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Patrick Willems 1 and Thomas Einfalt 2


This chapter introduced the most common rain measuring devices: a few for local measurements (rain gauges and disdrometers) and the weather radar for larger measurements over urban catchments. Both present advantages and disadvantages and can always be combined together to reduce their weaknesses (Figure 2.16).

A municipality or utility can easily purchase, install, calibrate, and operate a network of weighing or tipping bucket rain gauges with specifically trained employees. Access to radar data, either in real time

Figure 2.16 Advantages and disadvantages of local rainfall measurements (rain gauges and disdrometers) and weather radar data, where rainfall adjustment, interpolation or merging methods aim to combine the advantages.Source: Patrick Willems (KU Leuven).

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or off-line, can be obtained by contracting with: (i) either national or regional meteorological services, or (ii) a service provider company. It is less common practice for a municipality or utility to own and operate their own radar. However, possible future dissemination of small X-band radars may change the practice in the future, likely in association with a service provider to calibrate and validate radar data.

Once rain has been measured, runoff processes will start. The following chapter is therefore devoted to discharge measurements within sewer pipes to accurately quantify flows inside the network itself.


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Chapter 3