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Tänan südamest oma juhendajat Age, kes on olnud suureks nõuks ja toeks terve magistritöö kirjutamise protsessi juures ning tänu kellele mul tekkis sügavam huvi keskkonnamõju hindamise temaatika vastu. Age entusiastlikkus on olnud sütitav.

Tänan väga Keskkonnaministeeriumi keskkonnakorralduse osakonna kollektiivi, eriti Marist ja Dagmarit, kelle abivalmidus on olnud ääretult suur.

Ma olen ka väga tänulik kõikidele intervjueeritavatele, kes leidsid aega põhjalikuks vestlemiseks ning andsid sellega olulise panuse ja rikkaliku alusmaterjali magistritööks.


Ahmad, B., Wood, C., 2002. A comparative evaluation of the EIA systems in Egypt, Turkey and Tunisia. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 22, 213–234.

Baxter, W., Ross, W.A., Spaling, H., 2001. Improving the practice of cumulative effects assessment in Canada. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal 19, 253–262.

Bérubé, M., 2007. Cumulative effects assessments at Hydro-Québec: what have we learned?

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Bond, A.J., Viegas, C. V., Coelho de Souza Reinisch Coelho, C., Selig, P.M., 2010. Informal knowledge processes: the underpinning for sustainability outcomes in EIA? Journal of Cleaner Production 18, 6–13.

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Morgan, R.K., 2012. Environmental impact assessment: The state of the art. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal 30, 5–14.

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Morrison-Saunders, A., Bailey, M., 2009. Appraising the role of relationships between regulators and consultants for effective EIA. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 29, 284–294.

Morrison-Saunders, A., Retief, F., 2012. Walking the sustainability assessment talk — Progressing the practice of environmental impact assessment (EIA). Environmental Impact Assessment Review 36, 34–41.

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Pope, J., Bond, A., Morrison-Saunders, A., Retief, F., 2013. Advancing the theory and practice of impact assessment: Setting the research agenda. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 41, 1–9.

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