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strated phosphoinositide binding of the yeast Atg5~Atg16 comple

the mammalian and yeast Atg5~Atg16 omplexes or soaked into crystals of the yeast Atg5~Atg16 complex. High resolution datasets up to 1.8 Å resolution were collected, however no ligand binding was observed. I want to perform these experiments using PIP analogues with short fatty acid chains in case that more than the inositol headgroup is required for efficient binding. Furthermore, I will attempt to co-crystallize the yeast Atg5~Atg16(1-67) complex with the PI(5)P analogue since this complex has a higher affinity for PIPs than the Atg5~Atg16(1-46) and Atg5~Atg16(1-57) complexes, which do not contain any part of the coiled coil domain of Atg16.

In our future work we plan to use cell models to elucidate the role of N-terminal basic residues of Atg16 in the localization of the Atg5~Atg16 complex to autophagosomal membranes. I already cloned N- and C-terminal EmGFP-Atg16L1 constructs that include the wild-type and K14A mutation. These will be co-transfected with an N-terminal FLAG-Atg5 construct into mammalian cells. Autophagy will be stimulated using the drug

During this project, I characterized the mammalian Atg5~Atg16L1 complex which is essential for expansion of the isolation membrane during autophagosome formation. I investigated its oligomerization state and grew crystals of the dimerized mammalian complex, which diffracted to only 5 Å resolution. Using two independent methods, I showed for the first time that the mammalian Atg5~Atg16L1 complex binds phosphoinositides, including PI(3)P which is enriched in isolation membranes.

Furthermore, I also demon

x, making it an evolutionarily conserved property of the Atg5~Atg16 complex.

Dimerization of the Atg5~Atg16 complex enhances binding affinity to PIPs.

In contrast to other PIP-binding proteins where the domains required for binding are comprised in a single protein, complex formation between Atg5 and Atg16 is required to mediate phosphoinositide binding. I demonstrated that basic residues at the N-terminus of Atg16 play an essential role in PIP binding. Mutations of murine Atg16L1 basic residues K14, R15, and R22 to alanines impair PIP binding. Mutations of yeast Atg16L1 basic residues K10 and K11 to alanines also abolished interaction of the yeast Atg5~Atg16(1-67) complex with PIPs.

To gain structural insights into PIP binding, the soluble inositol diphosphate headgroup was either co-crystallized with


rapamycin, and the localization d-type and mutant complexes ill be compared.

on 6. We want to

atg lyzed and

The ld help to elucidate the functional importance of PIP binding by



following Atg16 constructs: (141-214), (141-224), (125-214), (125-224), or (125-234).

com product by


of the Atg5~Atg16L1 wil w

We also want to collaborate with Prof. Dr. Michael Thumm to obtain in vivo data the effects of the mutation of basic N-terminal residues of yeast Atg1

investigate the effects of Atg16 mutants deficient in PIP binding on autophagy in yeast.

GFP-Atg16 constructs, both wild-type and N-terminal mutants, will be transformed into 16Δ yeast strains. The localization of GFP-tagged Atg16 will be ana

autophagic activity can be monitored, for example by measuring the lipidation of Atg8.

se experiments wou the Atg5~Atg16 complex.

I also tried to crystallize Atg16L1 in complex with one of its interaction partners, GTPase Rab33B. Crystals of the Rab33B(30-202)Q92L~Atg16L1(141-265) complex were obtained but did not diffract. The project was followed up by our technician

haela Hellwig. She prepared and crystallized Rab33B(30-202)Q92L with the

However, crystals could not be grown for any of these complexes. A next step could be to perform large scale limited proteolysis on the Rab33B(30-202)Q92L~Atg16L1(141-265)

plex, which was able to be crystallized, and to purify the formed cleavage

either anion exchange chromatography or gel filtration purification. Flexible portions would be cleaved off and the stable fragments forming the complex might be more

ered and yield better diffracting crystals.



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