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The study of Egypt also supports the theory presented here. It also exposes the difficulties of popular movements to articulate a coherent deeply democratic strategy without clarity about

class and gender issues in particular. While avoiding narrow, sectarian and dogmatic class

analysis, a new deeper, richer analysis that addresses the complexities of the economy, polity and society in the 21


century global political economy is required. The current analysis is best viewed as a first tentative step towards this goal.

In Egypt, this means that politically a democratic platform and organization is a prime necessity if the revolution is to lead to genuine capabilities enhancement. Inter alia, such a movement will follow an economic strategy of growth plus poverty reduction. But beyond this, the increase of well-being of all marginal members of society, particularly women is a must. For Egypt, it will also mean rethinking the neoliberal strategy and adopting a more heterodox political economic strategy along the lines outlined in part II of this paper. In attempting such progressive reforms Egyptians will need the help from all progressive governments, NGOs, intellectuals and activists from all over the world. This is the ultimate global challenge for capabilities enhancement thrown up by the Egyptian revolution.


40 See Cafruny and Ryner(2011) p.25.


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