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1.2 Focus of this thesis

2.1.2 Symmetries of QCD

partition function is extended by an external source J, providing a generating functional for finite temperature expectation values.

2.1 quantum chromodynamics 27

SUR(2) : ψL7→ψL, ψR 7→eRiT(f)i ψR, ψ¯L7→ψ¯L, ψ¯R 7→ψ¯Re−iθRiT(f)i , UV(1) : ψL7→eVψL, ψR 7→eVψR, ψ¯L7→ψ¯Le−iθV, ψ¯R 7→ψ¯Re−iθV,

UA(1) : ψL7→e−iθAψL, ψR 7→eAψR, ψ¯L7→ψ¯LeA, ψ¯R 7→ψ¯Re−iθA, (2.29) where in the fundamental representation the generators T(fi ) = τi/2 of the SUf(2) flavor group are given by thePauli matricesτi. On a classical level, continuous symmetries of a field theory can be related to corresponding conserved currents byNoether’s theorem [217,218].

In a simple version, cf. Ref. [215], the theorem states that the invariance of theLagrangian L under an infinitesimal change δφi of the field multiplet φi implies the conservation of a currentjµ given by

jµ= ∂L

(µφi)δφi, (2.30)

i.e.,µjµ= 0. For a Lie group with generatorsTa and an invariance under the infinitesimal transformation φi 7→ φi−iaTijaφjφi +aδφai with parameters a, we find a conserved currentjµa for each generator. The corresponding conserved charges are obtained by taking the space integral of the zero component of the conserved currents as the associated charge densities, i.e., Qa =R d3x j0a. We note that in a quantized theory the charge operators of a conservedNoether current are the generators of the related symmetry, i.e., the field operator φi transforms according to

φi7→φ0i= eiaQaφie−iaQaφi+ ia[Qa, φi] =φi−iaTijaφj, (2.31) where the matricesTa form a representation of the generatorsQa.

Noether’s theorem applied to the UV(1) symmetry in Eq. (2.29) leads to baryon number conservation. The conserved charge is given by

QV =Z d3xψ¯Lγ0ψL+ ¯ψRγ0ψR

=Z d3x ψ(x)ψ(x), (2.32) with the quark number density Nq(x) =ψ(x)ψ(x). In fact, the QCDLagrangian is invariant under separate UV(1) phase transformations of the single quark flavors and the currents ψ¯uγµψu, ¯ψdγµψd, . . . of the individual quark flavors are also conserved. The quark number Eq. (2.32) describes the sum of these individually conserved charges. In order to study strong-interacting matter at finite density, the conserved quark number densityNq(x) can be incorporated into the path integral representation of the partition function according to Eq. (2.24) and gives rise to the additional contribution ¯ψ(−iµγ0)ψto the kinetic part of the quark fields ˆTψψ¯ which then reads9

Tˆψψ¯ := ¯ψ i∂/−iµγ0ψ . (2.33)

9 The imaginary unit i originates from the replacement ¯ψi ¯ψaccording to our chosen conventions for the imaginary-time formalism withEuclideanspace-time, see AppendixA.2.

The quark chemical potentialµ is a Lagrange multiplier and introduces, somewhat loosely speaking, an imbalance between quarks and antiquarks.

At low energy the chiral symmetry SUL(2) ⊗SUR(2) is not manifest, i.e., hidden in nature. Only the subgroup of the isospin rotations SUV(2) that describes the simultaneous transformation of left- and right-handed quark fields with θL =θR is a realized symmetry in the chiral limit10 and gives rise to isospin conservation. Indeed, the ground state can be shown to be necessarily invariant under SUV(2)⊗UV(1) in the chiral limit [219].

The invariance under the orthogonal axial transformations generated by the linear combi-nation

QiA=QiRQiL= 1 2

Z d3xψγ¯ 0γ5τiψ (2.34) of the right- and left-handed charge operators of the chiral symmetry QiR andQiL, respectively, would imply degenerate states of opposite parity in the hadron spectrum. However, this so-called parity doubling is not observed, e.g. a low-energy baryon octet of negative parity corresponding to the existing octet of positive parity is missing in the particle spectrum.

