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puberty, is it practical to use BFT as a measure of body condition. When pregnant, the heifers in the three farms still accomplished a growth in SH of 6 to 7 cm. The heifers of farm 1, raised at extra-high intensity in their first year in order to reach an age at first calving (AFC) of 22 months, suffered a significant decrease in BFT from the 7th month of pregnancy, a consequence of that farm’s housing, feeding and breeding management. The heifers of farm 3, also raised intensively to achieve an AFC of 24 months, showed a slight increase in BFT during the same period of observation. The prepartum live weights reached by the heifers were 583 kg (farm 1) and 600 kg (farm 3). The late-pregnant heifers had a BFT of 15 mm (farm 1) and 18 mm (farm 3). The mean SH was 144.3 cm (farm 1) and 145.7 cm (farm 3).

Concerning the use of the measuring methods, it should be noted that the BFT must always be regarded as the result of growth courses of differing intensities, which must not be left out of account. Nor does the live weight reveal the heifers‘ differentiation in BFT. For a reliable control of the course of growth, therefore, one should, with heifers age 9 months and over, consider both live weight and backfat thickness. Methods to supervise the course of growth include:

– Live weighing

– Measurement of wither height / sacral height – Body condition scoring

From the results of determining the accuracy of estimation of the body condition of growing heifers, it follows that it is possible to estimate the mean BFT for an age group of heifers, whether by exclusively examining the caudal fold cavity (visual method, S1) or the area between hooks and points of rump (visual method, S3), or by examination plus palpation of the fat deposit in the tailhead fold (palpatory method, S2), all with a high level of agreement with the BFT measured objectively by ultrasound. 49% of the variability of the heifers‘ body condition can be explained on the basis of BFT estimation by exclusively visual examination according to method S1, whereas 55% can be explained according to method S3. Additional palpation of the tailhead fold increases the coefficient of determination (R2) to 64%, thus improving BFT estimation. In the various age groups, the methods attained high correlation coefficients for repeated scorings (r= 0.75 to 0.85). Therefore, the methods can be assumed to capture the characteristics reliably. The validity of the BCS method for a single animal is relatively limited. For the assessment of groups of animals in a herd, however, this method is

an important tool for checking the course of growth and feed correction. BFT estimation minimizes measurement efforts within the scope of herd examinations. For checking, and verifying the accuracy of condition estimation, the estimated data should be compared with the ultrasonic measurements in a portion of the animals at certain intervals, and the assessment criteria adjusted accordingly. With cattle difficult to assess, such as late-pregnant heifers, the estimated data should by checked against BFT measurements in a portion of the animals. The BCS as known for milk cows cannot be readily applied to growing heifers. The suggestion is that the assessment criteria established as a result of the study be used for scoring the condition of heifers. Moreover, one should not assign grades but rather estimate conditions by means of the concrete BFT in terms of mm.

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