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3. Mode-Coupling Equations 13

3.3. Tagged Particle Dynamics

The ABP-MCT for mixtures includes the specific case in which a single tracer particle is im-mersed in a surrounding bath. This scenario is of particular interest in the context of experiments and simulations where the statistics of single-particle quantities is far easier accessible rather than those of collective quantities. It further allows to study different interesting scenarios, like the motion of an active tracer particle in a host of passive hard-disks or the response of a passive particle to an active bath. Last but not least, studying the tagged particle dynam-ics in the limit of low wavenumbers gives rises to equations of motion for the MSD as seen later.

The tagged particle shall be charaterized by the coordinates Γs= (þrs, θs)and ABP parameters (Dts, Dsr, v0s)furtheron. This means that the evolution of the probability density of the combined phase space Γ = Γs×Γb of bath- and tracer particles is determined by the total Smoluchowski operator given by =s+b with


1þsβ þFs2+Dsrθ2sv0s∇ ·þ þos. (3.3.1) In the following, it will be convenient to introduce the concentration resolved fluctuating density which results in a concentration rescaled ISF as follows:


ρlα(þq) := 1

xαραl(þq), S˜α,β(þq, t) := 1

xαxβSα,β(þq, t). (3.3.2) The quantity of interest that characterizes the dynamics of the tracer particle in the bath is the self-intermediate scattering function (SISF) defined as

S˜s,sl,l(þq, t) :=Sl,ls(þq, t) =eρ˜ls(þq)etρ˜ls(þq)f, (3.3.3) where the introduction of a rescaled density has ensuredSs(þq, t)∼ O(1)as desired. An equation of motion forSs(þq, t) can be derived from equation (3.1.41) by considering a(r+ 1) component mixture in the limit of a dilute tracer density xs→0. The time evolution of the concentration resolved ISF reads

tS˜(þq, t) +ω(þq˜ ) ˜S1(q) ˜S(þq, t) + ˆ t


dt m(þq, t˜ −t) ˜ωT1(þq)!tS(þq, t˜ ) + ˜ωRS˜1(q) ˜S(þq, t)"= 0, (3.3.4) where the tilted quantities are defined as in (3.3.2). It is further instructive to consider a schematic representation, where tagged- and collective contributions are split into different

blocks. Following equation (3.1.6) one finds in leading order ofxsthat S˜1(þq) =



ρcs,bxs ( ˜S1)b,b B

, (3.3.5)

where the first row and first column accounts for tagged particle variables. An inversion of this matrix can be performed by exploiting a matrix-inversion formula for block matrixes. LetK= C(2ΛL+1)×(2ΛL+1) and letA∈K1×1,D∈Kr×r be square matrices withAinvertible, B∈K1×r andC ∈Kr×1matrices withDCA1Binvertible then there holds





−(D−CA1B)1CA1 (D−CA1B)1 B

. (3.3.6) Applying this formula to (3.3.5) reveals

S(q) =˜ A


ρcs,b·S˜b,bxs S˜b,b


+O(xs). (3.3.7)

This implies that a schematic representation of the frequency-matrix reads

˜ ω(þq) =

A ωs(þq) O(xs) O(xs) ω˜b,b


+O(xs), (3.3.8)

with the tagged particle frequency matrixωs(þq) :=−éρ˜sl(þq)ρsl(þq)ê=ωTs(þq) +ωRwhere the matrix elements are

ωT,l,ls (þq) =Dtsq2ivs0q

2 ei(llqδ|ll|,1, ωR,l,l =Drsl2δl,l. (3.3.9) The inversion ofω˜T(þq)directly follows from (3.3.6) and reads schematically


ωT1(þq) =

A ωsT1 O(xs) O(xs) (ω˜b,bT )1


+O(xs). (3.3.10)

By knowing the scaling behaviour of the structure factor with the tracer density, a tedious inspection of all terms in equation (3.1.47) that is not elaborated here shows thatm˜α,β takes a similar form and can be written as

m(þq, t) =˜

A ms O(xs) O(xs) m˜b,b


+O(xs), (3.3.11)

with the tracer memory-kernel ms(þq, t) := ˜ms,s(þq, t) ∼ O(1). One can also show that all cou-plings to tracer variables vanish in the limitxs→0inm˜b,b. This expected since a vanishing small concentration of tracer particles will not be detectable in the dynamics of the bath in the ther-modynamic limit. Extraction of the(s, s)component from equation (3.3.4) in leading order ofxs

subsequently allows to derive an equation of motion for the SISF:

tSs(þq, t) =−ωs(þq)Ss(þq, t)− ˆ t


dtms(þq, t−tTs1(þq)ètSs(þq, t) +ωsRSs(þq, t)é. (3.3.12) One further makes the same observation as in passive MCT that ms(þq, t) does not couple to mixed correlation functions between tracer and bath variables in leading order ofxs. As derived in detail in appendix A.2 the contributing parts of the tracer memory-kernel can then be written as

msl,l(þq, t)≈ρ

ˆ d2p (2π)2




Vl,ls,γ11,l22(þq, þq−p)þ Sls2,lp, t) Slγ11,02(þq−þp, t), (3.3.13)

with a static vertex function Vs(þq, þk) =Veq(þq, þk) +δV(þq, þk) that combines an equilibrium part exactly given as from passive MCT and an active contribution explicity entered by the activities of both bath and tracer particles. The vertex functions are



l,l1,l2 (þq, þk) = (Dst)2cγ1,s(k)cγ2,s(k)(þq·þk)2δl,l2δl1,0, δVl,ls,γ11,l22(þq, þk) =iDstþq·þk

