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However, the coronal radiographic status (RCS score) differed significantly in the before and after comparison (p=0.017).

Regarding the length of the root canal filling (LRF score; over- and underfilling of the root canal system), there was a statistically significant influence (p=0.012) on the treatment result. The absolute figures showed that, compared to the radiographic baseline, the percentage of short root canal fillings could be reduced significantly (p<0.001) from originally 60.9% (n=81) to finally 18.9% (n=18). In 71.6% (n=68) of the followed-up cases, the root canal filling ended 0-2 mm from the radiographic apex, as requested by the literature. The percentage of homogeneously filled root canals (grade 1) was 82.1% (n=78) at follow-up and showed a significantly higher value in comparison to the radiographic baseline (24.8%, n=33). The effect of homogeneity or compaction of the root canal filling (HRF score) was significant (p=0.001) for treatment outcome. The quality of the root canal filling (RF score) also demonstrated a statistically significant impact on the success or failure of endodontic retreatment (p=0.019). The proportion of teeth, which were evaluated with RF score grade 5 (poor quality) at follow-up, amounted to only 3.2% (n=3) and was therefore vanishingly small in relation to the radiological baseline (69 (51.9%) RF score grade 5 teeth). 88 (83.8%) of the 105 evaluated teeth showed a periapical radiolucency at baseline. While the failure rate amounted to 26.1% in cases with preoperative periapical radiolucency, it was only 17.6% in cases without periapical radiolucency. A significant influence on the outcome of treatment could not be attributed to this parameter (p=0.458).

In conclusion, this study demonstrates that factors such as the “length”, “homogeneity”

and “quality of root canal fillings” can influence the results of endodontic retreatment significantly and is therefore in accordance to existing literature. The results of the factors “quality of restoration” and “periapical status” can not be explained conclusively with the existing literature.

Deductively, the treatment results achieved by undergraduate students at the Department of Restorative Dentistry, Center for Dental, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Philipps-University of Marburg, can be considered a long-term tooth-preserving therapy.

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