The symmetry of the ground state is strongly connected to the symmetry of the spectrum by Coleman’s theorem [47]. Therefore, the symmetry pattern of the hadron spectrum shows strong evidence that the ground state is not invariant under axial transformations.

Based on an analogy with superconductivity [45,46], this led to the hypothesis that the invariance of the QCD action under chiral transformations is an accurate symmetry which is spontaneously broken down toSUL(2)⊗SUR(2)→SUV(2) by the ground state, i.e., the generators QiA|0i 6= 0 do not annihilate the vacuum. This non-perturbative phenomenon of the theory of the strong interaction is called chiral symmetry breaking (χSB). According toGoldstone’s theorem [48,49], the spontaneous breaking of a continuous global symmetry gives rise to the appearance of massless Nambu-Goldstone bosons in the channels of each broken symmetry, i.e., the number of massless bosons equals the number of generators of transformations that do not leave the ground state invariant. The properties of the Nambu-Goldstone bosons are closely related to the associated “broken” generators, cf. Appendix Cfor

more details. The hadron spectrum contains indeed particles of unusually low masses, i.e., in the case of 2-flavor QCD the pion triplet, which are considered to be pseudoNambu-Goldstone bosons. The reason for the addition pseudo is the small but non-zero masses of the pions as the QCD Lagrangian is only approximately invariant under chiral transformations due to the small but finite current quark masses at the physical point.

The pions have negative parity which matches the transformation behavior of the generators QAof the axial transformations. Indeed, the QCD vacuum can be expected to be not invariant under axial transformations. The strong attractive interactions give rise to the appearance of condensates of quark-antiquark pairs as the energy cost to produce a pair of at least approximately massless quarks is small. Such pairs, due to the requirement of vanishing momentum and angular momentum, possess a net chiral charge [202]. The spontaneous

10 Regarding the two lightest flavors up and down, this symmetry is approximately realized for physical current quark masses as well, since both masses are almost equal and negligibly small compared to, e.g., the QCD scale ΛQCD.

2.1 quantum chromodynamics 29 breakdown of the chiral symmetry is therefore associated with the formation of a corresponding chiral condensatehψψi¯ which is according to

h0|[iQiA¯iγ5τiψ]|0i=h0|ψψ|¯ 0i=h0|ψ¯LψR+ ¯ψRψL|0i, i∈ {1,2,3}, (2.35) a sufficient criterion for χSB. The formation of the chiral condensate renders the quarks massive and provides in this way a mechanism for the dynamical generation of the constituent quark masses.

The restoration of chiral symmetry does not necessarily imply the axialUA(1) symmetry to be restored. In fact, this symmetry is not realized in nature but is broken by quantum corrections. Global symmetries of a classical action that are not realized in a quantum theory are referred to as anomalous symmetries [220–222].11The so-called axial or chiral anomaly is caused by topologically non-trivial gauge configurations [223,224] that lead to a divergence of the classicalNoether current jAµ = ¯ψγµγ5ψ in the form of

µjAµg2sNfµνρσFµνa Fa,ρσ, with0123= 1, (2.36) c.f. Refs. [202,203]. For the phenomenologically more relevant three-flavor case, the explicit breaking of theUA(1) symmetry has been put forward even earlier to explain theη-η0 mixing in the mesonic particle spectrum [225,226], resulting in the mass splitting of the respective particles. The absence of theUA(1) symmetry may be deduced from other observations as well, e.g. from the missing parity doubling of hadronic states [227] again, at least at low energies.12 Silver-Blaze property