2 kei(ll1l2kØ



xγ1 δl,l2vs0δγ1δl1,02δ|ll1l2|,1, (3.3.14) where the interaction between tracer and bath is entered through the tracer-bath direct corre-lation functions cα,s(k). An alternate derivation of these equations in a monodisperse system has already been carried out in [84] by following the strategy to use a mixed density projection operator given by

Ps2 := Ø


--ρs1ρ2,g1,2,3,4s +ρs3ρ4-- (3.3.15) to derive the mode-coupling approximation for the tracer memory-kernel. This ansatz incor-porates the interaction between bath and tracer particles through product states of respective densities. The result is fully consistent with that through the theory of mixtures presented here which offers a generalization to arbitrary tracer environments.

In analogy to equation (3.2.5) there follows an algebraic equation for non-ergodicity parameter fs(þq) of the tracer particle in the caseDrs= 0 given by

fs(þq) +ωs1(þq)ms[f,fss1(þq)!fs(þq)− "= 0, (3.3.16) wherems[f,fs]denotes an evaluation ofmswhere the correlation functions have been replaced by f(þq) and fs(þq).

3.3.1 Exact Inversion

Due to the simplified structure of the tagged particle frequency matrix, it is possible to obtain an exact inversion formula for its translational part ωsT

l,l(þq) for arbitrary values of the rotational

cutoff-number ΛL. This can be achieved by closing a recurrence relation for the inverse of tridiagonal matrices [97] in the special case of Toeplitz matrices as it isωsT(þq). A cumbersome calculation that is skipped here reveals in the limitΛL→ ∞

ωTsl,l′1(þq) =ei(llq


!Dtsq2+ ∆"|ll|, ∆ :=ñ(Dstq2)2+ (v0sq)2. (3.3.17) This expression is straightforwardly verified by showing that ωTs(þq)·ωsT1(þq) = is fulfilled for arbitraryΛL. It displays a peculiar behaviour for varyingv0s, that provides some insightful interpretations. In figure 3.3.1, ωTs−10,0(q) is plotted against q in a double logarithmic represen-tation, withv0s varying by several orders of magnitude. There emerges a crossover from a 1/q2 behaviour, equally found for a passive tracer, to a1/q behaviour at qv0s/Dst. This crossover can be rationalized by the motion of a free ABP, as the ballistic regime is only resolved on length scalesllν = 2Dts/v0sthat is accounted for byωsT0,01(q)if2π/q≫lν while the regime2π/q ≪lν displays the features of passive Brownian diffusion. A further curious behaviour is seen when



























s1 T0,0

( q, t )

v0s= 1 v0s= 10

v0s= 100

v0s= 1000 1/q2 1/q

Figure 3.3.1.:Analytical solution forωsT0,01 according to equation(3.3.17)for differentvs0. Black lines are 1/q and 1/q2 asymptotes as indicated.

comparing numerical solutions for ωsT0,01(q) at finite cutoffs ΛL with the predictions from the analytic expression, as presented in figure 3.3.2 (a)-(d). The solutions for finiteΛL reveal clear deviations from the presented analytical expression below a certain crossover wavenumber, that marks the emergence of different low-q asymptotes, depending on whether ΛL is chosen even or odd. These discrepancies arise because for fixedΛL the numerical inversion of the low-q asymp-tote is considering the regime of smallq·ΛL, whereas the true low-q asymptote that is relevant for physical application is only correct in the limit q·ΛL → ∞ and this is always fulfilled for the presented analytical expression. One further notes that to correctly resolve the behaviour

of ωTs−1

0,0(q), the cutoff ΛL must be chosen larger with increasing v0s. To correctly resolve the behaviour in a regime of relevant wavenumbers for the integration of the memory-kernel, the requiredΛLquickly approaches regimes that are far beyond the MCT numerics, which complex-ity rapidly increases with ΛL. This observation provides a hint for the instabilities that occur at high self-propulsion velocities in the numerical routines that will be used later to solve the ABP-MCT dynamics since the non-commutative behaviour of inversion and cutoff formation presumably also occurs for the ISF in the numerical scheme and becomes most striking at large v0.

Figure 3.3.2.: (a)-(d) Comparison between numerical solutions of ωsT−10,0 at finite ΛL (dashed coloured lines) with predictions from equation (3.3.17)(black solid lines) for differentv0sandΛL.