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International consultation on HIV-related legal services and rights Rome, Italy, 15-16 July 2010

Introduction: IDLO conducted an international meeting on HIV-related legal services and rights in Rome, Italy on 15 and 16 July 2011 with financial support from the Ford Foundation. The meeting participants were given an evaluation form to be completed and returned at the end of the consultation. Twenty-one participants returned evaluation forms with comments. Here is the summary of analysis of responses from participants.

Results: The following table shows the summary of analysis regarding achieving objectives of the two day-long meeting. 81% say the consultation is successful overall. Achieving objectives 1-3 are also shown in the table which are well above except the objective 3.

Regarding comments given by participants, many seem happy about the overall content and organization of the meeting while suggesting some useful things for future. Some say it would be useful to share presentations and materials in advance. Also it has been suggested to discuss concrete action points in future meetings. In the evaluation of Vienna meeting participants suggested that the allocated time for the consultation was not sufficient and 1.5 - 2 days at least to allow different regions to present real situation to other people. In this meeting IDLO allocated 2 days.

Conclusion: The consultation is overall successful while IDLO has to pay attention on sharing more information in advance and allocating time for concrete actions. That may be the reason the objective 3 has lower rate. They also suggest regular communication and networking with the team.

Area of assessment Success rate Scale and percentage of responses by participants

Achieving objective 2: To share regional perspectives on three critical issues:

criminal law, women’s rights and access to medicines

21 participants responded and 100% (1+2) rated as successful

57.14% 42.86% 9% 9% 0

Achieving objective 3: To identify concrete actions to strengthen and expand HIV-related legal services and rights in the next 12 months (includes advocacy and networking)

21 participants responded and 62% (1+2) rated as successful

14.28% 47.62% 38.09% 0% 0

Comments given by participants:

Note: The unedited comments (grammar/ content) are mentioned here as they were in the evaluation forms

C: What if anything, would have improved the consultation?

• A case example, presented in depth on each of the issues we discussed

• The translation from Spanish to English was terrible, often inaccurate and incomplete

• To provide some of the material/ presentations beforehand. This allows participants to zero in a issues relevant to them.

• More small groups

• At time presentations ran a bit long + possible weakened the focus

• Distributing presentations and lectures in advance

• A more consistent focus on solutions + strategies, less discussion item on overarching problems

• Temperature

• Having more people who are directly involved on all these issues @ an advocacy angle

• Include Southern Africa in the access to treatment segment

• It is necessary to have concrete actions on work for the future. For the next time would be nice to spend half of the time to talk about this.

D: How will you disseminate the information gained in your home country?

• Through legal advocacy

• Sharing with coworkers and colleagues via discussion and email

• Through my network, by email and website

• Internal capacity building for other lawyers in the organization and membership – email, direct contact, other workshops organized by likeminded organizations

• In one to one, groups and even media talks

• I will apply this and am better prepared to understand, share examples from around these regions

• Briefing note to my colleagues in my organization

• Don’t know yet

• Through email to ARASA partnership

• Write a report. Training of our members and staff @ national level. Share with other civil society organizations and government @ South African AIDS Council.

• I will talk to partners around the emphasis of networking and partnerships.

• Through email, other networks

• Through network

• In our website www.patentes.org.br

• First in my organization with my colleagues, second through the project financed by Ford Foundation and assisted by IDLO

• Sharing with the human rights groups which I work

E: Given the meeting agenda, were there issues you expected to be discussed which were not?

• No topics were covered were good

• More concrete litigation strategies and arguments used

• No, I think that the issues respond to the main objectives of the consultation

• I had hoped to have discussed more the issue of criminalization

• No

• No

• Yes

• Expected more on HIV-specific criminalization, but in fact was very pleased with broader non HIV –specific focus of criminalization panel.

• No

• How to advocate law reform around HIV and rights

• No

• Everything were included

• No, may be a little on criminalization of HIV transmission

• HIV in the work place

• No

F: Did you receive adequate logistical support (invitation, air ticketing, accommodation etc) to successfully participate in the consultation?

• Yes, Sara and Silvia did a good job organizing the logistics and receiving the participants upon arrival to the conference

• Yes

• The hotel was substandard. Inadequate air condition, cleanliness, staff

• Yea it is professional and best so far

• Yes

• Bad AC, dirty room, bad service

• Yes

• Yes

• Yes

• Yes very well organized and there were constant communication

• IDLO staff were fantastic

• Yes

• Perfect

• Yes

• Yes, excellent

• Yes I had very good support

G: Any additional comments or suggestions

• I appreciate the opportunity to participate in this global learning, sharing and networking experience this knowledge to my peers

• Good scheduling of breaks in morning and afternoon

• More clarity in advance of what the 1-2 overall goal of the convening are since very extraordinary advocates in attendance It was a fascinating gathering

• Thank you for affording us the opportunity to be part of these discussions

• The presentations should be shared or sent by email

• I am worried of the coordination work and impact in long and short term in this process

• Next time the consultation can be for 3 hours more for the work on future plans and define concrete actions. Happy excellent work

• Send the minutes and maintain the communication with this group