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provides the static partition cut, which cannot achieve a fair workload balance among the slave and master nodes for the tasks with high variations. This drawback of the static task allocation can be solved by the dynamic task scheduling using multiple partition cuts. Thus,DOOTAand CDTAperforms much better thanCSTA.

low middle high

1 2 3 4 5 6

Variation levels among the tasks


Asymmetric networks



low middle high

10−4 10−3 10−2 10−1 100 101

Variation levels among the tasks


Asymmetric networks



Figure 4.12: Effect of the variation among the tasks on the (a) network lifetime increase and (b) algorithm runtime for CSTA, CDTA and DOOTA task allocation algorithms, respectively (There are n = 10 slave node in the cluster and K = 10 tasks in the application, respectively).

Fig. 4.12b depicts the corresponding executing time of running these three task allocation algorithms. Since the algorithms need to consider the partition solution for each slave node, their algorithm running time are larger by comparing with running them for symmetric networks.

However, the variation levels do not change the number of the tasks as well as the number of the important partition cuts, the time requirements for runningCSTA,CDTAandDOOTAremain stable.

presented. The cluster based hierarchical WSNs are selected, and the WSN applications are modeled by the DAG graphs. Meanwhile, the systemic energy cost of the WSN nodes are formulated by taking the computation and communication cost into account. Based on these system models, this chapter then describes three task allocation algorithms, CSTA, CDTAand DOOTA.

The problem of distributing the tasks of the applications is formulated as partitioning the modeled DAG graph into two subgraphs: one for the slave node and the other is executed by the master node. CSTA formulates the workload distribution problem as a BILP problem by introducing one binary vector variable to represent the partition cuts. This algorithm is executed by the gateway, and it provides the static partition solutions which enables each slave node apply one fixed time invariant partition cut to balance the workload distribution of the tasks. Furthermore, CSTAis extended toCDTA by using multiple partition cuts with different weights to achieve more balanced workload distribution among the slave and master nodes.

By using the mean energy cost of the slave and master nodes at each DAG execution round, CDTAformulates the dynamic task allocation problem as a LP problem. However, CDTA is a centralized algorithm as well asCSTA, it also suffers from the complex computation. Meanwhile, the centralized algorithms require to collect all of the parameters of the nodes, networks and the applications in advance. These drawbacks makeCSTAandCDTAare hard to achieve online and incur large delays. To overcome the drawbacks of the centralized algorithms, DOOTA, a distributed optimal on-line task allocation algorithm, is further proposed in this chapter. It firstly presents a indepth analysis to prove that the optimal partition solutions consist of at most two partition cuts. Based on the extracted important partition cuts, DOOTA enables the slave and master negotiate on-line to calculate the optimal partition solutions.

Extensive simulations are conducted to investigate the performance of CSTA, CDTA and DOOTA in both symmetric and asymmetric networks. The results demonstrate that the three algorithms can drastically extend the network lifetime. Especially, the network lifetime increase is more significant when the cluster contains large number of slave nodes. Taking the asym-metric networks with 30 slave nodes for example,CSTA,CDTAandDOOTAextend the network lifetime in average 6.53, 8.60 and 8.60 times longer with respect to the no-scheduling strategy, respectively. Moreover, as expected, bothCDTAandDOOTAextend the network lifetime longer thanCSTA, sinceCSTAonly provides the static partition solution. Their superiorities are more obvious for the tasks with high variation levels. Further on,DOOTAperforms as well asCDTA on extending the network lifetime, which also validates the optimality ofDOOTA. Besides, the time requirement for running the distributed on-line algorithmDOOTAis up to 3 and 2 orders of magnitude smaller than the centralized algorithmsCSTAandCDTA. This characteristic indicates

thatDOOTA is a very lightweight algorithm, which provides a strong advantage for the on-line calculation.

and Network Structures

5.1 Introduction . . . 71 5.2 Extensions of Task Allocation for Different Task Scenarios . . . 73

5.2.1 Task Allocation Algorithms for Condition Triggered Tasks: SCTTA andDCTTA . . . 73 5.2.2 Task Allocation Algorithms for Joint Local and Global Tasks: SJTA

andDJTA . . . 79 5.3 Extensions of Task Allocation for Multi-hop Mesh WSNs: DTA-mhop . . 86 5.3.1 Modeling the Task Allocation for Multi-hop Mesh WSNs . . . 86 5.3.2 DTA-mhopAlgorithm . . . 87 5.4 Simulation Results . . . 92 5.4.1 Simulation Setup . . . 92 5.4.2 Evaluation ofSCTTAandDCTTAAlgorithms . . . 93 5.4.3 Evaluation ofSJTAandDJTAAlgorithms . . . 97 5.4.4 Evaluation ofDTA-mhopAlgorithm . . . 100 5.5 Summary . . . 104

5.1 Introduction

During the past decades, wireless sensor networks WSNs have been applied to a wide variety of applications with vastly varying requirements and characteristics. Although centralized and distributed task allocation algorithms have been proposed in Chapter 4 for extending the lifetimes of cluster based WSNs, they are not sufficient for all of the various WSN applications. This

chapter extends the proposed task allocation algorithms for different task scenarios and network structures.

Specifically, the possibilities of using two different task scenarios and the multi-hop mesh network structure are considered in this chapter. Section 5.2 presents the extensions of the task allocation algorithms for different task scenarios for cluster based WSNs, i.e., for condition triggered tasks and the joint local and global tasks. In the scenario of conditional tasks, such as applications in event driven WSNs, the slave nodes are required to execute different tasks according to the conditions. The condition triggered application can be modeled by a directed acyclic graph (DAG) with conditional branches. This conditional DAG graph is further decomposed into multiple standard DAG (static DAG without conditional branches) with different weights according to the satisfaction probability of each condition. Based on this model, a static and a dynamic condition triggered task allocation algorithms (SCTTA and DCTTA) are proposed based onCSTA andCDTAas presented in Chapter 4 by considering the decomposed DAG graphs simultaneously.

In the scenario of joint tasks, the slave and master nodes are required to collaborate to accomplish the global tasks periodically in addition to the local tasks. For example, in model based compression approaches, such as [24, 97], the system models need to be updated based on the received data from all of the slave nodes over a period of time. The local task allocation problem is modeled as in the previous chapter, while the global task allocation problem is modeled by dividing the global DAG graph into multiple subgraphs mapping to the slave and master nodes. Then, a static and a dynamic joint task allocation algorithms (SJTAandDJTA) are proposed by formulating the joint task allocation problem as a series of binary integer linear programming (BILP) and linear programming (LP) problems.

Furthermore, since the multi-hop mesh network structure is also very popular compared with the cluster based hierarchical networks, Section 5.3 illustrates the task allocation algorithm for multi-hop mesh networks (DTA-mhop). By considering that the routing nodes have the abilities to share the tasks of the neighbor nodes, maximizing the lifetime of the multi-hop networks is formulated by a LP problem.

Finally, Section 5.4 estimates the proposed task allocation algorithms by extensive simulation results, and Section 5.5 summarizes this chapter.

5.2 Extensions of Task Allocation for Different Task