In order to study strong-interaction matter at finite density, the kinetic term of the quark fields is modified to include the quark chemical potential, see Eq. (2.33). It appears that any finite chemical potential changes the eigenspectrum of the propagator and consequently the partition functionZ and derived thermodynamic quantities such as the free energy or the quark number density as well. Atzero temperature, however, the so-calledSilver-Blaze property, or “problem”, refers to the fact that the partition function of, e.g., a fermionic system does not exhibit a dependence on the chemical potential, i.e., it remains as that of the vacuum, provided that the chemical potential is less than some critical value [228], see also, e.g., Refs. [229–231]. The critical value is determined by the (pole) mass of the lightest particle carrying a finite charge associated with the chemical potential, i.e., in case of the quark chemical potential a finite baryon number, see below. TheSilver-Blaze property of the partition function or free energy carries over to the correlation functions, see, e.g., Ref. [229]. Phenomenologically speaking, this property simply states that the fermion density (corresponding to the difference in the numbers of fermions and antifermions) remains zero at zero temperature as long as the chemical potential is less than the (pole) mass of the lightest charged particle. For the sake of simplicity, let us consider in the following a theory where

11 In the path integral formalism the anomalous breaking of a classical symmetry can be traced back to an integral measure that is not invariant.

12 The spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry dynamically generates the constituent quark mass which breaks theUA(1) symmetry anyway.

only the fermions carry a charge. Mathematically speaking, the Silver-Blazeproperty is then a consequence of the fact that the theory is invariant under the following transformation:13

ψ¯7→ψ¯e−iατ, ψ7→eiατψ , µ7→µ+ iα , (2.37) where α parametrizes the transformation and τ is the imaginary time. Setting α = q0, Eq. (2.37) immediately implies the following invariance of the partition functionZ:



=Z . (2.38)

Thus, the partition function is invariant under a shift of the chemical potentialµalong the imaginary axis. Assuming that Z is analytic, it follows thatZ does not depend onµat all. In particular, we deduce from an analytic continuation of Eq. (2.38) from q0 to iq0 thatZ does not depend on the actual value of the real-valued chemical potentialµ.

For the effective action Γ, it follows in the same way from Eq. (2.37) that Γ[ ¯ψe−iq0τ,eiq0τψ]

µ→µ+iq0 = Γ[ ¯ψ, ψ], (2.39)

and similarly for higher n-point functions, since the latter are obtained from Γ by taking functional derivatives with respect to the fields and setting them to zero subsequently.

On the level of correlation functions, we recall that, for example, the two-point function has a pole at p20 = −m2f at ~p = 0, where mf is the (pole) mass of the fermion. Thus, an analytic continuation of the two-point function in the complex p0-plane is restricted to the domain |p0| ≤ mf, as the pole mass is the singularity closest to the origin of the complex p0-plane. From Eq. (2.39), on the other hand, we find the following relation for the two-point function:

Γ(1,1)(p0q0, ~p;p00q0, ~p0)µ→µ+iq

0 = Γ(1,1)(p0, ~p;p00, ~p0), (2.40) where the four-momenta (p(0)0 , ~p(0)) are associated with the ingoing and outgoing fermion lines, respectively. Note that Γ(1,1) is diagonal in momentum space, i.e.,

Γ(1,1)(p0, ~p;p00, ~p0) = ˜Γ(1,1)(p0, ~p)(2π)δ(p0−p00)(2π)3δ(3)(p~−~p0). (2.41) For q0 = iµ, Eq. (2.40) implies


µ→0Γ(1,1)(p0, ~p;p00, ~p0)


= Γ(1,1)(p0, ~p;p00, ~p0) (2.42) for µ < mf. The latter constraint follows from the definition of the pole mass: Γ(1,1) = 0 for (p0 −iµ)2 = −m2f, i.e., p0 = i(µ±mf), and ~p = 0. Note that mf refers to the pole mass at µ= 0. This line of argument can be generalized straightforwardly to highern-point functions.

13 Here, we effectively treat the chemical potential as an external constant background field.

2.2 aspects of color superconductivity 31