due to their number of nucleotides and to the amount of guanosine and cytosine bonds. Because of this it was possible to recognize wrong amplified fragments, when a second melting curve had appeared. For normalization of the quantity of transcripts with housekeeping genes the ∆∆CT method was used.

This method was applied in my thesis for determination of ENT1 transcript variants, which derived from lymphoblastoid cell lines [3.6.5], pancreatic tumor cell lines (AsPC1, MiaPaca2, Su.86.86, CFPac, Panc1, Capan1) [3.6.6] and a human RNA tissue panel from Ambion (Huntingdon, United Kingdom). The samples of the total RNA panel derived from tissues of at least three unrelated healthy humans and were extracted post mortem. The primer used for quantification of ENT1 transcript variant as well as for the determination of reference genes are outlined in Table 3.

40x - 45x



Table 3: Primers for qRT-PCR.

Gene Forward Primer (5'->3') Reverse Primer (5'->3') AL [bp]

Reference genes


ENT1 transcript variants







v371713 v1-for CAGGGGCCAGATCGATG 67

v371731 TCTGCGGCAGGCTTCTC v1-rev 151

The ENT1 transcript variants are based on the entries in NCBI (v1-5, see http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/2030) and ENSEMBL (the last four rows, see http://www.ensembl.org) and are denoted as in the databases. Of the other seven ENSEMBL entries, six are covered by the five variants annotated in NCBI, and one does not code for protein product. “All”

detect a region for protein coding shared by all investigated transcript variants. The prime numbers at the gene names indicate a literature report as source: 1 = PMID:16978418, 2 = PMID:19036168, 3 = PMID:17483357, 4 = PMID:17658213. No number denotes self-established primers.